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In short, time is not an illusion, and time is passing. And so is change. In the air and space, the future already exists, and the past never dies. When we combine Einstein’s classic time theory with quantum mechanics, we get a quantum parallel universe. That means that there are many equally real pasts and futures, but that does not in any way affect the very mathematical nature of the entire physical world.

——迈克斯·泰格马克(Max Tegmark):《穿越平行宇宙》

& mdash; & mdash; Max & Middot; and Max Tegmark: Crossing the Parallel Universe


& & & & & & & & & Quo; & Future Decisions Now & & & & & ;. The introduction of such a title would undoubtedly involve how to understand the nature of time, how to interpret & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; now & & & & & & ; future & & & & & & & ; relationship traps; discussion & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; digital economy & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; there is no doubt about the need to place the segment chain, the digital currency and the digital economy in a more scientific and macro context.

1. 时间观念的“三次革命”

1. Time concept & ldquao; three revolutions & rdquao;


Since the creation of human society, time has entered people's lives as a primitive idea. Time is part of nature. Time is a human-related consciousness, subjective, and emotional.

到了17—18世纪,首先是伽利略(Galileo Galilei),之后是牛顿(Isaac Newton),将时间纳入科学领域。时间被视为运动定律中的一个基本参照系,并被置于科学的核心位置。牛顿在1687年发表著名的《自然哲学的数学原理》(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)一书,书中给出了“绝对时间”概念:“绝对的、真实的数学时间,就其自身及其本质而言,是永远均匀流动的,它不依赖于任何外界事物。”按照“绝对时间”理念,时间只是作为一个“给定的”概念,传统的时间内涵遭到摈弃,完全被剥夺了它自身的特性,是一种独立存在的理想时间尺度,不再与任何特定事件过程存在关联性。

In 1687, Newton published the famous Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Mathetical Principles of Natural Philosophy), which gives &ldquao; absolute time & rdquao; concept: &ldquao; concept: &ldquao; absolute, real mathematics time, which is always a constant flow in terms of itself and its essence, and which is not dependent on anything outside.


Newton's & ldquo; absolute time & rdquo; ideas and his & & rdquo; absolute space & rdquo; ideas are indivisible. Newton's & & & rdquo; absolute space & & rdquo; intangible space without any physical entity, independent of everything, is & & ldquao; empty space & & rdquao; permanent, even and static, in Euclid space.

尽管牛顿的“绝对时间”理论遭到了与他同时代的数学家莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)的反对,但是在两百多年内,牛顿的时间观念具有不可动摇的地位。1890年,世界标准时间的倡导者、加拿大测绘工程师桑福德·弗莱明(Sandford Fleming)仍然是绝对时间论的追随者,他在1891年撰写的文章《落伍的古代计时方法》中说:“时间不受物质、空间或距离的影响。

Despite Newton’s & & ldquo; absolute time & & rdquo; the theory was opposed by his contemporary mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Newton’s time concept was unshakeable for more than 200 years. In 1890, Sandford & Middot, the world’s standard time advocate, Canada’s mapping engineer, and Sandford Fleming, continued to be followers of absolute time theory, as he said in his 1891 article, The Old Time Method of Falling: & ldquo; time is not affected by material, space or distance.


It's universal rather than regional, it's absolute homogeneity, it's the same universe. ” generation after generation, from the beginning of school, people are taught the absolute time in Newton's doctrine to be a reasonable and objective truth, and time is defined as the only correct pole to measure change in the physical system.

进入20世纪不久,1905年,爱因斯坦提出狭义相对论(the theory of special relativity),提出区别于牛顿时空观的新的平直时空理论,不仅颠覆了牛顿的时间体系,而且颠覆了来自个人经验感知的时间概念,开启了时间概念的第二次革命。1916年,广义相对论问世,不仅涵盖了时间和空间,而且描述了物质的多种形态。

Shortly after the twentieth century, in 1905, Einstein introduced the theory of strict relativity, introducing a new theory of straight time and space, different from Newtonian space and time, which not only destabilized Newton’s time system, but also the concept of time from personal experience, opening up a second revolution in the concept of time. In 1916, the general relativity came to life, covering not only time and space, but also describing the many forms of matter.


