xff0c on block chains and cryptography currency, based on the Taiyo concept; readers who are not familiar with block chains and Bitcoin can first look at and .
Ether is running software on the computer network, making data and some smart contract programs & #xff0c; copying and processing in the network without a central coordinator. The vision of Ether is to create a non-stop, non-censorshipable, self-sustaining decentralised world computer.
For relevant information, please refer to the TAF's public website for TAF xff1a; .
比特币在世界范围内无数计算机上实现了交易数据的验证,复制和存储(因此也有人称之为 “分布式账本”)。而以太坊则把比特币中区块链的概念加以扩展,更进一步,希望在世界各地的无数计算机上同等无偏地运行计算机代码。
Bitcoin has validated transactional data on countless computers worldwide xff0c; copying and storing xff08; thus also known as “distributed books” xff09; xff09; xff0c; further xff0c; hoping to run computer codes equally neutrally on countless computers around the world.
比特币实现了分布式的数据存储,以太坊则用同样的方式实现了分布式的数据存储和计算。(从整体来看),以太坊就像一台计算机,而上面运行的计算机程序我们叫做 “智能合约”。(从实际上来说),一个网络参与者乃是在他的电脑上用一种叫 “以太坊虚拟机” 的操作系统运行这些程序(“智能合约”)。
Bitcoin achieves distributed data storage & #xff0c; distributed data storage and calculation in the same way as Taipan. & #xff08; overall ) , as a computer & #xff0c; and the computer programs running on it are called intellectual contracts. & #xff08; in practice xff09; ff0c; a network participant runs these programs using an operating system called #xff08; #xff09; #smart contracts; #xff09;
编者注:这样说更顺一点:有无数人在自己的计算机上运行以太坊客户端软件,这些电脑之间会相互通信、传递数据。只要这些数据符合一定的规则(“以太坊共识规则”),客户端软件就会按照一些规则来使用这些数据,具体来说,就是用这些数据在 EVM(“以太坊虚拟机”)(相当于 Windows 或者 Android)中运行一些程序(“智能合约”),然后得出结果。有趣的是,只要大家都遵守同样的规则并相互通信,无数节点得到的结果都是一样的(“共识”)(但达成共识一般需要时间,不是瞬时达成的)。
Editor's note xff1a; this says better xff1a; countless people run the data on their own computers and #xff0c; these computers communicate and transmit data to each other as long as they conform to certain rules xff08; with Tailing Consensus smart contracts
xff1a can be understood by reference to the figure below;
& #xff08; the lowest level is communication & #xff0c; the middle level is consensus on the data & #xff0c; the upper level is & #xff09 using the data to drive the operation of the application;
Also xff0c; this process is related to a very interesting concept xff1a; “trustable computing” xff0c; refers to trustability in the calculation process. Interested can be seen in the confidence-based calculation .
你可以下载以太坊客户端(Ethereum client)软件。当然咯,如果你有足够的耐心,也可以自己写一个。类似于 BitTorrent 和 Bitcoin 这类软件,以太坊客户端会在互联网中把你和其他使用相同客户端软件的人连接起来,这样一来,你就可以从他们那下载以太坊的区块链了。以太坊客户端软件还将独立地验证收到的每个区块是否符合以太坊的规则。
You can download & #xff08; Etheum client) software. Of course & #xff0c; if you have enough patience & #xff0c; or write one yourself. Software like BitTorrent and Bitcoin & #xff0c; Ether clients will connect you and other users of the same client software on the Internet & #xff0c; so xff0c; you can download the #xff0c; you can download the & & & & & & & ; you can also write one. The & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; & you can also independently verify that each block received is in line with the & & & & & & & & ; ; #xfff0c; you can download the & & & & ; you can download the & ; you can download the & & & & & & & & ; the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; ; you can write ; you can write ; you can write a & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & ; & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & ;
Etherno client software can be used for xff1a;
- 连接以太坊的网络
- 探索以太坊的区块链
- 创建新的交易和智能合约
- 运行智能合约
- 挖掘新区块
编者注:所谓的 “区块链” 即是一系列的交易数据,这些交易是网络中所有计算机都确认过符合(当时的)规则并且执行过的(“交易” 主要是指密码学货币的转账)。而 “挖掘新区块” 的意思就是试图把一些数据传播出去让其它计算机也来执行,之所以叫 “区块” 是因为这时候这些交易是打包成一个数据块来传播的(别的时候,交易数据也可以独立传播)。
Editor's note xff1a; the so-called “strung” block chain is a series of transactions xff0c; these transactions were confirmed by all computers in the network to be consistent with xff08; xff09 at that time; rules and implemented xff08; “transactions” refer mainly to transfers of cryptographic currencies xff09; while “excavation of new blocks” means an attempt to disseminate some data so that other computers can also execute xff0c; the term “blocks” is called because the transactions were packaged into a data block to disseminate xff08; other times xff0c; transaction data can also be disseminated independently xff09;
而平时我们说的 “区块链”,指的是一套让上述系统(所有计算机都保存并且执行了同样的交易数据)得以实现的技术(计算机交互协议)。
And what we usually say is “block chains” & #xff0c; refers to a set of systems & #xff08; all computers keep and execute the same transaction data & #xff09; realized technology & #xff08; computer interactive protocols & #xff09;
如此,你的计算机就化身为网络中的一个节点,运作着 “以太坊虚拟机” ,并且与所有其他节点行为一致。在点对点的网络上,不存在主服务器,任何电脑都有平等的权力和地位。
So xff0c; your computer becomes a network node & #xff0c; operates the Ethernomy virtual machine & #xff0c; and is consistent with all other nodes. On the point-to-point network xff0c; there is no main server xff0c; any computer has equal power and status.
编者注:截至 2019 年 5 月,保存了完整以太坊区块链的节点(也称为 “全节点”),即上文所说的 “无数”,约为 6000 个。因为网络是开放的,节点的数量也会不断变化。
Editor's note & #xff1a; as of May 2019 & #xff0c; node & #xff08, which preserves the entire Ether block chain; also known as the “full node” & #xff09; & #xff0c; or “many” & #xff0c; about 6000. Because the network is open xff0c; the number of nodes will also change.
