The key elements of the definition of options are as follows:
(i) A right is a right. The contract of a right involves at least two parties, the buyer and the seller. The holder has rights but is not subject to corresponding obligations.
(ii) The subject matter of the options. The subject matter of the options refers to assets that are selected for purchase or sale. It includes stocks, government bonds, currencies, stock indices, futures of commodities, etc. The options are the subject matter of these targets “ derivatives & rdquo; and therefore derivative financial instruments. It is worth noting that the subject matter is not necessarily owned by the seller of the options. The options can be “ they are sold off & rdquo; or they are not necessarily intended to buy the subject matter of the assets. Therefore, the parties need not make physical delivery of the subject matter at the maturity of the options, but simply to make up the price difference.
(iii) Date of expiry. The agreed date of expiry of the right is referred to as &ldquao; date of expiry & & rdquao; if the right can only be executed on the date of expiry, it is referred to as the European option; if the right can be executed at any time before and after the date of expiry, it is referred to as the United States option.
(iv) execution of the option. The purchase or sale of the asset under the option contract is referred to as &ldquao; execution & rdquao;
Equity (limited liability companies) and shares (a limited liability company) are all rights of shareholders as owners on the basis of shareholders’ qualifications. Simply put, the acquisition of shares means that they are already shareholders in the company.
& & ldquo; options & rdquo; is a right that the company grants the person to whom the incentive is given the right to purchase a certain amount of shares of the company at a predetermined price and under conditions for a certain period of time in the future, which may be exercised after
形象来说,股权代表股东,而期权更多的是带着激励的使命而存在。 In image terms, equity represents shareholders, while options are more present with inspired missions.
期货交易的标的物是标准的期货合约;而期权交易的标的物则是一种买卖的权利。期权的买方在买入权利后,便取得了选择权。在约定的期限内既可以行权买入或卖出标的资产,也可以放弃行使权利;当买方选择行权时,卖方必须履约。 The subject matter of the futures transaction is a standard futures contract; the subject matter of the futures transaction is a right to buy and sell. A buyer with a right of option acquires a right to buy.
(二)投资者权利与义务不同 (ii) Different rights and obligations of investors
期权是单向合约,期权的买方在支付权利金后即取得履行或不履行买卖期权合约的权利,而不必承担义务;期货合同则是双向合约,交易双方都要承担期货合约到期交割的义务。如果不愿实际交割,则必须在有效期内对冲。 The right of option is a one-way contract, and the buyer of the right acquires the right to perform or not to perform the contract of purchase and sale upon payment of the right; the futures is a two-way contract, and both parties to the transaction have an obligation to deliver the contract when it is due.
(三)履约保证不同 (iii) Different performance bonds
在期权交易中,买方最大的风险限于已经支付的权利金,故不需要支付履约保证金。而卖方面临较大风险,因而必须缴纳保证金作为履约担保。而在期货交易中,期货合约的买卖双方都要交纳一定比例的保证金。 In options transactions, the buyer’s greatest risk is limited to the right money already paid, so that there is no need to pay the performance bond. The seller is at greater risk and therefore has to pay the bond as security for performance. In futures transactions, both parties to futures contracts pay a percentage of the bond.
(四)盈亏的特点不同 (iv) Different features of profit and loss
期权交易是非线性盈亏状态,买方的收益随市场价格的波动而波动,其最大亏损只限于购买期权的权利金;卖方的亏损随着市场价格的波动而波动,最大收益(即买方的最大损失)是权利金,;期货的交易是线性的盈亏状态,交易双方则都面临着无限的盈利和无止境的亏损。 A futures transaction is a non-linear profit or loss state in which the buyer's earnings fluctuate with the volatility of market prices, and its maximum loss is limited to the right amount of the right to purchase; the seller's loss fluctuates with the volatility of market prices, with the maximum gain (i.e. the buyer's maximum loss) being the right amount; and the futures transaction is a linear profit or loss state in which both parties face unlimited profits and endless losses.
(五)作用与效果不同 (v) Different effects and effects
期货的套期保值不是对期货而是对期货合约的标的金融工具的实物(现货)进行保值,由于期货和现货价格的运动方向会最终趋同,故套期保值能收到保护现货价格和边际利润的效果。期权也能套期保值,对买方来说,即使放弃履约,也只损失保险费,对其购买资金保了值;对卖方来说,要么按原价出售商品,要么得到保险费也同样保了值。 As futures are hedged not for futures, but for the financial instruments (off-the-shelf) that are the subject of futures contracts, the hedging will have the effect of protecting spot prices and marginal profits because the movement of futures and spot prices will eventually converge. The options will also hedge against the buyer’s insurance premiums, even if the performance is waived, and its purchase funds will be saved; for the seller, either the goods will be sold at the original price or the insurance premiums will be equally protected.
操作上国内没有期货期权,可以参照一下权证,他是一种简单的股票期权。期货的操作就像目前国内3个交易多是品种一样,世界上各个交易所的交易规则没有完全相同,但原理是一样的,你要看你做什么品种,然后具体学习这个交易所的规则。 There are no futures options in the country, and you can refer to the title card, which is a simple stock options. The futures operate as if there are currently three types of transactions in the country, and the rules of the world's exchanges are not exactly the same, but they are the same, and you have to look at the variety of you, and then learn about the rules of the exchange.
以上便是找法网小编为您带来关于期权是什么的相关法律知识,根据以上表述,期权是一种合约,合约持有人在特定期限内可以购进或售出的一种资产的权利。若大家有什么不了解的亦或是有其他疑问的可以咨询找法网的律师。 If you do not know anything about it, or if you have any other doubts, you can consult a lawyer.
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