
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:47 评论:0
姓名:李昕洲? 学号:16030120026Name: Li Xuan Chau No: 16030120026转载自:http://m.uczzd.cn/webview/news?app=smds-iflow&aid=474526884...



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姓名:李昕洲? 学号:16030120026

Name: Li Xuan Chau No: 16030120026


Reproduced from: http://m.uczzd.cn/webview/news?app=smds-iflow&aid=47452688408623500&cid=0&zzd_from=smsc-normalindex&uc_param_str=dndsfrvesvnnpfgicp&recoid=&rd_type=reco&sp_gz=0


: This paper will provide you with an account of the Bitby and the reasons why it was blocked.


: Bitby, Hiding, Decentization, Risk, Seal.


: What's the Bitby? What's the character? Why is it blocked?


[Embedded cow text]:


At the beginning of November, China’s three main Bitcoin trading platforms stopped trading. On November 14, Sichuan Power sent an emergency notice to the grid power station, claiming that Bitcoin production was illegal, and that all of the grid stations stopped Bitcoin production.


China killed Bitcoin.


Indeed, China was not the first country to block Bitcoin, as early as September 29th of this year, when South Korea’s financial regulatory authorities ordered the closure of Bitcoin. In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin posed a serious risk of allowing money-laundering, tax evasion, and even the financing of terrorism, to create fraud schemes that would inevitably affect ordinary citizens.


So, what's wrong with Bitcoin? Why are Russia, China, South Korea closing the Bitcoin deal?


What the hell is Bitcoin?


In his vision, Bitcoin did not have a fixed currency issuer, but was generated by computer computing. The process of manufacturing Bitcoin was like using a large number of computers to solve equations, and when the results were calculated, you had the corresponding bitcoin.


A miner for Bitcoin.


That way, any computer connected to the network could be used to make bitcoin. In other words, anyone could be involved in making bitcoin as long as they had computers and networks.


Perhaps someone would ask whether, since anyone could be involved in making bitcoin, bitcoin could also be misdirected by the large number of players involved.


In designing the bitcoin, China made a restriction by controlling the amount of bitcoins to 21 million bitcoins. And the speed of bitcoins is inversely proportional to the computing power of bitcoins.


In other words, the more people involved in making bitcoin, the slower the speed with which they get bitcoin. By way of example, making bitcoin is a bit of gold-grabbing, and you can start to find more gold. But the gold in the gold mine is being exploited over time, and the less it is found.


It is this way to control the speed at which Bitcoin is made and to avoid inflation.


In essence, Bitcoin is a digital symbol that consumes electricity and calculates resources. And this number symbol is recognized by some parts of the world as having general equivalents and, to some extent, monetary functions.



Bitcoin scenario


What are the characteristics of Bitcoin?


Bitcoin is characterized by decentralisation, worldwide circulation, concealment, etc.


Decentralization means that neither the issuance nor the liquidation of Bitcoins depends on the central bank. The dollar, the pound sterling, and the renminbi are issued by the state. Unlike Bitcoins, which are made by computer computing, the issue of Bitcoins has nothing to do with the central bank of any country.


At the same time, the liquidation of Bitcoin did not have a centralized payment system.


What's a centralized payment system?


In the case of the renminbi, for example, when we are shopping online, we charge 1,000 dollars to the seller’s account through a web-based bank account. If the seller is also a firm’s account, then only the firm does mathematics plus or minus on your and the seller’s account. If the seller’s account is in the farmer’s bank, then there will be a transfer of funds between the firm and the farmer’s office, which will be done by the central bank’s liquidation system, with a reduction in the bank’s account and an addition to the company’s account.


The People's Bank is known as a bank.


Throughout the process, the central bank’s liquidation system is a centralized payment system. The flow of every money, the amount of money in each account, is clear by reference to the central bank’s and commercial bank’s records.


By contrast, Bitcoin is a distributed virtual currency, using a sort of “broadcast” mode of liquidation. When a transaction occurs, it is automatically broadcast to users close to the network node, who receive the information and then broadcast to users around the network node, resulting in a domino effect that spreads throughout.


