Recently, Bitcoin prices have risen to the highest in history, with 32,000 dollars and 210,000 flounders.
然后就有新闻出来,习惯了追涨杀跌的国内韭菜们,坐不住了。果然对一个拿着锤子的人来说,任何东西看起来都像是钉子,当晚就有2万6千个锤子,哦不2万6千个散户,新开了比特币账户,下一阶段 恐怕就是中国大妈要在线抢币喽。
And then there's the news, and it's used to chasing down and falling domestic pickles. And for a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and there's 26,000 hammers that night, no more than 26,000 scattered homes, a new bitcoin account, and I'm afraid the next stage is that China's mom is going to rob it online.
If you want to be a digital money investor too, this article will help you.
In fact, besides Bitcoin, there are air coins, coins, coins, millions of dollars in digital currency, you can't understand, you can't buy them, but you can't be fooled by it.
Who has been deceived by it? It is a coincidence that my friends, apart from being a pup with tens of thousands of real powders, are old-timers in currency circles, chainers, who have already visited the industry three years ago.
In this article, talk about the money that I and my friends could have earned in those years, but were afraid to make.
1. Bitcoin's father:
When I learned that bitcoin had come back, did I remember the young man who fought side by side, the ring of coins, now that he was free of wealth?
One phone connection passed, little brother: No! But he remembered that until September 2018, 2017 and until September 2018, he was in a good mood, that there were so many white papers in the currency circle that he could write, that he paid 30,000 dollars for a job, and that he would be in the bag for three days as soon as possible.
What's the white paper? Not the band that got out this year's Lecter, but a business finance scheme for digital money, commonly known as PPT, that makes people pay. The first white paper in the currency circle is the bitcoin white paper.
As a decentralized currency, Bitcoin was born in 2008 by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, swept through a global financial catastrophe.
At that time, a group of elites found that the highly central Fed and large banks had significant systemic risks, including a hundred-year-old company from Lehman Brothers, who said that bankruptcy would be bankrupt, that his own wealth would not be secured, and that many people had seriously shaken their confidence in sovereign currencies.
精英联盟中呢,就有一个叫中本聪的神秘人Satoshi Nakamoto,与那些整天吵吵的嘴强王者不同,中本聪眼疾手快,发布了一篇论文《比特币:一种点对点电子货币系统》。
In the elite league, there is a mysterious man named Satoshi Nakamoto, who, unlike those who argue all day long, has a fast eye, and has published a paper, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Currency System.
It's not long, nine pages of paper, and it's perfect for bitcoin origins, principles, and visions. It can be said that the market value of $499 billion in bitcoin is now created by this paper, a page worth more than $50 billion, and Loyang's paper is less expensive than it is.
When it comes to bitcoin, it has to be said that the technology behind it, the block chain, as you know, can be understood simply as an electronic book of accounts to be used for bookkeeping, but the difference between this book and the books of traditional banks is that the bank’s books are kept in a specific server room, a centre, at best, with its own backup, while Bitcoin’s distributed books, which are recorded in tens of millions of blocks, record all transfers and balances in this monetary system, are very safe, and, although inefficient, the blocks’ lines largely prevent the possibility of the books being tampered with.
Bitcoin, originally invented to reward those blocks that maintain this account book, is now one of the most successful applications of block chain technology.
This white paper, which covers such knowledge as cryptography and calculus, is a private letter to me from interested partners, and I can share it with you for your own information.
This article learns the spirit of Hawking and tries to be as easy as possible to understand, to go into the shallows, to skip directly, or to see Wu Songjing.
2. Precious pizzas = 1 billion soft girls
Bitcoin's story from a small to a broken circle begins with one of the most expensive pizzas in history.
In the two years since the publication of the Chinese sanity paper, this bitcoin reward has been a very small, self-serving little gift from a code punk to the main broadcaster, circulating only in circles and not worth much.
How low was Bitcoin then? Let me put it this way, that's the Zimbabwe dollar of digital currency.
直到2010年,也就是被发明的两年后,一个名叫Laszlo Hanyecz的程序员,在5月22日这天,花了一万枚比特币(当时价值40美元)成功买到了两个大披萨饼子。
Until 2010, two years after it was invented, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz successfully bought two large pizzas on 22 May, at a cost of 10,000 bitcoins (at that time worth $40).
