
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:42 评论:0
你就说:“这东西,就是你的--重生之路---------------------也是整个人类的--重生之路”。You say, “This thing is your way of rebirth, and it is the way of...



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You say, “This thing is your way of rebirth, and it is the way of rebirth for all mankind”.


What's hot in the last two years? You don't have to ask me about bitcoin, block chains, ICO, and so on.


Why is this thing so hot?


Think of Bitcoin coming out of 2009, less than a dollar in 2010, and now it's more than 40,000 yuan, and I'm not good at math, and I don't know how many times. Let's assume, if I accidentally bought $100 in 2010, that it's 100 bucks, right?


At a time when the US subprime mortgage crisis broke out around the world in 2008, there was a buddy called Nakamoto (no one yet knew who he was and felt like a Japanese), who felt that the existing financial system was in serious trouble, and then he came up with a bitcoin idea that was coded in 2009, and that bitcoin just jumped out. At first, just a small group of programmers were digging, and one day in 2010, a buddy took 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, and from that point on, bitcoins were priced, plus the circulation of the dark web, and bitcoins flew directly.


As you know, a new thing has the potential to destroy the environment, so the attitude of the governments of Bitcoin is also unwelcome, and policies have been put in place to crush bitcoin, causing the price of bitcoin to shake back and forth like a trampling machine, but it's like dropping a drop of red ink into the water, which eventually turns red, no matter how you limit it. So you say that the water is red, and good for water. We just don't know that when this little drop of red ink enters the pool, it can no longer be stopped.


So why does this red ink drop of Bitcoin expand so fast? Is it what many people call a virtual useless code? What has it changed in the end? What is it?


We are now a society in which the currency is issued and endorsed by the State. My deal with you is confirmed by the Government as a third party, which means that the Government has the final rights to account and issue, and Bitcoin, which is not issued by the Government, is generated by the calculation of the node of the network, which means that there is no organization behind it, but by mathematical principles, which totals 21 million, and cannot be changed. There is a complete account book on each node, and I do not need confirmation from a third party, but the entire network is involved. That is interesting. Now, there are more than 200 countries around the world, each country issues its own currency, the global deal is settled by the American currency (United States dollar), and the banks behind the dollar have a lot of power, and today we know that if America wants to sanction a country, it is relatively easy, the United States can print more money to dilute the wealth of other countries, so that the current currency system does not need to be confirmed, and the entire network of the currency can be reduced by a third-party-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-be-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-be-to-be-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-be-t-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-t-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-


As a result of the rapid development of bitcoin, people gradually discovered the technology behind bitcoin, which they felt could also be used to do a lot of things, which was called the “block chain”, and then it was amazing to discover that the block chain was something that could almost transform the whole world, and that our society, apart from the banks, which were the largest third party, had many small third parties and intermediaries everywhere, was a great waste of social resources, and that the most important feature of the block chain was centralization, which would create a completely new rule for humanity, allowing the whole of humanity to move into the next stage of development of the new rule, that is, the “block chain”, which was a new corridor, which was close to the end, and which would guide us into the next future.


But what do we see now? We see price surges and falls, the unwelcome attitude of Governments, the spread of deception, the various attacks by hackers, and the extreme greed of humanity. Yes, but I would say that this is the friction and collision between a new world and the old one, history will only move forward, and the old world will be doomed to collapse.


Human nature is good, and greedy, and the third party behind the deal is human, so there's uncertainty, so how do we cross that uncertainty? The answer is the block chain, 1+1=2, and it's this simple mathematical principle that we humans use across the universe to learn that we are just ant on a grain of sand in the universe's sand, and that the next step we're going to have to build on this chain of irresistible mathematical principles...


What are you waiting for? The future is coming.




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