PANews 6月21日消息,根據日經新聞報道,日本上市公司持有加密資產的數量正持續攀升。根據最新統計,截至2024年5月,已有31家公司涉足加密資產領域,這一數字相較於三年前的16家,實現了翻倍成長。其中,以數位服務和遊戲開發為主業的企業尤其引人注目。同時,改善日本不成熟的會計審計制度的呼聲越來越高。
According to the latest statistics, as of May 2024, 31 companies, compared to 16 three years ago, were involved in encryption, which is a doubling of growth. Of these, businesses with digital service and game development are particularly notable. At the same time, the call to improve Japan’s premature accounting and accounting system has grown.
According to the information received, the data was compiled by the Tokyo Kiyota company Pafin, based on the recent financial statements issued by about 4,000 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. One of the purposes of these companies is to value their investments, and the second is to avoid the shrinking of their assets caused by the yen. On the other hand, some companies have adjusted their strategies after buying virtual currency, hoping to make a difference to their businesses.
然而,日本商業公司持有虛擬貨幣仍面臨兩大障礙。首先是安全問題。區塊鏈上處理的虛擬貨幣難以管理,例如5月DMM Bitcoin遭遇的攻擊事件,處理大量資金的商業公司需尋求強大的託管服務。另一個障礙是會計審計問題。過去幾年中,對於擁有或投資其發行的加密貨幣的公司,稅收待遇已逐漸明確。但若是公司嘗試發行新的虛擬貨幣,日本審計公司往往會拒絕進行審計,並建議在虛擬貨幣上市前出售。儘管日本註冊會計師協會與虛擬貨幣行業組織日本加密貨幣商業協會(JCBA)共同舉辦了“經營者和審計師會計和審計聯合論壇”,旨在增進雙方的理解,但目前在某些問題上,雙方仍存在較大的分歧。
However, Japanese commercial companies still face two major barriers to the holding of virtual currency. First, it is a security problem. When a company tries to issue a new virtual currency, Japan’s audit firms tend to refuse to conduct a trial and recommend selling a large amount of money before they go to the market in May, as in the case of the attack on DM Bitcoin. Another obstacle is accounting.
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