strong" thanks
本文由 Daniel Larimer 和 ?ractally 的全职 Freedom 工程师共同编写。特别
co-authored by Daniel Larimer and actally full-time Freedom Engineers. Special
感谢 Anna Taylor、Brandon Fancher、Mike Manfredi、Thomas Hallgren、James Mart、
Thanks Anna Taylor, Brandon Fancher, Mike Manfredi, Thomas Hallgren, James Mart,
John Williamson、Gregory Wexler、Todd Fleming 等其他人,感谢他们为完善本
John Williamson, Gregory Wexler, Todd Fleming, among others, thanked them for improving this book
the countless days and nights of ideas and messages in the text.
我要感谢 Eden 社区帮助通过实验证明了实际共识建立过程的早期原型。
I would like to thank the Eden community for helping to demonstrate, through experiments, the early prototype of the actual consensus-building process.
statement of legal exemption
本文中包含的信息仅用于教育目的。任何人在任何时候都不得将 ?ractally
the information contained in this paper is only for educational purposes. No one should use /span?ractally at any time.
LLC 或其承包商的任何股东、董事、执行官、高级职员或雇员发表的任何公开声
LLC or any public statement made by any shareholder, director, executive officer, officer or employee of the contractor
(including this paper) is interpreted as a binding undertaking to take any action to enhance the value of any encrypted currency /span>
no- currency >. Do not rely on the contents of this document when deciding to purchase or sell any currency.
?ractally 保留随时更改本文任何方面的权利,并选择执行或不执行本文包含
>i> reserves the right to change any aspect of this document at any time and to opt for implementation or non-execution including
i> any ideas. The concepts described in this paper are experimental and, if implemented, would produce the expected results
. Actual results depend on the quality of the person using the recommended process.
?ractally LLC 不招商引资,也不提供任何证券出售。
>i> without consulting or offering any securities for sale.
?ractally – 下一代 DAOs
? 摘要 summary 本文提供了关于群体如何合作提供公共产品和互助的蓝图、战略和背景原理。 当我们可以为互惠互利而合作时,我们每个人都会变得更好。 协作不是零和游 when we can work together for mutual benefit, each of us will get better. 戏,因为整体的价值可能大于个人贡献的总和。 所有社会面临的挑战是确保由
自愿合作创造的绝大多数剩余价值由贡献者而非统治精英实现。 如果我们让公 The vast majority of the remaining values created by voluntary cooperation are realized by contributors rather than by ruling elites. 益事业的贡献变得有利可图,那么我们将为人类进步释放出强大的力量。?ractally The contribution of profit has become profitable, then we will unleash a powerful force for human progress.? 切实促进有机社区的发展和协作,造福于所有人。 to effectively promote the development and collaboration of organic communities for the benefit of all. ? 什么是 DAO? what's DAO? DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization)代表去中心化的自治组织。“去中心 DAO (decisionralized Autonomous Organization) represents a centralized self-governing organization. "Go to the centre 化和自治”的描述最初是由 ?ractally 的创始人丹尼尔·拉里默(Daniel Larimer)在 2013 年 ization and autonomy" originally described by
提出,用来描述比特币的经济学。拉里默将比特币描述为一家去中心化公司的“股份”, proposed to describe the economics of Bitcoin. Larimo describes Bitcoin as a “equity” of a decentralised company, . 该公司发行股份以换取哈希算力。 The company issues shares in exchange for al-Hash numeracy. 如果有人想组织人类自主生产高效的计算机芯片来执行特定任务(SHA256 哈希算 if someone wants to organize the autonomous production of efficient computer chips to perform specific tasks (SHA256 Hashi is ) 法),那么无疑比特币是成功的。在没有任何治理结构或集中协调的情况下,数百万人 ), then Bitcoin certainly succeeds. Millions of people
合作建造了世界上最大的分布式超级计算机。只要人们肯定货币的价值并且不违背算法, co-operatively built the largest distributed supercomputer in the world. 这一进程就处于“自动驾驶”和“不可阻挡”状态。 The process is in an "auto-pilot" and "unstopable" state. 自治的关键要素是对信息持有绝对的自主权。当比特币被视为一家公司时,它不做
出任何承诺,不藏有任何秘密,也不持有任何它不完全持有主权的财产。能够“完全自主” with any commitment, no secrets or possession of property that it does not fully hold sovereignty. Can be “full autonomy” 意味着它们完全受制于比特币的算法共识。
因此,DAO 是是一种信息共识机制。它永远不会被销毁,除非所有的副本信息都被 so DAO is an information consensus mechanism. It will never be destroyed unless all copies of the information are
销毁。在数字时代,销毁任何一种事物的所有副本信息几乎是不可能的。 destroyed. In the digital age, it is almost impossible to destroy all copies of any one thing. 说到“DAO 的治理”,信息通过“分叉”创建了两个信息副本,每个副本都是完全完整
的,区别在于信息中的某一部分有不同的观念。自由市场通过自愿交换,根据每个版本 , the difference is that the free market, through voluntary exchange, has a different perception of a certain part of the information. 的共识信息的价值来解决争议。分叉的某一方或者双方仍可以继续完全的运转。这是对 's value of consensus messages resolves the dispute. One or both of the forks can continue to function completely. This is for
一个 DAO 的真正考验。 a real DAO test. 因此,我们可以说 DAO 是纯粹的信息,其价值由市场来判断。DAO 仅依赖于言论 so we can say that DAO is pure information whose value is determined by the market. DAO relies only on speech
自由和开源软件来确切的诠释该言论理念的共识。 free and open source software to accurately interpret the concept of speech. ? ? ? ? ? ? “在这面具之下,是超越肉体的存在。在这面具之下,是一种思想。而思想汇聚而 ??? under this mask, it's beyond the existence of the body. Under this mask, it's an idea. 成的思潮,是‘无敌(bulletproof)’的。” /span > < > > . ? DAO 的财产是不会被没收的,也不受法律约束。DAO 只是一种共享的理念,因而 strong> DAO property is not confiscated and not subject to the law. DAO is just a shared idea, so 是无敌的。如果一个组织依赖于保密,那么这些秘密是中心化的并且这些秘密的保管者 is invincible. If an organization relies on confidentiality, the secrets are central and the custodians of these secrets are
不是无敌的。如果一个组织依赖于有形财产的“共享所有权”,那么它就不是 DAO,因为 is not invincible. If an organization relies on “shared ownership” of tangible property, then it is not DAO because 该财产可能会被没收或摧毁。如果一个组织依赖于任何一种它不持有主权的信息,那么 the property may be confiscated or destroyed. if an organization relies on any kind of information that it does not hold sovereignty. 它就不是 DAO。 it is not DAO. 例如,以太坊智能合约”The DAO”筹集了创纪录数量的以太坊代币,由另一个代 for example, a record number of > > > > > > with the Taipan Smart Contract The DAO's < /span's > > > > < /span's > 币管理的“集体投资计划”进行管理。尽管有”The DAO”这一名字,我们依旧认为它
只是运行在以太坊下的一个智能合约。以太坊是 DAO,然而”The DAO”只是在智能合 is just an intelligent contract running under the Etheria. The Etherom is DAO, but the "The DAO" is just smart
约上运作透明的集体投资计划。当智能合约被利用时,它迫使整个以太坊区块链进行硬 to operate a transparent collective investment plan. When smart contracts are used, it forces the whole community chain to be hard
分叉以解决争议。这个分叉就是我们所熟知的 Ethereum Classic。 fork to settle the dispute. This fork is what we know well about Etheum Classic. 智能合约只有在完全独立时才是去中心化和自治的。如果“The DAO”没有与以太 Intelligent contracts are decentralised and autonomous only when they are fully independent. If the "The DAO" does not match Ether
坊共享同一价值的状态(以太坊的余额),当有争议发生时,就没有办法通过以太坊分 The same value sharing state (the balance of Taichen) can't be achieved by when there's a dispute. 叉来改变“The DAO”,“The DAO”就只能自我分叉来解决问题。 fork to change "The DAO" and "The DAO" to solve the problem only by self-segment. 信息的透明性和自主性造就了 DAO 的“自治”,但是什么造就了它的去中心化?当 Transparency and autonomy of information creates DAO's “autonomy”, but what makes it decentralised? 一个 DAO 持续运行时,不管它的人们做什么,它都是去中心化的。只要人们看重比特 A DAO continues to run, regardless of what its people do, it goes to the centre. 币的共识状态,就会有任何人在任何地方为保持区块链的持续向前运行提供必要的工作 consensual state of currency, anyone anywhere will provide the necessary work to keep the block chain going 量证明。另一方面,如果人们只因中本聪(Satoshi)或一个中心化的团队正在为共识信 quantity of proof. On the other hand, if people are working on a consensus letter only because of Satoshi or a centralized team 息带来价值而认可比特币,那么比特币就会变得中心化。 The interest brings value and recognizes bitcoin, then bitcoin becomes central. Steem,第一个社交媒体 DAO,当创始公司 Steemit 被出售时,激励社区分叉 Hive, Steem, the first social media DAO to motivate the community to split,
新所有者试图将网络带向不同的方向。信息是透明的,再加上任何人都有能力站出来围 The new owner tries to bring the network in different directions. The information is transparent and anyone has the ability to come out 绕信息提供服务,使其变得去中心化和自治。不论发生什么,这个组织都会继续下去。 the service around information makes it decentralised and autonomous. Whatever happens, the organization will continue. 这就是 DAO 的定义。 ? -没有秘密(例如,公共持有的私钥)
如果一个 DAO 能激发由极其先进的定制硅芯片驱动的世界上最大的超级计算机的
创造力,DAO 还能做什么?它能创造一个新的法律制度吗?它能激发创新、创造力和 Creative, what can DAO do? Can it create a new legal system? It can stimulate innovation, creativity and
开源软件开发的浪潮吗?它能找到治愈疾病的方法吗?它能终结腐败吗?如果一个 The wave of open source software development? Can it find a cure for disease? Can it put an end to corruption? DAO 由正确的治理进程驱动可以做所有这些事情,甚至更多,会怎么样??ractally 正在 DAO is driven by the right governance process that can do all of these things, or even more? 创造一种制度,我们相信它有可能彻底改变人类如何利用协作的力量实现创造价值的方 to create a system that we believe has the potential to radically change how humans use the power of collaboration to achieve value creation
式。 ? ?.E.S.P.E.C.T 尊重(Respect)意味着重视某人或某事。你可以尊重他人的财产。你可以尊重他人 Respect
的工作。即使你不尊重一个人的性格品质,你仍然可以尊重他们所创造的东西。 work. Even if you don't respect a person's character, you can still respect what they create. 想想在救济点为穷人服务的行为。这一行为受到普遍尊重。志愿者通常因其服务而 Think of the act of serving the poor at the relief point. This act is widely respected. 受到尊重。然而,如果志愿者帮助穷人是有偿的,那么尊重通常会归于支付志愿者的捐 respected. However, if volunteers are paid to help the poor, respect usually goes to paying volunteers' contributions
赠者,而不是提供服务的个人。 givers, not individuals providing services. 我们重视人。我们尊重他们的天赋、品质和真诚。我们尊重他们只因他们生存在这 we value people. We respect their talents, their qualities and their sincerity. We respect them only because they live here
个世界上,我们尊重他们的潜力。这是不可替代的尊重。一个人可以健康饮食,锻炼, in a world where we respect their potential. This is an irreplaceable respect. A person can eat well and exercise,
追求个人成长。这可能会增加一个人对另一个人无法替代的尊重。一个人也可能撒谎、 for personal growth. This may increase one's respect for another. A person may also lie,
欺诈、偷窃,并失去不可替代的尊重。这种尊重也可以被视为声誉。更准确地说,我们 fraud, theft and loss of irreplaceable respect. This respect can also be considered a reputation. More precisely, we 尊重某人是因为他们的声誉。 respect for someone because of their reputation. 也就是说,金钱可以被视为一个人因过去对社区的贡献而赢得的尊重。我们看重金
钱,因为其他人也看重金钱。因此,金钱受到尊重。当资金转手时,一个人会失去这种 money, because other people value money. Money is therefore respected. When money is transferred, a person loses this
社区尊重,而另一个人会得到它。当你在社区中出售令人珍视的产品时,你就赚取了尊 community respect, and another person will get it. When you sell valuable products in the community, you earn . 重。请注意,任何形式的“财产”都是一种尊重的度量标准。盗窃“财产”是不尊重的一种 . Note that any form of “property” is a measure of respect. The theft of “property” is a form of
?ractally – 下一代 DAOs
10形式。财产和“所有权”只是表达和平条约的概念,以期在弱肉强食的丛林法则之下共 10 in form. Property and “ownership” are merely expressions of the concept of a peace treaty with a view to
同利益者结束全民战争。因此,尊重财产的观念就是尊重他人。 end the national war with the interested. Therefore, the notion of respect for property is respect for others. ? 社区 ?espect community?espect ?ractally 赋予社区就每个人贡献的价值达成共识的权利,并给予他们应得的 ?espect。 ? 在这种情况下,?espect 等同于社区资金或货币。 In this case, equals community funds or currency. 大多数国家都有自己的钱,不管他们给钱取什么名字,它依旧是钱。BTC 和 ETH most countries have their own money, whatever name they give it, it's still money. BTC and ETH 是各自1社区的“?espect”。每一个被称为 ?ractally 的 ?ractally 社区,都有自己的 ?espect is each community's'?espect. Every community known as ` ACTally' has its own?espect