Since then, time is no longer part of the philosophical system, but part of the substance. Time can be twisted, extended and compressed by motion and gravity. Time becomes part of the centre of physics, subject to the laws and equations of physics, and needs to be studied through experiments. As long as there is nothing in the combination of time and space faster than light, mass is equal to energy.

爱因斯坦在25岁的时候,也就是他提出广义相对论(the theory of general relativity)的前十年,已经发现了时间可以被速度延缓。之后,在很多物理实验中都可以观测到时间延缓的现象。“时间长短只是与拥有既定轨道的物体的运动有关”,不仅如此,只要以宇宙作为观测范围,“当下”不过是个“气泡”。至于这个“气泡”可以延伸多远,取决于时间的精确程度:“如果用纳秒,‘现在’的定义仅有几米;如果用毫秒,那就有几千公里。”所以,“‘现在的宇宙’是没有意义的”“‘现在’即是空无”,需要接受“不含当下的时间结构”。那种认为宇宙以特定结构存在于现在,并且伴随时间流逝而改变的观念,已经被证明是站不住脚的。

When Einstein was 25 years old, the first 10 years of his broad relativity theory had been discovered that time could be delayed. After that, a period of time could be observed in many physical experiments. “ time was only associated with the movement of objects with established orbits & rdquo; not only was the universe used as a range of observations & ldquo; then & & & rdquo; then & & & & & & dquao; now & & & o; now & & & o; & & & Ququ; now & & & & & ; & & ; & & & & ; & & ; now & & Qu & ;

还需要注意的是,尽管爱因斯坦的时间视观测者而定,最终没能超越拉普拉斯(Pierre-Simon Laplace)的宿命论,遵循着一连串严格的因果关系,相信自从宇宙诞生那一刻起,宇宙的命运就已经铭刻在大自然的结构之中。

It is also important to note that, although Einstein's time depends on the observers, he ultimately failed to rise above the fatalism of Pierre-Simon Laplace, following a string of strict causality, believing that the fate of the universe has been engraved in the structure of nature since the very moment the universe was born.

量子科学和“时间量子”概念,引发了时间观念的第三次革命。以“普朗克时间”(Planck time)作为最小时间单位,再以“普朗克尺度”作为最小尺度,人们关于时空的传统想象全部崩塌,“世界是精细分立的,非连续的”。“时间的‘量子化’表明,几乎所有时间t的取值都不存在”,所以,时间是非连续的。不仅如此,时间发生量子叠加,过去、现在和未来的界限进入不可确定状态,一个事件可以在另一个事件之前与之后。

Quantum science and & & & ldquo; time quantum & rdquo; concepts that triggered the third revolution in the notion of time. With “ Planck time & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Quo as the minimum time unit, and & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


In short, time based on quantum physics has non-harmonized, non-university, non-linear, non-continuity, non-directional, &ldquao; arrows of time & rdquao; it is only an imagination and does not have the geometrical characteristics of the smooth curves studied by Einstein.

2. 人类社会经济形态的演变和时间观念革命的对称性

2. Evolution of human socio-economic patterns and symmetry of the temporal revolution


If reference is made to the evolution of human socio-economic patterns, there is a refraction relationship and a clear symmetry between temporal and economic patterns.


During this long period of history, many people believe in the sun and worship the sun. As the ancient Greek historian Herodotus said in his book History: “ nomadic peoples give their sacrifice only to the sun and the moon, which means that all Libyans do. & rdquo; the sun and the stars are important worshippers of shaman.