The day came to be known as the Bitcoin Festival, and the consensus that bitcoin became the world’s first cryptotype of currency. The day after that, the owners of the currency circle would buy pizza, so Bitcoin, the nickname of the neighborhood, would be a big pie.
The programmer who bought pizza with 10,000 bitcoins should be very sorry today because of the market price of these two pizzas.
如今已是两亿八千万美金,这一口下去就是静安区一栋楼 落肚儿里头了。
Now it's $280 million, and that's a building in the Quiet Zone.
But there is only one extreme case in which an investment that fails to move or increase tens of thousands of times, very test of humanity's greed and fear, is able to hold it and eat all the higher gains.
I've been drinking with the same guy in the ring, so let's call him Zhang San. This is the history of Zhang San's family.
He did a gray job, ran a porn site, and ended up in jail.
It was the first snowfall in 2013, with a four-year sentence, and the day he was released, Zhang San suddenly discovered that he could not pay a fine or bail until he went to prison, and suddenly he was free of wealth.
It turns out that many of the website’s clients used bitcoin to pay for their services in order to protect their privacy. The year he lost his website, the price of bitcoin was 30 dollars in 2013, just in time for his release from prison, when Bitcoin had experienced two waves of sudden drops and 20,000 dollars.
一方面因为手里实在太多了,根本花不完,另一方面,他说自己就像是被赛博之神救赎了一样,决定长期持有并宣传比特币,树立起了bitcoin,to the moon的信仰。
On the one hand, because he had too many hands to spend, he said he had decided to hold and promote Bitcoin for a long time, as if he had been redeemed by the God of Cyber, and had built up his faith in bitcoin, to the moon.
3. Bitcoin, rather?
bitcoin,to the moon这句币圈黑话是啥意思呢?就是说比特币上涨很猛,都快涨到月球上去了。
What do you mean, bitcoin, to the moon, that bitcoin is going up so fast, it's going up to the moon.
But this is not the first time that Bitcoin has gone to heaven. Since 2008, Bitcoin has experienced four waves of cattle, so what year is the second wave of recognized Bitcoin cattle?
I was in the third wave of digital-currency cattle in 2017, actually a technocrat, because there was an event called ICO on the market, and you can understand it simply as a popular IPO.
It's because you see that bitcoin is so high, it's so low, it's just nine pages of paper, and those players who have a certain financial power, of course, want to copy it themselves.
Exactly, how easy was it to find a technology on the market that would help individuals to distribute digital money easily?
The code is open-sourced, and the 6,000-a-month programmer reproduces it directly and changes it to give a single key to the currency, which is very low-cost, but the returns are high as long as there is a handler.
How hot was ICO? So, you can find tens of thousands of digital currencies on the market at most before our country banned ICO.
The greater the number of soldiers, the greater the value of the regular army, when the currency circles began to say that bitcoin is the gold of the digital currency, the silver of the encrypted currency, which is now the two most valuable.
4. One day in the air, one year in a circle .
I've seen ICO pay 99.9 per cent, I've sold 100 per cent, and I don't see any practical value, just to do it.
I've been drinking with at least 10 project leaders, as they say in private, and these are commonly known as argon coins, like JK uniforms the world's air skirts, buy air, buy loneliness.
Some of the ICOs are even non-compliant and fall into two broad categories: the money plate model, the old Ponzi, the lower the cost of cutting vegetables through the currency, the earlier they are bought, the later the dealer pulls the plate, increases the price of the currency a few waves, then spreads good news, hires the big man to stand on the table, ends with a harvest, falls off the road.
Another type of game, or more, is distribution boards, distribution + digital currency, for example, because of the anonymity of the encrypted currency itself, which is difficult to trace, but only to the address of the block.
These people, who came from the distribution circle, were organized, motivated and, most importantly, offline resources available, that was the social thinking that prevailed at the time.
Each of them is a pool of talented people who speak and listen, teach you how to operate, when to buy, when to sell, and then share some of the chestnuts that have gone ashore overnight, and the pickles have longed their necks. They were sold in air, and now you have an app to check the balance.
If you want to sell numbers, cut vegetables, you have to do the whole thing, and these false digital currencies are usually packed up to the top.