The simplest way to understand it is to compare it to Bitcoin & #xff08; a simpler system & #xff09; the similarities and differences. It's not too late to say #xff0c; let's say the same.
Like Bitcoin, xff0c; Etheria also forms a block chain xff0c; the block chain contains a data block xff08; transaction data and smart contract code xff09; xff0c after some participants create and dig out the block; xff08; xff09; xff09;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
要了解以太坊区块链都记录了什么信息,请看这个 “区块浏览器”:https://etherscan.io
To find out what information Ether's block chain contains xff0c; see this
每个区块都要引用零一个区块的哈希或着说 “数字指纹”,这样区块就会前后相接形成一条链。想了解更多区块链技术的详细介绍,请参阅:《区块链技术的简介》
Each block is quoted as Hashi of a zero block or as a "digital fingerprint" & #xff0c; then the block will form a chain. For more details about block chain technology & #xff0c; see #xff1a;
编者注:如上所述,参与者可以把一些数据组织成一个 “区块” 来传播,其它节点收到区块后会先验证这个区块符不符合我们预先确定的规则,符合就执行区块中的交易,不符合就会拒绝该区块:不执行其中的交易,也不再传播该区块。
Editor's note xff1a; xff0c, as mentioned above; participants can organize some of the data into a “block” to disseminate xff0c; the other nodes receive the block and verify that it does not comply with our predefined rules xff0c; complies with transactions in the executed block xff0c; does not comply with or reject the block xff1a; does not execute the transaction xff0c; and does not disseminate the block.
关于 “哈希值”,简单理解就是一个函数的结果,相同的数据输进函数得到的结果一定相同,不同的数据输进函数得到的结果几乎可以说一定不同(相同的概率极低),因此可以用哈希值来标示。请看《Emoji 表情带你秒懂哈希函数》
Hashi & #xff0c; Simple understanding is the result of a function xff0c; The same data entry function must have the same result xff0c; The different data entry function can almost be said to have a different result xff08; The same probability is extremely low xff09; xff0c; so it can be marked with Hashi. See Emoji takes you a second to understand the Hashi function
Like Bitcoin xff0c; Ether Homenet is open without permission. Anyone can connect to the network xff0c by downloading or writing their own software; do not need to log into a website and report to anyone xff0c; start creating trading and intelligence contracts, authenticating transactions and even mining xff08; dig blocks xff09;
In general, xff0c; people talk about Etheria xff0c; refers to this non-licensed, open version. But xff0c; like Bitcoin xff0c; with Ether client software xff0c; you just need to add a few settings xff0c; you can create private networks that are independent of public networks. But xff0c; currently, in private networks, tokens and smart contracts are not compatible with public money.
想了解更多关于无需许可的开放式网络和私有权限网络之间的差别,请阅读:《不同类型的 “区块链”》
Wanted to learn more about the difference between open and private rights networks that do not require permission xff0c; read xff1a;
Like Bitcoin xff0c; Ether miners need to ask a solution to a mathematical dilemma when creating a valid block xff0c; the resolution process is inexcusable xff0c; a large number of electrical computers must be put into constant computing.
以太坊的工作量证明数学难题被称为 “Ethash”,它和比特币的 PoW 算法稍有不同。人们使用常见的硬件也可以参与 Ethash 挖矿。在比特币挖矿活动中,专用硬件(ASIC)十分常见,而以太坊的 Ethash 则在设计上削减了专用硬件的效率优势。
It is called “Ethash” & #xff0c; it is slightly different from the Pow algorithm of Bitcoin. People can also participate in Ethash mining using common hardware. In Bitcoin mining activities & #xff0c; specialized hardware & #xff08; ASIC) very common xff0c; and Ethash has been designed to reduce the efficiency of specialized hardware.
More information on mining xff0c; see xff1a; introduction to bitcoin mining
编者注:具体而言,在 PoW 系统中,当挖矿者把交易打包之后会形成一个结构化数据(“区块头”)(交易不同则这部分结构化数据自然不同),区块头中还有一些别的数据,比如创建区块时的时间戳、父区块的哈希值,等等。而区块合规则性的要求就是区块头的哈希值(作为一个数值)符合一定的要求(“难度要求”)(比如比特币协议的难度要求是哈希值开头的 “0” 达到一定数量)。但是,如上所言,确定数据的哈希值是确定的,没有什么能保证仅凭上述数据可以产生一个符合要求的哈希值,因此出块者要不断改动其中一个没有特殊意义的数据(“区块 nonce”),直至区块头的哈希值符合难度要求(否则即使传播出去了,其它节点也不会接受这个区块)。
Editor's note xff1a; in particular xff0c; xff0c in the PoW system; xff0c; xff0c; xff08; strung > block header
在以太坊的路线图上,有一个叫 Casper 的协议计划,它一改耗电的工作量证明,摇身变为更节能的权益证明,会在以太坊未来的 “宁静(Serenity)” 版本中发布。
On Ether's road map xff0c; there's an agreement called Casper xff0c; it's power-consuming workload certificate xff0c; it's energy-efficient equity certificate xff0c; it's published in the future of Ether's xff08; Service xff09;”
编者注:所谓权益证明(PoS),即是用参与者在一个资金池中的资金比重来确定 TA 的出块概率,参与者之间不再比拼谁先算出符合难度的哈希值,自然也就不需要投入大量电力来计算了。
Editor's note & #xff1a; so-called certificates of interest & #xff08; PoS) & #xff0c; i.e., using the financial weight of participants in a pool to determine TA's probability of output & #xff0c; #ff0c; #ff0c, which is no longer a challenge for participants to calculate first against who to spell; and naturally, there is no need for large amounts of electricity to calculate.
