If you buy or sell an encrypted currency, of course you need a wallet deposit.
1. 网络钱包(Online Wallet)
1. Online Wallet
2. 软件钱包(Software Wallet)
2. Software Wallet
3. 硬件钱包(Hard Wallet)
3. Hard Wallet
1. Private Key私钥
2. Public Key公钥
3. Address地址
Since Bitcoin transactions are conducted using block chain technology, and the confidentiality and security of Bitcoin is maintained, the composition of the Bitcoin wallet consists of the following three items:
1. Private Key
2. Public Key
3. Address address
Private Key私钥–是你银行的密码及登入ID
Private Key例子: E9873D79C6D87DC0FB6A585633389F4453213303DA61F20BD67FC233AA3859
Private Key – your bank password and ID & nbsp;
Private Key example: E9873D79C6D87DC0FB6A58563389F445533303DA61F20BD67FC283A3859
Public Key公钥–是对外的帐户名称。
Public Key例子: 0205863AD64A87AE8A2FE83C1AF1A8403CB53F53E486D8511DAD8A04887E5B23522CD470243453A299FA9E77237716103ABC11A1DF38855ED6F2EE187E9C582BCC4
Public Key & Ndash; is an external account name.
Public Key Example: 0205863 AD64A87AE8A2FE83C1AF1A8403 CB53E486D8511DAD8A04887E5B23522CD4770243453A299FA9E777777103ABC11A1DF3885E6E2E2E187E9C582BC4
Address –是收取及发送款项的地址,而你可以有很多不同的收发地址,随时生成一个新的地址也可以。
Address例子: 15tj3kCdwAk7a3vxAjA9rxwtZRk7aTWQSb
Address – is the address where the money is received and sent, and you can have many different sending and receiving addresses and generate a new address at any time.
Address example: 15tj3kCdwAk7a3vxAjA9rxwt ZRk7aTWQSb
上面三项,背后的关系是Private Key 私钥可以透过数学方程式生成Public Key 公钥,但公钥则不能逆推出私钥。而Public Key 透过 SHA-256(数学公式) 可以生成不同的Address出来。
The three above relationships are that the Private Key private key can generate the Public Key through a mathematical equation, but the public key cannot be rolled out against the private key. Public Key can generate a different Address through SHA-256 (mathematical formula).
在一般交易中,当收取款项时,只需要提供你的Address 。
In normal transactions, when a payment is collected, only your Address is required.
而若要从你的钱包动用款项支付时,则需要使用Private Key来数码签署这项交易。
In order to be paid out of your wallet, it would be necessary to digitally sign the transaction using Private Key.
矿工便会验证你的Private Key 数码签署和Public Key 是否互相对应,才能确认交易。
The miners will verify that your Private Key digital signature and the Public Key correspond to each other in order to confirm the transaction.
所以保管好你的Private Key是最重要的事,不然别人便可以冒充你来签署进行交易。
So keeping your Private Key safe is the most important thing, or someone else can pretend to be you and sign the deal.
这是最简单易明的一种钱包,如同网上银行/Paypal 付款平台一样,帮你收发及储存比特币。
This is the simplest and most obvious wallet, like the online bank/paypal payment platform, to help you receive, send and store bitcoin.
One of the more popular Internet wallets is Block Chain.Info and others.
但因为你的Private Key 是储存在那些平台上(cloud base),所以安全程度相对地差,只能信任平台的防骇技术。
But because your Private Key is stored on those platforms, it's relatively unsafe to trust the platform's anti-intrusive technology.
The wallets are installed on your computer and the books are synchronized to your computer.
Software Wallet 好处是被hack的风险会比online wallet 低,坏处是需要自己进行维护和备份,以避免当电脑坏掉时或比黑客入侵时而导致整个钱包遗失了,不然到时候黑客进不了,连你自已也进不了,到时你的BTC则完全没掉。
Software Wallet has the advantage of being less risky by hack than ononline wallet, and it has the disadvantage of having to maintain and back up itself in order to avoid the loss of the entire wallet when computers fail or when hackers invade. Otherwise, hackers won't be able to get in, you won't be able to get in, and your BTC will not be lost at all.
比较有名的Software Wallet名为Electrum。
The more famous Software Wallet is called Electrum.
Essentially, it is an external device (USB), with access to computers and networks only when you need to trade, and because of long-term and network breakdowns, that is to say, the opportunity for hackers to steal information is greatly reduced.
如果你不是常交易,和长期持有的话,便会把Hard Wallet 放进银行的保险箱。
If you weren't a regular trader and long-term possession, you'd put Hard Wallet in a safe deposit box at the bank.
有些人会把private key 抄写到纸条上保存,只有在收取款项时才生一个地址Address 作交易。
Some people copy Private Key to save it on a note and only produce an address Address for the transaction at the time the payment is collected.
较受欢迎的Hardware Wallet名为Trezor。
The more popular Hardware Wallet is called Tresor.
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