(1) RMB
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Everyone is well aware that the renminbi is the currency issued by the People’s Bank of China. These money flows to the market, where each person can buy a variety of goods and services when he or she has the money, and the renminbi moves from one person to another. When money flows to the market, a specific number of coins is uncertain at a given time, and the country does not care.
(2) Payment of Treasures
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; payment treasures, including, of course, micro-mails, the balance of which is a data item that is stored on the servers of payment and micro-mail companies. Unlike the renminbi, there is no cost in copying and modifying the data. How do these electronic currencies operate in the market? For example, you have to apply for a payment bond account and then link it to a bank card so that you can transfer the money from the payment treasure to a bank card or revalue the money from the bank card to a payment bond. When you consume it, you must also have a payment account number, so how much money is actually withheld from your payment number, and you pay the other party for the payment.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; this involves data changes in two areas. First, it is bank-related: payment treasures have an account number in each of the major banks, and individuals are charging or cashing their own payment numbers with a bank card, which is actually the change in deposits between the big account number and your account number in the bank. Of course, payment treasure companies will change the value on your payment number. Second, it is not bank-related, the internal data on payment treasures.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; banknotes issued by the state are endorsed by the credit of the state, ensuring the purchasing power of the bank, not waste paper, with the exception of inflation depreciation. Bank’s deposit security is endorsed by bank credit, although our banks are mainly state-owned banks and, of course, by the credit endorsement of the state. Payment of treasures, micro-trust electronic currency payments are backed by the credit of the company’s ants and tethers. If one day antscoat cancels the entire amount of the money in the bank’s accounts and announces that the balance on the payment treasures is a number that makes no sense to you, even directly clear all the balance of the payment treasures account. This is not possible.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the payment of payment bonds, the amount of which varies between payment accounts of different users, is a more complex achievement, the most difficult being how to ensure safety, reliability, and no error, so security is the lifeline of Internet finance.
(3) Bitcoin
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the renminbi, bank cards, payment treasures, etc. mentioned above are all central. The British think historian Akton said in Freedom and Power that power leads to corruption and absolute power leads to absolute corruption. It is more dangerous to trust an institution forever not to do evil.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in order to solve this problem, Bitcoin has taken another approach: in short, to centralize. Everyone has an account book, and the book is public, so everyone can look into it and see when they pay. The second account book can only be written into a new transaction record. Any record that has been written can never be changed, and if anyone tries to tamper with it, everyone can see it. This is similar to the log entry at sea, which cannot be changed when the log is finished.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; focus here on two issues:
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; first, how to make the account book immutable, no matter who changes it can be discovered. You need to use cryptography in a computer. The first is digital signature technology. Bitcoin uses elliptical digital signature algorithms, and the second is Hashi algorithm, and bitcoin uses SHA256.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and second, Bitcoin is a decentralised distributed system, with consistency at its core.
& nbsp; ii, how bitcoin's tampering
(i) How to prevent tampering with transaction records in blocks
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; there are a number of transaction records in each block, and how are these transaction records protected from tampering? For example, A transferred $100 to C. How is it determined that it was a transfer of A when checking the books, and if B says he did, how is it a lie? Here's the digital signature. There's symmetric encryption and non-symmetric encryption in cryptography. The cryptography encryption key and the cryptography key are the same, and not the public and private keys in symmetric encryption are different and present. Bitcoin here is used as an asymmetric encryption: elliptic curve algorithm.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; A person's public key is publicly available on the Internet, and everyone knows that the private key is self-held. Some trusted third-party organizations or companies specialize in digital certificates that issue public and private key pairs. Data encrypted with their own public key can only be broken with their own private key, and data encrypted with their own private key can only be decrypted with their own public key.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The current popular asymmetric cryptography has three main components: RSA password system, password based on discrete logarithm problems and elliptical cryptography. The signature algorithm used in Bitcoin is an elliptical curve algorithm, which is more encrypted than the other two. In Bitcoin, a pair of public and private keys represents a person, the public key of each person is public, and others need to verify whether a message is sent by one person, and only his public key is used to verify authenticity.
