♪ Let's take a look at these pictures first
These are NASDAQ, the upper certificate index, and Bitcoin's big plate.
As can be seen, there is no fundamental difference between the currency circle and the stock market.
is one of the differences between the US and a shares with opening limits and the US share with opening hours ranging from 21:30 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. the following day. Unit A is open from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 13:15 p.m. 区别之二是币圈没有涨跌幅的限制,可以一天涨10%也可以一天涨100%。在a股,普通股票一天涨跌幅限制10%,科创和创业板限制在20%。中国的股市对散户的保护较好,但是币圈是一个缺乏监管的存在。所以在币圈交易,风险远大于股市,但同时,也为我们带来了许多机会。 The difference between and is the limit on currency circles not rising or falling , which can increase by 10 per cent a day or 100 per cent a day. In a share, average stocks will increase or fall by 10 per cent a day, and start-up and start-up boards will be limited to 20 per cent. Stock markets in China protect bulk households better, but the currency ring is a lack of regulation. So trading in the ring is far more risky than the stock market, but at the same time offers us many opportunities. ? ? ? 我们先来看下面一个例子? Let's take a look at the next example? ? 这个公司停牌以后又复牌,复牌以后公司股票一路拉升,吸引了一大批散户入场。散户接盘以后,它就一路砸盘,导致散户被套在高点。 After the company stopped, the stock of the company was rolled up, attracting a large number of bulk homes. After the breakout, it crashed, causing the stock to be kept high. 在10月23日之前(停牌之前),散户不敢买入。在11月9日(复牌)的一大波拉升后,散户以为行情大好,又疯狂买入,导致被套在高处。? Before October 23 (before the end of the game), the homeless were afraid to buy it. After the rise of a large bala on November 9 (repeated) they thought that they were doing well and buying it wildly, leading to being placed in high places? 这些放出来的消息,都是由公司董事会决议而产生,他们决定要干这些事,外界才会知道这些消息。在这些消息发布出来之前,公司内部人员,专业人士和一些大机构,起码提前一个月就知道这些消息了。他们会提前建仓,等待放出消息后,就会直接拉升,就算散户一开始不上当,但是连续几天的涨停,还是会吸引大批“接盘侠”,当散户把盘接完,他们就可以顺利出场了。? These releases were made by the company's board of directors, who decided to do them before the outside world knew them. Before the news came out, the insiders, professionals and some big agencies, knew them at least a month in advance. They pre-empted the release of the information, and when the news came out, they pulled them up directly, even if they were to leave the house from the very beginning, but they would still attract a large number of “opportunists” for several days. ? 我们再来看下一个例子 Let's look at the next example. ? 这是前段时间很火的Luna This is Luna, who was hot the previous time. ?Luna前段时间是基本属于归零的状态,这些消息的发布时间是在5月份 ? Luna's front period was essentially zero, and ? 这是我5月中旬画的一个Luna的图 Here's a picture of a Luna that I drew in mid-May. 这是一个巨大的头肩顶?谐波鲨鱼的看跌形态,直接看跌到30以下。? It's a huge head on the shoulder. The look-down pattern of the harmonic shark, directly below 30 years old? 对于庄家来说,早在4月就完成出货了,那个时候入场的散户被套得牢牢的,但是利空的消息却在5月才放出来。 For the dealer, the delivery was completed in April, and the arrival of the dispersed house was secured, but the news of `strong' was released only in May
这个事实说明,如果我们只靠消息,是肯定玩不过那些机构和狗庄的。? That fact suggests that if we rely only on information, we will never be able to play with those institutions and dogs. ? ? 有人会问,既然这些消息没有参考意义,那为什么还要发呢? 其实庄家不过是想为你营造一些错觉罢了。他在不同阶段制造不同的消息,可以一定程度的预知和控制交易者行为。? Some would ask why, since these messages are not relevant, the dealer is simply trying to create some illusions for you. , who makes different messages at different stages, can predict and control the behaviour of traders to a certain degree. . 比如去年有个叫plan b的在推特上面预测比特币的价格,每一次都预测得非常准,赢得了一大批散户的拥护。在比特币6万的时候,他预测后面能到9万,导致了后面大批人被套在高地,直到现在还没解套。 Last year, for example, a tweeter named Plan B predicted the price of bitcoin, which was very accurate every time, winning the support of a large number of scattered households. At the time of the 60,000 Bitcoins, he predicted that he would reach 90,000 behind him, causing a large number of people to be trapped in the highlands until now. ? ? 对于技术面来讲,一个币或者一支股票的所有活动都会以价格的形式呈现在盘面上面。这些k线是需要买卖才会出现的,是无法造假的。 For technical purposes, all activities in a currency or stock are presented on the plate in price. These klines are bought and sold and cannot be faked. 所有的市场行为都会通过k线形态呈现在盘面上面。(划重点!) all market behaviour will appear on the plate in k-line form
♪ So all we have to do is learn to watch the plate, learn technology, learn to analyse the k-line trends, avoid falling into the trap of a man's knitting. A huge increase in the success rate of singles.
Some of them are real, but you can't believe it. Because some of them take a little bit of a strong, go to high leverage, and some of them double-deep. It looks like they've doubled, but they're just making a little bit, maybe a few or dozens of u.
And then, with these high-yield screens, you're tricked to the bill, and even worse, you're tricked to the platform, you're tricked to buy the bounties, you're full of tricks, and you're too much to be afraid of.
, however mature traders, does not have a success rate of more than 70 per cent , and since there is no guarantee that every single one will succeed, the probability of a documentary failure will increase considerably.
First of all, you can't guarantee that every single item is kept up. Even if you keep up, everyone's position management is different, and everyone else's loss is only 100 u, while you lose 1,000 u because of the silo. The silo that others make makes makes 1,000 u, while you make only 100 u.
In the long run, who's going to lose your money?
It's a very simple question, and it's a common street psychology. After learning the k-line basis, you know why he falls somewhere, gets up somewhere, why there's a normal return on the way up.
This is also a feature of sensory operations. In each form, there are various forms of entry points (stretch entry points, break-in points, step back points), exit points (first stop points, second stop points), loss stop points /strong?
The essence of the problem is also that it operates by feeling. If the technologists think, the structure will continue to be stable, and the structure is a bit out of order, or a part of it will be out of stock.
The people who don't manage the silos very much like the shoals or the silos.
? 读完这篇文章,希望大家能有所领悟。真正沉淀一下自己,世界上没有一蹴而就的事情,想挣钱就得学习技术。还想靠跟单赚钱的铁铁,好好想想,仓位管理的逻辑你懂了吗? Read this article in the hope that you will understand it. Do you understand the logic of silo management? ? 最后,祝各位铁铁牛市暴富。 Finally, may the Iron Cows be rich.
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