形式。 . 我们如何定义 ?espect 以及社区资金具有重大的法律影响。?espect 是合约、义务、 how do we define? expect and community funds have significant legal implications. 商品还是观念?这是一个人的财产还是其他人的观念?这是你“持有”的东西还是给予 Commodity or Perception? Is this the idea of a man's property or of others? Is this what you “possess” or give
你的东西?当别人对你的看法改变时或者只有有形的东西易手时,你才得到“收入”或者 Your things? You get "income" or
“损失”吗?有人会被迫持有特定的观念吗? 大多数人认为钱是属于一个人的东西。例如,路德维希·冯·米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises) the majority considers money to belong to a person. For example, 定义货币为最畅销的商品2。然而,在 ?ractally 里,?espect 不是一种东西;而是一种观 2"color:rgb (0,0,0); font-size:11.04pt; 念(opinion)。虽然你可能尊重(重视)某事,但其他人可能对它完全缺乏尊重。如果 opinion. While you may respect (appreciated) something, others may have a total lack of respect for it. ?espect 是衡量社区对个人贡献相对价值的共识,那么 ?espect 仍然是社区的共识,而不 ? is the consensus to measure the relative value of the community's contribution to the individual, so??espect remains the consensus of the community rather than
自由市场价格是发现各种商品和服务的相对 ?espect(价值)的一种手段。例如,你 free market prices are a means of discovering the relative value of various goods and services? espect (value). For example, you 可能持有一只具有确定价值的股票(以 ?espect 或金钱衡量);然而,其他人可以达成 may hold a stock of definite value (measured in?espect or money); however, others may reach 一个新的共识,即股票一文不值。社区观念的这种变化不构成“盗窃”,股票的价值也不 a new consensus is that stocks are worthless. Community 是股票所有者的“财产”。例如,你可能持有一只具有特定价值的股票(以美元计算) is the “property” of stockholders. For example, you may hold a stock of specific value (in United States dollars) ?espect 或金钱);然而,其他人可以达成一个新的共识,即股票一文不值。社区观念的 concept
这种变化不构成“盗窃”,股票的价值也不是股票持有者的“所有物财产”。 This change does not constitute “theft”, and the value of the stock is not the “owner's property” of the stock holder. 有人可能会说,虽然股票的价值不是财产,但股票本身仍然是财产。然而,与所有 Someone might say that while the value of the stock is not property, the stock itself is property. However, with all
财产一样,股票所有权也是一个共识问题。你获得股票的方式公平吗?你是否遵循了所 As with property, stock ownership is also a question of consensus. Are you getting shares fairly? Do you follow
11有关于股票的协议?谁来决定这些事情?这不只是一种共识吗?在这种情况下,人们的 11 has an agreement on stocks? Who decides these things? 共识是,当权政府有权做出决定。换言之,所有事物的所有权凭证实际上都是一种共识。 consensus is that the government in power has the power to make decisions. In other words, the title document for everything is actually a consensus. 如果共识发生变化,你会发现很难保持对事物的控制。 if the consensus changes, you find it difficult to maintain control over things. ?1双关语。? ?2可以买卖的原材料或初级农产品。 ? 观念的价值 value of the concept 如果 ?espect 只是一种观念(opinion),它有价值吗?观点可能有价值,也可能毫 concept (
无价值,这取决于信息源头。你可能更看重你丈夫或妻子的意见,而不是某一个瘾君子 is worthless, depending on the source of the information. You may value your husband's or wife's opinion more than a drug addict
的意见。专家的意见往往比外行的意见更有价值。同样,社区集体意见的价值取决于社 . The opinions of experts are often more valuable than those of outsiders. Similarly, the value of community collective opinions depends on the community . 区的声誉及其达成令人尊敬的共识的能力。因此,社区的声誉也是社区成员声誉的函数。 The reputation of the region and its ability to reach a respected consensus. Therefore, the reputation of the community is also a function of the reputation of its members. 结果的可预见性是建立信任,从而建立 ?espect 价值的一个主成分。一个尊重“财产 foreseeability of results is one of the main elements of confidence-building that builds? espect value. A respectable property 所有权”、持有廉洁法院、能可靠分配政府资金、极少贪污腐败的国家将会繁荣昌盛。这 样,人民将尊重法院的意见,遵纪守法,人民将兴旺发达。或者,一个国家陷入腐败, like, people will respect the Court's opinion, abide by the law, and people will prosper and prosper. Or, a country will fall into corruption, . 国家陷入破产,失去了国内外人民的尊重。最终结果是货币贬值和无法无天。恶性通货 膨胀是对一种货币完全失去尊重的最终结果。 inflated is the end result of a total loss of respect for a currency. ? 证据转让 vs 意图转让 evidence transfervs intended to transfer 有趣的是,当 ?espect 作为一种观念时,观店永远不会被窃取。如果你偷了别人的
车钥匙,并不会让你持有这辆车。政府对这辆车的所有权有着明确而不变的观念。传统 key of the car does not allow you to hold the car. Government ownership of the car is clear and constant concept 的加密货币简化了一个假设,即汽车始终属于持有钥匙的人。之所以做出这种简化假设, 's encrypted currency simplifies the assumption that the car always belongs to the person holding the key. 是因为它消除了纠纷和腐败的机会。
在加密货币世界之外,人们在确定转让的合法性时会虑客观和主观事实。例如,在 Outside the crypto-currency world, objective and subjective facts are taken into account in determining the legality of the transfer. For example, in 枪口胁迫下的转让通常被认为是不合法的;然而,比特币社区的共识算法将考虑这种转 Transfers under gun coercion are generally considered unlawful; however, the consensus algorithm of the Bitcoin community will consider this shift
让在实际中是合理的,并且不提供上诉法院。 to be reasonable in practice and not to provide an appellate court. 解决这类比特币盗窃案的拟议方法是追踪窃贼,在枪口之下逮捕他们,将他们投入 The proposed solution to this type of Bitcoin theft is to track thieves, arrest them at gunpoint and put them into
监狱,在法庭上定罪,并迫使他们归还比特币。比特币协议无法在没有政府暴力威胁的 prison, convicted in court and forced to return to Bitcoin. Bitcoin agreement cannot be without the threat of government violence. 情况下强制执行审判结果。
12比特币社区的许多人对达成真诚和体面共识的能力失去了信心。相反,他们选择了 12 bitcoin communities have lost confidence in their ability to reach a genuine and honourable consensus. On the contrary, they chose
一套人们选择加入的不变的规则。所有持有比特币的人都默许这些规则。比特币的所有 a set of rules that people choose to join. All those who own bitcoin acquiesce in these rules. 权属于那些可以保管好自己的私钥同时(可选)窃取他人私钥的人。这是弱肉强食的丛 power belongs to those who can keep their private keys while stealing them (optional). This is the jungle 林法则。 forest law. ? 良好治理 vs 无治理 good governance vs ungovernance ??ractally 想法不同:我们相信良好治理是健全货币的基础。如果协议只提供客观共 ?
识,那么社区将不可避免地建立一个平行的、压倒一切的主观治理体系。这就是以太坊 knows that a community will inevitably build a parallel, overriding system of subjective governance. That's the way to put it. 从 Ethereum classic 分叉出来时发生的事情。如果主观治理体系腐败,那么它可能会剥夺 what happened when Etheum class splits out. If the subjective system of governance is corrupt, it may deprive
或破坏例如比特币作为客观货币的作用。它将对谁能持有比特币以及何时持有比特币进 or destroy the role of bitcoin, for example, as an objective currency. 行分类、没收、监管和其他控制。 line classification, confiscation, supervision and other controls. 假设一个检举人有一个比特币账户,腐败的政府没收了他的电脑,拿走了他的比特 assuming a whistleblower had a bitcoin account and the corrupt government confiscated his computer and took his bit
币,然后拍卖比特币。更广泛的比特币社区的大部分人将得出并坚持这一观念,即:政 coin, then auctions bitcoin. Most people in the wider Bitcoin community will come up with and insist on this idea, which is: "Governance
府和那些在拍卖中购买比特币的人现在是合法的所有者并值得市场的尊重。 the provinces and those who purchase bitcoin in the auction are now legal owners and worthy of the market > /span>. 然而,如果比特币余额真的是尊重人民财产所有权的集体意见,那么政府盗窃告密 But if the bitcoin balance is a collective opinion that respects people's ownership of property, then the government ratifies
者比特币的行为就不会被认可。经过一个得体的程序后,社区能够将比特币返还给检举 人,而腐败的政府和参与购买被盗比特币的人将失去社区的尊重。 体面程序是,由正直的人执行,这是的良好治理和健全货币的关键。这是一个挑战, executed by an honest man, which is the key to good governance and sound currency. This is a challenge, 毕竟阻止坏人掌权是如此的困难。 after all, it's so difficult to stop the bad guys from coming to power. 中央银行和政府分配新的货币来资助内部人士、战争、特殊利益集团,并收买他们 The Central Bank and the Government allocate new currency to finance insiders, war, special interest groups and buy them
维持现有优势的所需。?ractally 为我们提供了一个新的治理体系,它将分配社区 ?espect requires to sustain existing advantages. ractally provide us with a new governance system that distributes communities? 的权利归还给了全体社区成员。 rights returned to all community members. ?ractally 利用群众的智慧来减轻理性无知、现有优势、选民疲劳以及名利的帕累托 ? 分布所造成的偏见。 distribution bias. 加入 ?ractally,帮助我们为世界各地的社区带来真正的民主,这样我们就可以实现 一个没有政客、政党或明显的现有优势的更具生产力的世界!我们可以修复我们破碎的 a more productive world without politicians, political parties or apparent existing advantages! We can repair our broken
? ?espect 代币 ?espect 你可以赢得(earn)尊重、给予(give)尊重、失去(lose)尊重和持有(hold)尊 重,而现在,基于 ?ractally,你终于可以持有 ?espect(HODL ?espect)。你唯一不能做 weighs, and now, based on? ractally, you can finally hold?? espect. The only thing you can't do is
的就是窃取 ?espect。?espect 是社区对接受它的人的信任的象征。当一个人持有 ?espect (而非出售),它表达了他们对社区的信任,以及社区对个人贡献者的感激。
?ractally 让人们团结起来,达成共识,建立信任(trust)。这种信任通过他们的 ?espect ? 代币来表现。一个社区建立的信任越多,它的 ?espect 就越有价值。 trust
?espect 是一种真正的人民货币,由人民使用,为人民服务。分配 ?espect 是社区的
集体观念。没有人对 ?espect 享有特权,社区可以自由改变任意观点(通过一种值得尊 . No one has privileges )? 的观念。?espect 不是“持有者(HODLer)”的“财产”,而是社区观点的表达。 当人们重视社区的 ?espect(观念)时,社区及其代币就会繁荣。只有采取公平的治 When people value the community? espect (concept), the community and its tokens will prosper. Only with equitable treatment
理程序,系统地根除腐败,才能实现这一目标。恶性通货膨胀是人们不重视政府对谁应 Procedure to systematically eradicate corruption in order to achieve this goal. 该获得新增货币的意见的结果。 the result of obtaining comments on the new currency. ?espect 是自愿的,在给予者和接受者之间不授予任何合同权利或义务(即不是证 券)。当有人持有(HODLs)社区的 ?espect 时,那些重视社区 ?espect 的人将来可能 coupons. When someone owns (HODLs) a community?? espect, those who value the community?espect may in the future. 会为他们做更多的事情。
?espect 可以从一个人转让到另一个人;不论如何,它总是属于社区的意见之内。签
名转让只是改变社区意见的一种方式。 name transfer is only one way to change the views of the community. ? 公司 vs DAOs company vs DAOs 传统的公司和组织由股东选举的董事会运作。股东是帕累托分布的,这通常意味着 traditional companies and organizations are run by boards elected by shareholders. Shareholders are distributed by Paretto, which usually means 1%的股东实际上控制了 51%的投票权,51%的投票权通常足以达成 100%的控制权。此 1% of shareholders actually control 51% of voting rights, and 51% of voting rights are usually sufficient to achieve 100% control. 外,大多数日常决策都是由董事会委派给一位位于权力金字塔顶端的首席执行官。 >, most day-to-day decision-making is delegated by the Board to a CEO at the top of the pyramid of power. DAO 将权利倒置,并将其给予员工/客户。在比特币的例子中,矿工做出了客观的贡献,并根据查找哈希的困难程度客观地判断了他们所完成的工作量。这些代币又名比特币,没有投票权。?ractally DAO,也称?ractal,用主观的工作证明取代了客观的工作证明。早期创建 DAO 时尝试使用了代币加权投票,这导致它们镜像成了公司结构。?ractally 是不同的:它们的 ?espect 更像比特币,没有投票权。?ractally 中的所有权力都来自贡献者。与比特币一样,贡献者的工作越多,产生的价值越受到其他贡献者的尊重,赚取的?espect 就越多。 DAO's rights are reversed and given to employees/clients. In the case of Bitcoin, miners make objective contributions and objectively judge the workload they do according to the difficulty of finding Hash. These coins are also named Bitcoin, with no vote. ? 赢得 ?espect strong wins 有数百个社区为了更大的利益需要人们贡献时间和精力。无论您是想组织政党、创办互助会、分享福音,还是清理海洋,?ractally 授权自治3社区就如何给予 ?espect 每个人的贡献达成共识。?espect 最初是随着社区增长按比例分配的。假设一个固定规模的社区,通胀模型是每周按固定数量的 ?espect 代币或每年 6%,以较大者为准。赚取的 ?espect 的相对数量将按比例增加,以维持 6%的固定年供应增长率。这是保持社区增长对于当前贡献所必需承诺的最低要求,历史贡献的价值将随着时间的推移而衰减。不同的?ractally 可能 有不同的政策,它们都应该记住一个原则,即当前的贡献比历史的贡献更有价值。 with different policies, they should all remember the principle that current contributions are more valuable than historical contributions. 3自治 — 自主、自治、自主;不受外界治理。 3 Autonomy — autonomy, autonomy, autonomy; independence from the outside world. ? 16参加会议 16?ractally 对那些积极为社区做事的人进行奖励。这些努力将在完成工作后得到承认
和说明。你认为你能为社区做些什么吗?去做吧,你就可以开始赚取你应得的 ?espect。 and notes. Do you think you can do something for the community? Do it, and you can start earning what you deserve? 一旦你加入了一个与你有共同价值观的社区,你就可以立即参加一个 1 小时的视频 As soon as you join a community with which you share values, you can participate in a 1-hour video
