Core是一条面向Web3.0的全新公链,采用Satoshi Plus共识机制,比特币矿工可以通过共享算力来获得额外的CORE代币收入。并且Core是一条图灵完备的区块链,兼容以太坊虚拟机(EVM)。
Core is a new public chain for . Web3
注册立即领取价值高达 6,0000 元的数字货币盲盒,享受20%手续费减免。
blind box with 20% fee relief.
APP下载 官网注册
APP Downloads Registered
Core为了解决区块链的不可能三角问题,融合了比特币PoW和以太坊DPoS两条链的共识优势,提出了Satoshi Plus共识,完美解决了去中心化、安全性、可扩展性的三角困境。
In order to solve the impossible triangular problem of the block chain of , Core combined the impossible triangle of BitcoinPoW and
欧易(OKX)——顶尖数字货币交易平台,注册领取最高¥60000 数字货币盲盒,享受20%手续费减免。
欧易OKX/币安(Binance)/火必(huobi)注册地址: 【打开比较慢稍等一下即可】
通过Satoshi Plus Consensus,Core可以保持去中心化,而不会出现传统 PoW 共识系统中出现的性能权衡。此外,Core的混合挖矿机制基于比特币算力和CORE的抵押委托,这使得任何人都可以轻易参与到挖矿中来。
Through Satoshi Plus Consensus, Core can be decentralized without the performance trade-offs that appear in the traditional PoW consensus system. Moreover, Core's hybrid mining mechanism is based on
project testing network
CoreDAO目前还处于测试网阶段,在撰写本文时,CORE 已经有了下面亮眼的运营数据:
CoreDAO is still in the testing network and, at the time of writing, CORE had the following bright operational data:
● 7000 万次 APP 下载
7 million APP downloads
● 处理了 6540 万笔交易
:: Processing of 65.4 million transactions
● 137 万个地址
:: 1.37 million addresses
● 1110 万矿工
:: 1.1 million miners
● Twitter 上有140万粉丝
• 1.4 million fans on Twitter
● Discord 上有19.7万名成员
• Discord has 1 97,000 members
● CORE 的共识机制的 DPoS 部分将使用类似于以太坊等其他权益证明协议的功能来保护网络。
• The DPoS part of the CORE consensus mechanism will protect the network by using functions similar to those of other pro-interest agreements such as the Tai Hwan.
● 同时,从一开始就设计并准备好整合来自比特币挖矿生态系统的委托哈希算力,不会给比特币矿工带来额外成本。比特币矿工的参与最终将通过将其共识锚定在比特币的去中心化网络中来强化 CORE 网络。
• At the same time, designing and preparing from the outset for the integration of the commission al-Hashi algorithms from
Early homepage phase
CORE will focus on bringing bitcoin miners into the network.
● 为了激励早期采用,比特币算力的早期委托人将有资格获得激励奖励计划
:: In order to stimulate early adoption, early clients of Bitcoin numeracy will be eligible for incentive schemes
● 这些计划增加了矿工通过委托他们的比特币算力而有机地获得的回报
• These plans increase the returns that miners get organically by entrusting them with bitcoin numeracy
将比特币算力委托给CORE网络的早期矿工将有三种货币化回报:激励奖励、基本奖励和交易费用(如果他们选择运行验证器)。这些早期的努力有助于进一步分散网络的安全设备,并加强比特币矿工与 CORE 网络之间的共生关系。
The early miners who entrust Bitcoin to the CORE network will have three monetized returns: incentives, basic incentives and transaction costs (if they choose to run a certification device). These early efforts will help to further diversify the safety equipment of the network and strengthen the symbiotic relationship between Bitcoin miners and the CORE network.
比特币的基础奖励将在 2040 年枯竭,CORE网络仍将存在,为比特币矿工提供额外奖励。通过这种方式,CORE的奖励就像额外比特币区块补贴。结合非常轻量级的实施,将比特币算力委托给CORE网络对于比特币矿工来说将是很不错的回报。通过为比特币矿工提供额外的收入机会,Satoshi Plus同时加强了CORE和比特币网络。
The basic reward for Bitcoin will dry up in 2040, and the CORE network will still exist, providing additional incentives for bitcoin miners. In this way, the CORE reward is like an extra bitcoin block subsidy.
CoreDAO Staker 的被动收入
CoreDAO Stark's passive income
CORE持有者可以通过在Satoshi APP中称为DPoS的过程进行质押来赚币。CORE的质押者可以将他们质押的份额委托给验证者。
The CORE holder can make money by pledging what is known as the DPOS in Satoshi APP.
By pledging these assets, the user spreads the incentives and rewards received by the certificationer. The certificationer selects the number of incentives for stakeholders and is encouraged to make them valuable.
Under this relationship, commissioned certifying officers can work to achieve consensus with greater capacity. This further democratizes the consensus mechanism of the CORE block chain, while providing incentives to the stakeholders below the line.
summing up
At the moment, Core’s main web line is still undetermined, waiting quietly, after all, the test network is mature, and the main web line will not be long. Fire is bound to be announced on December 30 that it will be checked first after Core’s main web line, which also indicates the arrival of the official main web site.
The station states that the content of the website is from the Internet and that if there is a violation, contact us and we will deal with it in a timely manner.
Title of article: CRE's price CRE's move today
Links to articles: title="CARE's latest news of today's price of CORE's currency >
Update: 29/03/2023
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