“自然时间”观念源于自然界向人类所提供的经验:(1)循环时间的经验。直观的自然现象,日夜交替、四季轮回。(2)不可重复时间的经验。生老病死过程的切身体验。在“自然时间”环境下,人类没有关于时间的确切尺度。即使在当代的非洲原始部落,因为没有数字意识,所以不知道自己活了多久。作家安东尼·艾凡尼(AnthonyAveni)在其著作《时间帝国》(Empire of Time)里说:旧石器时代的祖先们至少在两万年以前就按顺序在骨头上刻凹痕,表示时间的隔离。这很可能是人类对时间的一种空间表述。

& & & & & & natural time & rdquo; the idea stems from the experience provided to humans by nature: (1) the experience of circular time. Intuitive natural phenomena, alternate day and night, four seasons. (2) The experience of non-repeal time. The experience of life and death is not repeated. In & & & ; natural time & & & rdquo; the environment, there is no precise measure of time for humans. Even in modern African primitive tribes, it is probably a spatial expression of time that the authors Anthony & Middot; and Anthony Aveni, in their book, The Time Empire (Empirre of Time), say that the ancestors of the Old Stone Age have carved their bones in sequences at least 20,000 years ago.


In China's history, the Hierogly Man, premised on the circularity of time, has proposed & ldquo; religious time & rdquo; the concept: (1) religious time is not static, but circular. (2) religious time is more volatile. Time is not only now, it never stops, and the future is not the future. The existence of past time is dominated by ghost gods and ancestry gods; the presence of future time is also dominated by ghost gods.


A comparison of Maya time horizons is quite similar. Because Maya time horizons have a strong “ circular nature & & rdquo; features, rituals are associated with many different cycles ending and restarting, and major ritual rituals are usually marked on stonestones. Maya & & ldquo; long history & rdquo; i.e. a system for recording different events in linear relationships.


But there are also Maya civilizational research experts who say: Maya & ldquo; time is mostly about the past, not the future & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & ldquo; mostly the relationship between Maya rulers and their ancestors is described. The longer the rulers speak of their roots, the more they explain the legitimacy and orthodoxy of their status. & & ldquao; thus, the longer history is not about the future, but about the past. & & & rdquao;


In farming society, human economic activity is more dependent on nature, natural law, the spring, summer, autumn and winter cycles, and climate, forming a simple “ linear cycle & rdquo; and & & & & & rdquo. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & built the foundations of farming society. In ancient China, agriculture was the foundation of the ancient farming society, particularly in relation to 24 gas savings.


The book & Middot; Yoyo writes: & ldquo; Naoto and Chin, the sun and the sun, the stars, the sun and the stars. & & rdquo; & & ldquao; referred to here as & & & ldquao; the laws of nature, the government arranges agricultural production through the law. The farming community & ldquao; natural time & rdquo; includes & & ldquao; future & & rdquao; and consciousness. Farmer spring tillage is more about spring than about spring, it is about autumn harvests, it is always autumn that determines spring. The birth of human life, the birth of October, is now also the future decision.


By the end of the week, while maintaining & ldquo; natural time & rdquao; based on Yin & & & & & & & rdquao; a man-centred & & ldquao; moral time & & rdquao;


In 1687, Newton’s classic system of mechanics theory, set up in the book Mathematics of Natural Philosophy, became the standard measure of modern science. At the same time, the industrial revolution, which originated in the British handicrafts factory, began almost quietly.


In accordance with Newton’s & ldquo; absolute time & rdquo; & & & rdquo; natural time & & rdquo; and & & & & & rdquo; moral time & & rdquo; disintegrate. Time becomes an abstract and independent existence after separation from nature and humanity.


It is against this background that the modern clock industry has been formed, with changes in the mechanization of core production and the standardization of clock parts. This is linked to changes in the rhythm of people’s daily lives and a general reduction in the time available for leisure. As a result, “ on the one hand, the clock has improved the effectiveness of supervision of the labour force; on the other hand, the clock has facilitated the division of labour, coordination and trade & & rdquao; and, on the other hand, time and power. & & & ldquao; time begins to become money, the employer’s money & rdquao;


In industrial societies, time structures and mechanisms are becoming more complex. But cycles still exist. The most marked are “ business cycles & rdquo; & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & ; business cycles & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; one & & & & & & ; one & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & &, & &, & &,,,,,,,,, & &,,, ) & & & & & & &,,, & &, ) ),,,,,, & &,, & & & & &., & & ), ), ), ), & & &., ) ) ), & & & & & & & & ) ) ) ) & & ) & & & & & &

