On January 8, Beijing Business Journal journalists learned that agencies such as tweets, antsats, 100 degrees, financial accounting, etc., have recently stepped up their chain operations and are in “ sector chains + finance & rdqua; and there is a layout in the field. According to analysts, payment, supply chain finance, etc., will be the first scale application of the chain.
Giant Race:
腾讯发力区块链+借贷 蚂蚁区块链已产生营收
Stretch Block Chain > Lending Ant Block Chain has generated revenue
严监管之下,大片行业投机者没落离场的另一面,国内巨头也已悄然开启了一场关于区块链应用落地的围猎计划。1月8日,北京商报了解到,一方面,腾讯于近日新增多条与区块链相关的专利信息;此外,蚂蚁金服方面则透露其区块链业务已产生营收。 On 8 January, the Beijing Business Journal learned that, on the one hand, the recent increase in patent information related to the chain of blocks; and, on the other hand, that the ants’ gold garments had revealed that their chain operations had generated revenue. 天眼查显示,腾讯近日新增多条与区块链相关的专利信息,北京商报记者注意到,其中多条专利与腾讯区块链落地应用相关,其中场景包括“基于区块链的借贷信息处理方法、装置、设备和存储介质”、“基于区块链的病历数据处理方法、装置、存储介质和设备”,以及“区块链网络共识校验的方法、装置、存储介质和计算机设备”等。 从金融场景落地应用来看,腾讯此次新增的“区块链+借贷”专利,可利用区块链智能合约技术,实现借贷信息的全流程监控。 Sky-Eye shows that the recent addition of patent information related to the block chain has been noted by journalists from the Beijing Business Journal that several of the patents are related to the application of the tether block chain, including “ the loan information processing methods, devices, equipment and storage media based on the block chain & rdquo; & & & & ldquo; the processing methods, devices, storage media and equipment based on the block chain & & & rdquo; and & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, among others. The new & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; patents, the full-flow monitoring of lending information using the block chain smart contract technology. 具体流程为:一、在接收到借款方的借款请求,基于借款请求生成电子借据之后,将电子借据存储至区块链上,以使得区块链存储电子借据以及关联的借贷标识;二、监测借款方的还款记录,将还款记录与借贷标识关联存储至区块链上;三、当还款记录不满足约定还款要求时,根据还款记录和约定还款要求确定约定扣款信息,将约定扣款信息与借贷标识关联存储于区块链上,并向银行节点发送扣款请求;四、监测银行节点基于扣款请求获得的扣款记录,当扣款记录不满足约定扣款要求时,向借出方发送包括是否对借款方发起诉讼的提示信息。 The specific processes are: first, to store electronic debits on the block chain after receipt of the borrower's request for borrowing on the basis of an electronic loan generated on the basis of the request for borrowing, in order to allow the block chain to store electronic debits and associated lending identifications; secondly, to monitor the borrower's record of repayments and to store the loan identification onto the block chain; thirdly, to send to the borrower, when the repayment record does not meet the agreed recovery requirement, information on the agreed deduction is determined on the basis of the repayment record and the agreed repayment requirement, to store the agreed deduction information on the block chain in connection with the loan identification and to send a request for a deduction to a bank node; and fourthly, to monitor the bank's node of deductions obtained on the basis of a request for a deduction, to send to the lending party indicative information, including whether to initiate litigation against the borrower, when the agreed deduction record does not meet the agreed deduction requirement. 对于腾讯“区块链+借贷”专利一事,北京商报记者向腾讯方面询问最新进展及落地案例情况,后者回应称,目前该专利尚未落地。但在金融场景,已和合作方落地了区块链+供应链金融平台“微企链”。 With regard to tethers & ldquo; block chains + lending & rdquo; patents, Beijing Business Journal journalists asked updates on developments and landings, which the latter responded that the patent was not yet in place. In the financial scene, however, block chains + supply chain financial platforms & ldquao; micro-business chains & rdquao; 值得关注的是,除腾讯外,蚂蚁金服在区块链上的探索方向也日渐清晰,与腾讯不同的是,蚂蚁金服在加速区块链技术落地应用的同时,也面向行业进一步开放其技术能力。 It is interesting to note that, in addition to tweaking, the direction of the exploration of the ants gold garments on the block chain is becoming clearer and, unlike tweaking, the tweaks are also increasingly open to industry as they accelerate the application of block chain technologies. 蚂蚁金服方面近日表示,蚂蚁区块链目前落地应用已有包括跨境汇款、供应链金融、司法存证、电子票据等在内的超过40个场景,月均增加2个。1月8日,北京商报记者进一步获悉,蚂蚁金服“开放联盟链”预计在今年2月全面上线。在蚂蚁金服区块链年度媒体见面会上,蚂蚁金服集团副总裁、智能科技总裁蒋国飞向北京商报记者介绍,蚂蚁金服最早在2019年9月云栖大会上宣布要做开放联盟链,目前已全面公测,预计今年2月开放联盟链将全面上线。