FinTech Circle首席执行官:中国禁虚拟货币ICO很正常

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  文章导读: 金融服务业的变革步伐不断加速,科技正在颠覆并重塑金融行业。技术的革新与应用成为金融业的核心竞争力,并驱动着金融业全面创新。

The pace of change in the financial services sector is accelerating, and technology is destabilizing and reshaping the financial sector. Innovation and application of technology have become the core competitiveness of the financial sector and drive comprehensive innovation in the financial sector.

《中国经济周刊》记者 周琦 摄

《中国经济周刊》记者 周琦 摄

  《中国经济周刊》记者 周琦 牛绮思 | 北京报道

Chinese Economic Weekly, reporter Zhou Qi, Niu Jianxi, Beijing.


Editor: Bullsy


(This paper is published in China Economic Weekly, 2017, No. 44)


FinnTech's time has come.


The pace of change in the financial services sector is accelerating, and technology is destabilizing and reshaping the financial sector. Technology innovation and applications become the core competitiveness of the financial sector and drive comprehensive innovation in the financial sector.

  近日,在《Fintech:全球金融科技权威指南》签售会之余,该书作者、FinTech Circle首席执行官苏珊娜·奇斯蒂接受了《中国经济周刊》记者的专访。苏珊娜曾被评选为“欧洲数字金融服务有影响力的50人”,在她看来,中国的移动支付在国际上处于领先地位,但金融科技包罗万象,中国在其他领域的发展潜力和空间还很大。

Recently, in the aftermath of the signing of the Fintech: A Guide to Global Financial Science and Technology Authority, Susana Chisti, the author of the book and CEO of FinTech Circle, was interviewed by a journalist for China’s weekly economics. Susana was selected as “50 people with influence in digital financial services in Europe.” In her view, China’s mobile payments are an international leader, but financial science and technology are all-embracing, and China’s development potential and space in other areas remains enormous.


FinTech's potential in inclusive finance


Susana described borrowing, payments, wealth management and electronic wallets as four major investments in financial science and technology in 2016, with India, China, and Singapore accounting for more than 60% of companies investing in financial science and technology across Asia. China was ranked first in terms of investment.


According to the Global Report on Financing and Indexing Financial Science and Technology Investment 2016, China’s financial and technological investment in 2016 amounted to 281, or 56% of the world’s total; it amounted to 87.5 billion yuan, or 77% of the world’s total. China’s financial and technological sector is on the rise.

  “科技应用于金融主要涉及6方面,包括零售银行、借贷融资、交易结算、资产管理、支付清算、保险等;而其支持的业务模式则有B2C、B2B、B2G(政府)、P2P借贷、众筹等。此外,金融科技还将基于大数据分析、人工智能、区块链技术、物联网等最新科技发展。” 苏珊娜说,这3个维度可以任意组合,从而构成全面发展的金融科技。

“The application of science and technology to finance covers six areas, including retail banking, lending and finance, transaction settlement, asset management, settlement of payments, insurance, etc., while the business models it supports are B2C, B2B, B2G (Government), P2P lending, public fund-raising, etc. In addition, financial science and technology will be based on state-of-the-art scientific and technological developments such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence, block chain technology, and material networking.” Susana said the three dimensions could be arbitrarily combined, thus constituting a comprehensive development of financial science and technology.


In the United Kingdom, she argued that the development objectives of financial science and technology solutions were comprehensive, such as the B2C solution for retail banks, the B2B solution for transactions, etc., combining different industries, different business models, and different technologies. By contrast, while China’s mobile payments were now very mature and its investments were impressive, they were merely breakthroughs in the “payment” area in one dimension, while others remained to be developed.


Susana specifically mentioned the contribution of financial science and technology to the development of inclusive finance. In China, early in 2016, the State Council issued the Development Plan for the Advancement of Inclusive Finance (2016-2020), establishing, for the first time, an implementation strategy for inclusive finance at the national level.


