
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:44 评论:0
5月9日,我去参加了EOS引力区武汉站的线下活动,我这次去的主要目的就是想去感受一下投资EOS同路人的气氛,通过了解别人的想法来提高我对投资区块链资产的认知水平,说白了,就是想通过此行来坚定我长期持有EOS的决心。On 9 May, I w...



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On 9 May, I went to take part in an offline event at the Wuhan station in the EOS gravity zone. The main purpose of my trip was to feel the atmosphere of investing in EOS people and to raise my level of awareness of the assets of the investment block chain by understanding other people's ideas, in order to strengthen my long-standing commitment to EOS.


Before I went to this meeting, I also believed that I would not sell EOS, because I was one who had some rigidity, but that was painful.


I am deeply touched by this participation, the biggest of which is the following:


That's the deepest thing I've ever felt.

水滴资本的大佬李广才,李博士,是复旦大学的计算机科学方面的博士,在2013年的时候,那时的比特币猛涨了一波,最高点是8000元人民币左右,但是那时比特币还只是刚刚被中国人第一次炒起来,只是在一些搞科技的工科男中流行起来,还不为普罗大众所了解,李博士当时对比特币的认知和我们现在普通人对区块链的认知差不多,看不到它的什么应用前景,只是觉得这东西可以通过高买低卖来赚钱, 而且他们技术出身的更牛,通过计算挖一枚比特比需要的成本和当时的市价来算出可以有多大的利润,就这样,他们通过自己的知识储备设计了芯片,在少量投资之后发现这里面存在暴利,于是加大投资,大规模生产芯片,并且开始卖芯片,可是当时的比特币的价格在达到8000元以后一路不断下跌,这直接导致他们生产的芯片卖不出去了, 那卖不出去怎么办?只有把这些卖不出去的芯片做成矿机来卖,但价格还是跌,矿机卖不出去了怎么办呢?自己想办法到四川开矿厂挖矿,当时自己生产的矿机,自己的维护,自己的人力等等,也就是在当时成本已经被控制得很低的情况下,由于比特币的价格一路下跌最终跌破一千元人民币,他们挖出来的比特币是亏本的,没办法,他们只能停下一切挖矿相关的业务,因为再这样下去,他们会破产的。李博士讲到这里时,提到Ocean大神(引力区负责人)当时总共挖到了二十万以上的莱特币,如果按照现在的市场价格来算的话,800元/枚*200000,一点六个亿!可是,当时为了吃饭,他以十元每个的价格全部清掉了,多么可惜呀!

Dr. Lee, a doctor in computer science at the University of Rehabilitation, who was capitalist in water drops, and Dr. Lee, who was a doctor in computer science at the University of Rehabilitation, had a wave of bitcoin in 2013, the highest of which was 8,000 yuan, but then Bitcoin had just been fired for the first time by the Chinese, and was only popular among some of the technocrats, not known to the general public, and Dr. Lee's knowledge of bitcoin at the time and our general knowledge of the chain of district food was similar to that of its applications, but felt that the price of the bitcoin could go down as soon as it reached 8,000 dollars, and that its profit could be measured by the cost of digging a bitby and the market price at the time.


After they stopped the Sichuan mine, they went back to Shanghai to do their business, once when the V Gods went to Shanghai to ask them to eat this batch of miners, and told them that they were going to do a basic public chain project based on bitcoin technology plus smart contracts, and that Dapp could develop different applications on this public chain in the future, but that they were in a state of loss and did not take the words of the 19-year-olds to heart. In Dr. Lee's words, they were politely eating and then saying goodbye to each other, and then they were never able to contact each other again, but we all saw that ETH had achieved a great success, that the cost of a few dollars had risen to about 5,000 now, and that their perception had been greatly affected by the loss of the previous period, so that they had missed this great opportunity.


But they did not sank for too long because of the loss, and when ETH developed and achieved some encouraging results, they seized the opportunity to invest in the chain of wilacies, the quantum chain, and several of the segments that now rank among the top 20 in the market value, and their investment was an early investment, and the profits from each chain were unimaginable. As a result, they took off and succeeded in earning most of their current capital, turning from a technician to a chain investment manager.