自 2014 年来,以太坊核心开发团队就一直在研究权益证明共识机制。截至此时(2019 年 5 月),在以太坊主网上实现的权益证明方案 Casper 已基本敲定,有望于 2019 年末完成部署,翻开以太坊的全新篇章。
Since 2014, xff0c; Ether Core Development Team has been working on a consensus-building mechanism. At this point, xff08; xff09; xff0c; Kasper has largely finalized xff0c; deployment xff0c is expected to be completed by the end of 2019; and the whole new chapter of Ether is opened.
以太坊的代币叫 Ether,英文缩写为 ETH。现在的市场已经接受拿 ETH 与其它密码学货币和主权货币相交换,就像接受 BTC 一样。ETH 当前价值约为 13 美元/ETH(2016 年 10 月)。与比特币类似,以太坊代币的所有权也记录在以太坊区块链上,虽然技术层面上严格来说,记录的方式稍有不同。
Ether, English acronym ETH. The market has now accepted the exchange of ETH with other cryptographic and sovereign currencies xff0c; just as with BTC. The current value of ETH is about US$ 13/ETH( October 2016 xff09; similar to Bitcoin xff0c; ownership of the Ethiocurrency is also recorded in the chain xff0c; although technically speaking xff0c; recording in a slightly different way.
Editor's note xff1a; here the focus is xff0c; the built-in cryptography currency is xff1a issued as the blocks are dug out; xff0c; xff08; pre-determined xff09; a certain amount of cryptography money is issued to the diggers xff08; “miners” xff09;
上文提到很多次的 “交易”,在比特币区块链上主要是指比特币的转账交易,而在以太坊上则更为多样,主要包括 ETH 的转账、用户与智能合约的交互、以及智能合约所发行代币的转移。
Many of the “transactions” & #xff0c mentioned above; in the Bitcoin block chain, mainly the transfer transactions of bitcoin & #xff0c; and in the Etheria, which is more diverse & #xff0c; mainly the transfer of ETH, the interaction of users with smart contracts, and the transfer of tokens issued by smart contracts.
自原文成章以来,ETH 的价格已经从 13 美元(约 87 元)开始一路上涨,最高曾到达 1347 美元的高位(约 9000 元)(2018 年 1 月)然后逐渐下跌至 100 美元左右(2018 年 10 月),现又开始逐渐回升至 250 美元(2019 年 5 月)。此外,密码学货币对法定货币的价格几乎每天都在大幅波动。
The prices of xff0c; xff08; approximately $87xff09; the prices of xff0c; the prices of xff08; the prices of xff08; the prices of xff08; the prices of xff08; the prices of xff08; the prices of xff09, January 2018; the prices of xff09; xffff0c, October 2018; the prices of xff0c; the prices of xfff08, May 2019; and xff0c; and the prices of statutory currencies, which fluctuated almost every day.
Get ready for the bench #xff0c; we're going to start a more technical and complex topic.
在以太坊网络中,每个区块之间的时间间隔大概是 14 秒,而比特币的区块间隔时间约为 10 分钟。这个时间差意味着,如果你同时发了比特币交易和以太坊交易,一般而言,把以太坊交易记录到以太坊区块链的速度要比比特币交易记录到比特币区块链的速度要快。我们也可以将这一点理解为,比特币网络每 10 分钟写一次数据库,而以太坊网络每 14 秒写一次数据库。
xff0c; the time interval between blocks is probably 14 seconds xff0c; and the block interval between bitcoin is about 10 minutes. This time difference means xff0c; if you simultaneously send Bitcoin and Etheria transactions xff0c; generally xff0c; if you record Taipan transactions to the Bitcoin chain faster than Bitcoin transactions to bitcoin. We can also interpret this as xff0c; Bitconet network writes databases every 10 minutes xff0c; and the web network writes databases every 14 seconds.
编者注:虽然在比特币和以太坊在这一点上有所不同,但具备这种属性的原理都是一样的:它们是 PoW 系统。如上所述,无数计算机处在一个开放式的网络中,所有计算机都随时可以退出,也可以随时加入,那么这就带来一个严肃的问题:如果所有计算机各自为政,自己接收到数据就处理,那么这些计算机就不能形成 “共识”,整个系统也无法实现基本的功能(比如货币转账,因为各有各记载的交易历史,谁也无法确定某个账户到底有多少钱)。因此,PoW 的意义等于是说:如果你要在这个账本上记一笔,请先证明你花费了很多计算资源。辅之以 “难度要求” 的变化,我们可以实现对出块所需工作量的调整,进而调整个网络的出块间隔。为什么要实现这种稳定的出块间隔可能有很多理由,这里不详细展开了。
Editors note xff1a; while xff0c is different on this point in Bitcoin and in Tai Town; but the rationale for having this attribute is the same xff1a; they are PoW systems. As noted above xff0c; numerous computers are in an open network xff0c; all computers are ready to quit xff0c; all computers can be included at any time xff0c; this raises a serious question xff0c; if all computers are separate xff0c; if they receive data xff0c; they can be processed by themselves xff0c; then these computers cannot be “consensual” xff0c; the whole system cannot be able to achieve basic functions xff08; e.g. currency transfers xff0c; because each recorded history of transactions xff0c; you cannot determine how much of the difference x0 can be made;
比特币中,区块大小的上限以字节为单位衡量,目前为 1MB,而以太坊则用衡量智能合约计算复杂度的单位来标示区块的大小,这个大小被称为 “区块 Gas 上限”,而且区块 Gas 上限可以逐块变化(比特币的区块大小上限是一定的)。
xff0c in bitcoin; cap on block size xff0c; currently 1MB, cap on block size xff0c in bitcoin; cap on block size xff0c; cap on block xff08; cap on block size xff09 in bitcoin;
目前,以太坊的区块大小上限约为 1,500,000 Gas。在用户之间(即不与智能合约交互),通过 ETH 达成的基础交易或支付有 21,000 Gas 的复杂度,因此,你可以把 70 单交易放进一个区块中(1,500,000 除以 21,000)。在今天的比特币网络中,一个区块可以包含 1500-2000 单交易。
At present xff0c; capped at approximately 1,500,000 Gas in the size of a block in the Taiku. Between users xff08; i.e., do not interact with an intelligent contract xff09; xff0c; base transaction through ETH or payment of 21,000 Gas xff0c; thus xff0c; you can put 70 transactions into a block xff08; 1,500,000 divided by 21,000xff09; in today's Bitconet network xff0c; a block can contain 1,500-2000 single transactions.