会议,并与其他五名随机选择的社区成员达成共识来赚取你的社区的 R 尊重代币。无论 and agree with five other randomly selected community members to earn your community R respect the token. 你是开发人员、营销人员、博客作者、YouTuber、活动组织者、平面设计师、网络工作 you are developers, marketing agents, bloggers, YouTube, event organizers, graphic designers, webwork 者、律师、首席执行官、医生、牧师还是农民,都有让你为某个 ?ractally 社区做出贡献 persons, lawyers, chief executive officers, doctors, priests, farmers all contribute to a certain? ? 的一席之地。社区越重视你的贡献,你就能赚取越多的 ?espect 代币。 你的意见很重要。每周你都可以与 5 名随机成员分享你的观念,并就社区如何共同 尊重他们的贡献发表意见。随着时间的推移,社区中的每个人都会听到你尊重的事物。 respect their contribution to express their views. Over time, everyone in the community will hear what you respect. 每个人都有动力在周会上与你谈判,因为除非六分之四的人同意否则没有人能赚到 everyone has the incentive to negotiate with you at a weekly meeting, because no one will earn
?espect 代币。没有其他制度能让你对社区如何分配 ?espect 代币的发声产生如此大的影 ?pect token. There is no other system that allows you to make such a big picture of the sound of the span's voice in the community? 响力。 . ? 尊敬的发帖
可以对社区有直接价值或者记录你的间接贡献。喜欢(也就是尊重)你的内容的人越多, can be of direct value to the community or can record your indirect contribution. The more people who like (i.e. respect) your content,
你赚取的 ?espect 代币就越多。?ractally 严格保证只有真实的和积极的贡献者才能投票。 The more you earn, the more money is?? ractally only true and positive contributors can vote. 如果你喜欢 Steem 或 Hive
4背后的观念,那么你将会喜欢上 ?ractally 社区治理如何将内 4
容奖励提升到一个新的水平。与以前的系统不同,?ractally 能够抵抗机器人和女巫(Sybil) enhanced reward up to a new level. Unlike the previous system, ractally resists robots and witches . 攻击。 attack. 4 Hive - hive.blog ? 17团队合作 17teamwork 当人们在一个团队中时,他们会做得更多。?ractally 通过给予团队成员在其他活动 When people are in a team, they do more. (如周会、发帖等)中获得的每一个 ?espect 代币,来鼓励每个人加入团队。团队由 4 (e. g. week meetings, post, etc.) every espect token to encourage everyone to join the team. Team by 4 到 12 名成员组成,他们必须就如何在团队成员之间分配团队资金达成共识。 to 12 members who must agree on how to allocate team funds among team members. ? 提供流动性 provides liquidity 当你在两个 ?ractally 之间为一个自动做市商提供资金时,你可以帮助连接社区,同 You can help connect the community with
时在 6 天(144 小时)的时间里质押你的代币。除了赚取做市商费用外,一个或多个 >. One or more
?ractally 也在补贴流动性,这将增加你 ?espect 代币的收入。在提供流动性的同时,成 ?? 员在两个不同的社区有经济利益,这种利益将所有人联系在一起,形成一个更强大的整 The economic interests of the workers in two different communities bind everyone together to form a stronger whole
? 招募好成员 Recruit good members 一个社区的效率取决于它的成员。因此,对于一个社区来说,成功最关键的组成部 The efficiency of a community depends on its members. Thus, for a community, the most critical component of success
分是招募最热情、最有能力的贡献者。为了提供这种激励,所有社区成员都会获得相当 于他们邀请的人赚取的 ?espect 代币的 5%的佣金。 5% commission earned by the person they invite? espect tokens. 所以如果你招募 Joe,乔在他的第一次每周例会上收入是 55 个 ?espect 代币,你将 so if you recruit Joe, Joe receives 55 spect tokens at his first weekly meeting, you'll
获得 2.75 个 ?espect 代币,而招募你的人将获得 0.13 个 ?espect 代币。如果 Joe 从来没 get 2.75 espect, and your recruiter gets 0.13?espect. If Joe never 有挣到任何报酬,那么就不会给你任何招聘激励。如果你招募的人没有出现或没有产出, 你就有动力鼓励他们做出贡献。 you have the incentive to encourage them to contribute. ? 18持有 ?espect 18 holds? 当你持有你最喜欢的社区的 ?espect 代币,你要向过去为该社区做出贡献的每一个 when you have your favorite community? éspect tokens, you have to contribute to every
人致敬,并为更多人在未来做出贡献创造富有成效的互惠激励。没有什么比共享 ?espect people salute and create productive and mutually beneficial incentives for more people to contribute in the future. Nothing like sharing? 代币更符合社区利益来。当你保证持有 6 个月时,你会赚得更多 ?espect 代币,“赞助” tokens are more in the community's interest. When you promise to hold them for six months, you will earn more. 一个社区。 a community. “你们要给人,就必有给你们的。并且用十足的升斗,连摇带按,上尖下流的,倒在 你们怀里。因为你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。” i> in your arms. Because of what measure you give, you must also measure it. < - Luke 6:38 圣经 -Luke 6:38 Bible ? Respect 流程图 Respect flowchart 下图展示来了尊重如何在系统中从一个帐户流向另一个帐户。所有的 ?espect 代币一
都开始是“待处理 ?espect 代币”,意思是它尚未正式发放,也未认为是被供应的 ?espect
代币。这图中所示的 ?espect 代币金额是“相对”的,并取决于每一个 ?ractally 的社区共 decins. The amount of espect is “relative” and depends on each community span'. 识。
每周最多有 5%的待决 ?espect 代币可以转换为实际发布的 ?espect 代币,并且每周 只能转换一次。等待 20 周的帐户可以 100%转换为已发行 ?espect 代币。转换后,5%将 can only be converted once. Waiting for a 20-week account can be converted 100% into a published?espect token. 5% will be converted 转入邀请方的待处理 ?espect 代币帐户。 to be transferred to the inviteee's pending account? espect token account. 该待处理 ?espect 账户作为一种债券,社区可以通过治理流程对其征收罚款。它还 The pending account is a bond that the community can fine through the governance process. 可以作为一种自动赌注机制,确保那些做出治理决策的人在游戏中占有一席之地。
? ? ? 每周共识会议 Weekly consensus meeting 每周例会的想法类似于许多公司举行的站会。所有员工都习惯于参加每周例会,并 The idea of weekly meetings is similar to that of many companies. All employees are used to weekly meetings and 期望因此获得报酬。这与 ?ractally 的成员没有什么不同。 is expected to be paid accordingly. This is no different from `acquaintally' members. 每周例会的目的是就每个人对 ?ractally 事业贡献的价值的排名顺序达成共识。排名 The purpose of the weekly meetings is to reach a consensus on the ranking of the value of each person's contribution to? 顺序意味着从最大到最小排序。六分之四或五分之三的人必须同意,否则没有人能赚到 the order means from maximum to minimum. 任何报酬。 any remuneration. 每组中排名最高的个人将被送到下一轮,在下一轮中,该过程将以不规则的方式重 The highest-ranking individual in each group will be sent to the next round, where the process will be weighed in an irregular manner
复(?ractally)。这一过程最多重复 5 次,或直到该轮少于 6 人。 reverse(?ractally). This process is repeated five times at most, or until the wheel is less than six people. ? 日程表 schedule 所有小组在同一时间参与会议。这可以防止一个人持有多个帐户并参加多个会议。 all groups participate at the same time. This prevents a person from holding multiple accounts and participating in multiple meetings. 社区治理过程决定了会议的日程安排。 the community governance process determines the schedule of meetings. 83%的参与者参会时间只需参加 1 小时。13%的人需要参加 2 小时,2.3%的人需要 83% of participants attend only for one hour. 13% need 2 hours and 2.3% need 参加 3 小时。1 小时的会议之间有 15 分钟的休息时间。对于非常大的 ?ractals,最有价 Participated 3 hours. There are 15 minutes of rest between 1 hour meetings. ?ractally – 下一代 DAOs
21值的前 1%成员可能需要 4 到 5 个小时,但这些成员的时间收入也显著增加。如果你用 1% of the 21st value members may need 4 to 5 hours, but the time income of these members has also increased significantly. 一个公司的类比,高层管理人员比低层员工花更多的时间在会议上达成共识。 A corporate analogy where senior management spends more time in reaching consensus than junior staff. ? 签到 sign 为了有效运作并防止空组“不露面”,每个人都必须在会议开始前 10 分钟签到。这 In order to function effectively and prevent the empty group from “invisible”, everyone must sign in 10 minutes before the opening of the meeting. This 包括打开 ?ractally 应用程序并访问会议页面。那里的一切都将是自动的。 只有那些签到的人才会被分配到小组。在签到过程中,应该很少有人不能参加指定 only those who sign in will be assigned to the team. Very few people should be unable to participate in the designation
的会议,也很少有团体有 5 名成员而非 6 名成员。 meetings also rarely have 5 members instead of 6 members. 签到时间会向区块链提交一个私密哈希。签到窗口关闭后,每位当事人都有 2 分钟 的时间揭示他们的私密哈希。只有那些展示私密哈希的人才能参加会议。随机分组将根 据所有揭示私密哈希的集体散列进行分配。因此,每个人都有权通过等待“其他所有人 distribute according to all the collective hassle revealing the private Hash. Everyone therefore has the right to wait by “all others 都提交”来改变一点随机性,然后决定是揭露还是选择退出。出于所有实际目的,这确保
了数学上可证明的群分组的诚实洗牌。 the honest shuffling of mathematically proven group groups. ? 介绍 introduction 如果会议在 18:00 开始,那么每个人都应该在 18:05 之前参加会议。前 5 分钟用于 If the meeting starts at 1800 hours, everyone should attend the meeting before 1805. 5 minutes in advance will be spent at . 解决任何连接、视频和音频问题。人们也可以在等待大家加入的同时介绍自己。任何未 能在5分钟内加入视频通话的人应自动成为最终共识的最低级别。如果超过两个人迟到, A person who can add a video call within five minutes should automatically be the lowest level of final consensus.
那么最新的成员应该排名最低。这将由每个小组主观地执行,任何未能执行这一及时性 the most up-to-date member should be the lowest. This will be done subjectively by each panel, and any failure to implement this timeliness 规则的小组都可能被理事会追究责任。已建立的社区应采用序言(目的)和操作框架(规 Rule groups may be held accountable by the Council. The established community should adopt a preamble (purpose) and an operational framework (regulation ). 则,如及时性规则),作为其初始说明的一部分。录制的视频通话应提供迟到所需的所 有客观证据。用户界面还将强制执行这些规则,这将使随机的 4 人小组极难使用另一种 with objective evidence. The user interface will also enforce these rules, which will make it extremely difficult for random 4-person teams to use another
方法来报告不同的共识。 Method to report on different consensuses. ? 展示工作 & 达成共识 strong> presentation & consensus 在每次会议上,人们都有 5 分钟的发言时间。在所有演讲结束后,小组有 25-30 分 at each meeting, there will be 5 minutes to speak. After all the presentations, the panel will have 25-30 minutes 钟的时间就每个成员进行从高到低的排名达成共识。这些规则是主观的,并通过过程中 的同行评审部分强制执行。 ?ractally – 下一代 DAOs
22个人可以为自己的个人贡献以及所加入团队的贡献进行倡议,因为团队将获得 50% 22 individuals can take initiatives for their personal contribution and the contribution of the team they join, as the team will receive 50%
的个人获得的 ?espect 代币。 persons get?pect tokens. 只要每个人在 1 小时窗口期结束前都同意,该小组就可以使用他们喜欢的任意形 if everyone agrees by the end of the 1-hour window period, the team can use whatever form they like
式来达成共识。?ractally 实际上故意避免实施投票和计票系统,因为所有此类系统都鼓 励人们“战略性地投票”而不是诚实地投票。相反,会议应该是一个来回的讨论和谈判的 to motivate people to vote “strategicly” rather than honestly. On the contrary, the conference should be a back-to-back discussion and negotiation 过程。
? 共识证明 - 两阶段承诺 strong> common proof - two-stage commitment 一旦达成共识,所有成员都会通过两阶段向区块链提交报告。首先,他们提交达成 If consensus is reached, all members will report to the block chain in two stages. First, they will submit their agreement
共识的哈希值;然后,在所有人都承诺之后,所有人都公布了共识排序。此过程将由用 The Hashi value of consensus; then, after everyone's commitment, everyone announces the order of consensus. The process will be 户界面自动执行。 Does the home interface automatically. 两阶段承诺的目的是证明已经达成共识。任何不参与视频通话和任何自动化系统的 the purpose of the two-stage commitment is to demonstrate consensus. Any non-participation in video calls and any automated system
人都不知道如何在视频中报告。此外,这不是对每个人认为秩序“应该是什么”的“投票”, people don't know how to report in video. Besides, this is not a "vote" for everyone who thinks order is "what it should be," . 而是对共识的共同报告。6 人中至少有 4 人,或 5 人中的 3 人必须报告并同意。任何报 is a common report on the consensus. At least 4 out of 6 persons, or 3 out of 5 persons, must report and agree. Any newspaper 告与多数人不能达成一致意见的,都不会获得任何 ?espect 代币。实际上,这意味着所 if the majority is unable to agree, it won't get any spect tokens. In fact, this means 有人都会报告相同的顺序。 Someone will report the same order. ? 同行评审 Peer Review 在每次通话结束时,成员可以评估他们和其他与会成员的体验。说得太多而垄断通 at the end of each call, members can assess their experiences and those of the other participating members. Too much to monopolize
话的成员,或好斗、粗鲁等的成员应获得较低的评分。友好、礼貌、谦虚、乐于合作的 member of words, or member of combat, rude etc., should receive a lower rating. Friendly, polite, modest, cooperative 成员应获得较高的排名。随着时间的推移,每个人都会受到其他人的评价,这些评级可 members should be ranked higher. Over time, everyone will be evaluated by others and these ratings can be