From Dr. Lee's experience, I have at least drawn the following conclusions:

区块链资产涨得高也就意味着跌起来也是非常恐怖的,如果你选择all in,你心里迟早会因为自己的生活因此受到巨大影响而最终影响大脑地正常运转而拿不住手中的币,最终选择割肉离场,就像O神一样,在10块钱的时候卖光了手中的二十多万莱特币,最终错过了一个多亿的财富。任何资产,有涨就有跌,涨得越快,跌得越狠,这句话,在区块链投资当中很正确。

If you choose all in, you will sooner or later lose the money in your hands because your life is affected so badly, and eventually cut the meat out of your hand, just like O God, and sell out more than 200,000 Leitneys in your hand at $10, and then miss more than a billion dollars in wealth. Any asset will rise and fall, the faster and the harder it will fall, which is right in the chain of investments.


Any investment, in the end, is an investment in what you think is worth, and when you think something's worth, you buy it, and when you feel that something's worth, you get out of it, and when you feel that something's worth, you get out of it early. The decision is about everyone's awareness of the subject matter of the investment, just about investment, and some people sell the EOS 10 times their money at 30 bucks, but the old cat actually realizes that if Eos succeeds, it's the land reserve in the future chain project, and, as more DAPPs are running on EOS, the need for bandwidth increases, and EOS directly corresponds to the broadband resources on the EOS platform.


So, like us, the O god of the time, because the price of the block chain's assets fell all the way, and his economic pressure was so great that he could not see the value of the future block chain assets. In this case, what a smart man would have done was definitely to stop the damage, so I assume that O must have regretted it, but now he doesn't really regret selling the Leitco then. The money did not belong to him, because his perception was not worthy of holding the wealth of the future.


And now I'm at the stage of O God, or I'm lower than him.


As Dr. Lee missed the opportunity to invest in V.I.E.TH. I believe he regretted it, but he did not always regret it. Instead, he was able to adjust quickly to the trend of love for Western Europe on E.T.H. and directly invested in projects such as the quantum chain and the wreath that caused his assets to surge.


I was inspired by the fact that I was in the currency business in June 17, when I had missed the ETH (at the time it was about 2,000 dollars), when I was a pure white, when I saw Li laughing at the teacher's recommendation and then loving Western Europe for EOS, so I bought nearly a thousand EOS for Western Europe, and because of the subsequent policy, I left this thousand EOS in my hand, at a price of five dollars and 94 falls, and then, because the domestic exchange was closed and I couldn't raise it, I put the 1,000 EOS in my wallet, and I didn't see any more about the value of the block chain for over a month. If anyone came to tell me how good the EOS was, how big the future was, I guess I'd just turn my head around, thinking that this guy was stupid, I'd think that I'd be able to buy my own money, and now I'd have no idea how much more of the E-O-O-O-O-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U


But the reality is that I have only a thousand or so EOS. In his article, the old cat also talks about how he missed Bitcoin and ETH because of his own lack of awareness of the long-term value of these assets, so there is not much bitcoin and ETH in his hand (even if he was already aware of the value of ETH, but he did not believe himself, so he does not have much in his hand), but his perception is constantly rising to the point where he sees the long-term value of EOS, so he has his powerful article, "The Band is a good business ", and that's what makes him a cow like a god.


The problem comes back to me, and now EOS is about a hundred or so, and with my financial resources, it's impossible to make 10,000 EOS investments.


It's good that the white horses in the block chain world will not be the only ones, they will certainly be, and they will grow, and I will no longer regret and look at prices. Rather, I will try to get myself to learn more about the block chain, to find ways to improve the value of discovery, to continue to refine myself, until I can really find out what the value of one or a few projects is, to buy continuously, like a fool, into projects with prospects for the future, and I won't give up, even if the people around me say I'm stupid.




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