Throughout the world, some 2.5 billion people (e.g. many poor people in Asia and Africa) do not have bank accounts and are excluded from the financial world, and financial science and technology can help these marginalized people. “In Africa, for example, some financial science and technology companies provide loans to individuals or small businesses that do not have a bank account, based on such factors as the user’s mobile phone brand, usage frequency, charging frequency, etc., as a criterion for their creditworthiness.”


encourages small business to join forces in the fight against the financial technology giant


As a result of the rapid development of recent years, a number of financial and technological subdivisions have emerged: in the area of payments, payment treasures and micro-credit payments account for the bulk of the market share; in the area of financial management, there are large Internet-based money managers such as surplus treasures, treasury management and land-based gold; in the area of mesh loans, credit-rich loans, etc.; and in the area of insurance, public security insurance was officially deposited at the port at the end of September this year.


In these areas of financial science and technology disaggregation, the presence of Tsing, Alibaba and 100 degrees is high, and concerns have been raised about the existence of an oligopoly in China's financial science and technology sector.


Susana believes that enterprises such as Tsing, Alibaba and others are leaders in the field of financial science and technology and do form a “monopoly” to some extent, but they do not intend to do so, but rather are successful because of their own development, such as Facebook, Google, Amazon and others.


“In China, the best way to avoid an oligopolistic trend in financial science and technology is to invest small businesses in the industry, spread across cities, develop many financial science and technology centres, offer more options and stimulate competition in the market.” She said that while traditional banks, insurance companies, etc., have been slow to develop, some small financial science and technology companies have been growing rapidly, seeking cooperation is a good way to counter big firms.


In competition with these giants, the transformation of innovation in traditional financial institutions is still relatively slow. Susanna claims that in this process some banks are threatened with collapse, while others who rely on the power of financial science and technology companies to achieve innovation survive. “Banking for survival is usually divided into three steps: learning about financial science and technology and knowing where the opportunities are; seeking partners, working with the best financial science and technology companies; and investing in financial science and technology companies.”



While financial science and technology have given new impetus to the development of the financial sector, it has also led financial institutions to provide services across markets, institutions and territories with greater contagion and wider coverage of financial risks and higher regulatory requirements.


Susana believes that where profits are desirable, illegal acts such as crime occur and therefore financial science and technology must be regulated. “Financial technology can be broken down into three branches: regulatory technology, insurance technology, and finance technology. These three concepts are important for governments, banks, and insurance companies.”


She argues that the difficulty of regulation lies in the need for government regulators to understand financial science and technology before deciding what kind of regulation should be applied in such areas as regulation of technology, insurance technology, banking, and finance technology. But, as far as regulation is concerned, there is also a need to find a time-balance: if it occurs, it may be too shallow, or even misinterpreted, in financial science and technology, followed by regulatory errors, and may even stifle innovation in financial science and technology; but if government regulation is implemented too late (for example, after two years of financial science and technology development), it is likely to involve financial risks or contribute to irregularities in the operations of many companies.

  欧洲的GDPR(《一般数据保护条例》)将在2018年5月生效,该条例会应用于全球所有在欧洲开展业务的公司。“如果阿里巴巴、腾讯、平安或者美国的公司要在欧洲开展业务,就要遵从GDPR,如有违背,罚款金额很高,大约是该公司全球营业额的4%。” 苏珊娜强调,这部条例出台的目的就是保护个人数据安全和数据隐私,企业需要征得数据持有者本人的同意方可使用个人数据。

Europe’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) will come into effect in May 2018 and will apply to all companies operating in Europe around the world. “If Alibaba, Tsing, Peace, or US companies are going to operate in Europe, they will be subject to GDPR and, in case of breach, the fines are high, about 4% of the company’s global turnover.” Susana stressed that the regulation was designed to protect personal data security and data privacy, and businesses would need the consent of the data holders themselves to use personal data.


However, in the face of rapidly developing financial science and technology, it is still difficult for government sector regulation to cover the full range of risks. In response, Susanna said that businesses can also act as regulatory early warning. She described a risk solution to finance technology, namely, smart investment, which uses computers to help people make arrangements for their own asset management in banks. “The value of financial science and technology companies is to help predict the direction of markets.


In addition, with reference to the brutal development of virtual currency, Susana said that “the main risk of virtual currency (e.g. bitcoin, ethaco) not being tested for a long time is that it is decentralized, not regulated by central banks, and prices are highly volatile. China’s measures to ban virtual currency, ICO, are also normal.”

  相关专题:ICO监管来袭 一天暴跌36%

related topic: 36% drops in one day by ICO regulation.



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"Knock on the technology" is anecdotal.





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