
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:44 评论:0
  文 | 磐石之心The heart of the rock.  3月21日下午,腾讯发布2018年第四季度及全年业绩报告。报告称,受金融科技服务、云服务、社交及视频广告、数字内容订购及销售的业绩高速增长推动,腾讯2018年总收入31...



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  文 | 磐石之心

The heart of the rock.


On the afternoon of 21 March, it released its performance report for the fourth quarter of 2018 and for the entire year. The report states that the high growth in performance, digital content ordering and sales, driven by the high growth in financial and technological services, cloud services, socialization and , resulted in a total revenue of $312,694 million in 2018, an increase of 32 per cent.


In the financial statements, special emphasis is placed on “payment as one of the company’s key infrastructure platforms” to affirm the value of online and off-the-shelf innovation in financial technology. In recent days, e-invoices in the serial chains, which have been widely appreciated by users, have been derived from telecommunication finance technology.


On 18 March, the country's first electronic invoice for the orbital transport block chain was opened at the Shenzhen subway station, where the residents of Shenzhen could be invoiced for the block chain online upon completion of their journey by means of a micro-mail car code sweep.


The Car Code + Block Chain Invoices completely eliminates the need for citizens to travel through cumbersome queues, refunds, and invoicing processes. Passengers do not have to stay in the station, increasing the efficiency of travel.


In the north, where tens of millions of people live, public transport travel is a matter of concern. Using the power of technology, the Internet-based process of buying, paying and invoicing for public transport travel has been closed, making the work of the people warmer.


by car code > + block chain invoice >........................................................................................................


I travel often to cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, etc. Because of the distance of the airport from the city, the cost of taxis and the ease of congestion, it is best to travel by subway and bus.


In the past, every time a train ride requires change of money to buy a car truck, and in some cities when a no-sale machine had a mobile payment ticket, it was avoided. But not every subway no-seller supported it, so some change should be made in order to be needed from time to time.


There are other cities that have to download a stand-alone APP if they want to clear a car, and then register with a cell phone number to clear a subway gate. It is very reluctant for people who travel to these cities to download an unwanted APP.


Figure: Invoices for open block chains in car code applets


However, every time you go to Shenzhen, there is no pressure, because Shenzhen's subway supports passenger code-scanning by car. Open the micro-mails and search for the "car code" program, so you can get in as soon as you can. It's only two seconds.


The other day, he went to Shenzhen for a business trip, and when he came back, he learned that Shenzhen subway could open an online block-link invoice. I pulled out a car-coded application, found a log of the subway in Shenzhen, and opened the first block-chain invoice in my life.


Figure: General invoices


Figure: Block chain invoice (code area is Hashi encrypted)


compares carefully that the difference between block chain invoices and ordinary invoices is in the “code area”. Compared to ordinary invoices, the block chain invoice code area is a Hushi encryption character, which is safer, non-repeatable and non-rogue than the normal invoice. Once the block chain invoice has been opened, a key can be shared with the company's accountant's micro-letters to complete the reimbursement.

  目前,乘车码服务已经覆盖深圳、上海、广州、北京等超过 110 座城市,支持BRT、公交、地铁、索道、轮渡等智慧交通移动支付场景。区块链发票已经在深圳地铁、沃尔玛、招商银行(600036)、微信支付商户等场景中上线,接下来将推广到全国的各种民生、消费场景中。

Currently, there are more than 110 cities in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, and support the BRT, bus, subway, stellar, ferry, and other smart traffic movement payment scenes. Block chain invoices are already on line in Shenzhen subway, Wal-Mart, (600036), micro-payment businesses, which will then be extended to various human and consumer sites throughout the country.


The black technology that was introduced by the Stewardship – “Invoices for the Car Code + Block Chain” – has made me fall in love with the subway and prefer to work physically to protect society. This, I think, is the positive energy that technology brings to the lives of people and to society.


Behind the "Black Technology" is the low profile of "Technology and Financial Technology"


Maybe everyone's paying in micromails, QQ wallets, money management, and a lot of users are starting to use car codes, block-chain invoices. These "black technologies" make our lives much easier. But you may not know that these products come from the telecommunication finance technology.