? 会议时间 meeting time 每个社区的理事会(稍后将详细介绍)有权设定每轮每周会议的日期和时间。想要 The council of each community (to be detailed later) has the right to set the date and time of each weekly meeting round. 防止成员的双重会员身份的社区,应该考虑与竞争社区安排同时进行的日程表。?ractals Communities that prevent dual membership of members should consider scheduling at the same time as the competition community. 鼓励认可双重会员制的社区,不妨将其会议安排在不同的日期和时间。 Communities that encourage dual membership are encouraged to schedule their meetings on different dates and times. ? ?espect 分配 ?espect allocate 下表展示了 ?espect 如何根据会议共识被分配。 第 1 轮 Round 1 第 1 轮的贡献者排名 1-6。第 1 轮第 6 名的每个人都参加第 2 轮比赛,第 2 轮的 6 contributors to Round 1 rank 1-6. Each person in Round 1 6 will participate in Round 2, Round 2 名参与者中有 5 人晋级更高的级别(7-11)。 由于成员资格不是 6 的倍数,因此某些 5 out of the participants were promoted to a higher level (7-11). Some
组将只有 5 个成员。 在这种情况下,排名为 2 到 6,并且没有人从该组中获得 1 的 排名。 rank. 这种分布模式遵循自然界中常见的斐波那契数列。按照这一顺序,第一个周期中 16% this pattern follows the number of Fibonaccis common in nature. In this order, 16% of the first cycle
的参与者获得约 40%的报酬。这是 80/20 帕累托原理的一种更柔和的形式。 participants received about 40% of the remuneration. This is a softer form of the 80/20 Pareto doctrine. 第 2 轮 Round 2 在第 1 轮之后,排名最高的成员被随机分组进入第 2 轮。在这一轮中,将继续依据斐波那契数列。 请注意,这些是累积奖励,这意味着第 2 轮的净增长率最低为 0(21-21),最高为212(233-21)。我们的目标是对所有贡献者进行排序,并根据斐波那契数列增加他们的报酬。 Note that these are cumulative incentives, which means that the net growth rate of Round 2 is at a minimum of 0 (21-21) and at a maximum of 212 (233-21). 第 3 轮 3rd round 这一过程将持续到少于 6 人或最多 5 轮。 The process will continue to less than 6 persons or up to 5 wheels. ?如果任意一组未能达成共识,他们将收到的 ?espect 代币基于其能够达成的最后一组的共识。换句话说,6 人中的 5 人不再从 11 级晋升到 12-16 级,而是每个人都将保持在 11 级。第 1 轮协商一致失败的结果是 0 排名和获取 0 ?espect 代币。任何提交与多数意见不一致共识报告的人将获得0排名,无论该组的实际共识如何。 ? If any group fails to reach consensus, they will receive?espect tokens based on the last consensus they can reach. In other words, 5 out of 6 will no longer move from level 11 to level 12-16, but everyone will remain at level 11. The result of the first round of consensus failure is 0 ranking and 0 obtaining?espect. Any person submitting a consensus report inconsistent with the majority will be ranked 0, regardless of the actual consensus in the group. ? 最后通牒博弈 有一个著名的经济实验被称为“最后通牒博弈5”。在这个实验中,一个人得到$100,并被要求与另一个玩家分享其中的一部分。然后,另一方可以选择接受或拒绝报价。如果出价被拒绝,那么两名玩家都不能把钱留下。如果报价被接受,那么两名球员都可以拿到钱。在许多实验中,人们发现,低于 30 美元的报价通常会被拒绝,尽管 30 美元总比没有好。实际结果因文化而异,这表明,当 ?ractally 由来自相似文化的人组成时可能最有效。当要求一群人达成共识或一无所获时,我们会面临类似的问题。如果你把六个人放在一个房间里,而他们都认为自己对一个社区做出了同等的贡献,那么他们很可能会拒绝任何他们得到的远远少于其他人的共识。通过遵循斐波那契序列,任何两个连续排名的贡献者都同意把奖励分成 38/62,因此即使他们都认为 50/50 的比例更公平,也有可能达成共识。更顽固的人可能会得到 62%。此外,小组冠军获得约 40%,而其他成员包括亚军总共获得 60%。这意味着,如果你可以将亚军视为一个符合逻辑的人,同任何始终属于未能达成共识的群体的个人都将自动从社区中移除。这造成了一种倾向,即建立共识,而不是拒绝不公平的结果。那些顽固的人自然会被过滤掉,以防止他们抱怨别人。提议的自动移除阈值在连续 10 周中有 5 周未能达成共识。在平均 20 周的时间里,个人需要在 67%的时间内达成共识才能留在执政社区。意提议的分割,而获胜者被要求接受或拒绝,那么即使没有其他人做了任何值得他们赔偿的事情,获胜者仍然会接受。在一种假设下,所有成员都贡献了客观上相等的金额,他们必须在每个人都一无所有和允许其他人得到更多之间做出权衡。他们很可能会找到一些准则,甚至是随机的因素,就顺序达成共识,而不是每个人都一无所获。在多次迭代过程中,社区应该纠正过去的任何不平衡性。小组内始终未能达成共识的个人都将自动被社区移除。这造成了一种倾向,即建立共识,而不是拒绝不公平的结果。那些顽固的人自然会被过滤掉,以防止他们抱怨别人。提议的自动移除阈值在连续 10 周内有 5 周未能达成共识。在平均 20 周的时间里,个 , > > >, i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i., i.e., i.e., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i.e., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e. i., i.e. i. i.e. i.e. i. i.e. i. i.i. i.e. i. i.e. i. i.i. i.e. i.e. i. i.e. i. i. i.e. i. i.e. i. i.e.e. i. i. i.i. i. i. i. i. i.i. i.i. i. i. i.i. i. i.i.i. i. i. i. i. i.i.i.i.i.i.i.e. i.i.i. i. i.i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i.e. i.i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i.i. i. i.e. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i.e. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i.e. i. i. i. i. i.e.e. i.e.e. i. i. i. i. i.e. i. i.e.e. i. i. i.e. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i.e.e.e.e.e. i. i.e. i. i. i. i 人需要在 67%的总时间内达成共识才能留在治理社区。当你考虑用斐波那契模拟自然界时,应用最后通牒博弈的实验结果和帕累托原理经验法则,我们发现了三个保持一致的标准,这是一个很好的指标表明这个系统可能是平衡的,并与人性相符。 people need to reach a consensus in 67% of the total time to stay in the community of governance. When you consider using Fibonacci to simulate the natural world, applying the results of the experiment with an ultimatum game and the Parito rationale, we find three consistent criteria, which is a good indicator that the system may be balanced and compatible with humanity. ?5最后通牒博弈, Ultimatum Game, Wikipedia `Ultimatum Game, Wikipedia ? 最后通牒派别 这个游戏的潜在结果之一是,大约 50%的人口试图组建一个派别。该派别试图要求 one of the potential outcomes of this game is that about 50% of the population is trying to form a faction. The faction is trying to demand
他们的成员在每一组 6 人中排名前 3 位,其他人则排在后 3 位。为了达到这一要求,他 their members rank 3 out of 6 persons in each group, while the others rank 3 behind. To meet this requirement, he 们威胁要阻止达成共识,迫使所有人一无所获。在这场游戏中,顽固的那一半占 81%, they threaten to prevent consensus and force everyone to get nothing. In this game, the tenacious half is 81%,
被动的那一半占 19%。根据最后通牒博弈实验,非共谋一方可能会彻底拒绝共谋方的努 the half of the passive 19%. According to the ultimatum simulation, a non-conspiracy party may reject the conspirator's completely. 力。也就是说,共谋方可以贿赂倒数第 3 名的非共谋方。 power. That is, a conspirator may bribe a non-conspiracy party in the penultimate place. 因为 67%的人必须同意达成共识,而 50%的人就能阻止达成共识。两派别最终将陷 入僵局。 to deadlock. 现实情况是,任何试图勾结和分裂奖金的派别仍然需要一个内部派别治理体系。这
种治理体系必然不如 ?ractally 的过程民主,并且需要对其的忠诚度大大超过 ?ractally。 types of governance are necessarily less democratic? ractally process democratic and need to be more loyal to them than they are? . 如果这样一个派别能够创造一个更好的治理程序,那么即使整个社会采纳它可能也是有 If such a faction can create a better governance process, there may be
益的。无论如何,我们推测,相对于共谋企图可能带来的收益,组建少数党的动机相对 for the benefit. In any case, we assume that the motive for forming a minority is relative to
较小。 Smaller. ? 小组规模 panel size 伊甸园社区(Eden6)之前曾使用过 5 人小组。为了防止 40%的共谋党挟持60%的多数党,?ractally 故意将目标群体的规模从 5 人改为 6 人。要求 7 人中的 5 人达成共识,将允许 42%的人劫持 58%的人质。达到 7 分之 4 只需要 57%的共识,这大大低于拜占庭容错(BFT)的 67%。最大化拜占庭容错(BFT ) used a group of five people before. In order to prevent 40% of the conspirators from holding 60% of the majority, did it intentionally change the size of the target group from 5 to 6 people. 5 out of 7 people were requested to reach a consensus that would allow 42% of the hostages to be held to 58%. 7)共识、最小化少数群体最后通牒的下一个小组规模是 9 人中的 6 人。群体越大,谈话的效率就越低。少数人往往会主导大群体的谈话。 ) Consensus, minimization of ultimatums for minorities is next on the scale of 6 out of 9. The larger the group, the less efficient the conversation is. ? 6 Eden:运用 ?ractal 治理过程的区块链社区。 ? 7 虽然 BFT 在传统意义上并不相关,但如果你假设有 33%的少数“坏人”试图参与治理过程,以及 66%的多数
人与意图一致,那么仍然需要 50%的“好人”同意。 A person with intent still needs 50% "good people" consent. ?在一篇题为“作为互动对话或系列独白的小组讨论:小组规模的影响8”的论文中, in a paper entitled i> as an interactive dialogue or a series of monologue panels: impact of the size of the panel span style="color: rgb (0,0,0,0); font-size:10px; > Nicolas Fay、Simon Garrod 和 Jean Carletta 研究了小组规模对沟通模式的影响。他们确 Nicolas Fay, Simon Garrod and Jean Carleta studied the impact of the size of the group on the mode of communication. 定了两种交流方式:对话和独白。在对话中,小组讨论的成员可能最受与他们互动的人 determines two modes of communication: dialogue and monologue. During the dialogue, the panellists may be the ones who interact most with them 的影响,而在独白中,他们最受主导演讲者的影响。 , while in monologue they are most affected by leading speakers. 这篇论文指出,如果团队规模超过 5 人,则倾向于增加独白式讨论的可能性。因此, the paper states that if the team is larger than 5 people, it tends to increase the possibility of monologue discussions. , therefore, 为了最大限度地发挥每一个个体的影响力,5-6 人的群体规模是理想的。 To maximize the influence of each individual, the size of the group of 5-6 people is ideal. 虽然我们的设计基于理论上势均力敌的群体,但现实是并非所有群体都能有 6 名成 Although our design is based on theoretically equal enemy groups, the reality is that not all groups have 6 names
员(鸽巢原理9)。这意味着在任何一轮中,最多 5 个小组可能只有 5 名成员,具体取决 (dove nest principles . 于签到人数。如果有人签到但未能出席会议,则 5 个以上的小组可能有 5 名成员,而有 些小组的成员可能少于5名。当缺席和其他因素时,需要同时考虑两种小组规模的结果。 groups may have fewer than five members. When absent and other factors, the results of the size of both groups need to be taken into account. 所以选项是 4-5、5-6、6-7、7-8 或 8-9。在这些选项中,有一些 5 人的小组比有一些 4 人 so the options are 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8 or 8-9. Some five-person groups outnumber some 4 . 的小组要好。在 4 人小组中,4 人中的 3 人必须达成共识(75%),4 人中的 2 人(50%) 可以阻止达成共识。如果所有小组都是 4 人小组,那么与 6 人小组相比,这将达成一个 can prevent consensus. If all teams are four-person groups, then this will result in a compared to the six-person group. 更强烈的共识和更容易的对话;然而,在这种情况下,一些群体最终会是 3 人。 Stronger consensus and easier dialogue; in this case, however, some groups will eventually be three people. 经过深思熟虑后,发现目标群体规模为 6 人,一些群体规模为 5 人是最佳折衷方案。 After careful consideration, it was found that the target group was 6 people and that some groups were 5 people as the best compromise. 在每个小组内达成共识的规则是 6 分之 4 或 5 分之 3。这意味着,至少 50%的群体需要 the rule of consensus in each group is 4 or 5 ppm. This means that at least 50% of the group needs
放弃共识,至少 60%的群体需要达成共识,而绝大多数时间需要 67%的群体才能达成共 Forget consensus, at least 60% of the group needs consensus, while the vast majority of the group takes 67% of the time to reach
8 Group Discussion as Interactive Dialogue or as Serial Monologue: The Influence of Group Size - Nicolas Fay, Simon Garrod, Jean Carletta, 2000? ?9 鸽巢原理指出,如果将 n 件物品放入 m 个容器中,且 n > m,则至少一个容器必须包含多于一件物品。 9 lavender principle states that if n items are placed in m containers and n & gt; m, at least one container must contain more than one item. 团队 team 加入团队是结交朋友并开始赢得更多尊重的最快方式之一。?ractally 尽一切努力与人性保持一致。 NicholasA. Christakis 的《蓝图 — 良好社会的进化基础》一书提供了有关人类社会如何合作运作的有效信息宝库。参与定期和重复互动的团队比每年只见面几次的随机个人更有合作动力。团队让一切都变得更有趣。拥有多种技能的人一起工作,比同样数量的独立工作的人更有效率。团队让管理人员、组织者和领导者能够将具有不同才能的人聚集在一起,以协作的方式生产某些东西。没有团队,“经理”很难在每周会议上传达其不那么明显的贡献。更内向、说话温和的人很难与更外向的擅长公众演讲者竞争。此外,与一小部分人密切合作的团队可以建立信任、提供问责制并促进分工。随机审查个人的工作要困难得多;但是,如果您作为一个团队工作,那么您对彼此的贡献有更深入的 book by Nicholas A. Christakis provides an effective repository of information on how human society works together. Teams that engage in regular and repetitive interactions are more cooperative than random individuals that meet only a few times a year. Teams make everything more interesting. Teams that work with multiple skills are more efficient than the same number of independent jobs. Teams that bring managers, organizers and leaders together with different talents to produce things in a collaborative manner. 了解。当团队成员参加每周会议时,他们既是在倡导展示个人贡献,也是在倡导展示整个团队的贡献。由于团队成员随机分布在所有组中,因此该过程会增加每周查看您和您团队活动的人数。虽然没有必要加入团队,但这样做是获得对社区贡献的认可的最佳方式。 knows. When team members attend weekly meetings, they advocate both for personal contributions and for the contributions of the entire team. Since team members are randomly distributed among all groups, the process increases the number of people who visit you and your team every week. While there is no need to join the team, this is the best way to gain recognition for community contributions. ? 