就数据而言,目前大多数以太坊的区块都在 2KB 以下。
In terms of data xff0c; most of the now-yellow blocks are below 2KB.
编者注:截至 2019 年 5 月 17 日,以太坊区块的 Gas 上限已达到 800 万 Gas。单块数据量大小是几百 KB。
Editor's note xff1a; xff0c as of May 17, 2019; Gas cap for the Taiwan block has reached 8 million Gas. Single data size is hundreds of KBs.
以太坊使用 EVM 来运行智能合约
相比于比特币原始的脚本语言,以太坊上可以部署部署的代码(“智能合约”)对开发者而言更先进也更友好。智能合约代码运行在以太坊虚拟机环境中,而网络中所有的计算机都运行着 EVM。如果你熟悉 Microsoft Excel 宏(由 Excel 运行的代码段),你应该很容易理解,智能合约就是由以太坊虚拟机运行的代码段。
Intelligent contracts run in Ether's virtual environment & #xff0c; all computers in the network run EVM. If you are familiar with Microsoft Excel macro #xff08; code run by Excel & #xff09; xff0c; you should easily understand #xff0c; smart contracts are code segments run by Ether's virtual machine.
在很多资料中,人们通常把以太坊智能合约被称为 “图灵完备”(Turing complete)的。这意味着智能合约功能完整,可以执行其他编程语言中能够执行的所有计算。
In a lot of materials & #xff0c; it is commonly referred to as “Turing perfect” & #xff08; Turing complete) this means that the smart contract function is complete & #xff0c; all calculations that can be performed in other programming languages can be performed.
ETH 是怎么产生的呢?ETH 和 BTC 发币最大的不同在于—— BTC 大约每 4 年发行量减半一次,而 ETH 的发行量则保持不变(也许只是在 Serenity 版本以前)。
The most important difference between ETH and BTC in how it is generated is that BTC halves about every four years xff0c; ETH remains the same xff08; perhaps only before the Serenity version xff09;
ETH 是怎么产生的呢?ETH 和 BTC 发币最大的不同在于—— BTC 大约每 4 年发行量减半一次,而 ETH 的发行量则保持不变(也许只是在 Serenity 版本以前)。
The most important difference between ETH and BTC in how it is generated is that BTC halves about every four years xff0c; ETH remains the same xff08; perhaps only before the Serenity version xff09;
编者注:并不是保持不变。如上所述,在区块链上,原生密码学货币是每出块便增发一次,这个增发数量我们称为 “区块奖励”。以太坊的区块奖励也已经过多次削减,在 2017 年 10 月,区块奖励由 5 个削减到 3 个 ETH,2019 年 2 月,以太坊区块奖励削减为 2 个。因此,我在这里用 ETH 供应量的实际变化图来替代作者的原图。
Editor's note xff1a; does not remain unchanged. As noted above, xff0c; xff0c on the block chain; original cryptography currency is xff0c; this increase is called block reward . xff0c; in October 2017 xff0c; block reward is reduced from 5 to 3 ETH& #xfff0c; February 2019 xff0c; cut to 2 from the
这比 Bitcoin 要复杂得多。概言之,现存的 ETH 币计算公式如下:
This is much more complicated than Bitcoin. General & #xff0c; existing ETH currency formulas & #xff1a;
预挖矿(Pre-mine)+ 区块奖励(Block rewards) + 叔块奖励(Uncle rewards) + 叔块引用奖励(Uncle referencing rewards)
Pre-mining & #xff08; Pre-mining & Mine #xff09; & #43; Block Rewards & #xff09; & #43; Uncle & #xff08; Uncle rewards & #xff09; & #43; Uncle Quoting & Xff08; Uncle refinancing returns #xff09;
在 2014 年 7 月和 8 月的众筹中,发行的 ETH 数量约为 7200 万。众筹中产生的 ETH 被称为 “预挖矿”。人们决定,众筹之后 ETH 的发行量将被限制在每年不超过众筹总量的 25% (也就是说,除了众筹一次性产生的约 7200 万 ETH 外,每年的 ETH 发行量不超过 1800 万)。
xff0c in July and August 2014; the number of ETHs distributed is approximately 72 million. The ETHs generated by the ETHs are referred to as " pre-mining mines ". It was decided that xff0c; after the THs are raised, their circulation will be limited to no more than 25% of the total amount raised per year & #xff08; that is, xff0c; about 72 million ETHs xff0cs generated by the ETHs; no more than 18 million xff09s per year.