1990年代后期,人类社会开始向信息社会全面转型。信息的特性决定了信息社会的本质。意大利学者朗高(G. Longo)强调的是,“信息”是反映事物的形成、关系和差别的东西,它包含于事物的差异之中,而不在事物本身。英国学者艾什比(William Ross Ashby)则认为:“信息”的本性在于事物本身具有“变异度”。不仅如此,信息具有非自然化、非线性、非周期性、非确定性四个特点。所以,在信息社会,无常、无序、混沌、变量不断增加,世界是事件的网络,通过各种事件体现的信息组合,弥漫、分散、无序,不会停滞,呈现指数性爆炸增长。经验愈来愈没有价值,内生和外生没有界限。

In the late 1990s, human society began a full transformation to the information society. The characteristics of information determine the essence of the information society. The Italian scholar G. Longo emphasized that information & rdquo is something that reflects the formation, relationships and differences of things, and that it is embedded in things, not in things themselves. The British scholar William Ross Ashby argued that “ information & rdquo; nature is that things have & & ldquo; variability & rdquo; and not only that information has four characteristics: unnaturalization, non-linear, non-cyclical, non-determinative.


All these phenomena show that information and time overlaps are becoming more apparent in the information society, more in line with quantum time. & & ldquo; unbroken events that make the world tired are not in chronological order and cannot be measured by a huge clock. & rdquao;

3. 热力学“熵”与香农“熵”的碰撞

3. Thermodynamics & ldquao; entropy & rdquao; collision with Shannon & ldquao; entropy & rdquao;

当代人类正处于工业社会尚未完结、信息社会正在急剧发展的历史阶段。因为工业经济活动,科学家发现了热力学第二定律(second law of thermodynamics)的存在和作用。热力学第二定律可以描述为:除了能量守恒定律以外,还必须补充另外一条基本定理:“没有某种动力的消耗或其他变化,不可能使热量从低温转移到高温。”热力学第二定律还可以表述为“熵增定律”。任何物理系统在外界不向其输送能量的情况下,能量转换为热量,热量转换为熵。熵只能增加或者不变,不会主动减小,最终达到熵值最大。这个过程是不可逆的。最终,除非外界对系统提供新的能量,系统内部达到一种完全均匀的热动平衡状态,不再发生任何变化。对宇宙来说,是不存在“外界”的,因此宇宙一旦到达热动平衡状态,就完全死亡。这种情景称为“热寂”。

The second law of thermodynamics can be described as: a basic theory must be added to the law of energy maintenance: “ it is impossible to transfer heat from low to high temperatures without some power consumption or other changes. ” the second law of thermodynamics can also be expressed as & ldquo; the law of entropy & & rdquao; no change in the system. For the universe, energy is turned to heat, and heat is converted to entropy.


The combination of the entropy theory and the probabilistic theory gives rise to a conceptually oriented meaning: the greater the confusion of things, the more likely it is.


Industrial societies and consumerism based on industrial societies continue to provide empirical evidence of the laws of entropy, the most representative indicator of which is the increase in CO2 emissions leading to an increase in the Earth’s temperature. The law of entropy increases has an irreversible feature in Newton’s & ldquo; absolute time & rdquo; the theory is compatible.


The problem now is that, because of the advent of the information age, human beings are facing the troubles and pressures of information explosions. & ldquo; information explosions & & rdquo; the word first appeared in the 1980s. In the 1990s, especially the spread of the Internet, the amount of information continued to grow geometrically. According to conservative and outdated statistics, about 1 million invention patents, 4.5 million scientific literature, 120 million publications of all kinds, and hundreds of millions of documents and materials of institutions doubled every decade.

为了理解信息的加速度积聚和信息指数增长的过程和后果,需要引入“信息熵”的概念。所谓信息熵,由香农(Claude Elwood Shannon)于1948年提出,故又称为“香农熵”(Shannon entropy)。香农在研究随机变量不确定性度量时所得的公式,在数学模型层次上与热熵完全相同。根据香农的信息理论,信息熵是接收的每条消息中包含的信息的平均量。这里的熵属于不确定性的度量而不是确定性的度量,因为越随机的信源,其熵越大。或者说,熵值越大,事件的不确定性就越高,熵值为0,说明事件是完全确定的。所以,“熵”即信息的“不确定性”或“选择的自由度”的度量。