据蒋国飞介绍,蚂蚁区块链在全球业界率先推出开放联盟链,分享平台使用权,帮助小微企业和开发者以更低的成本进入区块链产业,开发自己的应用。 On 8 January, the Beijing Business Journaler was further informed that the ants & ldquo; the open union chain & rdquo; expected to be fully online in February. At the annual ants gold suit chain media meeting, the Vice-President of the Ants gold suit group and the Managing Director of Smart Technology flew to Beijing to tell reporters that the ant gold suit had been announced as an open union chain at the September 2019 cloud conference at the earliest, and that it was expected to be fully operational in February. According to Chinese flights, the ants sector has spearheaded the launch of an open union chain in the global industry chain, sharing the platform's rights, helping small micro-businesses and developers to develop their applications at lower cost into the sector chain. 北京商报记者了解到,“开放联盟链”依赖蚂蚁区块链联盟链技术基础、创新公有许可机制,联合各行业权威节点合作伙伴共同打造,主要解决现有区块链网络费用高、开发门槛高、无法大规模商用落地等问题。从2019年开启公测以来,已有上千名合作伙伴申请免费体验该产品,落地了首批场景,包括区块链游戏、乐谱版权存证确权、时光胶囊等。 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, relying on the technical base of the ants' block chain, innovative public licensing mechanisms and working together with the industry’s authoritative node partners to address the high cost of the existing block network, the high development threshold, and the impossibility of large-scale commercial landings. Since the launch of the public survey in 2019, thousands of partners have applied for free experience of the product, and the first scenes, including block chain games, music copyright validation, time capsules, etc. 另据蒋国飞介绍,目前蚂蚁区块链已经产生营收,但具体营收情况尚不便透露。 It was also reported by Chiang Guofang that the ants block chain is now generating harvests, but that the specific harvests are not yet easy to reveal. 场景之争: scene: 支付、供应链金融率先规模化应用 “腾讯、蚂蚁等巨头自2019年10月以来,在各个领域都流出有区块链技术落地对应场景的消息。而这都呈现出了一种大的趋势,就是巨头在加速让区块链技术融入到自身既有的业务中。”上海对外经贸大学区块链技术与应用研究中心主任、南京信息工程大学产业教授刘峰如是评价。 Since October 2019, giants such as & & & ldquo; tungsten, ants, etc. have moved out of various fields to respond to the scenes of block-chain technology. This is a big trend: the giant is accelerating the integration of block-chain technology into his own business. & & & rdquo; the Director of the Centre for Technology and Applied Research in Block-Linking at Shanghai External Economic & Trade University; and Professor Liu Feng of Technology at Nanjing University of Information Engineering. 值得注意的是,除了腾讯、蚂蚁金服外,包括百度、京东、金融壹账通等机构,均在新的一年中传出了关于区块链布局的新消息。 It is worth noting that, with the exception of tweets, ant gold suits, including the 100-degree, Kyoto and Finance I accounts agencies, new news has been sent in the course of the new year about the layout of the block chain. 其中,1月7日,上市公司宇信科技公告称,百度拟受让宇信科技5.71%股权,双方并将在区块链、合规Token、供应链金融等方面展开合作;同时,金融壹账通也称,已经在贸易融资、资产证券化、供应链金融和再保险等14个业务场景中实现了区块链落地应用;此外,京东方面也指出,2020年区块链的规模化商用会逐步走向成熟,供应链溯源和数字金融将是京东数科区块链布局的两大方向。
北京商报记者注意到,从多家布局场景来看,巨头们普遍在“区块链+金融”场景有所布局,且正在进一步推进落地。对此,刘峰指出,区块链技术自身就是源于金融领域,源于一种点对点的支付网络及设施设想。因此“区块链+金融”是天然融合的一块。 The Beijing Business Journal Reporters noted that large players are generally present in “ block chains + finance & rdquao; scenes are on the map and are moving further to the ground. Liu Feng pointed out that block chain technology itself originated in the financial field, from a payment network and facility scenario at a point-to-point level. & & ldquo; block chains + finance & rdqua; is a natural integration. “区块链+金融”领域,有哪些场景可以进行规模化应用?刘峰进一步预测,“在未来‘区块链+金融’领域的落地场景中,支付将会首先落地,其次则是供应链金融在应收和预付类账款的融资,最后则是一些抵押类或者保险类业务。当然目前我最看好的还是基础设施部分,即在多个场合透露出设计测试中的DCEP数字货币体系。” & & ldquo; block chain + finance & rdquo; in areas where is there any scenario for scalable application? further prediction by Liu Feng, & “ in future ‘ in block chain + finance & rsquo; in the field of landing, payments will be made first, followed by supply chain finance financing in accounts receivable and advances, and finally some mortgage or insurance operations. 复旦大学张江研究院教授、数字经济研究中心执行主任陈文君同样指出,当前区块链细分金融场景很多,支付、消费金融、理财、融资租赁、金融风控、金融监管等。在她看来,支付场景是区块链最先落地且最先成熟的场景,而金融风控、供应链金融和穿透式金融监管也将是容易规模化应用的区块链场景。
