Since Bitcoin has had a hot wind all over the world, even the market mother may have held bitcoin, and this huge wealth temptation has led some Internet hackers to launch mad attacks on major exchanges, causing large exchanges to be attacked on an ongoing basis. It is also clear that when buying bitcoins, it is important to choose a bitcoin-based platform for purchasing bitcoins. So, what's the point of a bitcoin purchasing platform?
1, 火币网资产46.91亿美元,共有923个交易对,24小时成交额109.12亿美元。 Of the $4,691 million worth of gunnet assets, a total of 923 transactions were matched, amounting to $10,912 million on a 24-hour basis. 火币交易所原英文名Huobi现已更名为HTX,在2017年初次币圈牛市时候的火币可谓是火遍半边天,一度荣登全球交易量最大的加密货币交易平台,当时火币公司近200名成员具有长期的互联网和金融领域产品研发和运营经验,致力打造最安全可信赖的比特币交易平台。2016年12月22日,火币网第10次刷新平台比特币日交易额纪录,日成交量达501万枚比特币,单日交易额突破300亿人民币。截止2016年末,火币累计成交额达20000亿人民币。 The original English name, Huobi, has now been changed to HTX, and in 2017, when the first-time market for coins was a half-way fire, at a time when nearly 200 of its members had long-standing experience in the development and operation of products in the Internet and financial fields, committed themselves to building the safest bit currency trading platform . On 22 December 2016, the 10th time of the TPN's new platform was recorded in Bitcoin, with a total of <50.1 millionbits on hand on a single day, reaching over 30 billion yuan renminbi. 2、币安网 2, 币安网(点击注册)资产42.38亿美元,共有904个交易对,24小时成交额165.67亿美元。(注意:国内用户目前仅支持邮箱注册!) 币安交易所现在作为币圈大型头部平台,可谓人尽皆知。当年接着94上位,短时期内就栖身头部平台,自身无论是运营还是技术实力还都是比较强的。并且现在在现货交易的基础上不断演进,又加入了合约和期权等衍生品交易的开发,生态上也是日渐完善。 3、Coinbase Pro Coinbase Pro资产22.17亿美元,共有99个交易对,24小时成交额3.34亿美元。 Coinbase Pro had assets of $2,217 million, with a total of 99 transactions of $334 million on a 24-hour basis. Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。 Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes. 4、Bitfinex Bitfinex资产18.48亿美元,共有252个交易对,24小时成交额1.46亿美元。 Bitfinex had assets of $1,848 million, for a total of 252 transactions of $146 million on a 24-hour basis. Bitfinex是全世界最大、最高级的比特币国际站之一,支持以太坊、比特币、莱特币、以太经典等虚拟币的交易,每天的成交量达30多亿人民币。提供币币交易,美元与币的交易。注册非常简单。2016年,Bitfinex大概有12万枚比特币通过社交媒体被盗。受此事件影响,当时比特币价格跌了20%。 Bitfinex is one of the largest and most senior Bitcoin international stations in the world, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ether Classic, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan. Offering currency transactions, dollar-dollar transactions. Registration is very simple. In 2016, Bitfinex was stolen from social media by some 120,000 bitcoins. 5、OKX OKX资产3535.06万美元,共有670个交易对,24小时成交额80.96亿美元。 The assets of OKX amounted to $35,351.06 million, representing a total of 670 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $8,096 million. OKX欧易是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,其丰富的数字资产种类、全球化的交易服务以及多种交易方式使其在市场上具备较强的竞争力,作为2017年就成立的老牌交易所在币圈占有不可撼动的地位。 OKX 6、库币 Six. Coin. 库币资产1856.76万美元,共有301个交易对,24小时成交额1.23亿美元。 库币(KuCoin)是全球知名的数字货币交易服务平台,支持多种数字资产交易。成立于2017年9月,库币已成长为最受欢迎的数字货币交易服务平台之一,目前为全球207个国家和地区的500万用户提供币币、法币、合约、Pool-X、借贷等一站式服务。以“全民的交易服务平台”著称,库币的运营地为塞舌尔,为用户提供多语言、7X24小时客服团队,同时,库币在韩国、日本、西班牙、意大利、越南、土耳其、俄罗斯、印度等地建立了本地化社群,为各地用户提供最本地化的服务。2018年11月,库币获得来自IDG资本和经纬创投的2000万美元A轮融资。 7、Bitstamp Bitstamp资产1.2亿美元,共有22个交易对,24小时成交额1.82亿美元。 