In order to understand the process and consequences of the acceleration of the accumulation of information and the growth of the information index, it is necessary to introduce the concept of “ information entropy; & & rdquo. The information entropy, proposed by Claude Elwood Shannon in 1948, is called “ Shannon & & rdquo; (Shannon entropy). According to the information theory of Shannon, the information entropy is the average amount of information contained in every message received. The entropy here is the measure of uncertainty rather than the measure of certainty, because the more random the source of the letter, the greater the entropy, the greater the uncertainty of the event, the greater the entropy, the zero of the entropy, and the magnitude of the event, so, & ldquo; ldquo & rdquo; i.e., the information & ldquo; uncertainty & & & & & & & ldquo; the freedom of choice.


There is no doubt that there is a commonality between the basic principles of information entropy and quantum mechanics, as well as the principle of quantum time. As noted in the first part of this paper, quantum time has characteristics such as non-harmonization, non-university, non-linear, non-continuity, non-directional, etc., which are the characteristics of the information. So, thermodynamic & ldquo; entropy & & & rdquo; & ldquo; & ldquo; & ldquao; & ldquao; it is & ldquo; it is & ldquo; it is an incalculative; it is merely a measure of uncertainty about the position of molecules in relative space.


And it can be imagined that: information time and quantum space are a mapping relationship. Depending on quantum time, the events of the basic unit of the world are both somewhere and at some point. & &ldquao; &lsquao; object &rsquao; they are only temporary events. &rdquao; then what is an event? The event is not information? So, the world is a collection of events, that is, the world is a collection of information. & & ldquao; history is the science of non-repealing things & & rdquao; because there is no chronological order of information, there is uncertainty, so there is no chronology in the world and there is always uncertainty.


To sum up, there was a collision between &ldquao from the industrial community; & & rdquao from thermodynamics; & & ldquao from the information society; & Shannon quail & & rdquao; and, see the figure below:


Now, because of the collisions between “ ” “ “ Shannon quail & rdquo; & & rdquo; & not only did one understand the two terms that German scientists and mathematicians used to say before Klausius was born: “ the energy of the universe was constant ” “ the entropy of the universe tended to be one of the highest & rdquo; & & ldquao; the second law of thermodynamics, which always increased in sequence or entropy in any closed system. In other words, it was a form of Murphy's law: things tended to get worse and worse. & & rdquao;

4. 数字宇宙、数字结构和时空结构

4. Digital cosmos, digital structure and spatial structure

如果说,“宇宙的能量是恒定的”“宇宙的熵趋向一个最大值”,那么,宇宙是可以通过数学方程式描述的。进而就是霍金的问题:“是什么赋予这些方程以生命,并制造出一个被它们描述的宇宙?”于是,就有了“数学宇宙假说”(mathematical universe hypothesis):外部物理世界其实是一个数学结构,这个数学结构拥有可计算的抽象性质,所以它的关系都是可计算的。因此可以这样回答霍金的问题:不需要赋予方程什么生命,因为并不是数学结构描述了宇宙,而是数学结构本身就是宇宙。

If “ the energy of the universe is a constant ” “ the entropy of the universe tends to be a maximum &rdquao; then the universe can be described by mathematical equations. So the question of Hocking is: &ldquao; what gives these equations life and creates a universe that they describe? & &rdquao; then there is & ldquao; the mathematical cosmogony & & rdquao; mathematic cosmology: the outside physical world is actually a mathematical structure, which has a calculable abstractness, so its relationship is all quantifiable. So it is possible to answer the question of Hockin: there is no need to give equations of life, because it is not the mathematical structure that describes the universe, but the mathematical structure itself is the universe.

上述思想源远流长。毕达哥拉斯学派主张:万物皆数(All is number)。柏拉图主义认为:只有理念和形式才是绝对和永恒的存在。所有的数学结构都以物理形式存在。

The ideas are far-reaching. The Pythagoras school advocates: All is number. Platoism believes that only ideas and forms are absolute and eternal. All mathematical structures exist in physical form.