Bitcoin has access to the Internet worldwide.


Worldwide circulation means that anyone can manufacture and sell bitcoins as long as they have access to the Internet. And such acts are not restricted by the state. For example, in China, the renminbi is used, but in order to travel abroad, it is necessary to exchange foreign currency and use foreign currency.


Bitcoin, on the other hand, can cross the borders of sovereign states, as long as both parties to the transaction agree to Bitcoin, which can circulate across borders. And, since Bitcoin is not controlled by any central bank of any country, it can be transferred rapidly across the globe through the Internet.


In traditional bank transfers, the identities of both parties are recorded in the bank’s database.


Bitcoin's Risk


Bitcoin transactions have been suspended by countries such as Russia and China mainly because of the great risks and dangers inherent in Bitcoin.


For example, after WikiLeaks became the United States government’s target, the US government forced payment companies such as Visa, MasterCard, and Baebao to shut down WikiLeaks’ payment channels. Then WikiLeaks used Bitcoins to make payments, circumventing the US government’s oversight.


Bitcoin’s covertness has also prevented governments from tracking criminal activity through the flow of funds. This has led Bitcoin to do so in many grey, blood-colored areas.


Bitcoin had been used extensively in such illegal areas as tax evasion, money-laundering, smuggling, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings and trafficking in human organs, and some forces had even used bitcoin to finance terrorist organizations.


It is for this reason that Russian President Putin has publicly stated that encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin pose a serious risk by allowing money-laundering, tax evasion and even the financing of terrorist activities, and by creating fraudulent schemes that will inevitably affect ordinary citizens.


Because of the global circulation of Bitcoins, domestic consortia can exchange the renminbi for bitcoins and then enter into transactions with abroad to convert bitcoins into United States dollars or euros. In this way, they can circumvent government foreign exchange regulations. Once such transactions reach a certain scale, they can have a negative impact on the country’s financial security.


Since entering a slavery society, precious metals such as gold and silver have been widely used as currencies. Once the gold standard has been established, the country has issued a banknote with a corresponding amount of gold as security.


Although banknotes are now delinked from gold, banknotes issued by a country are used as collateral in the country's national letter, and the country's fiscal revenues, natural resources, industrial agricultural production capacity, gold storage, foreign exchange reserves, etc. are a strong guarantee of paper currency.


By contrast, Bitcoin does not guarantee the corresponding gold, nor does any sovereign country endorse it, and the Internet currency itself has no value. Bitcoin’s price is entirely controlled by the international players behind it.


Marx: Gold and silver are not natural currencies, but money are natural.


Finally, bitcoin's design is flawed. Like how much money is in our accounts, stored in the bank's database records, no one can modify your account except the bank. Because bitcoin itself does not have a centralized payment system, it uses a endorsement that most users know, which means that only 51% of network node users think you have 100 bitcoins in your account, the entire network recognizes 100 bitcoins in your account.


Then, once an interest group or even a country manipulates 51% of its computing power, it is enough to manipulate the transaction and modify the bitcoin balance in the user account. Indeed, there is a perception that the entire Bitcoin network is already strong and difficult to overturn.


The state-level attacker could use a bug in Bitcoin's design to attack.


A few years ago, scientists were also developing a 10-P-class super-count, and last year's 100-P Light was born, and scientists are planning to develop a 1,000-P-calculus by 2020. That is the pace of technological progress that made it seem like a more economical network in the past, which is quite common in the face of new technologies, and the future country-level assailants can control more than 51% of the computing power with more advanced and more robust computers.


Concluding remarks


It must be emphasized that, because bitcoin is not of any value in itself, and because of its design gaps, the investment in bitcoin is simply a highly risky financial gambler. For bitcoin, Jordan Belfort, the main character of the film Wolves on Wall Street, says, “it's much worse than anything I've ever done,” and claims that bitcoin is the “greatest fraud in history” and that it is unmanageable in the eyes of everyone.


It is precisely because Bitcoin is likely to leave ordinary investors at risk and to be well suited to their own illegal activities and may even have a negative impact on national financial security that countries like China, Russia, South Korea, etc. have stopped trading in bitcoin.




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