加入团队 joins the team 任何活跃的成员都可以创建一个新团队并邀请其他人加入。一旦一个团队有 4 名成员,它就可以选择一个获得 ? 批准的团队领导。然后,团队负责人有资格参与全球实际治理决策。本文的治理部分提供了有关团队领导角色的更多信息。 any active member can create a new team and invite others to join. Once a team has 4 members, it can choose an approved team leader. The team leader is then qualified to participate in actual global governance decision-making. The governance section of this paper provides more information on team leadership roles. ? 分配团队的 ?espect distribution team?espect 从此开始,团队有资格获得与其成员赢得的任何 ?espect 相匹配的 ?espect。每个团队就如何划分团队的 ?espect 达成自己的共识。这样做的方式是任何团队成员都可以提议将团队 ?espect 转让到他们的个人账户。然后在接下来的 72 小时内收集选票,只要 ? 的选票批准转让,它就会通过。这意味着如果没有反对意见,那么只需一票即可分配团队资金。如果 ? 的团队批准,则可以立即进行转让,而不会再拖延。如果转让被拒绝,那么最初提出转让的人将失去在其托管账户中的 ?espect。稍后将提供有关托管帐户的更多详细信息。托管账户中没有足够资金的团队成员不能提议从团队账户进行转账。 Starting with this, the team is entitled to any matching of the members' winnings? espect. Each team reaches its own consensus on how to divide the team? espect. By doing so, any team member can propose to transfer the team? espect to their personal accounts. Then collect the ballot within the next 72 hours, as long as the ballot approves the transfer. ? 离开团队 leaves the team 如果您想离开现在的团队同时加入新团队,在您从一个团队中被移除,并有资格加入新团队之前,有一个强制性的 20 周等待期。这会产生人为的摩擦,鼓励团队合作解决分歧而不是解散。它还使人们在加入团队之前要仔细考虑。这是基于“蓝图”中描述的研究,其中实验表明,当与不断变化的社会关系相关的摩擦发生时,人们的合作会变得最多。 If you want to leave the present team and join a new team at the same time, you will have a mandatory 20-week waiting period before you are removed from a team and eligible to join a new team. This will create artificial friction and encourage the team to work together to resolve differences rather than to dissolve. It will also allow people to consider carefully before joining a team. This is a study described in the Blueprint, where experiments show that when frictions related to changing social relationships occur, people will collaborate most. ? 媒体奖励 Media Award ?ractally 可以被视为一个大型多人协作预算系统,旨在识别和奖励对某项事业的最佳贡献。每周会议并不适合所有人,因此,如果您想在不参加每周会议的情况下通过为社区做出贡献来赢得 ?espect,那么发布奖励可能适合您。
? Hive 中吸取的历史教训 Steem/Hive 是第一个用代币奖励发布内容的人的社交媒体平台。在 Hive 之下,用 Steem/Hive is the first social media platform to reward content with a token. Under Hive, use 户将持有他们的代币(锁定)3 个月以上,作为交换,他们将获得与其持有的代币成比 houses will hold their tokens (locking) for more than three months in exchange for which they will receive a ratio of the tokens they hold 例的投票权。假设大量代币持有者倾向于为代币价格的最佳利益投票。通过奖励与投票 的平方成比例的帖子,我们激励用户集中投票。高于平均水平的帖子将获得绝大多数奖 square-to-square posts, we encourage users to vote together. Post posts above average will win the vast majority of awards
励。一个大量代币持有者或一群小的代币持有者都可以分配奖励,但单独或小团体行动 . A large number of money holders or a small group of money holders can allocate incentives but act individually or in small groups 的个人不会赚到太多。 persons don't earn much. 事实证明,购买投票变得普遍和自动化。不能相信大量代币持有者会为所有代币持 The purchasing vote proved to be universal and automated. It cannot be trusted that a large number of currency holders will hold
有者的最大利益行事。较小的代币持有者会经常选择出租他们的投票权,而为那些提供 the best interests of those who have it. Small currency holders will often choose to rent their votes instead of offering them
优质发帖内容的人,其提供的绝大多数奖励是由算法分配的,作为一种复杂的质押奖励 The vast majority of incentives offered by people with quality post content are allocated by algorithms as a complex pledge reward 形式。尽管存在滥用,但“噪音”中仍有一些“信号”,内容创作者仍然可以赚钱。 Hive 允许上下投票,并会在应用二次函数之前计算净投票。最终 Hive 采用了线性投票来“更 Allows a vote up and down and calculates a net vote before applying a second function. Ultimately, Hive uses a linear vote to "More
均匀地分配代币”,但它最终没有为投票偏离共识提供机会成本。这使得投票购买更加 even distribution of tokens, but it ultimately did not provide an opportunity to vote to deviate from consensus. This resulted in more voting for
有利可图。 profit. 假设所有用户的投票权重相同,则最后一次投赞成票将对奖励产生最大影响,而一 Assuming that all users have the same voting weight, the final vote in favour will have the greatest impact on the incentive and one
次反对票将取消它。例如,如果一个帖子有 3 个赞,则奖励将是 9(即 32),这表示从 2 from 2 个赞(4=22)增加了 5。因此,第一次投反对票将花费帖子的 5。这使得愤怒或报复 2 praises (4=22 ) were added. Therefore, the first vote against will cost the post 5. This makes anger or retaliation . 的人很容易让其他用户感到悲伤。实际上,赞成票和反对票的净值并没有准确反映关于 内容是“好”、“坏”还是“中立”的共识意见。 consensus on "good", "bad" or "neutral". 如果我们要改进 Hive,那么我们将需要改变激励结构以提供问责制并最大限度地 if we want to improve Live, then we will need to change the incentive structure to provide accountability and maximize
减少投票购买的潜在回报。理想情况下,那些试图购买选票和颠覆公共利益以谋取私利 reduces the potential return on voting purchases. Ideally, those who try to buy votes and subvert the public interest for personal gain 的人会蒙受损失并被从社区中除名。 ? ?ractally 投票计数算法 ?ractally 从根本上改变算法,使后权重等于赞成票的平方和减去反对票的平方和。 ? ractally change the algorithm fundamentally so that the afterweight is equal to the square of the affirmative vote and minus the square of the negative vote. 这意味着一个有 3 个赞成票和 1 个反对票的帖子最终的权重为 9-1 或 8。一个有 3 means that a post with 3 votes in favour and 1 vote against will ultimately weigh 9-1 or 8. One with 3 个赞成票和 2 个反对票的帖子最终会得到 (3*3-2*2=5) .反对票多于赞成票的帖子将一 posts in favour of and 2 votes against will eventually get (3*3-2*2 = 5). 无所获。这意味着即使有 51 票赞成和 49 票反对,一个有争议的帖子仍然可以获得相 当不错的报酬。在这种情况下,51/49 拆分的费用与 14/0 拆分类似(51/49 拆分的费用 should be well paid. In this case, 51/49 split costs are similar to 14/0 splits (51/49 split costs ) 类似于 14/0 拆分。) like 14/0 splits. Vp 是帖子上加权喜欢的总和。 Fp 是帖子上的加权不喜欢的总和。 Fp is the weighted sum on the post that doesn't like it. Rp 是从奖励池中支付给帖子作者的 ?espect。 M 为共享奖励池余额。 M for sharing incentive pool balances. i 帖子索引。 i post index. n 为帖子数。 n is the number of posts. 帖子,而非评论,有资格在发布后 24 小时内收到赞。 post, not comment, eligible to receive praise within 24 hours of publication. ? 投票权重 vote weight 虽然任何人都可以就内容是否有助于公众利益发表意见,但只有那些在每周会议中有排 Although anyone can comment on whether the content is in the public interest, only those with a weekly meeting
名的人才能对帖子获得的投票权重做出贡献。此限制可防止女巫(Sybil)攻击,并确保为选 persons can contribute to the voting weight of the post. This restriction prevents the witch from attacking and ensures the selection of
民负责。每周用户的投票权重会衰减 5% 或 1 个单位(以较大者为准),并且每周用户的 Crown responsible. The weekly user's voting weight decreases by 5% or 1 unit, whichever is greater, and the weekly user's 投票权重会随着他们在每周会议中的排名而增长。16.6% 的成员获得排名 1 级,16.6% 获 The right to vote will grow with their ranking in the weekly meetings. 16.6% of members are ranked 1 and 16.6% 得 2 级,16.6% 获得 3 级,16.6% 获得 4 级,16.6% 获得 5 级。83% 的成员获得 1 级 2 with rank 2, 16.6% with level 3, 16.6% with level 4, 16.6% with level 5. 83% of members with level 1 以上到 5。13.8% 的成员排名从 6 到 11,2.3% 的成员排名从 12 到 17,0.13% 的成员排 to 5. 13.8% of members ranked from 6 to 11,2.3% from 12 to 17,0.13% of members
名从 18 到 30。 name from 18 to 30. 此每周排名平均超过 12 周,以提供与个人在每周会议中的平均表现相关的更稳定的投 This ranking averages more than 12 weeks per week to provide a more stable contribution related to the average performance of individuals in weekly meetings 票权重。 vote weight. ? 限速发帖 Speed limit post 每个 ?ractal 对内容创建速率(即每天的帖子)都有限制,以防止垃圾帖子,允许策展 each?? 人/选民发现和审查。因此,发布是有成本的。 people/voter find and censor. Therefore, publication is cost-effective. 想像一下像比特币块这样的帖子。平均每 10 分钟发布一个帖子,并且从某种意义上来 Imagine posts like bitcoins. An average of 10 minutes to post, and in a sense 说,难度是以成本来度量的。如果每小时发布超过 7 个帖子,则成本会上涨 5%。如果每小
时收到的帖子少于 5 个,则成本会下降 5%。费用将每 6 个帖子或每 1 小时调整一次,以 with less than 5 posts received, the cost will decrease by 5%. The cost will be adjusted every 6 posts or 1 hour to . 先到者为准。50% 的发帖费将捐给内容奖励池,如果他们的帖子获得的赞成票多于反对票, . 50% of the posting fee will be contributed to the content incentive pool, if they get more votes in favour of the post than against, 则其它 50% 将返还给发帖人。如果帖子收到的反对票多于赞成票,则 100% 的费用将被贡 献到内容奖励池中。 for content reward pool. 这意味着每个发帖者都在进行经济计算,以确定他们是否相信他们的内容会获得足够的
点赞支持来解决提交帖子的成本。 applause to address the cost of submitting the post. 这使互联网上的任何人都可以提交内容并获得 ?ractal 的 ?espect。每个 ?ractal 可以 This allows anyone on the Internet to submit content and get actal's?pect. Each span' 根据自己的目标选择限制自己的发帖速率。 Treats the speed at which you select your own target. ? 限速投票
没有人有时间评估所有贡献的内容并且没有速率限制,那些采用自动投票策略的人,将 No one has time to assess the content of all contributions and there are no speed limits, and those who use automatic voting tactics will 能够比手动投票的人投出更多的票。为了提供一些平衡,用户被分配投票权,在 24 小时内 able to vote more than those who vote manually. To provide some balance, users are allocated the right to vote within 24 hours 线性“充电”至 100%。每次他们投票时,他们都会消耗一些投票权。 linear "charge" to 100%. Each time they vote, they consume some votes. 投票后总权重是每个选民的投票权消耗乘以他们的投票权重的总和。您可以使用 20% The total weight of voting weights is the sum of the voting weights of each voter multiplied by their voting weight. You can use 20% . 的投票权投 5 次“超级票”,也可以使用 5% 的投票权投 20 次“普通票”,或者使用 1% vote five times "super-vote", or 20 times "general vote" or 1% 的投票权投 100 次“微投票”。赞成票和反对票的权重相同。您不能在单个帖子上应用超过 vote 100 times "micro-vote." The votes in favour are equal to the votes against. You cannot apply more than
20% 的投票权。用户体验就像 Medium 的“拍掌”一样,点击的时间越长,应用的力量就 20% voting rights. Users experience like Medium's "tlapping" and the longer they click, the more powerful the application is
越大。 . ? 投票滥用 vote abuse Hive10 遇到了一个问题,即一些选民会以旨在伤害或骚扰那些诚实地为公共利益做出 Hive10 encounters a problem that some voters will make
贡献的人的方式投票。他们会出售他们的选票。他们总是会投票给朋友,而非投票给其他人。 to vote. They will sell their votes. They will always vote for friends, not for others. 一般来说,他们会利用他们的投票权为他们的个人利益赚取尽可能多的价值。 they generally use their voting rights to earn as much value as possible for their personal interests. 幸运的是,任何从事这种投票行为的人都可能会发现自己在每周共识会议中的排名要低
得多,因此他们的投票权将大大减少。此外,提交帖子的成本设定了最低质量期望,这意味 , so their voting rights will be significantly reduced. Moreover, the cost of submitting a post sets minimum quality expectations, which means
着“诚实的多数”可以确保发布毫无价值的内容以试图获得不劳而获的选票是一种亏本的努 An honest majority ensures the publication of worthless content in an attempt to get free votes is a loss
力。 . ? 持有 ?espect
购买 ?espect 的人正在赞助一个或多个社区。当您长期承诺赞助社区时,您可以获得赞 The buyer? espect is sponsoring one or more communities. When you have long made a commitment to sponsor the community, you can get a compliment 助奖励。这采取锁定 ?espect 6 个月并获得增加您的 ?espect 的形式。每周共识会议分配的 help. This takes the form of locking 所有尊重的百分比支付给奖励池。如果没有每周会议,则赞助奖励池没有资金。这意味着赞 The percentage of all respect is paid to the incentive pool. If there is no weekly meeting, the incentive pool is not funded. This means
助奖励与 ?espect 供应量的增加成正比。 help incentives are proportional to the increase in supply of . 为了计算赞助社区所获得的尊重量,我们分配了与锁定的尊重量相对于过去 6 个月内 to calculate the amount of respect received by the sponsorship community, we have allocated the amount of respect that is targeted to the last 6 months
锁定的平均尊重量成比例的赞助池百分比。 % of locked average respect proportional fund. 例如,如果在过去 6 个月内平均为赞助贡献了 900?,并且赞助奖励池中的余额为 for example, if an average of 900 contributions to sponsorship have been made over the past six months, and if the balance in the incentive pool is