伽利略曾说过:数学是上帝用来书写自然的语言。还是伽利略在其著作《试金者》(Il Saggiatore)里所说:自然界是“一本用数学语言写就的书”。后来,拉普拉斯提出,基于宇宙存在因果关系,智者就可以通过一个简单的公式表达宇宙从最大的物体到最小的粒子的运动。

Galileo once said, "Mathematics is the language God used to write about nature." Or does Galileo say in his book, "Il Saggiatore," that nature is & ldquo; a book written in mathematical language & & rdquao; and later, La Plass suggested that, based on the existence of causality in the universe, the wise can express the movement of the universe from the largest object to the smallest particle through a simple formula.


It must be acknowledged that, from Pythagoras to Galileo, and then to Lapras, the universe is stripped of one layer, and the ultimate structure observed is merely a group of abstract mathematical relationships of numbers, pools, information, patterns. But, they have enormous historical limitations, they do not know relativity, and they do not know quantum mechanics.


Now, the discussion & ldquo; the mathematical cosmology & rdquo; the need to be placed under the framework of relativity and quantum mechanics. So, the question is inescapable: what is the relationship between the mathematical structure of the universe and the spatial structure? The answer is that not the mathematical structure of the universe exists in the temporal structure, but, on the contrary, the temporal structure is in the mathematical structure. At least, the mathematical structure and the spatial structure are identical.


In short, mathematical and physical existence is equal, and all the structures that exist in mathematics are also in physics. So, &ldquao; the mathematical cosmology & rdquao; is in essence verifiable and perjury. This leads to extrapolation & ldquao; mathematical democracy & rdquao;


If so, it is possible to communicate the relationship between mathematical structures, spatial and temporal structures, information structures, computing systems, and artificial intelligence.

在上图中,最值得关注的是“计算”板块。只有通过“计算”板块,才可以处理体现为大数据的信息资源。为此,首先是计算机,之后是互联网构成了不可缺少的硬技术和基础结构前提。所以,最著名的计算机科学家、“乌托邦84”(Utopia84)语言创始人高德纳(Donald E. Knuth)说过:“科学是把我们足够了解的东西解释给了计算机。”他还说过:“计算机科学是既壮观又优美的,我尝试尽自己所能,以最恰当的方式来解释我所了解的某些片段……我相信,总有一些神秘的东西是超越人类的理解而存在的……”这样,计算机程序语言和计算能力,以及作为计算机科学的一个分支的人工智能就成为必不可少的。

So, the most famous computer scientists, “ Utopia 84 & & & rdquo; plate. The information resources embodied in big data can be processed only through “ & & & & & & & Quo; plate; first, computers, and then the Internet, constitute indispensable hard technology and infrastructure prerequisites. So, the most famous computer scientists, “ utopian 84 & & rdquo; Utopia 84, the founder of the language of Utopia84, said: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & ; so, computer program language and computing skills, and an artificial intelligence that is essential as a branch of computer science, in the most appropriate way.

5. “自旋网络”和区块链

5. & & ldquo; spin network & rdquao; and block chains

在量子力学发展史中,罗杰·彭罗斯(Roger Penrose)于1971年所发明的“自旋网络”图形表示法占有一席之地。

In the history of quantum mechanics development, Roger & Middot; Roger Penrose invented & & ldquao in 1971; spin network & rdquao; graphic expression has a place.


According to Penros & ldquo; spin network & rdquo; the idea: each segment of the line represents a unit of a complex system of basic particles or particles. The three segments of the line are grouped together in one vertex. The apex can be interpreted as an event; in this case, one unit splits into two units, or two units collide into one. When all segments of the chart meet at the top, this is & ldquo; closed spin network & rdquo; time moves in a single direction, for example, from the bottom of the map to the top of the map. In the case of a closed spin network, however, the direction of time moves does not affect the calculation.


If & ldquo; spin network & rdquo; define: the interaction and state of particles and quantum fields shown by graphs and graphs. Further, the quantum field is a form of material existence, a valid concept that describes micro-motion patterns, reflecting both the volatility of microobjects and their particle properties. In the quantum field, the particle is the quantum stimulation of the field, and each particle has its own field.


