2023年2月16日深圳奧冠星娛演藝經紀有限公司的鄭冰冰擔任香港元宇宙引擎啟動大會的主持人,其精湛的主持水平和广泛的舞台经验得到大会的认可和高度好评,使得本次大會圆满成功!这是在香港香港通关后的首次大型盛会,在香港的亞洲國際博覽館盛大舉行,主辦單位隆重邀請了明星任達華,模特兒琦琦,鍾鎮濤,鄭錦輝,潮媽陳安琪,OPGi東明集團主席黎東明Tina Lai,國寶級藝術大師張長河,梁偉基Ivan Leung,鍾東寶Criss Chung,葉為民Patrick Yip等等。此次盛舉為未來元宇宙之路墊下來非常好的買入信號!期帶元宇宙業務會給更多投資者帶來一個新的牛市!
On February 16, 2023, the Hong Kong Senate Space Engine was inaugurated as the host of the Hong Kong Senate Space Engine, and its excellent chairmanship and extensive stage experience were recognized and highly appreciated by the General Assembly. This was the first major event since Hong Kong customs opened in Hong Kong. It was held at the International Museum of Asia in Hong Kong, where the co-organizers invited Star Edwards, Model Qi Qi Qi, Song Qi Qi, Xiao Xi, Tian Xi, Tina Liang, President of the OPGi Dongming Group, Liao Dongming Liang, the Grand Master of State's Art, Liang Ki-Ivan Leung, Tong Po Cris Chung, People's Patrick Yip, and so forth. The launch brought a new cow market to more investors.
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