虚拟货币是什么? 应当如何监管?

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:32 评论:0



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Virtual currencies have grown rapidly in recent years, becoming the subject of new and competing capital markets, and prices in second-tier markets have moved as fast as in mountain cars, giving participants a sense of shock and shock. This paper interprets virtual currencies in the light of the history of monetary development and modern credit-currency systems, with a view to providing a new perspective on how to appreciate such financial practices.


1. Is virtual currency a currency in the modern sense?

虚拟货币是由私人部门发行,在局部可以自有的记账单位,主要包括加密代币和积分代币。前者包括不存在信用发行主体,而是采用区块链等特定加密技术发行的虚拟商品,例如Bit Coin、莱特币等,或者是通过首次代币融资(ICO)形成的中心化数字货币及其代币等。后者是由特定私人信用主体发行的在特点场景下使用的电子支付手段,产生方式包括商家返利积分、折扣券、代金券等多种形态,例如淘宝积分、Q币、论坛币等。

Virtual currencies are issued by the private sector, with local self-contained units of account, including mainly encrypted tokens. The former include virtual goods that do not exist as credit issuers, but are issued using specific encryption techniques such as block chains, such as Bit Coin, Leiteco, etc., or centralized digital currencies and their tokens through first-time indentation financing (ICO). The latter are electronic means of payment issued by specific private credit subjects in a feature setting, generated in a variety of forms, such as business-to-business credits, discount vouchers, vouchers, etc.


In the case of the first type of virtual currency, it is developed by people who have some algorithms in the market or on the Internet, and the material itself can be seen as decentralised electronic data. A review of the history of physical currency evolution reveals that humans have selected only a few substances from many objects in the long history of civilization as substitutes for money, a means of payment that is generally accepted only after social consensus has been reached. In the case of the second type of virtual currency, it has a visual issuer whose payment function can be secured by the credit of the issuer and whose role in a particular scenario is to achieve a “quiet” outcome. However, when it is possible to highlight this feature, it is named “a currency” even if it is finally left behind, but it is generally accepted as a means of payment.


But, with the establishment of a modern market economy, the credit-currency system has replaced the physical monetary system as the cornerstone of the modern monetary system, the logic of which operates on the basis of the credit of the monetary issuing authority of a country, and then on the basis of monetary derivatives in a commercial banking system, thus creating a broad currency. In contrast to the virtual currency, the first type of virtual currency has so far not developed autonomously into a monetary derivative, and there is a temporary “virtual currency” bank in the market; the second type of virtual currency has a monetary derivative base, since, from the point of view of the currency distribution, the issuer is the “central bank” of the virtual currency, which has the capacity to issue the currency continuously, but whose boundaries lie in the size and credit of the platform itself, so that the second type of virtual currency issuance has a similarity to the operation of the modern monetary system.


Deficiencies of virtual currencies as “general equivalents”

虚拟货币虽然不是现代意义下的货币,但是可能会存有部分货币功能,例如计价、支付、贮藏等,这也是人们对其存在无限想象空间的原因。从市场认可度最高的Bit Coin来看,它在局部网络社区中充当了“等价物”,部分网络交易认可其作为支付手段,尤其是在去年5月网络上爆发的“蠕虫病毒”事件中,Bit Coin正式走入大众视野,届时人们只能用Bit Coin的支付才能解决“病毒”的困扰,相当于用Bit Coin购买了一次“杀毒”服务,这正是虚拟货币作为支付手段的现实运用。“蠕虫病毒”事件提高了Bit Coin的知名度,其价格在全球范围内迭创新高,然而Bit Coin等第一类虚拟货币的内在价值是值得深入剖析的。它在网络上能否充当“一般等价物”还面临诸多考验,接下来以Bit Coin为例从三方面对其进行分析:

Virtual currency, although not a currency in the modern sense, may have some monetary functions, such as billing, payment, storage, and so on, which is why there is unlimited room for imagination. According to Bit Coin, which has the highest market recognition, it acts as an “equivalency” in the local network community. Some of the Internet transactions recognized it as a means of payment, particularly in the case of the worm virus that broke out on the Internet last May. Bit Coin was officially in the public domain, when Bit Coin’s payment was the only solution to the “virus” problem, amounting to the purchase of a “drug-killing” service by Bit Coin, which was used as a practical means of payment.


(1) Whether algorithms are secure

计算机和网络世界受制于硬件和软件的效率,硬件的更新迭代能够提高单位体积内的运算速度,软件运行效率的提升更多是算法的更新。Bit Coin是一种去中心化、由计算机专业人士开发算法计算得到的特定数字,现在人们将Bit Coin的安全性构建在区块链技术之上,但是随着计算机算法的更新迭代,这种技术是否存在漏洞,当该技术无法保障Bit Coin的存储安全性时,Bit Coin距离社会性的普遍接受还有很长一段路要走。如何保证已被挖掘出的数字在未来不会被其他算法给盗取和破解,这是期望Bit Coin扮演一般等价物的之前首要解决的问题。如果Bit Coin的安全性不能完全被保障,那么它就不具备被人们广泛接受的初始条件。市场甚至可能出现某一类市场认可度较低的数字货币持有人对认可度较高的数字货币进行攻击,通过降低某些货币的安全性来改变市场的焦点,因此去中心化数字货币将长期面临着技术风险和收敛结果不确定的风险。

The computer and network world is constrained by the efficiency of hardware and software, the upgrading of hardware can increase the speed of computing within the size of the unit, and the efficiency of the operation of software is much more of an update of algorithms. Bit Coin is a specific figure that has been decentralized and is calculated by computer professionals, and now the security of Bit Coin is built on block-chain technology, but, with the replacement of computer algorithms, there is no gap in that technology, and Bit Coin may have a long way to go when it does not guarantee the security of Bit Coin’s storage in a society. How to ensure that excavated figures will not be stolen and decoded in the future by other algorithms, is the primary problem before Bit Coin is expected to play a generic value. If Bit Coin’s security is not fully safeguarded, it will not have the initial conditions that are widely accepted.