333?,那么 100? 的新赞助将获得 333 * 100 / (900+100),即 6 后为 33? 个月。 333?, then 100? will receive 333 * 100/(900+100), i.e. 6 after 33? months. 每周共识会议后分配给赞助奖励的尊重在 7 天内平均分配。这确保了平稳的调整,并 respect allocated to sponsorship incentives after the weekly consensus meeting is distributed equally within 7 days. This ensures smooth adjustment and 防止机器人从赞助奖励池的瞬时增加中获得任何不公平的优势。 to prevent robots from gaining any unfair advantage from sponsoring the instant increase of the incentive pool. 指导这种设计的一些原则是,发起人在承诺时应该始终知道预期收益,并且回报率应该 Some of the principles that guide this design are that the originator should always know the expected return at the time of commitment, and the rate of return should be . ] 由市场力量确定。 determined by market forces. 邀请赞助商的人将获得 5% 的奖励。如果没有邀请人,那 5% 将返回到池中。这会产 The person inviting the sponsor will receive a 5% reward. If there are no invitees, the 5% will return to the pool. This will be
生激励来邀请将赞助社区的人,同时不提供匿名赞助以避免 5% 的邀请人奖励的激励。 life incentives to invite people who will sponsor the community without anonymous sponsorship to avoid 5% invitee incentives. 10Hive.blog - Steem 的社区分支。 10Hive.blog - Community branch of Steem. ? 做市奖励 as a municipal reward ? 每个 ?ractal 都有自己的 Respect 令牌,能够轻松地将一个社区中的 ?espect 转换为另 ? Each / ractal has its own Respect token that easily converts a community to another span' 一个社区中的 ?espect 是有价值的。这需要一些人在两个社区中持有 utual ?espect。 in a community?? espect is valuable. This requires some people to hold utual?espect in two communities. 随着每个 ?ractal 的 ?spect 的相对价值发生变化,自动做市商可以重新平衡以在两个 as the relative value of each? rulel changes, self-marketing can be rebalanced in two
?ractal 中保持相同的尊重价值。 . ? 引导做市商 guides to market 做市商是一种智能合约,允许任何人通过提供两种代币的初始存款来引导两种代币之间 marketing is an intelligent contract that allows anyone to direct between
的流动性,以换取做市商代币的初始分配,我们称之为utual ?espect 或?。utual ?espect liquidity in exchange for the initial distribution of the market currency, what we call utual? espect or? utual?espect Staking ? 的持有者能够在 144 小时延迟后转换为基础 ?espect 代币。 Staking? the holder can convert the base after 144 hours. 这种延迟使市场参与者有机会适应流动性的变化,并且可以为做市商提供更高级的杠杆
和期权交易的未来证明。144 小时的延迟还可以防止那些试图在流动性奖励添加之前通过资 and future proof of options transactions. 144 hours delay also prevents those who try to pass before the mobility incentive is added. 金获得流动性奖励并在之后立即退出的人滥用。 gold is abused by a person who receives a liquidity incentive and withdraws immediately thereafter. ? 也是一种可以转让和交易的代币,因此人们可以在不放弃自己的流动性的情况下
提供流动性。这允许创建utual utual ?espect (?)。 provides liquidity. This allows the creation of utual utual?pect(?). ? 分布式流动性 strong> distributed liquidity 提供流动性有许多不同的模型。 传统上,交易所采用集中式方法,所有代币都以共同 provides many different models of liquidity. 货币进行交易。 要将货币 A 转换为货币 C,您必须流经货币 B。对于自动做市商,这看 currency is traded. To convert currency A to currency C, you must pass currency B. For self-marketing, see . 起来就像所有 ?ractal 都与每个人都接触到的一个中央 ?ractal 相关联。中央 ?ractally 继承 is like all?.......................................................................................................................................................... 了对其他 ?ractally 价值的不成比例的经济控制。 disproportionate economic control of other?ractally values. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中心化 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 去中心化 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 分布式 ♪Span style ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ centralize ♪ ♪ centralize ♪ 去中心化的方法看起来像使用多种法定货币的多个中心化交易所。在这种方法下,大部 the decentralised approach looks like a multi-centralized exchange using multiple legal currencies. 分流动性仍然流经中央枢纽。 “中心”货币比“辐条”货币具有更大的经济实力。 segregated liquidity continues to flow through the central hub. 分布式方法。 distribution method. 分布式方法看起来像一个网格毯,其中每个代币都直接与许多其他代币进行交易。从一 distribution method looks like a grid blanket, in which each is traded directly with many others. From 种货币转换为另一种货币总是有多种途径。当一种货币的价值上涨时,它会直接或间接地拉 there are always several ways to convert one currency to another. When the value of one currency rises, it pulls directly or indirectly
高与其相关的所有其他货币的价值。 value of all other currencies associated with it. 分布式方法最接近地反映了作为多个 ?ractally 的一部分的人之间的关系结构。它还反映 distribution method most closely reflects the structure of relationships between people as part of multiple? {/ span>. It also reflects span> 了人们在地理上的组织方式。您可以将其视为连接城市的道路网络。这种分布式方法通过将 to organize people geographically. You can see it as a network of roads connecting cities. 它们从对任何单一中心货币的依赖中解放出来,最大限度地提高了每个 ?ractal 的自主性 they are freed from dependence on any single central currency, maximizing the autonomy of each? span' 任凭他们自己的设备,人们往往会选择最简单的路径。简单的路径导致中心化货币为所
有其他货币提供流动性。这很容易,因为它的“线”数量最少,每条线代表一个自动做市商。 has other currencies that provide liquidity. This is easy because it has the smallest number of lines, each of which represents an automatic market. 要从 A 点到达 B 点,您总是要经过集线器,这可以更轻松地决定如何转换。 to reach point B from point A, you always have to go through the hub, which makes it easier to decide how to convert. 由于流动性吸引流动性,还有“富者愈富”的元素。如果 ?ractals 不小心,它们最终都会 and the "richer and richer" elements are attracted by mobility. If? ractals aren't careful, they end up
受制于单一强大货币的治理。 subject to the governance of a single and powerful currency. 因此,实际上需要提供一种确保流动性以分布式方式形成的结构。该系统还需要确保 , therefore, there is a practical need to provide a structure that ensures liquidity in a distributed manner. The system also needs to ensure
?ractal 不会试图为所有其他 ?ractal 提供流动性:完全连接的网格。全连接网格的线最多, ? 效率最低。 lowest efficiency. ? 通过补贴流动性,实际上鼓励在 ?ractals 之间建立经济桥梁(即做市商)。每个 ?ractal
必须选择要补贴的对等方。如果事情得到“谈判”,那么经济桥梁的双方可能会为流动性提供 must choose the peer to be subsidized. If things are “negotiated”, then both sides of the economic bridge may provide liquidity 类似的补贴。这种“平衡补贴”将趋向于完全连接的网格,因为没有必要“偏爱”一座桥而不是 Similar subsidy. This “balance subsidy” will tend to be a fully connected grid, as there is no need to “love” a bridge instead of
另一座桥。最大的 ?ractally 将连接到几乎每个人,流动性在任何单一桥梁上都太低了。 the other bridge. The biggest? ractally connects almost everyone and mobility is too low on any single bridge. 防止完全连接的网格的一种方法是限制任何单个 ?ractal 赞助流动性的对等 ?ractal 的 One way to prevent fully connected grids is to limit any individual? / span's ractal sponsorship of liquidity? span' 数量。例如,每个 ?ractal 可以限制为 6 到 12 个对等点。此限制可能会导致高度连接的 . For example, each can limit it to 6 to 12 peer points. This limit may lead to a highly connected span' ?ractal 集群与其他集群松散连接,因为大多数 ?ractal 会寻求与同行的互惠补贴关系。此外, ? 我们想要一个抑制封闭圈子形成的系统。 we want a system that inhibits the formation of a closed circle. 排序流动性补贴 sequenced liquidity allowance ?ractally 将以类似于每周例会的方式向两个社区中持有 utual ?espect 的人分配流动
性补贴。成员将对最有价值的对等 ?ractally 进行排序,然后根据斐波那契数列分配 ?espect。 subsidies. Members sort the most valuable reciprocity? 对那些做市商进行补贴的 ?ractal 投票成员,他们的投票根据他们在每周会议中的 20 周 subsidized members of the ractal vote based on 20 weeks of their weekly meetings
平均排名进行加权。流动性补贴将按斐波那契数列分配给前 12 名做市商。下表显示了根据 average ranking weighted. The mobility subsidy will be distributed to the top 12 marketers according to the number of Fibonaccis. The table below shows the distribution based on
投票排名等级分配的流动性奖励百分比: Percentage of mobility incentive allocated to vote ranking: ? 传统网络提供流动性 traditional networks provide liquidity 这与网络提供流动性的先前实施产生了重大差异,其中网络直接为矿池提供资金。结果 , which is a significant difference from the previous implementation of the network to provide liquidity, where the network directly finances the pits. 是提供的流动性放大。考虑一下网络一次性注入做市商与网络补贴向做市商提供资金的市场 参与者之间的区别。 distinguishing between participants. 在传统方法中,DAO/DAC 将拍卖代币以资助做市商。在?ractally 的方法中,网络为提 In traditional methods, DAO/DAC will auction money to fund the market. In the {ractally} method, the Internet refers to . 供流动性的市场参与者提供了额外的激励。这增加了流动性,最大限度地降低了下行风险, for mobile market participants provides additional incentives. This increases liquidity and minimizes downside risk, 并防止一个社区持有另一个社区的代币库,而因此引起这些代币可能被盗或管理不善。 to prevent a community from holding a currency bank in another community, which could lead to the theft or mismanagement of those coins. 理解差异的最简单方法是类比。假设您每月有 1,000 美元的收入,并且想在没有贷款 The simplest way to understand differences is by analogy. Assuming that you have $1,000 a month in income and want no loan 的情况下购买房子。在这种情况下,你必须住在一个很小的房子里,并随着时间的推移而变 . In this case, you must live in a very small house and change over time to
大。现在假设您每月拿同样的 1,000 美元来支付租金。现在你可以立即支付得起价值数十
万美元的房子。更重要的是,你不需负责维护房子。 million-dollar house. More importantly, you don't have to maintain the house. 同样,以每月 1,000 美元购买做市商股权的社区需要很长时间才能建立流动性;然而, Similarly, it takes a long time to build mobility in a community that buys market equity at $1,000 per month; however 选择每月支付 1,000 美元租用流动性的同一个社区,则可以立即持有更多的流动性。 the same community that chooses to pay $1,000 per month for rental mobility can hold more liquidity immediately. 另一个重要影响是 ?ractally 将价格波动风险转让给市场参与者以换取“固定成本”。 the other important effect is that?ractally transfer the risk of price volatility to market participants in exchange for “fixed costs”. ?ractals 认识到市场参与者在两种货币之间具有流动性的持续实际价值,并且无需担心管理
或清算社区持有的 utual ?espect。 or utual?espect held by the liquidating community. 这意味着 ?ractals 之间的流动性伙伴关系,双方做市商而言没有持续的兴趣,并且做市
商可以选择单独增加或减少他们对流动性提供者的贡献。事实上,它允许单方面的流动性补 supplier may choose to increase or reduce their contribution to a liquidity provider alone. In fact, it allows unilateral liquidity to supplement 贴。这可以实现平稳过渡,即父母 ?ractal 想要在孩子 ?ractal 足够成熟后将其踢出巢穴时。 . This allows for a smooth transition, i. e. parents? @ractal wants to kick the child out of the nest when he is mature enough. span> 它允许任何一方在不扰乱做市商的情况下取消补贴。如果交易对手采取剥削性货币政策,它
两种 ?ractals 都只冒着每日反复出现通货膨胀的风险,而非大量资金。同时,如果市场
看到实际提议而改变其货币政策,它将做出反应以迅速调整价格和/或清算他们的? 代币。 seeing practical proposals to change its monetary policy, it will react to adjust prices and/or clear them quickly. 这可以防止大型社区为了保护“社区金库”而不得不迅速做出反应。
? 招聘奖励 Reward for recruitment 一个社区的有效性取决于其成员;因此,对于一个社区来说,成功的最关键因素是招募 The effectiveness of a community depends on its members; therefore, the most critical factor for success in a community is recruitment
它所能找到的最热情、最有能力的贡献者。为了提供这种激励,所有社区成员都会赚取其邀 the most enthusiastic and capable contributor it can find. To provide this incentive, all community members will earn their invitation
?ractally – 下一代 DAOs
38请的人所赚取的任何 ?espect 的 5% 的佣金。 38 for any commission of 5% of?espect. 因此,如果您招募 Joe 并且 Joe 在他的第一次周会中获得 55 ?espect,那么您将获得 so if you recruit Joe and Joe gets 55?espect on his first week, then you get
2.75 ?espect,而招募您的人将获得 0.13 ?espect。如果 Joe 从未赚取任何收入,则不会向您 2.75?espect, and your recruiter will get 0.13?espect. If Joe never earns any income, he will not come to you . 支付任何招聘奖励。如果您招募的人没有出现或没有生产,您就有动力鼓励他们做出贡献。 招聘是 ?ractal 的,这意味着您还可以分享其他人的招聘奖励。无论某人是通过共识会 recruits are?? ractal, which means you can also share other people's hiring incentives. Whether someone by consensus will 议、团队、质押还是招聘来赢得 ?espect,您都可以通过将他们带到社区中而获得收益。也 conference, team, pledge or recruitment? 就是说,您必须参加每周会议并达成共识才能获得资格。错过会议后一周获得的任何招聘奖