立法滞后是落地难点 2020年千万日活应用将走入大众
The lag in 尽管巨头区块链路线之争逐渐清晰,“区块链+金融”广被业内普遍看好。但不可忽视的是,在目前过程中,“区块链+金融”仍存诸多难点亟待攻破。 Despite the fact that the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & of the chain of the mega-blocks are becoming clear. But in the process, & & & & & & & & & & &, there are still a lot of challenges to be overcome. 在刘峰看来,目前对于“区块链+金融”领域的落地难点。首先是技术面,想要真正落地到产业场景中,无论是交易TPS(系统吞吐量)、安防等都存在持续改进和迭代;同时,还需要找到最合适的业务,将区块链真正融合到业务中并带动业务的价值增量;此外,政策落地还需要加速,从目前来看,短期内还不能形成一个适用于区块链技术和数字资产相关的直接法律法规。 In Liu’s view, there is currently a dilemma for the & ldquo; block chains + finance & rdquo; area. First, there is a technical dimension, and there is a continuous improvement and overlap between the trade in TPSs, security, etc.; there is also a need to find the most suitable business to truly integrate the block chain into the business and drive the value-added of the business; there is also a need to accelerate the policy setting, which, for the time being, does not allow for a direct legal regulation to be developed for the technology and digital assets of the block chain in the short term. 陈文君则指出,“区块链+金融”的难点在于落地商业案例,尽管技术成熟,在实际应用上还要综合考虑市场接受度、客户体验、社群发展等诸多因素。当谈及当前“区块链+金融”最大的挑战,陈文君认为是立法滞后。她直言,“实际上在没有落地项目之前,也很难精准评估权利义务冲突点,在专业法律空白的前提下运营会给行业带来困扰。” Chen, for his part, pointed out that the difficulty of “ block chains + finance & rdquo; the difficulty lies in local business cases where, despite technological maturity, many factors such as market acceptance, customer experience, community development are taken into account in practical application. When it comes to the current & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & block chains & finance & & & & & & & & ; the biggest challenge is that Chen considers legislation to be behind schedule. She pointed out that & & & & & & & & & Quo; in practice, it is difficult to accurately assess conflict points of rights and obligations before the site projects, and operating in a context of professional legal gaps can cause trouble for the industry. & & & & rdquao; 尽管落地仍存难点,但落地趋势已是势不可挡。业内多位分析人士看来,2020年,将是区块链脱虚向实,千万日活应用走入大众的一年。日前,阿里达摩院宣布的2020年十大科技趋势便提到,未来将涌现大批创新区块链应用场景以及跨行业、跨生态的多维协作,日活千万以上的规模化生产级区块链应用将会走入大众。陈文君称,“规模化、生产级、大众是2020年区块链应用的三个关键词。” Many analysts in the industry believe that 2020 will be the year when the chain of blocks is dissipated and tens of millions of days spent on living. Today, the ten science and technology trends announced by Alidamau House in 2020 point to the fact that a large number of applications of innovative block chains and multi-dimensional multi-sectoral, multi-ecological collaborations will emerge in the future, with more than 10 million people living on a daily scale in production-level chains reaching the general public. According to Chen, &ldquao; scalming, production level, and the general public are the three key words for 2020 block chains. 刘峰则指出,“2020年区块链会在各行各业出来大量应用,但‘区块链+金融’的爆发期目前还难说。毕竟金融参与门槛较高,参与者更多是国家队。” Liu Feng, for his part, pointed out that the 2020 block chain would be applied in a wide range of industries, but that the period of outbreak was still difficult to say. After all, financial participation was high, with more participants being national teams. & rdquao; 而对于巨头的区块链之战,刘峰建议,一方面需要保持战略的高度重视,在前沿技术的资源投入上还需要进一步提升,确保在未来区块链技术尘埃落地,成为产业实际推动力之一的时候自己没有缺席。同时,对于前沿技术所可能涉及的政策法规仍需要投入资源进行研读和推演,并保持高度的风险意识。第三则可以更多考虑迂回作战,除了在国内,还可以更多推动国内外的相关业务,在异地战场实战,积累技术成熟度和挖掘更多落地场景。 Liu Feng suggested, on the one hand, that strategic priorities need to be maintained, and that the resources invested in front-line technologies need to be further upgraded to ensure that they are not absent when the technology of the future block-chains is lost and becomes one of the real driving forces of the industry. At the same time, there is still a need for resources to be invested in studying, developing, and maintaining a high degree of risk awareness of the policy rules that might be involved in the front-line technologies. 北京商报记者 孟凡霞 马嫡 实习记者 刘四红 Reporter of the Beijing Business Journal, Monfanxia Ma, intern reporter, Liu Xiaohong.
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