目前,挖出一个区块可以获得 5 个新的 ETH 。如果每 14 秒开采一个区块,一年有 3150 万秒(365x24x60x60),这意味着每年可挖出 225 万个区块。225 万 个区块,每区块 5 ETH = 1130 万 ETH /年。这符合每年产生不到 1800 万个 ETH 的承诺。 At present xff0c; digs out a block for 5 new ETHs. If you extract a block xff0c per 14 seconds, there are 31.5 million seconds per year (365 x 24 x 60) xff0c; this means that 2.25 million blocks per year can be excavated. 2.25 million blocks xff0c; 5 ETH & #61; 11.3 million ETH/year. This is consistent with the commitment to generate less than 18 million ETHs per year. 叔块奖励 uncle reward 实际上 ETH 的发行量会稍大于1800 万。由于一些区块挖得比较晚,因而没有成为主链的一部分。在比特币网络中,我们把这些挖得稍晚的区块叫 “孤块”,是完全抛弃掉的,但是在以太坊中,这些区块被称为 “叔块”,而且后续区块可以引用这些 “叔块”。如果有人引用某个 “叔块”,就会给挖出 “叔块” 的矿工带来 4.375 ETH 的 “叔块奖励”(相当于八分之七的正常区块奖励)。目前,以太坊每天约产生 500 个叔块,即每天有额外的 2,000 ETH 进入流通(按这个速度,每年会额外发行约 700 万 ETH )。 In fact, the distribution of ETH will be slightly greater than 18 million. Because some blocks are dug late xff0c; therefore they are not part of the main chain. In the Bitcoin network xff0c; we dig these later blocks called “stand alone” xff0c; xff0c; xff08; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xffoc; xff0c; ; . 引用叔块的奖励 quotes the uncle's reward 在一个叔块后出块的矿工,也可以得到 0.15ETH (最多引用 2 个叔块)。 Miner & #xff0c; also available 0.15ETH & #xff08; reference to up to 2 uncles & #xff09; 上面描述的这个模型被称为 Ghost 协议,(Ghost 即 ”贪婪的最大权重观察子树“ 缩写)。在 Ghost 协议当中,有效的块是确定的,矿工也可以得到奖励。 The model described above is known as the Ghost Protocol & #xff0c; & #xff08; Ghost, the "Maximum Power Watch Tree of Greed" & #xff09; in the Ghost Protocol & #xff0c; the valid block is xff0c; miners can also be rewarded. 编者注:叔块奖励是很多朋友理解中的难点,确实需要不少背景知识。简单来说就是:在网络中,传播区块是需要时间的,因此某个块挖出之后,在一定时间内可能只有一部分节点收到了这个区块,而另一些节点在这期间收到了另一个区块并把它当成了最新区块,PoW 系统所用的共识算法是没法当下就判断清楚哪个是主链的。以太坊的出块速度比较快,这种情况可能经常发生,因此在共识算法上安排了这种经济激励来缓解这种情形——即使出现了叔块,主链还是基本确定的。详情请看《以太坊设计原理》 The editor's note xff1a; the uncle's reward is the difficulty that many friends understand xff0c; there is a real need for background knowledge. Simplely, xff1a; in the network xff0c; the dissemination block is xff0c; thus xff0c after one piece has been dug; only part of the node may have received xff0c; while other nodes received another node during this period and treated it as the latest xff0c; the PoW system uses a consensus algorithm to determine which is the main chain at once. See details
在以太坊从工作量证明(包括叔块奖励规则)变为的权益证明机制时,机制的变化对发行的影响暂时还无定论。权益证明机制将使用一个名为 Casper 的协议(是的,就是那个鬼马小精灵,谁还敢说 cryptonerds 没有幽默感?)。在 Casper 协议下的 ETH 发行率很可能地远低于 Ghost 协议下的发行率。 xff08; xff09; xff0c; xff0c; change in the mechanism for proof of entitlement is temporarily uncertain. The certificate of interest mechanism will use an agreement called Casper xff08; xff0c; yes xff0c; that pony genie xff0c; who dares to say that cryptorteds have no sense of humor xff1f; xff09; ffff09; under the Casper agreement, the ETH distribution rate is likely to be much lower than under the Ghost agreement. 那么,矿工可以在挖矿中得到什么? #xff0c; what miners can get from mining #xff1f; 在比特币中,每挖到一个新的区块,矿工会得到 12.5 个比特币(这是当前的情形);另外,还有打包在区块中的交易的发起人附带给矿工的手续费。 xff0c in Bitcoin; xff0c per new block; mine unions received 12.5 bitcoinxff08; this is the current situation xff09; xff1b; also xff0c; and there is a charge attached to the miners by the initiator of the packaged transactions in the blocks. 在以太坊,矿工可以得到: In Etheria #xff0c; miners can get #xff1a; 目前,每个区块平均的 Gas 上限为 1,500,000,区块网络中每个 Gas 的平均价格是 0.000000022 个以太币,也就是说,一个矿工可能从一个整个区块中得到的 Gas 奖励是 0.033 个以太币。需要注意的是,合约中的 Gas 是用流通中的以太币支付的,而非用新创造的以太币支付的。 xff0c; the average cap for Gas per block is 1,500,000 xff0c; the average price for Gas per block network is 0.000000022 in xff0c; that is, xff0c; the gas reward that a miner may receive from an entire block is 0.033 in xff0c. What needs to be noted is that xff0c; in the contract, xff0c in circulation; not xff0c in new creation. 编者注:发起交易者需要自己为交易设置 Gas 价格(即愿意为每单位 Gas 支付多少费用),这个 Gas Price 会成为矿工选择是否打包该交易的依据之一。因为人们对交易的需求不是时时都一样的,Gas Price 也会随当前人们对交易上链需求的改变而波动。 Editor's note & #xff1a; initiating traders need to set their own Gas price & #xff08; i.e. how much they are willing to pay for each unit & #xff09; & #xff0c; this Gas Price will be one of the basis for miners to choose whether to package the transaction. Because demand for the transaction is not always the same & #xff0c; and Gas Price will also fluctuate as current demand for the upper chain of the transaction changes. 计算机需要?计算,储存数据?和?交互。以太坊需要有效且稳健的方式,才能实现不停机、抗审查且自我维持的去中心世界计算机这一愿景。以太坊虚拟机器仅仅是整体中的一个元件。 Computer needs? to calculate & #xff0c; to store data ? and? to interact . The Taiku needs to be effective and robust xff0c; to achieve the vision of a nonstop, uncensored and self-sustaining central world computer. 智能合约是储存在以太坊区块链上的小程序。用适量的以太币即可激活并运行这些程序(编者注:也可能需要其它特殊的 Token 才能激活)。