励都会被“燃烧(burn)”掉。 will be removed by "burn." ? 社区规模限制 community size limitation 随着参与人数的增加,任何治理系统中的腐败都会随之增加。小城镇通常比大城市更安 and corruption in any governance system increases as the number of participants increases. Small towns are usually safer than big cities
社区的规模至关重要。 community size is vital. 每个社区限制为 7,776 名成员;因此,邀请是定量的。为了有资格邀请某人,您必须参 limited to 7,776 members per community; therefore, the invitation is quantitative. In order to be eligible for an invitation, you must participate 加最近的周会。每个成员每周最多可以邀请 6 人。一旦 ?ractal 在每周会议中达到超过 and the most recent weekly meetings. Each member can invite up to six people per week. Once ractal reaches more than in the weekly meetings 1296 名成员,就不可能每个人都可邀请 6 人。此时每个人都能发出 5 个邀请,一些排名 1296 members, it is not possible for everyone to invite 6 people. At this point, everyone can issue 5 invitations, some ranking
靠前的人则能发出 6 个邀请。 The person in front can send 6 invitations. 当社区周活跃成员达到 3,888 名时,每个成员每周仅分配 1 个邀请。一旦社区达到每 When the weekly active members of the community reach 3,888, each member is assigned only 1 invitation per week. Once the community reaches 周 5,000 名活跃成员,只有前 2,776 名贡献者有权发出 1 个邀请。当社区达到 7000 人时, 5,000 active members per week, only the top 2,776 contributors are entitled to one invitation. when the community reaches 7000 people 只有前 776 人(11%)可以邀请别人。当社区达到 7,775 名成员时,只有过去 20 周内最 only the former 776 (11%) can invite others. When the community reaches 7,775 members, only the last 20 weeks
有价值的贡献者有权邀请别人。 valued contributors have the right to invite others. 每个邀请都代表了邀请者赢得 ?espect 的机会,因此邀请者被激励且会明智地使用它。 each invitation represents an opportunity for the inviteer to win? espect, so the inviteer is inspired and will use it wisely. 也就是说,邀请不会累积,未使用的邀请最终会随着社区的发展或您停止参加每周会议而重 meaning that invitations will not accumulate and unused invitations will eventually be increased as the community develops or you cease attending weekly meetings. ] 新分配。因此,您希望尽快邀请最有效率的人。邀请不会赢得 ?espect 的人没有任何好处。 new allocation. Therefore, you want to invite the most efficient person as soon as possible. The invitation does not win at all. 11Robin Dunbar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Dunbar ? 扩展社区 extended community 社区规模限制仅适用于治理(团队、每周共识和社交媒体投票),不适用于社区 Respect community size limits apply only to governance (team, weekly consensus and social media voting), not to community Respect 代币的所有权、发布、持有(HODLing 和做市。理论上,10 亿人可以使用由 7776 人管理 titles, issuances, holding (HODLing and making markets). In theory, 1 billion people can use 7776 people to manage
的社区的代币。这就像美国 500 强公司的董事会、美国国会和参议院的结合体。这些最高的 7776 个领导职位共同对一个经济体,具有事实上的治理控制权。 7776 leadership positions have de facto governance control over an economy. 这个由代币持有者组成的扩展社区可以通过质押、做市和发帖来赢得尊重。如果他们对 this extended community of token holders can win respect by pledging, marketing and posting. If they are
社区自我管理的能力失去尊重,那么他们只会出卖自己的尊重并“用脚/钱包投票”。持有成百 Communities lose respect for their ability to manage themselves, then they only betray their respect and “vote with their feet/ purses”. 上千的 ?ractals,每个人都将有机会在他们的“本地”社区中治理,并有机会参与任意数量的 thousands of? 扩展社区。 extended community. ? 缩减社区规模 to reduce community size 由于社区规模有上限且邀请有限,因此需要移除人员。一个人可以主动辞职,也可以在 A person may resign voluntarily or may be removed at
12 周后自动被视为已辞职,无需参加每周例会。此外,理事会可能会选择驱逐伤害社区的 成员。 member. 一旦社区周活跃成员达到 7,000 人,自动辞职条件将减少为连续缺席 6 次会议。这提 The conditions for automatic resignation will be reduced to six consecutive absences once the weekly active members of the community reach 7,000. 高了支持更积极贡献者的门槛。 highens the threshold for supporting more active contributors. 任何因不活动而辞职或被删除的人,都将需要新的邀请才能重新加入。因此,原邀请人 Any person who resigns or is deleted as a result of inactivity will need a new invitation to re-enter. Therefore, the original inviteee 失去其招募奖励的权利,新的奖励将分配给新得邀请人。 lost its right to a recruitment incentive, which will be allocated to new invitees. 任何因伤害社区而被议会驱逐的人都需要获得议会批准才能重新加入。当他们重新加入 Any person expelled from Parliament for harm to the community needs parliamentary approval to re-enter. 时,没有邀请者奖励(没有招聘奖励)。 no invitee reward (no recruitment incentive). ? 社区的 ?ractal 增长 growth 任何保持 7,000 名成员的社区都应该认真考虑赞助一个与其目标一致的新社区 any community that maintains 7,000 members should seriously consider sponsoring a new community consistent with its objectives (?ractal)。这个新社区将有新的 ?espect,两个社区可以通过自动做市商流动性联系起来。
治理 governance 到目前为止,我们已经了解了社区预算分配过程的一部分,但有些行动需要全球共识。
更新社区指南或社区智能合约等事情需要由全体成员共同决定。 updated community guidance or community smart contracts need to be decided by all members. 理事会 Board ?ractally 社区由一个理事会管理,该理事会由来自前 12 名的团队负责人组成,以过去 ? 20 周的总 ?espect 度量。每个团队由 4-12 人组成,较大的团队相较于较小的团队稍有优 势,因为他们有更多的成员参加每周会议。每个团队在至少 ? 团队成员的批准下选举一名 because they have more members participating in weekly meetings. Each team elects one with the approval of the team members. 领导。团队可以随时更换其领导者。 144 人参与 12 名理事会成员的选择,并且在 12 名理事会成员中的 8 名批准后,理 144 participants in the selection of 12 board members and 8 of 12 board members approved by 事会有权在任何涉及智能合约“所有者权限”的操作。也就是说,理事会采取的所有操作都有 The Council is entitled to any operation involving the "owner's authority" of an intelligent contract. That is, all the actions taken by the Council are
一个 24 小时的审查过程,在此过程中,12 个团队可以更换他们的团队负责人,从而使之 a 24-hour review process in which 12 teams can replace their team leaders so that they can 前的团队负责人的投票无效。 The vote of the former team leader is invalid. 法案如何成为法律 how the bill became law 社区的意愿通过智能合约表达。 “账单”是任何需要 ?ractal 智能合约所有者授权的拟 community wishes are expressed through smart contracts. "Invoice" is any need? 议交易。我们称账单为“请愿书”。这意味着升级社区合约是通过“请愿书(Petition)”启动的。 for bargaining. We call the bill a petition. This means that the upgraded community contract is initiated through the Petition. 这意味着可以通过请愿书将发送到社区的 ?espect 转让到社区。这意味着可以通过请愿书
发布帖子、在去中心化交易所中质押或区块链账户可以采取的任何其他行动。罚款用户、驱 posts, pledges in decentralised exchanges or any other action that can be taken in block chain accounts. 逐用户、恢复账户等都是需要社区权限才能执行的操作。 user-by-user, account recovery etc. are all operations that require community permission to perform. 除了提议的授权交易外,请愿书还附有一篇博客文章,解释了交易的意图,并说明了社 In addition to the proposed authorized transaction, the petition was accompanied by a blog article explaining the intent of the transaction and explaining the Society's
?区应该采取行动的理由。然后,社区成员可以像任何其他社交媒体内容(喜欢、评论等)一 the reason why the district should act. Then community members can act like any other social media content (like, comment, etc.) i 样与之交互。
1.升级社区智能合约 2.更新社区指南 2. Update community guidelines 3. 对违反准则的社区成员处以罚款 3. Fines imposed on community members who violate norms 4. 驱逐社区成员 4. Expulsion of community members 5.分配预算 5. Allocation of budget 6. 代表社区发表声明 6. Statement on behalf of community 7. 解决争议 7. Dispute resolution 8.恢复帐户 8. Restore account 9. 任命其他社区的代表 9. Appoint representatives of other communities 社区否决权 community veto 某些操作,例如升级社区智能合约,需要额外的保护来保护成员免受理事会甚至前 12 Certain operations, such as upgrading community intelligence contracts, require additional protection against board members and even prior 12
名团队的伤害。所有人都应该审查这些操作。在这种情况下,该操作需要延迟 21 天,并且 team injury. Everyone should review these operations. In this case, the operation takes 21 days and
可以在最近一周的会议上被团队总收入排名前 12 的团队成员中的 8 个投票。 can be voted by 8 of the team members in the top 12 rankings of total income in the last week. 通常,理事会由平均 20 周的顶级团队成员组成;然而,为了否决最近一周的顶级成员, 其中的 8 名成员就足够了(8/12)。这意味着,如果任何社区成员不喜欢当前理事会提出的 8 members are sufficient (8/12). This means that if any community member does not like the current Council proposal 更改,他们可以将反对该行动的人员和团队排名推至更高。这创造了一个有效的公投,社区 changes so that they can rank people and teams against the action up to a higher ranking. This creates an effective referendum, community
中的每个人都可以达成共识,阻止现任(平均 20 周)理事会采取操作。 can reach a consensus that prevents the operation of the current (average of 20 weeks). 引导一个 ?ractal guides a 每个 ?ractal 都是其自己的智能合约,任何人都可以通过部署智能合约来创建 ?ractal。 ? Each? ;ractal is its own smart contract, and anyone can create it by deploying a smart contract. span> 部署后,创始人开始邀请成员。新的 ?ractal 将需要用户界面,并且 fractally.com 需要了解 After deployment, the founder starts to invite the members. The new %ractal will need a user interface, and frectally.com will need to know 该帐户。因此,要创建新的 ?ractal,您需要在 fractally.com 上填写表格,我们将部署合约 . Therefore, to create a new account, you need to fill out a form on fractally.com, and we will deploy the contract
并将其添加到我们的索引中。所有通过 fractally.com 托管的 ?ractals 都需要使用 ?ractally and add it to our index. All hosted by frecally. com need to be used? 已知和批准的合同才能与我们的用户界面兼容。 known and approved contracts are compatible with our user interface. 一旦部署了实际合约,其创始人就可以完全控制成员资格和参数,直到他明确将控制权 Once the actual contract has been deployed, its founders will have complete control of membership and parameters until he makes it clear that he will control 交给社区管理理事会。此时,社区治理过程接管,它可以选择是否以及如何表达对其成员的 to the Community Management Council. At this point, the community governance process takes over and it can choose whether and how to express itself to its members 尊重。如果控制权永不让步,那么社区总是可以“克隆”并将创始人抛在脑后。 respect. If control is never compromised, the community can always “clon” and leave the founder behind. 虽然这是一种“简单”的方法,但来自 fractally.com 的所有代码都是开源的,并且可以由 Although this is a "simple" approach, all codes from factally.com are open source and can be 其他人自行托管。如果他们愿意的话,这确保了所有 ?ractals 都不会依赖 ?ractally.com。 others host themselves. This ensures that if they want to, they won't depend on it all? ? ?espect 是一种证券吗? ?espect is a security? 我们不是律师,以下内容不应被视为法律。我们认为,?espect 不是合约,并且不赋予 We are not lawyers, the following should not be considered law. We believe that?espect is not a contract and does not confer
创建、购买、出售、持有或持有 ?espect 的各方之间的权利、义务或信托义务。 ?espect 是 rights, obligations or fiduciary obligations between the parties that create, purchase, sell, hold or hold 由社区表达并根据社区共识分发的观念,作为对社区成员贡献的非约束性、自愿性认可。 non-binding, voluntary endorsement of the ideas expressed by and disseminated by the community as a contribution to community members. ?espect 是每个成员对社区贡献的相对程度的主观表达。它仅在做出贡献后给予,而不是在 . 承诺做某事后给予。 ?espect 除了那些选择买卖它的人的感知价值外,没有任何价值。 a promise to give afterward.?espect has no value other than the perceived value of those who choose to buy or sell it. 任何人都无权因向社区提供的任何服务而收到 ?espect。此外,社区可自行决定以任何 No one has the right to receive any services to the community? 理由随时冻结或重新分配 ?espect。这意味着所有 ?espect 实际上都归社区所有,并且不给 Reason to freeze or redistribute at any time? 予持有者任何财产权。它们是分配给每个人的声誉的度量标准,并且该声誉可能会根据社区 accords any property rights to the holder. They are the measure of the reputation assigned to everyone and the reputation may be based on the community 的唯一观念进行更改。
?espect 智能合约的更改由社区而非 ?ractally LLC 管理。如果有人决定购买 ?espect, ? 则应将其作为礼物送给社区,以奖励其已经提供的服务,而不是基于社区或其他任何人的任 何期望,以提供任何服务或为您带来任何好处未来。如果您决定出售 ?espect,则您同意通 what is expected to provide any service or any benefit to you in the future. If you decide to sell
知买方将来为换取 ?espect 而收到的任何价值都是礼物,并且卖方或任何其他方不授予买