There's an interesting little detail shared here, when each sender was willing to spend a lot of money on a particularly tall logo, a graphic designer I knew, a part-time drawing logo, and it's easy to get 450,000 dollars a month.
It's just a profit-making effect, like having a meeting or wrapping a nightclub, and a lot of princesses giving soft language to the block chain media, often after a rainfall overnight. Remember, at the end of the month, there was 30,000 people in the North looking for an experienced chain reporter.
When the coins were hot, everything seemed to be fast-tracked, and the old players who came in first came up with a new digital money bar, and the “stand” would receive 5 per cent of the coin's coin as a reward, even though the coins were fired for zero, without preventing several waves of cabbage from being cut before zero.
Currency-circle investors can be said to be crazier than any other field, with the most typical feature of not sleeping, when the largest currency-circumstance community, called “3 o'clock sleepless”, was hot in the crowd at 3:00 a.m. to discuss today's currency raise and fall.
And the measure of the quality of a currency is a 100-fold increase in the price of one night, a 100-fold rise in the price of one, and a one-night payout for the rest of a person's life, which is a legend, a day in a world, a year in a circle of coins.
4. . > .
However, the insides of the coin ring quickly arrived, and the only ones who made the money were lost, and even some of the people I knew who were sitting on the estate, were later embezzled by the Wenzhou Monets, some of whom accidentally cut off some of the big players in the ring and disappeared directly in the circle.
但是正如在淘金潮中,赚到钱的 往往是卖淘金工具的人,代运营项目的、做区块链媒体的、运营社群的、开线下发布会的,是捞了波快钱。
But as in the gold rush, it's often the people who sell gold tools, run projects, do block-chain media, run communities, publish underline, and make quick money.
In the second half of 2017, hundreds of houses were set up in the chain media, mainly in Beijing, where everyone worked together to cut the vegetables in a clear manner. The cutting of vegetables became the popular language of that time, No. 01, a new book by Li laughter, " Self-repairing of a pickle ", and the name of Big Di's Mansion in the United States.
他还发了个代币,就叫韭菜币,还有一个叫嫩模币,打出的口号是“一币一嫩模”,就像是当代艺术的解说词,每个字都认识,合在一起,你听听:当时造成的社会影响非常恶劣,但是这个贼喊捉贼的命名法则并不妨碍浮躁的年轻人们All IN入场。
He also sent out a token, called a coin, and a coin called a coin, with the slogan “a coin is a coin”, like an explanation of contemporary art, each word known, and taken together. Listen: the social impact was terrible, but the thief's name-calling for a thief did not prevent all-disturbed young men from entering the field.
Yes, if you go to the underworld meetings as well, you will find that 80 per cent of young people like me are protagonists after 90, and they are more or less aware of the fact that ICO is essentially a fan of flowers, and that humans are very restless enough to listen to the story of one night's richness, beginning with the fact that currency-circle operators prefer to refer to former entrepreneurs as the classical Internet to highlight their new trends and superiority.
到了2017年9月4号发布《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》开始明令禁止ICO的时间,大家又开始恐惧被叫作币圈的转而强调自己玩的是链圈(区块链圈)的 ,是搞的技术流。
By the time the ICO was banned from being banned by the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing, issued on 4 September 2017, people began to fear being called currency circles and stressed that they played chains (block chains) and technical flows.
And then the National Team came in, and the regular army came in, and the first thing was the original clean-up, which meant a bit of a dissipation, and it was not until recently that the price of Bitcoin went up in circles of friends that blew up a few old-timers.
One of his former colleagues, who had five bitcoins four years ago, wanted to sell them in the company, offered them for 2,000 dollars, asked who they wanted, and I didn't buy them, but I didn't regret it. Why not regret it? It's useless to regret it.
连线最后,小老弟感概道,他确实见过好几个同龄人,靠炒币财富自由了的,但是急降的财富往往伴随着 身体透支、离异、兄弟反目,许多亲密关系的终结,一些人患上了抑郁症。凭运气赚来的钱,最后凭本事亏掉了。
At the end of the connection, my brother felt that he did meet several of his peers, who were free of money, but the drop in wealth was often accompanied by overdrafts, divorces, brother-to-man, the end of many intimate relationships, and some suffered from depression.
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