更多关于智能合约的资讯,详情请看:《智能合约简介》 Smart contracts are small programs stored in the Etherm block chain. These programs can be activated and run in the appropriate amount in TT. & #xff08; editor note & #xff1a; other special Tokens may be needed to activate & #xff09; & #xff0c; for more information on smart contracts & #xff1a; for more details see & xff1a; Introduction to Smart Contracts 这里有一个引自维基百科,关于智能合约的实例: Here is a quote from Wikipedia #xff0c; examples of smart contracts #xff1a; ? -图片来源:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidity?- - Photo from #xff1a; ? 在以太坊中,你可以创建一个包含代码的新帐户,并在交易中将其上传到以太坊的区块链上,从而建立一个智能合约。 In the Etheria & #xff0c; you can create a new account with code & #xff0c; and upload it to the Etheraya block chain & #xff0c; thus create a smart contract. 只要合约上传成功,就会像自动点唱机一样:想要运行合约时,只需要给它发送一个包含以太币支付的交易,当然可能还需要额外提供另一些信息。 As long as the contract is uploaded successfully xff0c; it will be like an automatic jukebox xff1a; when you want to run the contract xff0c; you just need to send it a transaction that contains xff0c in NT; of course, additional information may be required. 每一台挖矿电脑会用以太坊虚拟机来运行智能合约(这是他们挖矿过程的一部分),并得出最终的输出值。理论上,如果没有人使坏,以太坊网络上的每台电脑都会输出一样的结果,因为用户都运行着包含相同信息的智能合约代码。 Each mining computer will be used to run an intelligence contract xff08; this is part of their mining process xff09;xff0c; and to produce the final output value. Theoretically xff0c; xff0c if no one makes it bad xff0c; xff0c if every computer on the Etherbank network produces the same result xff0c; because users run smart contract codes containing the same information. 挖出区块后,获胜的矿工会向网络的其他用户公布挖到的块,其他矿工纷纷验证并在得到相同的结果后,把该区块块放到他们的区块链中。这就是更新以太坊的区块链状态的方式。 After digging blocks xff0c; the winning mining union announces the dug blocks to other users of the network xff0c; the other miners verify and get the same results xff0c; and place the blocks in their block chains. This is the way to update the situation in the taipan block chain. 在比特币中,人们把储存比特币的地方称为 “地址(address)”,它就像银行账户,只不过存的是比特币。在以太坊中,用于储存以太币的叫 “账户(accounts)”,账户有两种: xff0c in Bitcoin; the place where Bitcoin is stored is referred to as “ address
以太坊的其他部分:Swarm 和 Whisper
- 只储存着以太币的账户,这和比特币的地址差不多。它有时也会被称作 “外部账户”(EOA)。这种账户都会有相应的私钥,私钥持有者可以用私钥来签发该账户的交易。
- 存有代码(并可能存储着 ETH 或其它 Token)的账户。只要存适量的以太币进去,这些智能合约就会生效。智能合约上传后,其代码就一直保存在以太坊区块链上,等待着被激活使用。
以太坊的区块生成率远高于比特币的区块生成率(以太坊种每小时可生成 250 个区块 vs 比特币中每小时可生成 6 个区块)。区块生成得越快,“区块冲突” 的概率就会上升,即:许多有效的区块几乎同时生成,但是它们之中,仅有一块可以放在主链中。从技术上来说,尽管这些未上主链的区块包含的交易都是真实的,但是这些数据不能被认定为主链的一部分。
& #xff09; The faster the blocks are generated & #xff0c; The higher the probability of "block conflict" xff0c; xff0c; many of the effective blocks are almost simultaneously generated xff0c; only one of them can be placed in the main chain. Technically xff0c; although these unincorporated blocks contain real xff0c; these data cannot be identified as part of the main chain.
在比特币协议中,这类未上主链的区块被称为 “孤块”,孤块不是主链的组成部分,而且也不会被主链上的区块引用。
In the Bitcoin agreement & #xff0c; such unchained blocks are referred to as “ alone, they are not part of the main chain & #xff0c; nor are they cited in the main chain.
而在以太坊中,这些区块被称为 “叔块”,后续一段距离内的区块可以引用叔块(详见上文 “以太币的发行” 部分)。虽然叔块中的数据最终也不会派上用场(即叔块上的交易不会得到执行),挖出叔块的矿工还是可以获得稍小一些的区块奖励。
In Etheria & #xff0c; these blocks are referred to as uncles & #xff0c; the following blocks within a distance can be quoted as & #xff08; for details see & #xff09 above in the `issuance in Tai currency' section ; although the data in the uncles will not end up in use xff08; i.e. transactions in the uncles will not be executed xff09; xff0c; miners who dig out the uncles will still get a slightly smaller block reward.
This has led to two important results:
- 这会激励矿工保持挖矿动力,即使挖出的区块不能上主链(因为高速的区块生成率生成了更多的孤块和叔块)
- 承认创建叔块所花费的能源还可以提高区块链的安全性
编者注:总而言之,Ghost 是快速出块过程中的一种保护措施,让没有挖到主链块的矿工也不至于承受大量损失,有动力去维护主链。
Editor's note xff1a; in sum xff0c; Ghost is a protective measure during the fast-moving process xff0c; miners who do not dig into the main chain do not suffer significant losses xff0c; and there is an incentive to maintain the main chain.
Gas 和 Gas Price
激活一个智能合约时,你等于是请求整个网络中的所有矿工都来执行合约中的计算工作。这会花费矿工的时间和能源,用户理所当然得给他们报酬。Gas 就是支付服务费的机制。
When a smart contract is activated xff0c; you are asking all miners in the entire network to perform the calculations in the contract. This will cost miners time and energy xff0c; users will be paid for it. Gas is the mechanism for paying for services.
The fee is usually a small amount of ether xff0c; to run the contract xff0c; to pay the miners to work. It's similar to giving coins to the jukebox.
付款项(单位:以太币)= 实际使用的 Gas 数量(单位:Gas)* Gas 价格(单位:以太币/Gas)
Payment item xff08; unit xff1a; unit xff09; 61; number of Gas xff08; unit xff1a; unit xff09;* price xff08; unit xff1a; unit xff1a; currency Gasxff09;
Gas 数量
智能合约越复杂(计算步骤的数量和类型、储存量的大小等),完成合约运行所需的 Gas 就越多。还用投币点唱机来类比的话,就好比点的歌越久,唱得越大声,需要支付的费用就越多。
The more complex a smart contract xff08; calculates the number and type of steps xff09; xff0c; xff0c; the more Gas is needed to complete the contract. xff0c, for example, uses a pent-up jukebox; xff0c, for the longer the dot xff0c; the louder the singing xff0c; and the more the costs are to be paid.