Because of the growth, probability, location and speed of particles, and the rhythm of time flow, there is a continuous interaction and interconnection of space particles into networks, i.e. & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; mathematically speaking, the quantum field corresponds to a distribution of points that exist in the space of time, each of which is expressed in numbers. The field theory now accommodates a wealth of more geometric algebraic structures.


If “ spin network & rdquo; comparing block chains, there is a logical commonality between them: (1) the block chain itself is a & “ network & & rdquo; and it is a self-negotiated network. (2) & & & & rdquo; node of spin network & & rdquo; or the basic unit is a complex system of basic particles or particles, the node of the block chain is information, and if the information unit is bitified, the node of each other can be connected. (3) & & ldquo; spin network & & rdquo; showing the interaction and state between particles and quantum fields.

只是,区块链是一种直接表达制度本体的技术,即不经由任何代理,通过技术手段直接表达的制度形态。在第二次世界大战前后,香农和冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)研究了复杂性和信息的关系,他们发现:信息含量是对复杂性拥有多少含义的度量。基于区块链技术的制度可以解决信息复杂化问题。在这个意义上,可以将区块链本质理解为:一个可以和特定计算设备分离的冯·诺伊曼架构,是可以向第三方证明的可信计算范式,目的是为了计算过程真实可信,支持上层应用实现业务逻辑的自证清白,为世界带来可以计算的信任。

Only, the block chain is a direct expression of the system's essence, that is, the form of the system that can be expressed directly, without any proxy, through technical means. Before and after the Second World War, Shannon and von & Middot; and John von Neumann studied the relationship between complexity and information and found that the content of the information was a measure of how much complexity it meant. Systems based on block chain technology could solve the problem of information complexity. In this sense, the essence of the block chain could be understood as: a von & Middot, which can be separated from specific computing devices; and the Neuman architecture, a credible computational paradigm that can be proved to third parties, in order to make the calculation process truly credible, to support self-incrimination of the operational logic of the upper level application and to bring incalculable trust to the world.


It can be said that the essence of block chains is to process complex information through a technology that reduces transaction costs. If the theory of digital money and the digital economy, supported by block chain technology, can create positive models of low entropy, & ldquao; dimples & & rdquao, as discussed earlier in this paper.

6. 算法技术和信息时代

6. Algorithm technology and information age


Contemporary human beings live in both a traditional industrialized society and an information society. But, because of rapid advances in digital technology, it is possible to transform from traditional to industrial to post-industrial to information society and digital society.


The information society, or the digital society, is fundamentally different from that of the industrial age and the industrial society. These are the following: (1) the industrial age is an atom age, which is a specific time and place, produced through large machines and standardized production, with output being processed material products. In the information age, information is reflected as data, and data can be stored and calculated. (2) The industrial age, through large machines and standardized production, produces material products that are processed, which can eventually be broken into atoms and molecules; the information age is produced in terms of quantities. (3) Industrial production is based on hardware, with machines and machinery that are based on euro-based technologies; the information society relies on software, in particular on mobile Internet-based models of non-eurasia; (6) Industrial production requires specific time and location; the information production process transcends time limits; there are different sectors and industries whose products are produced through currency and prices; the information products are reflected in data on bits (Bit), which are in terms of data that can be used to capture the world’s gross domestic product, which can be derived in thousands of zeros and one; the information technology data, which is used in terms, which are used in terms to reduce the world’s.


In some of the above-mentioned comparisons between industrial society and the information society or the digital society, the most important of which is that industrial society is based on the material society of atoms and molecules, the information essence of which supports the information society is that of data, with quantum traits. Bits therefore constitute a real existence (being). So, supporting the transition of industrial society to the information society, it is informed and digitally integrated, relying on computer technology and big data quantification tools, and, further, on the bottom of algorithms.

现在的人类社会,几乎在不知不觉,或者少知少觉中,迅速过渡到所谓“算法社会”(algorithmic society)。在传统秩序继续存在的情况下,因为算法技术所支持的隐形秩序悄然形成,code is law(代码即法律)。如果说在工业社会,工程师、建筑师是主要的社会中坚力量,那么,在算法社会,软件构成算法的核心,算法工程师、框架工程师开始成为社会的中坚力量。如今,人们很难设想一个没有C++、JAVA、VB、Delphi等编程语言,失去算法技术支持的世界将会怎样?

