Recently, China /[span> "bkkute_blank" hret > hkute_90.
At the same time, the Centre for Data and Technical Security of the Central Network, which conducted a nationwide collection of case studies on the innovative application of block chains in 2023, selected 66 case studies on the innovative application of block chains (including 10 excellent cases and 56 typical cases) after preliminary examination, review and publicity, and compiled a collection of case studies on innovative application of the Chinese block chain (2023) (hereinafter referred to as " the case " ) to inform the in-depth advancement of the innovative development of block chains in various regions and industries.
Journalists have combed up 66 case studies on innovative applications of block chains, divided into financial science and technology, social governance, human services, and real economy.
Building Transfrontier Data Validation Platform in Penang: Addressing Cross-border Credible Validation Issues
In the process of promoting integration within and outside the Zone, there are common problems of cumbersome processing processes, high recurring costs, and poor experience when dealing with cross-border operations. From an institutional point of view, cross-border services need to strike a balance between providing better service to clients and better safeguarding their privacy, which are exposed to compliance risks such as data credibility.
These problems hinder connectivity in the Zone. To this end, a cross-border data validation platform (hereinafter referred to as the “platform”) has been developed by the China-China Institute of Financial Science and Technology, in collaboration with the South China Lighting, United Finance, and Mango High Technology, under the auspices of the High-Level Cooperation Area Financial Development Authority and Macao Science and Technology Development Agency.
The platform, a cross-border data validation platform that was coordinated by two government units since the launch of the Transnistrian Deep-Agriculture Cooperative Area Building Master Program, is a digital infrastructure that serves financial institutions in both locations. The platform effectively addresses the issue of cross-border and credible validation by using a chain of national production areas that is connected to the Santao Health Code, applying features such as Hashi encryption and credible authentication, and ensuring that customer information is not stored in the platform.
案例指出,2022 年二季度,平台上线了工商银行横琴分行和澳门分行的个人资产证明验证场景;2023 年 3 月 15 日,平台上线了建设银行横琴分行和的个人资产证明验证场景;2023 年3 月18 日,平台上线了中国银行横琴分行和澳门分行的企业资产证明验证场景和核数证明验证场景;2023 年 10 月,平台与厦门国际银行、澳门国际银行签订业务协议,预计年内上线该两家银行的个人资产证明验证场景。
It was noted that, in the second quarter of 2022, the platform was , 以工商银行个人资产证明为例,澳门居民通过该项服务,可实现在工商银行横琴分行申请信贷业务时,使用工行手机银行获取个人在工银澳门资产证明,自行自主上传至工商银行横琴分行。通过粤澳跨境数据验证平台的验证能力,工商银行横琴分行可确认澳门居民所提供的业务办理资料真实有效。该项服务的落地,减少了澳门居民在业务办理过程中来往琴澳及银行临柜的次数,提升了业务受理时效,拓宽了资料审核的途径。同时凭借区块链的不可篡改性和可追溯性,确保数据真实可靠及隐私安全。据了解,作为粤澳两地的跨境数据基础设施,平台正积极探索更多非银行和民生场景,为横琴粤澳深度合作区和粤港澳大湾区的添砖加瓦。 In the case of 广州市黄埔区企业链上服务创新应用:解决政务“数据孤岛”难题 2022年1月,中央网信办等17部门和单位联合发布了《关于印发国家区块链创新应用试点名单的通知》,公布了15个综合性和164个特色领域国家区块链创新应用试点名单,广州市入选国家区块链创新应用综合性试点名单,黄埔区企业链上服务项目是国家区块链创新应用综合性试点工作重点建设任务之一。 In January 2022, 17 departments and units, including the Central Networking Office, jointly issued a circular on the publication of a pilot list of innovative applications of the country's block chain, published a list of 15 pilot applications of innovative applications of integrated and 164 niche areas of the country's block chain, a comprehensive pilot list of innovative applications of the national block chain selected by Guangzhou City, and a project on business chain service in the Yellow Ribbon district, one of the tasks of the country's comprehensive pilot focus on innovative applications of the block chain. 本案例按照试点工作任务部署要求,引入区块链技术,为企业赋予可信身份,降低企业的求证取信成本,优化政务服务,并利用区块链数据共享特性,实现数据确权、安全传递,推动跨部门、跨区域、跨层级的政务应用协同场景,解决政务“数据孤岛”难题,提升政务办事效率,增强政府公信力。 In line with the deployment requirements of the pilot mission, this case introduces block chain technology to give a credible identity to the enterprise, reduce the firm's credit acquisition costs, optimize government services, and use the block chain data sharing features to achieve 借助区块链技术公开透明、不可篡改等特性,着力从促进政务服务流程再造,最大限度推动减材料、免证办。打造具有“一专、三免、两提升”的黄埔移动政务服务的特色品牌。截至目前,依托可靠、可信、可用的“企业链上保险箱”功能,已为 2612 家企业免费开通电子印章和链上保险箱,赋能 200 多项政务事项精简办理,如亮码办事、智能秒批等,通过即时调取申办材料,企业无需重复准备及打印,同时免去行政审批窗口人员的身份核验、纸质材料扫描上传等步骤,减少企业70%准备时间,促进跨机构、跨部门、跨层级的数据互通与业务协作。当前已完成亮码办事 142 次,链上签章 251 次,链上用信2121 次,上链及共享数据超 5 万笔,为企业搭建精准高效的政企服务绿色通道;绘制2612家企业信用画像,有效促成企业之间供需精准对接121 单。 To date, a reliable, credible and available “business chain to enable enterprises to open up e-prints and connect 区块链加速医疗数据共享、药品溯源 记者留意到,在“健康中国 2030”和“互联网+医疗健康”等国家战略的持续推动下,区块链技术与医疗健康服务场景深度融合,围绕医疗数据流转监管、健康数据共享查阅、药械溯源等场景形成了一批创新应用。 Journalists have noticed that in national strategies such as 在医疗数据共享方面,浙江、广东等地区卫生健康管理部门针对重复检查、费用过高、浪费时间等患者诟病问题,运用区块链技术实现医疗相关数据全面上链存储与授权共享,推动医疗信息可信流转与安全共享,也便于科研院所在合规前提下获得更多的诊疗及健康数据,促进治疗方案共享、新药研发等,让医疗数据发挥更大价值。 In the area of medical data sharing , health management authorities in Zhejiang and Guangdong regions have increased the value of medical data by applying block-link technology for comprehensive upper chain storage and authorization sharing of medical-related data, facilitating a credible flow and safe sharing of medical information, and facilitating access to more clinical and health data in compliance with the standards of scientific research institutes, promoting the sharing of treatment programmes, the development of new medicines, etc. (文章来源:南方都市报)21 > >,
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