This guide will provide you with a detailed description of your operations.
Since Bitcoin cash is a relatively new encrypted currency, the number of large international exchanges supporting it is very limited, especially when it is sold in statutory currencies. It may be easier to convert bitcoin cash to other encrypted currencies.
For example, Poloniexx and (where bitcoin cash is listed as 39; BCC') allows users to trade bitcoin in bitco cash, in Taipan or Teher. If you want to sell bitco cash, you probably already know how to sell it through the exchange and wallet. If you are a new hand, you can see our guide to "how to buy bitcoin cash".
If you are not a fan of the exchange, or if you wish to avoid the exchange from linking your personal bank accounts and authenticating your identity (which may take a few days), you can use services such as and , which provide a wide range of encrypted currency in-time exchange services. Both platforms support Bitcoin cash.
目前,全球有Coinbase、Kraken和Cex.io这三个大型交易平台,您可以用比特币现金兑换法定货币。 Coinbase仅允许以美元出售比特币现金。Kraken支持欧元,而Cex.io支持美元、欧元以及英镑。
Currently, , and
请记住,如果您想用比特币现金通证兑换现金,您必须把您的个人银行账户与交易所关联,并经历冗长的身份验证程序。一旦您完成了所有步骤,您就可以用现金提款。 大多数交易所只允许提取到已关联的银行账户。这可以通过银行电汇,欧洲客户可以通过SEPA(单一欧元支付区),世界上几乎所有国家的客户都可以通过SWIFT,以及其他选项来实现。此外,Cex.io允许直接从VISA或万事达卡提取美元、欧元或俄罗斯卢布。 Most exchanges only allow access to linked bank accounts. This can be done by bank wire transfers, by European customers through SEPA (a single euro payment area), and by customers in almost all countries of the world through SWIFT, among other options. In addition, Cex.io allows United States dollars, euros, or Russian rubles to be drawn directly from VISA or MasterCard. 根据您所处的位置以及您选择的提款方式,资金可能需要一个工作日到一周的时间才会到账。从交易所提取资金也会产生相关费用,这取决于交易所。 Depending on where you are and how you choose to draw, the funds may take one working day to one week to reach the account. 例如,像Kraken这样的平台,通过SEPA提款收取0.09欧元的费用,通过SWIFT提款则收取60欧元。 Coinbase将会自动计算每次提款的费用。 For example, platforms such as Kraken, which charge Euro0.09 through SEPA withdrawals and Euro60 through SWIFT, will automatically calculate the cost of each withdrawal. 最后,交易所通常会对提款实行日限额和月限额制度,但经过充分验证的用户或公司帐户则没有这些限制。 Finally, exchanges usually apply a system of daily and monthly limits for withdrawals, but there are no such restrictions for fully validated users or corporate accounts. 要了解您选择的提款方式、费用和限额,只需浏览网站并找到“关于”或“F.A.Q.”的相关内容。 To understand the method, cost and limit of drawings you have chosen, you need to view the website and find relevant information about it or F.A.Q. 您可以在此处找到完整的交易所列表,包括越来越多支持比特币现金的亚洲市场本地化交易所。 You can find a complete list of exchanges at , including an increasing number of localized Asian markets that support bitcoin cash. 如果您希望避免与交易所交易和提取相关的所有麻烦,您可以把比特币现金直接出售给另一个人。有一种名为LocalBitcoinCash的服务,它便于用户间的直接交易。您只需发布卖单,或者回复其他人发布的现有买单即可。 If you want to avoid all the problems associated with exchange transactions and withdrawals, you can sell Bitcoin cash directly to another person. There is a service called , which facilitates direct transactions between users. LocalBitcoinCash提供托管服务,只要双方的账户中有足够的资金,就可以实现即时交易。此外,该平台还为您提供了直接联系对方进行面对面交易的选项。 LocalBitcoinCash provides hosting services, which can be made instantaneous as long as there is sufficient funds in the accounts of both parties. 请注意:LocalBitcoinCash是否是一个可靠的平台仍有待观察。 Please note that it remains to be seen whether LocalBitcoinCash is a reliable platform. 或者,您可以使用Meetup.com?查找您当地的比特币现金相关的聚会,在那里您可以与其他比特币现金爱好者会面,并在安全的环境中直接进行交易。 Alternatively, you can use ? Find your local bitcoin cash-related party where you can meet with other bitcoin cash fans and deal directly in a secure environment. 请务必保证您的资金安全。最重要的是,永远不要在交易所提供的钱包里存放大量资金。加密货币历史记录充满了交易所被黑客攻击和关闭的实例,却没有偿还客户的损失。 It is important that you keep your money safe. 此外,如果您使用的是交易所的钱包,您实际上是放弃了对私人秘钥的控制权,进而将您的资金交给了第三方。请您始终将大部分资金存放在自己的钱包里,把您的私钥设定为离线状态,或者考虑投资目前可用的最安全的选项——硬件钱包。有关比特币现金钱包的更多信息,请查看我们的专用指南。 In addition, if you use the exchange’s wallet, you effectively relinquish control of the private key and then hand over your money to a third party. 另请注意,所有的比特币现金交易都是不可撤回的,因此请务必仔细检查您发送的金额,以及您和收款人的地址。 Please also note that all bitcoin cash transactions are irrevocable. 请确保您的账户使用复杂的密码保护。对不同的网站和加密货币交易所相关的服务使用不同的密码也是一个非常棒的主意。 It is also a great idea to use different passwords for different websites and services associated with an encrypted currency exchange. 最后,如果您已经在线下安排了私人会面,请确保在公共场所(如咖啡馆或人来人往的公园)见面。如果您将要进行重要交易的话,千万不要去卖方的家里见面。此外,您还需要主动访问互联网,以签署交易和检查当前汇率。 Finally, if you have arranged a private meeting online, you can see it in a public place (e.g. a café or a park where people come to you). 不幸的是,这个问题并没有直接的答案。加密货币市场在很大程度上仍然难以预测,而且非常不稳定。在5年的时间里,单个比特币现金的价值可以在0美元到几乎任何可想象的数字之间。 Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to this question. The crypto-currency market remains largely unpredictable and highly unstable. In five years, the value of individual bitcoins in cash can range from zero dollars to almost any conceivable figure. 比特币现金在价值和市值方面都属于顶级加密货币之一,并且一直稳步上升。然而,每次交易都会涉及到风险,您应该在做出决定前进行仔细研究。 Bitcoin cash is one of the top encrypted currencies in terms of value and market value and has been rising steadily.
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