(2) Whether algorithms are alternative

第二类风险在于Bit Coin是否存在替代物,除了名气最大的Bit Coin之外,市场上还有名目繁多的“加密代币产品”,它们同样在局部市场上发挥着“等价物”的功能,且其市场价格也出现了阶段性的波动,我们无法保证当人们将目光聚焦在另一种加密代币之上,其“等价物”的功能将会被更广泛的网络交易者所接受,此时将会取代之前被关注的Bit Coin。替代物的产生会使得Bit Coin快速贬值,从而会加剧该电子资产市场价格的踩踏式下跌。“加密代币产品”存在的潜在可替代性将会加剧它自身市场价格的波动。

The second type of risk is the existence of alternatives in Bit Coin, which, in addition to the most famous Bit Coin, are well-known “encrypted currency products” in the market, which also function as “equivalencies” in local markets, as well as periodic fluctuations in market prices. We cannot guarantee that, when people focus on another type of encrypted currency, its “equivalencies” function will be accepted by a wider network of traders and will replace the previously noted Bit Coin.


(3) Whether or not a currency can stabilize prices in the course of a transaction

从目前的市场行情来看,Bit Coin的价格波动十分剧烈,俨然成为投机者的竞技场。当人们将注意力投射到某一种虚拟货币之上,由于不存在涨跌幅限制,其价格在较短时间内就会快速上升,而一旦市场上蔓延当局即将加强监管,其价格急速暴跌。一种物质成为“一般等价物”的关键在于该物质价格的稳定,在实物货币体系中,其演变逻辑就在于此,现代信用货币体系的中央银行更重要的任务在于维持一国币值和国内物价的稳定,从而起到稳定市场预期缓解经济波动的目的。然而,第一类虚拟货币无论从潜在可替代性上,还是从已走出的市场行情来看,其价格都极其不稳定,当互联网“货币”普遍面临这一问题时,那所有“加密代币产品”都无法实现稳定物价的目的,如若将其作为一般等价物必将引发宏观经济的剧烈波动。由此可见,第一类虚拟货币并不能实现价值稳定的目标,这使其难以成为被广泛认可的“一般等价物”。

In view of the current market situation, Bit Coin’s price volatility is so sharp that it becomes a arena for speculators. When attention is focused on a virtual currency, prices will rise rapidly in a relatively short period of time, in the absence of any restriction on escalation or decline, and its prices will fall sharply as soon as the market spreads. The key to a substance becoming “general equivalent” is the stability of the price of the substance, which in the case of a monetary system in kind, the central bank of a modern credit monetary system would be more important if it were to maintain the stability of a country’s currency and domestic prices, thus serving the objective of stabilizing the market’s expected economic volatility.


For the second type of virtual currency, market prices are more stable than for the second category, because they are less disturbed by secondary markets, born in credit-bearing issuers. But its weakness is that the use of this type of virtual currency is limited, making it difficult to become a “general equivalent” in the true sense. However, with the spread of online commerce, the second type of virtual currency presents a trend towards a high degree of integration with the real economy, deep penetration, and a part of the Internet is already characterized by generally acceptable, cross-border transactions, and centralized liquidations.


To date, it appears that if the broad recognition of credit and the socialization of the use of payments were brought together, this form of currency would eventually be absorbed into the legal currency, in other words, a stable solution in the currency market.

3. 应当对虚拟货币加强监管

3. The regulation of virtual currencies should be strengthened


For such externalities, government departments should strengthen regulation to curb negative externalities and seek to stimulate positive externalities. On the basis of the above analysis, we cannot reject virtual currencies in their entirety in a one-size-fits-all manner, but should recognize their advantages and disadvantages from a structural perspective and develop appropriate regulatory measures.


(1) Tightening the fight against fraud and strengthening the regulation of market speculation


Because of the serious information asymmetries in the market of the first type of encrypted digital currency and its tokens, it is difficult for investors to recognize the true attributes of their issuers and trading sites, providing a safe haven for illegal criminal activities such as the collection of funds, financial fraud, money-laundering, etc., which seriously infringes the rights and interests of financial consumers. The proliferation of the Internet makes them vulnerable to mass events, which should be regulated and severely combated.


Effective regulation programmes can refer to stock market regulations, enhance the willingness of issuers and trading platforms to disclose information, mitigate information asymmetries, and facilitate market price discovery.


(2) Prudence and accommodation with regard to legitimate local scene trading


On the one hand, the issuers of the virtual currency are required to report and regularly disclose information on the path to legal compliance; on the other hand, to examine whether such new financial innovations have been effective in improving economic efficiency, and whether monetary authorities have been involved in increasing the efficiency of monetary policy. Credit expansion and currency creation in this process should be followed up on an ongoing basis to prevent the accumulation and outbreak of systemic financial risks.


Author's Introduction:

张泽华 ,百舸金融论坛联合发起人,武汉大学金融学博士,专注货币经济学理论研究。

Zhang Zehua, co-sponsor of the 100-year Financial Forum, Ph.D. in Finance, Wuhan University, focused on theoretical research in monetary economics.




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