In September 2015, Tetsu merged the original payments, financial management, letters, etc. into the FIT, which is part of the Enterprise Development Group (CDG).


According to the Treasury Report 2018, the increase in gross revenue in 2018 was driven mainly by financial and technological services, cloud services, social and video advertising, digital content ordering and sales. Of this, the total daily volume of trade transactions in 2018 was more than 1 billion. The revenue from commercial payments in 2018 was more than double. The payment platform for the bulletin was connected to tens of millions of businesses, and in the fourth quarter of 2018, the monthly growth rate for active businesses was more than 80 per cent.


At the end of 2018, the wealth management platform "Treat the money" helped manage more than RMB 600 billion in customer assets.


The continued innovation of financial science and technology in mobile payment scenes, launched in July 2017 by car codes, is an excellent example of expanding the under-line payment market.


Public travel is a very high-frequency mobile payment entrance, which completes the connection between on-line payments and off-line travel.


On a number of occasions, the Vice-President of RTC, Jung Hao, has publicly stated: “It is hoped that mobile payment technology will be linked by car code to the public handing over of the landscape, industry eco-integrated development, deep-ploughing intelligent traffic, and the concept of green travel will be implemented”.


Figure: Tendering public goods to search for human beings


In the hot area of block chains, tether finance technology is also well-arranged. Block chain technology has been independently developed since 2015 and subsequently opened up the block chain development platform. The tether block chain technology has been applied successively in such areas as public-interest searchers, supply chain finance, logistics, medical care and .


The Electronic Invoice for Block Chains, introduced in 2018 by , is a new electronic invoice for the application of the Ecological System for Block Chains Plus Invoices, which is deployed in accordance with the work of the National Tax Administration and piloted by the Shenzhen City Revenue Authority.


Six months later, Shenzhen will be able to open nearly 1 million block-chain invoices every month. Currently, Wal-Marts in Shenzhen are able to open block-chain invoices online using commercial banking.


Through the Car Code + Block Chain Invoice, public travel is shut down. It combines financial science and technology with government to make it easier for people to live while also promoting digital change in government.


Net purchase payments, 12306 purchase tickets, living fees, pocket money, money management, , car codes, block-link invoices, etc. are all connected to people's lives.


Internet enabler


In October 2018, Tetsu launched its third organizational restructuring and announced its full-scale access to the Internet. Tetsu defined his role in the Internet as a “digital assistant” to help the industries in their digital transformation. Mobile payments are one of the most important tools to help the industries in their digital transformation.


“Payment is one of the company's key infrastructure platforms that helps us and our business partners to complete transactions for online and offline services.” ()


Mr. Machemten stated in his performance report for 2018:


“We have increased our leadership in mobile payments and enriched the products of financial science and technology services. Through strategic upgrading of companies, as well as sustained investment and innovation, we will promote the growth of the consumer Internet and harness the potential of the industrial Internet for our partners and for us.”


Also published in Lipso is the Study of Users of the Fourth Quarter of Third Party Mobile Payments, where, in consumer-type transactions on-line, the share of wealth is roughly equal to that of payment money; and in consumer-type transactions below-line, the balance of money is better.


In online consumer-type transactions, 46% and 43% of the amount and amount of the payment treasures were paid, 42% and 46% respectively. In off-line consumer-related transactions, 49% and 54% of the transactions and the amount of the payments were paid, respectively, and a leading advantage was maintained for the payment treasures (41% and 39%, respectively).


In the future, it will be necessary to build a “financial connector” in various contexts, with a vision of serving the lives of the people, so that it can become an effective assistant to business enterprises and government agencies in their digital transformation.


(author Rock Heart, Internet Finance Writer, Declassified Mi, " Black Hole on the Internet " ; China's ten major technologies are self-media in 2018).


1. Micromail search small car code procedures;


2. My-car records;


3-point driving records;


4. Invoices are issued at the bottom of the point.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑: HN666)



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