The K-line price continues to stagnate on the edge of the pressure. From the Jiang Eun angle, we can see that 4/1 is a short-term support point, that the technology of the MACD is clearly inadequate, that RSI is operating close to 60 hours away, and that the same thinking of yesterday night remains intact.
Ideas: Blocks around 1360-1350, Target 1320-1290, Wind control 1380
2.真币网 2. Real currency net 成立于2017年12月,总部位于中国香港,是一家面向全球的专业数字货币交易服务商。核心团队来自全球知名互联网及金融企业,包括数名数字货币行业最早期从业者,在数字货币领域具有丰富的技术开发及全球运营经验。致力于为全球用户打造最安全、稳定、高效的数字货币交易平台。 Founded in December 2017, Hong Kong, China, is a global-oriented professional digital-currency-trading service provider. The core team is drawn from well-known global Internet and financial enterprises, including several of the early players in the digital-currency industry, with rich technological development and global experience in the field of digital money. 3.雅典娜 3. Athena >/strang > 是一款有名的数字货币交易所,美国交易量第二,仅支持美元和主流币种,手续费:0.0%-0.75% It is a well-known digital currency exchange, with the second largest volume of transactions in the United States, supporting only the United States dollar and mainstream currencies, and handling fees: 0.0 per cent-0.75 per cent 4.Bitgogo 优势:老牌,客户多,交易量相对较大。 Strengths: the usual, the number of clients and the relative volume of transactions. 劣势:进出场要跟个人商家对接,有时候时间上会比较没优势。我自己就经历过有币找几个卖家都出不掉的尴尬。 Weaknesses: In and out of the field, we have to meet with our own businesses, sometimes with less advantage in time. I myself have experienced the embarrassment of finding a few sellers with money. 交易所目前已经成为币圈用户“最多'的交易所,成功的抓住了大多数散户的需求,现货买币、现货交易基本上做到了深度最佳,这其实就代表了大多数散户确实认可,这一点在币圈里面可谓是弥足珍贵。一提到去哪买比特币啊?很多人都优先想到。 The exchange has now become the “top-up” exchange for currency circle users, and has successfully captured the needs of the majority of the diasporas, with spot-buying and spot-trading being essentially the best in depth, which actually means that the majority of the diasporas do accept it, which is quite valuable in the currency circle. Where do we go to buy bitcoins? 近期还公示了冷钱包
It has also recently been announced at
5.全球资产 5. Global assets 平台是一家面向全球的创新数字资产交易平台,为用户提供多币种、多语言的现货币对交易服务,支持bitcny充值、支持法币、币币交易, 手续费:0.1% The platform is a global platform for innovative digital asset transactions that provides users with multi-currency, multilingual and current currency-to-transaction services, supports bitcny charging, supports French currency and currency transactions, and charges 0.1 per cent. 交易平台的使命是为全球广大的数字资产爱好者提供优质的数字货币资产,和安全、可靠的交易服务。 The mission of the trading platform is to provide high-quality digital monetary assets to a wide range of digital asset lovers around the world, as well as secure and reliable transactional services. 6.PK.TOP 是一家诚信、安全、快速、共赢的全球区块
It is an honest, secure, fast and win-win global block
7.Livecoin 是一家老牌的交易所,在币圈有一定的知名度,但是现在的发展来说越来越找不到感觉了。现在的成交额,用户数与过去的高峰期相差甚远。 It's a brand-new exchange with a certain reputation in the currency circle, but it's becoming less and less felt in terms of development. Now, the number of users is far from the peaks of the past. 平台实行100%的准备金制度,向全球用户提供银行级别的安全,可靠,易用的区块
The Platform operates a 100 per cent reserve system to provide bank-level security to global users, reliable and accessible block, which is used as a chain transaction service to serve as , which is also known to operate a multi-point of the United States exchange 交易所秉持不做恶的原则,所以前期也吸引和积累了众多的粉丝,只是这个交易所与***的渊源较深,同时也因为这个事情很多人亏钱。所以也是受人诟病的原因。 The exchange, which is based on the principle of non-defeating, has attracted and accumulated a large number of fans in the past, although it has a deeper connection with ***, and because of the fact that many people are losing money. 总体来说,该交易所虽然现在的发展不是太好,但是安全性能不错,发展较为缓慢,但是交易是没有问题的。 Overall, while the exchange is not well developed, security performance is good and development is slow, but trade is not problematic. 8.IEX 币圈“散户”最多的交易所 Exchanges with the largest number of “settlers” in currency circles 据相关数据统计,交易所目前基本可以说是币圈数字货币散户最多的交易所。毕竟作为13年成立的老牌交易所,忠实粉丝还是不少的。而且,成功的抓住了大多数散户的需求,在“现货买币”、“现货交易”等方面基本上做到了深度最佳。而且,传言和官方的关系相对来说是三大所中比较不错的。 According to the relevant data, the exchange is now basically the largest currency bulk in the currency circle. After all, as an old 13-year-old exchange, there are a lot of fans. 9.币客 无论您是经验丰富的加密交易者,还是比特币和加密货币的新手,我们的客户支持团队都会为您提供帮助。有关答案和反馈,请发送电子邮件.提供多种语言的24/7支持。 For answers and feedback, send an e-mail. Please provide 24/7 support in several languages. 10.币夫 10. 成立于2017年12月,由比特领衔投资,是集团旗下全球知名数字资产交易服务商,集团旗下矿池是全球第5大比特币矿池和全球第1大BCH矿池。已取得爱沙尼亚合规牌照,是最早一批获得合规牌照的交易平台,现提供币币交易、杠杆交易、永续合约等多元化衍生品交易服务。平台支持中/英/日/韩/俄等15种语言,为超过100多个国家(或地区)的100多万用户提供安全、可信赖的交易服务。 Founded in December 2017, by Bitt, a world-renowned digital asset trading service provider under the umbrella of the Group, which is the fifth-largest bitcoin pond and the first-largest BCH pond in the world. The first-ever Estonian-licensed trading platform to obtain a compliance license, now offers diversified derivatives services such as currency transactions, leverage transactions, and durable contracts. The platform supports 15 languages such as C/E/J/K/RO, providing safe and trusted trading services to more than 1 million users in more than 100 countries (or regions). 免责声明:本文为转载,非本网原创内容,不代表本网观点。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。 如有疑问请发送邮件至:bangqikeconnect@gmail.com If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com
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