(Credit: https://zenithperformancesolutions.com)
It's been two years since the outbreak self-infested, and I wonder if you've noticed a lot of coinage and popular words during this period?
在這兩年間,許多詞彙學家(Lexicologists)也在致力研究疫情在語言學上帶來的影響和變化。英國伯明罕大學的社會語言學家(Sociolinguist)Robert Lawson亦在《The Conversation》的文章指出,我們在疫情爆發這段期間看到語言變化的速度是前所未有的快。他把此現象歸因於多種因素,包括病毒傳播的速度以及其在社交媒體中的主導地位等。牛津英語詞典(Oxford English Dictionary)的高級編輯Fiona McPherson亦說道,「Covid-19」一詞在短短的兩個月内在媒體出現的頻率已經急遽飆升。由此可見,在這科技發達的時代,創造和分享新詞變得比以前更容易了。
In these two years, many linguists have been working on the influence and transformation of the epidemic in linguistics. Social linguists at the University of Birmingham, Robert Lawson, also stated in The Conversation that the word "Covid-19" has become more frequent in the media in a short period of two months. He has attributed this to a variety of factors, including the speed of the spread of the virus and its dominant role in social media.
那麼,除了人人皆知的「Covid-19」以及筆者數個月前介紹的新造詞外,你認識「zoom fatigue」和「doomsrolling」這些熱門詞嗎? 本周,讓我們重溫一下8個在疫情期間「誕生」的疫情流行語以及一些近期的熱門詞語吧!?
So, apart from Covid-19, which is well known to all, and my pen , a few months ago , do you know the popular words "zoom fatigue" and "doomsrolling"?
1. Doomscrolling「負面刷屏」; 「末日刷新」;不斷滾動瀏覽無數的壞消息
1. Doomscrolling "negative brushing"; "Apocalypse refreshing"; constantly rolling to view countless bad news
(doom + scroll結合的新詞) (Doom + scrolling new words) ? 意思:你有沒有試過在疫情期間沉迷於在社交平台上一直看負面新聞?「Doomscrolling」一詞就是用來形容這種 「負面刷屏」 的行為。當中,doom就是指「厄運、世界末日」,scroll意思是「劃手機、刷屏」的動作。 means: Have you ever tried to become obsessed with negative news on social platforms during the epidemic? The word "Doomscrolling" is used to describe this kind of "negative brush screen." In this case, Doom means "bad luck, the end of the world" and Scroll means "paint cell phones, brush screens". ? 例句一:
Stop doomscrolling! If you read too much bad news, you will get depressed easily.
Stop looking at negative news about the epidemic. If you watch too much negative news, it will be easy to depress.
example two:
You look so tired today. Did you stay up late last night doomscrolling endless feeds of pandemic news?
You don't look well today. Did you stay up all night and watch the negative news about the epidemic?
2. Zoom fatigue 「Zoom到攰」;視頻會議疲勞
2. Zoom fatigue "Zoom to ; video conference fatigue
(Credit: https://insights.dice.com/)
意思:「Zoom fatigue」的意思就是「Zoom到疲憊」,用來描述日復日進行視像會議後感到疲倦的狀態。當中,fatigue就是指「疲倦、疲勞」。
means "Zoom fatigué" means "Zoom to fatigue" and describes the state of fatigue following the video conference day after day after day.
(其他類似詞語:virtual fatigue、Zoom exhaustion)
(Other similar words: virtual fatigue, Zoom interpretation)
You can consider taking a day off from work if you are suffering from zoom fatigue recently because of continuous conferencing.
You can consider taking a day off if you are tired of the meeting as a result of the continuation of the meeting.
3. Furlough 停薪留職;強制休假;無薪假
Furlough Leave without Pay; Mandatory Leave; Unpaid Leave
(Credit: https://www.ampios.com)
意思:「Furlough」指「強制休假」。例如,由於疫情,很多企業無法開工,所以強制員工休假,這些員工便因此成為furloughed employees了。被強制休假的員工仍然是公司的員工,只是他們暫時不需要上班而已。
means "Furlough". For example, because of the epidemic, many businesses are unable to start work, so the workers are forced to take leave, which means that they become employed employees. The employees who are forced to take leave are still employees of the company, but they are not required to work for a while.
We are worried about being furloughed, but it looks inevitable.
We're worried about mandatory leave, but it seems inevitable.
example two:
Our company has decided to furlough workers since the business isn’t operating.
As the company was temporarily shut down, the company decided to force employees to take leave.
4. Coronasomnia / Covid-somnia 新冠失眠
4. Coronasomnia / Covid-somnia's new crown insomnia
意思:這個詞語就是由 coronavirus或covid加上 insomnia「失眠」所組成的,代表「新冠失眠」。國際睡眠基金會指出,自從疫情的出現,失眠的人數增長了超過35%,主要是因為長期處於防疫狀態而改變了生活習慣,導致出現焦慮暴躁的等問題。
means , which is made up of coronavirus or covid plus insomnia's insomnia'. The International Sleep Fund points out that since the onset of the epidemic, the number of insomnians has grown by more than 35%, mainly due to changes in life habits due to prolonged conditions of immunization, causing anxiety and other problems.
Workers who suffer from coronasomnia should establish a healthy daily routine.
Workers with new coronary insomnia should have a healthy habit of living.
5. Self-isolation 自主隔離;居家隔離
5. Self-segregated by Self-Self-Isolation; house-segregated by
Workers who are a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 coronasomnia for 14 days.?
與確診者有密切接觸的員工應自我隔離 14 天。
The employee who was in close contact with the patient was separated from himself for 14 days.
6. Shelter-in-place 居家避疫;就地避難
6. Shelter-in-place shelter; place of refuge
意思:Shelter-in-place 通常是為了因應暫時性的重大天災人禍而限制該地區民眾不不得外出,以保持安全。
means that Shelter-in-place > is usually intended to limit the presence of people in the area in response to temporary major natural disasters in order to keep them safe.
The country is ordered to shelter in place due to the current pandemic.
As a result of the spread of the disease, the country ordered residents to seek refuge there.
7. Panic buying 搶購?
7. Panic buying?
意思:Panic 的意思是「恐慌的」,panic buying 表示因恐慌而搶購物品。
means Panic means "streaking", and panic buying means shopping for panic.
Panic buying may give instant benefits to supermarkets or retailers but they must aware of the short-term & long-term consequences.
Panic purchases may bring immediate benefits to supermarkets or retailers, but they must be aware of the short-term and long-term consequences.
8. Maskne 「口罩痘」
(Mask 口罩+ acne青春痘結合的新詞)
(Mask mask + acne new word)
means > "face pox" triggered by long masks.
Wearing a mask at work all day is not a big problem to me, but getting maskne is what really bothers me.
It's not a big problem for me to wear a mask all day, but it really bothers me.
Have you learned all the popular language that comes out of the epidemic? Finally, we need to be careful about our personal security and social safety.
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