Bitstamp had assets of $120 million, with a total of 22 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $182 million. Bitstamp是欧洲的老牌国际站,曾经排名世界第三。 BitStamp创始人是纳杰克·科德里奇(Nejc Kodric),2011年8月,他与戴米安联合创立BitStamp。2013年10月,Bitstamp获1000万美元投资,投资者为Pantera Capital Management。2015年1月,Bitstamp不幸遭遇黑客攻击,价值510万美元的比特币惨遭洗劫,平台一度关闭。不久,Bitstamp劫后重生,目前已恢复正常运营。 Bitstamp, the oldest international station in Europe, was ranked third in the world. Bitstamp’s founder, Nejc Kodric, created Bitstamp in August 2011 in conjunction with Damien. 8、Bitget Bitget资产实力5200万美元,共有716个交易对,24小时成交额106.28亿美元。 Bitget had an asset strength of $52 million, with a total of 716 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $10.628 billion. Bitget是全球领先的加密货币交易所,跟单交易服务是其交易所的主要特色之一,创立于2018年,该交易所目前服务于全球100多个国家和地区的超过2000万用户,一键跟单、现货0手续费和合约交易是Bitget交易所三大特色,低手续费的标语更是吸引了许多新手和经验丰富的交易者。 Bitget is the world's leading encrypted currency exchange 9、MXC MXC资产5000万美元,共有443个交易对,24小时成交额15.09亿美元。 MXC had assets of $50 million, with a total of 443 transactions of $1.509 billion on a 24-hour basis. MXC国际站是由华尔街以及日本欧洲资深量化交易团队联合区块链资深从业者通过去中心化自组织形式创立的一个专注于区块链资产交流和交换的平台。MXC将为用户提供更加安全、便捷、智能的区块链资产流通服务,聚合全球优质区块链资产,融合全球最顶尖的安全技术,致力于打造全球顶级的区块链资产国际站。 The MXC International Station is a platform dedicated to the exchange and exchange of block chain assets created by senior practitioners of Wall Street and Japan’s Senior European Quantified Trading Teams in the form of decentralised self-organization. The MXC will provide users with more secure, easy, intelligent asset flow services for block chain assets, bringing together global high-quality block chain assets, integrating the world’s top security technologies, and working to build a global top-level block chain asset international station. 10、Gate.io Gate.io(点此注册)资产2.04亿美元,共有518个交易对,24小时成交额4.68亿美元。 2020年7月22日,Gate.io品牌全面升级,中文名“芝麻开门”正式启用。 芝麻开门国际站(Gate.io)是一家全球区块链资产国际站,已为来自全球超过224个国家的数百万用户,提供了近五百种优质区块链资产品类的交易和投资服务,从流动性、安全性来说是比较靠谱的交易平台,创立于2013年,是全球交易量TOP10的数字资产交易平台。 On 22 July 2020, the Gate.io brand was fully upgraded and the Chinese name “Sesame Opens” was officially launched. The Gate.io, a global block-chain asset international station, has provided nearly 500 high-quality block-chain asset-type transactions and investment services to millions of users from more than 224 countries worldwide, and is a more robust trading platform in terms of liquidity and security, created in 2013 as a digital asset-trading platform for the global trade volume TOP10. 通过以上介绍,相信大家对于比特币购买平台哪个靠谱这个问题已经有所了解,无论投资者选择哪家比特币购买平台进行投资,都要看清楚该比特币购买平台是否具备完善的风控体系,一般来说,靠谱的比特币购买平台,不仅要有合理的安全架构,更要对系统进行整体的安全测试,对于安全公司已经报出来的安全漏洞要及时自查,避免遭到同样攻击。 In the light of the above, it is believed that the question of which bitcoin purchase platform is based is well understood. Whatever investor chooses to invest in the bitcoin purchase platform, it is important to see whether the bitcoin purchase platform has a well-developed wind control system. In general, the bitcoin purchase platform must not only have a reasonable security structure, but must also be tested for the system as a whole. Security companies that have reported security loopholes must be investigated in a timely manner to avoid similar attacks.
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