(ii) How to prevent the tampering of blocks in the chain of blocks
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; How to ensure that previous blocks are not tampered with. This is to use another technique in computer decryption: Hashi. Hashi differs from the previous symmetric encryption and non-symmetric encryption, which is two-way, reversible, for example, when I encrypt the data with a symmetric encryption key and then use the key to encrypt or sign the data with a public key in asymmetric encryption, the end can be authenticated with a private key or a public key.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and the Hashi function is irreversible, and the Hashi function calculates a summary of the message, which is a very short, fixed-length string, which can be seen as a fingerprint of the message. The Hashi function must meet several conditions. This is operational, that is, it is not irreversible, that you are given a copy of the message. The second Hashi function is less conflict-resistant and completely conflict-resistant. For example, the typical MD5 abstract is 128, which, according to the dovery theory, must be identical.
(iii) Structure and formation of the block chain
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; A description of how trade records in blocks are protected from tampering and how blocks that are already in the block chain system are protected from tampering is provided below.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; First, see what's in each block: First, there are a number of transaction records, and the transaction log for which a single article has been analysed has been digitally signed through a public key password algorithm to determine the authenticity of the record. Second, there is a watchhead, with each block front, where the address of the previous block and the Hashi value of the previous block are stored.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Each block is limited in size and the number of blocks in the block chain is increasing. This creates a one-way chain table, and the most recently generated blocks are at the end of the chain table. The first of these blocks is called the founding blocks.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; First there is only one block A in the system, and block A contains several transaction records that are signed by their respective users' private keys. Block A addresses and Hashi values are broadcast to every member of the system. If block A is modified, others can judge whether the Hashi values are matched by Hashi values.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; After a certain period of operation, block A will not be stored, which will require the addition of block B. The header of block B records the address of block A and the Hashi value, so that the address of block B and Hashi will be broadcast to everyone in the system. The B cannot be tampered with because the Hashi value of block B is in everyone's hands and the same A cannot be tampered with, and the Hashi value of block A stored in block B can also be altered. In this way, the system continues to operate and blocks C and D are added in the same way.
iii. Consensus issues in block chains
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Everyone in the Bitcoin system can check the accounts and see if they have been tampered with. So who's in charge of the bookkeeping, then, is who's in charge of the article's transactional information and who's in charge of the block. It's the simplest thing to write, but it's in contradiction with the idea of centralizing the block chain. So Bitcoin uses a universal accounting method. Here's the problem: the consistency of the distribution system, which is at the heart of the distribution system.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Distributive System Consistency: After a series of steps to reach consensus on all nodes, the same value has to be given by a node.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a simplified consensus algorithm:
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1. A proposed transaction information is broadcast to every node in the system.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3. At the start of the new round, a node was randomly selected throughout the system, and the chosen node broadcasted its new block to everyone.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; How to ensure that everyone's books are consistent? If the algorithms are working under perfect conditions, what is the perfect environment: every member of the system is disciplined and the network is reliable. But in practice, it is impossible. One is that the network of the system is complex and unreliable, and the second is that every member of the system is trustworthy. The approach taken in the Bitcoin system is that following a principle that the longest chain of blocks in the system is the accepted truth.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Then why is the chosen node in the Bitcoin system willing to try to generate the block? Because the system will reward him. If he creates the block, he will be given a considerable incentive to enter the chain of the longest block in the system. For transactions that he has successfully written, he will be given a fee; the creator of each new block will receive an additional bitcoins, which will be reduced by half every four years, from 50 bitcoins in the first four years to 25, by analogy.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Who created a block that could be accepted by the system? A block was created that needed to calculate its Hashi value for completeness verification. There was a randomly filled space, which had no value, and the only role was to create a different Hashi value for the block. No matter how much weight the Bitcoin network required, the first Hashi value was zero. In order to generate a legitimate Hashi value, the new block had to be changed by changing the value of the random area, there was no shortcut to go, but it had to be calculated in a single way, and the first number of places was zero. That was the greater the number of diggers than Tetco, the greater the number of people involved in the system, the greater the strength of the system.
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