At the beginning of September, the market value of bitcoin hovered around $190 billion, while bitcoin prices hovered around $10,000. Over the past two months, however, bitcoin prices have risen to $15,000. Bitcoin has soared from $190 billion to about $280 billion.
Bitcoin has the same market value as the 18th largest commercial company in the United States.
(图片来源网络,侵删)如果比特币的估值与在美国上市的公司相比,它将与第 18 大公司不相上下。
If Bitcoin's valuation were to be comparable to that of a company listed in the United States, it would be comparable to the 18th Big Company.
美国第17大公司是家得宝(Home Depot),市值3060亿美元。Verizon以2420亿美元市值排在其后,两者之间存在很大差距。
The 17th largest company in the United States is Home Depot, with a market value of $306 billion. Verizon is ranked after $242 billion.
Since the market value of Bitcoin is currently approximately $280 billion, it is larger than that of all but the top 17 companies in the United States.
近几个月比特币超过的公司包括 Netflix、PayPal、美国银行、可口可乐、Salesforce 和迪士尼(Disney)等大公司。
Companies that have exceeded Bitcoin in recent months include the major companies Netflix, PayPal, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Salesforce and Disney.
按估值计算,比特币仍落后于美国三大金融机构,即 Visa、Mastercard和摩根大通(JPMorgan)。要让比特币的市值超过这三家公司,那么比特币价格需要达到 2.3 万美元,即市值达到 4260 亿美元。
By valuation, Bitcoin still lags behind the three major United States financial institutions, namely Visa, Mastercard and JPMorgan. To allow Bitcoin to exceed the market value of the three companies, Bitcoin would need to reach $23,000, or $426 billion.
However, if we are to catch up with apples, the price of bitcoin must be around $120,000. Apples are the largest market company in the world, with a market value of $2 trillion.
Investors are beginning to realize the asymmetrical risk payback potential of Bitcoins.
与此同时,分析师预计 BTC 将在 2020 年全年和 2021 年初反弹,并预计 BTC 将进入价格发现阶段,创下历史新高。
At the same time, the analysts expect BTC to rebound throughout 2020 and early 2021, and BTC is expected to enter the price discovery phase to reach an all-time high.
2017 年,比特币在 2016 年区块奖励减半 15 个月后创下新高。BTC 在 2020 年 5 月再次减半,因此根据历史周期,2021 年中期达到新峰值的可能性仍然很高。
In 2017, Bitcoin reached a new high 15 months after
从长期来看,加密货币投资者和分析师表示,比特币被视为一种持久的价值储存手段,这将推高其估值。 In the long term, crypto-currency investors and analysts have indicated that Bitcoin is seen as a permanent tool for storing value, which will push its valuation up. Tyler Reynolds 曾就职于谷歌和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)。他表示,比特币的固定供应量使其成为对冲政府支出的有力工具。 Tyler Reynolds, who worked at Google and Morgan Stanley, said that the fixed supply of Bitcoin had made it a powerful tool to hedge government spending. 他写道,“按照目前形势的发展,下一轮牛市将由 BTC 引领,这正是大佬们自 2011 年以来一直在说的话:比特币的硬供应上限使其成为一种持久的主权货币(SoV),因为各国政府将法定货币贬值,以支持不受约束的政府支出。” He wrote, “In the light of current developments, the next round of the cattle market will be led by BTC, which the big man has been saying since 2011: the hard supply cap of Bitcoin makes it a lasting sovereign currency (SoV), as governments depreciate the legal currency to support unbridled government spending.” 亿万富翁华尔街对冲基金经理 Paul Tudor Jones 等其他著名投资者认为,比特币是一种理想的通胀对冲工具。 Other prominent investors, such as Paul Tudor Jones, the billionaire Wall Street hedge fund manager, argue that Bitcoin is an ideal inflation hedge. 比特币对机构特别有吸引力,因为它可以在多元化投资组合中充当对冲工具,同时也让投资者接触到比特币不对称的风险回报潜力。 Bitcoin is particularly attractive to institutions because it can serve as a hedging tool in a diversified portfolio, while also exposing investors to the asymmetrical risk return potential of bitcoin. 与 Visa 等公司和黄金等避险资产相比,比特币的市值相对较低,这表明未来十年比特币有进一步增长的巨大空间。 The relatively low market value of Bitcoin compared to risk-free assets such as Visa and gold suggests that there is great scope for further growth in Bitcoin over the next decade. 免责声明:本文为转载,非本网原创内容,不代表本网观点。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。 如有疑问请发送邮件至:bangqikeconnect@gmail.com If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com
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