Gas 价格
虽然合约的复杂程度各有差别,但运行具体一个合约所需的 Gas 数量是固定的,(手续费大小差异主要来源于 Gas 价格),而 Gas 价格是由希望运行合约的人在请求运行合约时所指定的(有点像比特币的交易费用)。矿工会看开出的 Gas 价格高低来决定他们愿不愿意运行合约。如果想让矿工运行合约,开出高价就好。可以说,Gas 市场是一个竞争激烈的拍卖场,就看用户愿意为运行智能合约付出多大成本了。
Although the complexity of the contract varies xff0c; however, the number of Gas required to run a specific contract is fixed xff0c; xff08; differences in the size of the fee are mainly due to Gas price xff09; xff0c; while Gas prices are ff08 designated by the person wishing to run the contract when requesting to run the contract xff08; a bit like Bitcoin transaction costs xff09; the lower prices that the mining union sees as determining their willingness to run the contract. If you want the miner to run the contract xff0c; make a high price, you can say xff0c; Gas market is a highly competitive auction xff0c; see how much the user is willing to pay for operating the smart contract.
为什么需要 Gas 机制?
运行智能合约需要花费 Gas/以太币/金钱,有效防止了人们随意激活合约,从而避免了在免费运行的情况下可能出现的类似垃圾交易拥堵网络的问题。
The operation of smart contracts costs Gas/Ethics/Money #xff0c; effectively prevents people from activating contracts at will #xff0c; and thus avoids problems that could arise in a waste trade jamming network like that in a free operation.
编者注:这里没有言明的一点是,其实交易的 Gas 数量和 Gas 价格都是可以由用户自由调整的。如果没有给够 Gas 数量,无法完成合约中的计算,那么系统会完全回退,就当这笔交易没有发生过,虽然 Gas 费用还是会全部交给矿工;如果给的 Gas 数量太多,那么完成相关计算后,剩余的 Gas 费用会自动退还给发起交易的账户。
The editor's note xff1a; there is no indication here that xff0c; the number of transactions and Gas prices can be freely adjusted by users. If not enough Gas & #xff0c is given, xff0c will not be able to complete the calculations in the contract xff0c; then the system will return completely xff0c when the transaction has not occurred; although Gas will still be handed over to the miners xff1b; if Gas is given too much xff0c; xff0c; and the remaining Gas costs will be returned automatically to the account in which the transaction was initiated.
好比于一美元可以分成 100 美分,一比特币可以分成 100,000,000 sataoshi,以太币也有专有的单位命名规则。
Like a dollar, it can be divided into 100 cents & #xff0c; a bitcoin can be divided into 100,000,000 sataoshi, and there are rules for naming units in the Tails.
以太币最小的单位是?wei?,每一以太币等于 1000,000,000,000,000,000 wei,还有其他单位,如:Finney、Szabo、Shannon、Babbage 和 Ada。这些命名都来源于为密码学货币和网络作出卓越贡献的科学家。
The smallest units are: wei? & #xff0c; each of them equals 100,000,000.000,000.000 wei, there are other units xff0c; e.g. xff1a; Finney, Szabo, Shannon, Babbage and Ada. These names come from scientists who make excellent contributions to cryptography money and networks.
Wei 和 Ether 是两种最常见的货币面额。
Wei and Ether are the two most common currency denominations.
Smart contracts have three common languages & #xff0c; they can be translated into smart contracts and run on the Etherno virtual machine. The three languages are xff1a;
- Solidity?——类似 Javascrip 的语言,是目前最流行的、具有强大功能的智能合约的脚本语言。
- Serpent?——类似 Python 的语言,在以太坊发展早期比较常用。
- LLL——类似于 Lisp,仅用于较为早期的语言编写中。LLL 或许是最难编写的语言。
编者注:截至今日(2019 年 5 月 17 日),Solidity 已经成为以太坊生态中最常用的合约编程语言。而其余两种语言很少有人使用,甚至已经被弃用。此外,以太坊正在研究将以太坊虚拟机 EVM 升级为 eWASM,而 WebAssembly 支持很多高级计算机语言的开发,有望进一步加强以太坊合约编写的友好性和安全性。
Editor's Note & #xff1a; As of today #xff08; 17 May 2019 & #xff09; #xff0c; Society has become the most commonly used contract programming language in the Etheraya ecology. Few of the remaining two languages use xff0c; they have even been abandoned. xff0c; Etheria is studying upgrading EVM to eWASM, and WebAssembly supports the development of many advanced computer languages xff0c; it is expected to further enhance the friendly and safe nature of the contracts written in Taiyu.
另,有人指出不应该先入为主地认为 Solidity 与 Javascript 很相似,这样在学习过程中会陷入很多误区。
Also xff0c; it was pointed out that there should be no preconception that Solidity was very similar to Javascript xff0c; this would lead to many errors in the learning process.
The official client of Etheria is open-source xff0c; so you can see the code xff0c; you can also adjust to create your own client. The most popular client is xff1a;
- geth(用 Go 编写)https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
- eth(用 C++ 编写)https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum
- pyethapp(用 Python 编写)https://github.com/ethereum/pyethapp
以上都是基于命令行的程序(就是那种在黑色背景上的绿色文字),因此要想使用图形界面就需要使用别的软件。目前官方最流行的图形界面软件是 Mist(https://github.com/ethereum/mist)。Mist 以 geth 和 eth 为内核。
These are all command line-based programs ( green text ) , therefore other software is required to use a graphical interface. The most popular graphical interface software currently available is Mist( ) Mist is embedded in geth and eth.
也就是说,geth 和 eth 是底层难看的代码,而 Mist 就是运行其上的漂亮界面。
So #xff0c; geth and eth are the ugly bottom code #xff0c; and Mist is the pretty interface that runs it.
编者注:2019 年 3 月,Mist 项目停止运营,团队拆分并转向不同领域。而以太坊生态中最常见的两款客户端 Geth 和 Parity·Ethereum 也已发展得相当不错,都已有了完备的图形界面。
Editor's Note & #xff1a; March 2019 & #xff0c; Mist project ceased operations & #xff0c; team splits and moves to different fields. The two most common clients of the Taiwan ecology, Geth and Parity Etheeum, have also developed quite well xff0c; and there is a well-developed graphical interface.
