
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:43 评论:0
在月初比特币最火爆的时候,龙禹江一天能挖到55个比特币,按7005元的价格计算,约价值38.5万元;At the start of the month, when Bitcoin was the hottest, the Yangtze h...



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At the start of the month, when Bitcoin was the hottest, the Yangtze had been able to dig 55 bitcoins a day, valued at approximately $385,000 at a price of $7005.


Now that the number of miners has increased, there are only 30 bitcoins per day, while the price has fallen to $4680 and the amount of wealth extracted has been reduced to $140,000.


On 5 December, the People's Bank of China and five other ministries issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, which clearly states that Bitcoin “can't and should not be used as a currency on the market” and prevents its possible integration into the financial system. As a result, Bitcoin prices fell.



This year's 25-year-old Chengdu Bitcoin One brother, the Yong Dynasty River, looks older than the actual age.


He started digging bitcoin in July 2009, the first bitcoin collector in China, currently owns 60 clusters of about 5,000 diggers, and can now dig 30 to 50 bitcoins a day. In addition, the Ryuji River sells “diggers” for 24,000 yuan per mine, before 600 miners were sold out for 3 to 4 days.


He claims to be a bitco’s “minemaker” and a “minemaker” and, in a Bitcoin player circle, the Dragons River is a powerful and well-known “Duke Bitcoin” and, even if he is in the country, he can get to the top. He claims to be a bitcoin “miner” is just a side business, with the official occupation being Sichuan Phil’s CEO, a simulation flight business.


“It is outrageous that the previous period was seven or eight thousand dollars, and that many players had accumulated large amounts of bitcoins in the previous period, and that the fall was inevitable.” Yesterday, the Yangjiang told Chengdu, a reporter, that his “mining” wealth had fallen by 60 per cent over the past week, but that he would continue to play in the Bitcoin market.



The Hong Kong River told Chengdu, a journalist, that he had carefully studied the Bulletin on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued by the Central Bank and others, that the circular would promote the long-term development of the industry and that “it would be good for us, the professional miners, to be effective in preventing the risk of money-laundering, speculation and criminal exploitation of the Bitcoin trade”.


In his view, the notice did not “kill” Bitcoin, which provides that “the Bitcoin Internet site of the Bitcoin trading platform should be legally filed with the telecommunications authority” and that “the ordinary people have the freedom to participate at their own risk.” In his words, “there are now a lot of Bitcoin trading platforms in the country, but some are not very formal”. He revealed that “I am now working with several partners to set up a formal Bitcoin trading website, which is expected to be online around March next year”.


According to the Rong Jing, he has prepared five self-regulatory provisions: to buy and sell no more than 20 bits per day; to limit the withdrawal of 100,000 yuan per day per account; to establish a real name system for the accounts and to enter into risk-alert agreements; to prepare a deposit for the 500 million yuan platform and to be subject to supervision by the financial regulatory body.


40 Chengdubitco's "miners"


Yesterday, a reporter from Chengdu reported to a Bitcoin group of players that “miners” from all over the country had consulted him about the purchase of “mine machines”.


According to the reporter, the mining machines he currently sells are mainly “Melleen” series, with a capacity of between 360GH/S~1.6 TH/S, a 620GH/S computing machine, which requires the installation of specialized mining chips of 384 and a chip price of 40 dollars on the treasures of the River, which has now been sold for 44,000. “According to the above, the sales price is between $24,000 and $70,000, and from last month to the present, about 600 are scheduled to be sold, and the number of people buying “miners” is increasing.”

据记者了解,目前成都有“矿工”约40人,参与买卖比特币的投资者比较多。而据数字货币研究中心Genesis Block统计,截至2013年10月底,中国比特币日交易量大约为10万个,占到了全球一半,中国已超越美国成为全球最大的比特币市场。

According to journalists, there are currently some 40 “miners” and more investors involved in buying and selling bitcoin. According to the Centre for Digital Monetary Studies, Genesis Block, China’s daily transactions at the end of October 2013 were about 100,000, accounting for half of the world’s total, and China has surpassed the United States as the world’s largest Bitcoin market.

通知出台后财富缩水6成 “搬砖”现象渐消失

after the announcement, 60% of the "brick move" faded away.


After the Central Bank’s five-sector circular, the price of the Bitcoin transaction on China’s largest Bitcoin trading platform, BTC China, fell by 33%, from $7005 on 2 December to $4,680 yesterday. For Bitcoin “miners” and “brick movers,” profit margins have been significantly narrowed.

挖币难度在增大 电费成本在上升

is becoming more difficult to dig, and the cost of electricity is rising .


At the start of December, when Bitcoin was the hottest, he was able to dig 55 bitcoins a day, valued at approximately 385,000 yuan at a price of 7005 yuan. According to Longguan, because of the recent influx of “miners” in the country and abroad, the difficulty of digging bitcoins is increased by “only 30 bitcoins a day, valued at about $140,000 at $4680.” This means that the wealth he excavated fell by 63 per cent; but, if measured at about $2,100 a month earlier, the investment in the mines was still very high. According to Lungguang, the 24-hour work of these machines cost about $14,000 a day, the chips were depreciated about $400-500 a day, and the artificial cost of the chips was about $800 a day. The cost of electricity alone rose by 3.64 per cent to 10 per cent a day.


domestic price cuts cover the "brick mover"


Previously, at the time of the Bitcoin fire, many investors used the price difference between domestic and foreign bitcoin transactions to make “brick move” profits, i.e. to buy foreign bitcoins and sell them on domestic trading platforms, with a price difference of around 20 per cent at the most.


According to a journalist, many of the former “brick movers” were killed, including some in Chengdu, the owners of Internet companies, and some investors from real estate. But, now that the “brick move” workers are disappearing, “Chinese investors enter foreign bitcoin trading markets, allowing foreign bitcoin trading prices to increase, while domestic trading prices have fallen and now trap some domestic investors.”


As of yesterday, at 1300 hours, the world’s largest bitcoin dealer, MtGox, in Tokyo, Japan, had a trading price of $715, or RMB 4363.22, while the price of the second largest bitcoin dealer in Slovenia, Bitstamp, was $692.98, or RMB 4228.84. At the same time, BTCchina’s transaction price was RMB 4659.99, the difference has been reduced to between 6 and 10%.




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