方任何权利或义务。?espect 不代表合伙利益,任何个人均无权代表 ?ractal 或其他 ?espect party has any rights or obligations. 持有人发言。 . ?espect 不授予持有人投票权或任何其它权力。 ?ractals 不是集体投资基金,因为没有资金或其它资产汇集在一起,也没有常设投资经 ?? ractals are not group investment funds because there is no pool of funds or other assets and no permanent investments 理。所有代币都是根据参与者的判断而不是根据 ?ractally LLC 创建和分发给活跃参与者的。 . All coins are created and distributed to active participants on the basis of the participant's judgment and not on the basis of? ractally LLC. ? Aragon 比较 Aragon compares Aragon12 是一个生产工具的组织,可以帮助社区引导和运营他们自己的“去中心化自治 Aragon12 is an organization of production tools that can help communities guide and operate their own “decentralized autonomy
组织”。他们网站上的大部分内容听起来与 ?ractally 正在做的事情相似。因此,让我们深入 organization. Most of their websites sound similar to what? ractally is doing. So let's go deep . 探讨 ?ractally DAO(又名 ?ractal)和 Aragon DAO 之间的基本异同。 exploration of fundamental similarities and differences between aractally DAO (also known as `ractal') and Aragon DAO. Aragon 的彻底性和自由哲学给我们留下了深刻的印象。为了进行比较,我们将忽略 Aragon's philosophy of thoroughness and freedom impressed us. To compare, we will ignore
Aragon 在以太坊上构建所带来的关键技术挑战。我还将忽略由对关键基础设施的技术依赖 Aragon built on the Taiyem. I will also ignore the key technical challenges posed by technological dependence on critical infrastructure . 以及它们设置的具有否决权的集中安全卫士所产生的集中化元素。其中大部分是实施细节, and the centralized elements produced by their centralized security guards with veto power. Most of them are implementation details, . 不会影响其提议的治理结构的优点。 does not affect the merits of its proposed governance structure. ? 乐观治理 optimal governance Aragon 设计中独特且引人深思的元素之一是乐观治理。在这种模式下,所有提案都默 Aragon design is one of the unique and thought-provoking elements of optimistic governance. In this model, all proposals are silent 认通过,没有任何投票,除非提案在 Aragon 的“法庭”上受到质疑。据我们所知,这个理 acknowledged and did not vote unless the proposal was challenged in the “court” of Aragon. To our knowledge, this reasoning 论是,任何提出缺乏社区共识的行动的人都有潜在的危险。
除了足以支付交易成本的初始费用之外,我们还不清楚这个过程如何防止提案被垃圾邮 件发送。他们声称“无与伦比的高速决策”;但是,我们认为值得仔细研究这些词的含义,然 . 后再从表面上理解它们。乐观来看,在没有“挑战”的情况下,治理速度仅受可能提交“挑战”的内置时间延迟的限制。 “决策”要么是在“瞬间”单方面做出的,要么更大可能的是,决策过程实际上是不透明的,发生在网络和视线之外(在区块链之外)。 Aragon DAO 仅跟踪决策过程的结果,并允许人们质疑报告的结果。从理论上讲,提出一些你还没有充分理由相信得到多数人支持的东西是非常冒险的。这就是为什么 Aragon 允许在成员以非约束性方式投票来度量社区观念签署提案。如果我们假设这个治理过程被用于两极分化的红蓝社区,那么有可能 99% 的提案最终会以 45-55% 的支持率告终,没有明确的多数。因此,如果不是陷入僵局的话,做出决定的真正过程可能会无限长。 and then understand them superficially. Optimisticly, in the absence of a “challenge,” the speed of governance is limited only by a delay in the internal time when a “challenge” may be submitted. “Decision-making” is either made unilaterally, or, more likely, the decision-making process is virtually non-transparent, outside the network and sight (outside the chain of blocks). Aragon DAO only tracks the outcome of the decision-making process and allows people to question the outcome of the report. In theory, some things that you do not have sufficient reason to believe are risky. ? Aragon 法庭 Aragon Tribunal 这是真正的“投票”过程,其中“监护人”(陪审员)是随机选择的,与他们质押的代币数 This is the true "voting" process in which the "guard" (juror) is randomly chosen and the number of in their pledge is 量成正比。陪审员被匿名以减轻提前串通和被要求预测其他陪审员将会投票的内容。成为少 strang> to the positive ratio. Jurors are anonymous to mitigate early collusion and are asked to predict that other jurors will vote. 数群体会受到惩罚。这意味着陪审员没有就此事进行投票,他们正在利用群众的智慧,试图 groups will be punished. This means that the jurors did not vote on the matter and they are trying to use the wisdom of the crowd to
对其他陪审员的意见提供独立的预测。 to provide independent projections of the opinions of other jurors. 这是一种“出现共识”就是“共识”的情况。不幸的是,人们非常倾向于暗自思考一件事, it's a case of "consensus" or "consensus." Unfortunately, people tend to think very secretly about one thing,
并公开陈述他们认为“社会可接受”的事情。 Nicholas Chritakis 在“蓝图:良好社会的进化 and publicly state what they think is “socially acceptable. NicholasChritakis at 基础“中讨论了这种趋势。 base. 最终结果时,陪审员将倾向于选择立场正确的答案,而不是人们的真实想法。在这个过 In the final outcome, the jury will tend to choose the right answer, not the real idea of the people. 程中没有任何东西可以激励陪审员投票。因此,在这个过程中没有任何东西可以真正促进达 Nothing in the process can motivate the jurors to vote. So nothing can really contribute to the process 成共识。
? 帕累托问题 strong 帕累托(Pareto)原则适用于财富、权力和技能的分配。这意味着平均有 20% 的人持有 80% 的代币。帕累托也是分形的,所以 4% 的人持有 64% 的代币,1% 的人持有 51%。同时事实是,并非所有富有的代币持有者都愿意作为陪审员参与其中,因为他们除了冒着金钱风险扮演“家族世仇(Family Feud)”的变体(例如,猜测公众观点),还有其他事情要做。也就是说,“赌博”和家族世仇的享受也属于帕累托分布。 Pareto principles apply to the distribution of wealth, power and skills. This means that on average 20% of people hold 80% of the tokens. Pareto is also split, so 4% of people hold 64% of the tokens and 1% of people hold 51%. And the fact is that not all wealthy intergenerational holders are willing to participate as assessors because they have other things to do than risk money as a variant of the “family Feud” (e.g., guessing public opinion). That is, gambling and the enjoyment of family feuds are also part of Pareto’s distribution. 那些想参与这个游戏以期获胜的人,很可能会在公共论坛上发表他们的意见和投票。即使没有人知道“陪审员”是谁或他们的实际投票是什么,这种外部信号(结合所质押代币的证明)也让每个参与其中的人都知道,实际监护人将如何投票。投票反对将有极高的风险。当然,Aragon DAO 的“规则”是主观的,人们可能会试图禁止发布任何“陪审员”观点的证据。这个想法似乎与他们的非约束性投票解决方案不一致。让我们假设有一种加密技术手段可以防止潜在的“陪审员”透露他们的质押数量和他们的观点。在这种情况下,陪审员唯一合理的做法是将最近的民意调查视为 Schelling point13。在这些假设之下,“陪审团”可能只是传统投票过程结果的复杂代理或预言机。对于彼此足够了解以“预测”其他人将如何投票的小型社区而言,乐观的治理过程可能具有一些优势,但我怀疑由于 Dunbar 的限制,这可能会超出十几个人。 Those who want to participate in the game to win will most likely express their views and votes in public forums. Even if no one knows who the “juror” is or what their actual vote is, this external signal (combining with the evidence of the pledge) will let everyone in it know how the actual guardian will vote. There is a great risk that the voting against it will be. Of course, the “rules” of the Aragon DAO are subjective, and people may try to prohibit the publication of any evidence of the result of the traditional voting process. This idea appears to be inconsistent with their non-binding voting solution. Let us assume that there is an encryption technique that prevents the potential “jury” from disclosing the number of their pledges and their views. ? 公地悲剧 strong 我认为这种方法的另一个挑战是,如果攻击者能够以牺牲 DAO 为代价通过一个对他们 I think another challenge in this approach is if the attackers can pass through to them at the expense of DAO
有利的提议,那么他们就明显有利可图。同时,剩下的 DAO 成员有着截然不同的风险回报。 favourable proposal, they are obviously profitable. At the same time, the rest of the DAO members have very different risk returns. 假设一个攻击者冒着 1 个代币的风险,如果提议通过,他将获得 100 倍的奖励。如果社区中 supposition that an attacker takes the risk of a token, and if the offer is passed, he gets a 100-fold reward. If the community 有 100 名成员,那么如果提案通过,每个人的成本是 1。在 Aragon 法庭上质疑一项提议是 100 members, then the cost per person if the proposal is adopted is 1. 有成本的,这意味着辩护者个人风险回报为 1:1 而攻击者为 1:100。因此,辩护人代表社区 at cost, which means that the defender's personal risk return is 1:1 and the attacker is 1:100. Therefore, the defender represents the community 对提案提出质疑是一种利他行为。 challenging the proposal is an act of altruism. ? 理性无知 Rational ignorance 请注意,辩护人必须支付成本去审查所有提案的好坏,以确定是否在 Aragon 法庭对其提出质疑。想必“某人”会注意到潜在的攻击,然而,每个人都倾向于认为“其他人”正在关注。最终的结果是社区会付钱给某人,让他全职审查所有内容,因为因偶尔审查出现坏提案所获得的回报并不足以支付审查所有好提案的成本。试图通过社会化成本,支付巨额奖金,为其创造了一个机会,他们故意提交一个坏的提案,但却只对其自身报告。社区需要雇佣“看守人”,然后制定一个流程来监管看守,以此作为底线,。毕竟,“看守人”有充分的权力放过任何事情,而其他人却保持理性无知。总之Aragon 所描述的过程不是一个建立共识的过程。它最多只是一个未指明达成共 Note that advocates must pay the cost to examine all proposals for good or bad in order to determine whether they are challenged in the Aragon court. “someone” will notice a potential attack, but everyone tends to think that “others” are concerned. The end result is that the community will pay someone to review all the contents on a full-time basis, because the return from the occasional review of bad proposals is not enough to cover the cost of reviewing all good proposals. 识的过程的有损耗的预言机。 prejudicing prophecies of the process of knowledge. ?13Schelling Point - 由美国经济学家 Thomas Schelling 在他的著作《冲突策略》中提及(1960)- 维基百 13Schelling Point - referred to (1960) - 科。 . ? ?ractally 建立共识 strong? 《更平等的动物—真正民主的微妙艺术》一书概括了 ?ractally 背后的原则。其核心思想 i> "Equal Animals - Genuine Art of Genuine Democracy" summed up the principles behind it. 是定义一个衡量群体智慧的过程。投票只是一种度量民意的尝试;然而,所有的投票系统都 is a process of defining group wisdom. Voting is only an attempt to measure public opinion; however, all voting systems are
包含了帕累托分配的媒体影响力和帕累托分配的财富,以及倾向于组建派别或寡头控制。此 外,投票假设所有选民实际上都了解情况并受过教育;然而,理性的无知主宰着当今。 , except for the assumption that all voters are actually informed and educated; yet rational ignorance dominates the present.
理性无知是指学习知识的成本超过获取知识的价值。在典型的投票系统中,你的投票不 Rational ignorance means that the cost of learning is more than the value of acquiring knowledge. In typical voting systems, your vote is not
太可能改变结果,因此它的价值相对较小,但学习如何明智地投票所需的成本很高。 too likely to change the outcome, so its value is relatively small, but learning how to vote wisely is costly. ?ractally 通过将成员随机分配为 6 人一组,以解决理性无知和女巫(Sybil)攻击问题。
这 6 个成员里必须有 4 人以上达成共识,否则团队中的每个成员都会失败。每个群体本质上 The six members must have more than 4 people to agree on, otherwise each member of the team will fail. Each group is essentially
都是社区观念的随机样本,在第一轮中可能有 1000 个群体。 are random samples of community perceptions and there may be 1,000 groups in the first round. ? 底线 bottom line ?ractally 是一个建立共识的过程,它不是代币或财富加权,并且可以抵御女巫攻击。相
比之下,Aragon 是一个未阐明、定义不清或临时的链外共识构建进程的预言机。 By contrast, Aragon is a foreword to an undefined, poorly defined or temporary process of building an out-of-chain consensus. 如果有必要的话,?ractally 过程可以在几个小时内,就几乎任何复杂的主题达成社区共 if necessary? 识。我预测,在未来,Aragon 的“守护者”可能最终会引用 ?ractally 的共识作为他们的 know. I predict that in the future, Aragon's Guardians may eventually quote? Schelling point。我对 Aragon 所做的大量工作和社区精神感到非常兴奋。我希望 Aragon 和 ?ractally 能够发现并实现真正有效且可扩展的去中心化治理过程。 Schelling point. I'm very excited about the amount of work and community spirit that Aragon has done. I hope Aragon and? ? ?ractally LLC ?ractally LLC 创建并发布了一个开源 web 界面,且没有任何形式的担保。这个开源用户
界面可能托管给社区中的任何人。?ractally LLC 不承诺提供托管解决方案,并可能随时终止 the interface may be entrusted to anyone in the community. 托管服务。?ractaly LLC 不持有用户密钥,无法恢复帐户,也无法管理社区中的成员身份, hosting service. 相反,?ractaly LLC 的软件将授权社区代表其成员恢复帐户。 Conversely, the software for ractally LLC will authorize the community to restore accounts on behalf of its members. ?ractally LLC 将制作开源参考智能合约,社区可通过其理事会的批准选择采用该合约。 ? ?ractally LLC 是一个为 ?ractally 社区提供服务的开发团队。我们开发开源软件,允许任
何人托管一个接口,以方便访问。?ractaly LLC托管的所有数据都来自区块链和IPFS。?ractally
LLC 为视频通话提供便利,记录通话,并将其发布至 IPFS。 LLC facilitates video calls, records calls and postes them to IPFS. 任何人在任何时候都不得将 ?ractally 的任何股东、董事、执行官、高级职员/雇员或其 No one shall take at any time any shareholder, director, executive officer, officer/employee or ? 承包商作出的任何公开声明(包括本白皮书)解释为具有约束力的承诺,并以此来采取行动 any public statement made by the contractor (including this White Paper) is interpreted as binding commitments and acted accordingly 以提高任一 ?ractally 的 ?espect 和其他加密货币的价值。 to increase the value of any? encoded currency? span> ?ractally 致力于提供工具以支持人们能够达成共识并产生价值合作。
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