2013 年底,Vitalik Buterin 在白皮书中论述了 “以太坊” 这一概念。2014 年 4 月,Gavin Wood 博士在黄皮书中进一步地阐发了这个概念。自此,以太坊的开发就由一个开发者社区来管理了。
At the end of 2013, xff0c; Vitalik Buterin discussed the concept of "Etheria" in the White Paper at . Since then #xff0c; the development of Taiku is managed by a community of developers.
同年的 7 月和 8 月,以太坊为开发众筹,其开放式主网于 2015 年 7 月 30 日上线。
July and August of the same year & #xff0c; #xff0c for the development of the community & #xff0c; its open main network went live on July 30, 2015.
2014 年 7 月至 8 月期间,开发团队通过在线销售?ETH 代币获得资金——人们可以用比特币来购买 ETH ,当时的兑换比率为 2000 ETH : 1 BTC(到 2016 年 1 月,在开放市场中1 BTC 可以兑换 50 ETH)。
xff0c from July to August 2014; development team secured funds through ?ETH in which people could buy ETH & #xff0c in bitcoin; exchange rate at the time was 2000 ETH: 1 BTC #xff08; up to January 2016 xff0c; 1 BTC = 50 ETH #xff09 in the open market.
Participants can pay for xff0c from a bitcoin account; and then receive a wallet containing the corresponding amount in xff0c. For more information on technology, see e-Team blog xff1a;
在此期间,以太坊团队售出了 6000 多万以太币,收到了 31500 多的比特币,当时价值约 1800 万美元。团队又挖出了 20%(1200 万 ETH)用于支持开发和以太坊基金会。
During this period xff0c; more than 60 million xff0c were sold by the Etheria team; more than 31,500 bitcoins xff0c were received; at that time it was worth about $18 million. The team dug up another 20% xff08; 12 million ETHxff09; it was used to support the development and Etheria Foundation.
软件发布代号:Frontier / Homestead / Metropolis / Serenity
以太坊软件的命名很有意思哦,是不是有点像苹果的 OS X 版本名称 Mavericks、El Capitan、Sierra 呐?
#xff0c; is it kind of like Apple's OS X version names Mavericks, El Capitan, Sierra #xff1f?
- Olympic(测试网络):在 2015 年 2 月发布,测试发布时,其代币并不是真的以太币。如今,测试网仍然与主活动网络并行,以便开发人员测试代码。
- Frontier:在 2015 年 7 月 30 日发布,Frontier 是首个可以挖矿、开发、运行合约的在线版本。
- Homestead:于 2016 年 3月 14 日发布,有一些协议的更改,更加稳定。
- Metropolis:未发布——从命令行界面升级到图形界面。
- Serenity:未发布——从工作量证明升级到权益证明(Casper)。
编者注:上述代号也被认为是以太坊的路线图和发展的不同阶段。在原文成章的时候(2016 年 10 月),Metropolis(“大都会”)阶段还未发布。2017 年 10 月,Metropolis 的第一阶段 Byzantine(“拜占庭”)发布;2019 年 2 月,Metropolis 第二阶段 Constantinople(“君士坦丁堡”)发布,并且,有望于 2019 年末进入 Serenity 的第一阶段。
Editor's note & #xff1a; the above codename is also considered to be the road map and different stages of development in the Tai family. & #xff08; October & #xff09; #xff0c; Metropolis #xff08; Metropolis & #xff09; phase not yet published. October 2017 & #xff0c; Metropolis phase I Byzantine( Byzant & #xff09; xff1b; February 2019 xff0c; Metropolis phase II Constantinple & Xff08; Constantinople & xff09; #xfff0c; and xff0c; expected to enter the first phase of Serenity by late 2019.
The ETA development team works to create a world computer that does not stop, resists censorship and goes to the centre & #xff0c; can run computing, store data and allow interaction.
Ether has a public , non-licensed open source version xff0c; a copy of the code has been adopted and adapted to a private network. Public versions and private networks address different issues.
Although the current technology is not yet mature xff0c; but xff0c; we believe that the software xff0c, which has been used, tested, developed and developed in the Etherpau, will grow more robustly.
In the block chain world #xff0c; Etheria is one of the most exciting technologies #xff0c; future developments deserve to be looked forward to.
10 月 3 日 更新:
October 3rd Updatexff1a;
有人评论说我没有介绍关于 The DAO(一个 “去中心化自治组织” )的内容。The DAO 类似于基于大众风险投资基金的智能合约。有黑客钻了智能合约中编码漏洞的空子,转走了智能合约中的资金。我也没有谈到 “以太坊经典”(Ethereum Classic)。2016 年 7 月 20 日,黑客入侵 The DAO,出于对以太坊核心开发者应对策略的反对,Ethereum Classic 从主链中独立了出来,成为另一条公链。以太经典有名为 ETC 的独立货币,ETC 和 ETH 在第 1920 块之前共享同一段区块链。
It was commented that I did not introduce the contents of the DAO( a “decentralized self-government organization” & #xff09; The DAO is similar to an intelligent contract based on a popular venture capital fund. There are hackers drilling into an empty coding gap in an intelligent contract & #xff0c; transferring funds from an intelligent contract. I also did not speak of the “Etheria Classic” & #xff08; Etheum Classic & #xff09; xff09; 20 July 2016 & xff0c; hacking the DAO #xff0c; sharing the same sector chain with ETH prior to block 1920.
本文意在简介以太坊,而 DAO 和 Ethereum Classic 都是进阶话题,感兴趣的读者可以阅读拙著《比特币和区块链的基础》作进一步的了解。
This paper is intended to provide a brief overview of the & #xff0c in the Tails; while DAO and Etheum Classic are both progressive topics & #xff0c; interested readers can read the “Backgrounds of Bitcoin and Block Chains” for further information.
link: < ?https://bitsonblocks.net/1916/10/02/gentle-introduction-otherium/
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