The present human society, almost unconsciously or with little knowledge, quickly transitions to the so-called “ algorithmic society & & & rdquo; algorithmic society. In the absence of the traditional order, the hidden order supported by algorithmic technology – code is law. If, in an industrial society, engineers and architects are the main force in society, software forms the core of algorithms, and algorithms and frame engineers are beginning to become the central force of society.


As a result of algorithmic techniques, it is possible to deal efficiently with the heavy digital workload by providing another & ldquao for the digital economy system; the invisible hand & & rdquao; and the algorithm has changed and is changing all economic paradigms. Whether it is bitcoin or legal digital currency, all forms of the digital economy are ultimately based on different algorithmic techniques. As for block chains, it is also an algorithmic model, or an infrastructure that links material and information economic activities.


In particular, AI and machine learning, i.e. deep-neural network computing, are becoming popular algorithms that quickly replace traditional non-anthropological computing. Artificial intelligence computing frameworks are an important driving force for real-time reasoning, which is typical of matrix calculations. There is almost no suspense, history goes forward, and without the support of algorithmic technology, it is difficult for all sectors of society to function.


Conclusion: Is the future predictable?


The planets and societies in which contemporary humankind lives, because of their increasing complexity and by no means ordinary science, have to accept the Chaostheory and quantum mechanics. However, the introduction of these two theories amounts to a recognition of so-called complex systems as hybrid systems and quantum systems.


But the world’s complexity can no longer be summed up by non-linear systems, diversity, and multiscaleness. The advent of the information society, the systematic deterioration of the ecological environment, the events of 11 September, and the six-month-old & ldquo; the new crown virus & rdquo; and the worldwide spread since the winter of 2019.


What is needed is a combination of “ chaos theory & & rdquao; version 2.0 and & & & rdquao; quantum science and & rdquao. Only in such a context of thinking is it possible to understand Einstein’s influence, but with a different interpretation: & & ldquao; people like us who believe in physics know that the difference between past, present and future is nothing more than a persistent and persistent illusion. & & rdquao;

1895年,英国作家威尔斯(Herbert George Wells)发表科幻小说《时间机器》(The Time Machine),讲述时间旅行者发明了一种机器,能够在时间纬度上任意驰骋于过去和未来。当他乘着机器来到公元802701年时,展现在他面前的是一幅奇异恐怖的景象。人类分化为两个种族:爱洛伊人和莫洛克人。爱洛伊人是原来的统治阶级,长得精致美丽,因为长期的物质极大丰富和不劳而获,其智力和身体机能退化,最后竟成为原本是工人阶级后代的莫洛克人的捕食对象。不要认为人类不存在整体“爱洛伊化”的可能性。人类正处于弗诺·文奇(Vernor Steffen Vinge)所说的时刻:“我们正站在变革的边缘,而这次变革将和人类的出现一般意义重大。”

In 1895, a British writer, Herbert George Wells, published a science fiction novel, The Time Machine, in which time travelers invented a machine that was able to travel anywhere in the past and the future at its latitude. When he came to 80271, he was presented with a strange horror. Humans were divided into two races: the Elois and the Morlocks. The Eloises were the original ruling class and beautiful, whose intellectual and physical abilities had deteriorated because of their long-term abundance and lack of effort, and were finally the target of the Morlocks, who were the descendants of the working class. Don't think that there was no whole of mankind “ Eloiting & rdquo; the possibilities. Humans are in the midst of Verno and Middot; Vench: & ldquo; we are standing on the edge of change, and this change will be of general importance to humans; & & rdquo;


If & & ldquo; if the future is conceivable and foreseeable & & rdquo; there is only one important element: the uncertainty of the future, beyond imagination and unpredictability. Because, the so-called future, is just “ quantum time & & rdquo; an evolving and changing & & & & & & & & & & & & & under ideas. Human existence in an amazing universe, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, in this vast universe, we all seem to be in a very small position & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, in this sense alone, the future is imaginable and predictable, the present.


(eds. ) (eds. )




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