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Decentraland is a virtual world platform based on block chains, designed to solve the issue of profiting from intermediate platforms for decentralised open-source projects, thereby arriving at a low-price payment model between content creators and game players; the project uses block chain technology to acquire and transfer virtual property rights and to allow users to hold them permanently, or even operate them, to generate profits for their own content; and there is no brokering cost, which is the largest feature of Decentraland.


The biggest difference between the Decentraland project and the VR project in other virtual spaces is that Decentraland is a decentralised system that proves that the Decentraland space is shared by all, that it is a virtual space hidden in the Internet world, rather than a space run by a company through a server, that there is no intermediary cost, which is the largest feature of Decentraland, and that the use of this space does not require the consent of anyone, as long as you run the program and connect to the network, you can use it; secondly, the decentralized structure makes Decentraland more stable and less vulnerable to attack; and secondly, the Decentraland use of a block chain to record user ownership, which, through an identification system, will allow the user to track and verify whether a content has the consent of the original. This is the first virtual world platform based on a block chain, you can have your own virtual space, and you can control your own virtual space, publish your own applications, and thus create value, such as publishing a game of your intellectual property rights on a virtual space platform, and the player can pay at a lower cost directly on a virtual world platform.


application sites users can create, experience or even benefit from developing platform content and process experiences in the Decentraland world.


The identity certification system of Decentraland is a system of identification. In this system, authentication information is the coordinates of the territory. Economic incentives are necessary because they ensure that creators continue to create bodies, objects and scripts and distribute them. Since content can be reproduced arbitrarily, we must rely on social consensus to implement punitive measures.


In a centralized system, companies that create platforms can resist scarcity. But, for bitcoin and other workload-proven blocks, the economic costs of calculating problems and digging blocks are bound to create scarcity.


Decentraland can create ownership layers on items of the virtual world using decentralised identity systems. Such systems must be user-friendly and verify the consent of the founders by connecting public keys and signatures to human readable names.


A project like a uPort or a service named after a tavern can be used. A social reputation also needs to be used to promote the contributions of the founders.

在去中心化经济体系中,对于内容创造的激励能力会演化地非常迅速。潜在的解决方案包括Mediachain16、Basic Attention Token、Curation Markets 和Rare Pepes等等。

In decentralised economic systems, incentives for content creation evolve rapidly. Potential solutions include Mediatain16, Basic Attention Token, Culture Markets, and Rare Peps, among others.


Economic System

1.领地和MANA代币随着铁器时代的到来,引进了两种数字资产:领地(在这个虚拟世界中可分配,但不可替代);以及 MANA 代币(ERC20 代币,销毁可以用来获取领地以及购买商品和服务)。

1. With the advent of the Iron Age, the Territory and the Mana token have introduced two types of digital assets: the Territory (distributable but irreplaceable in this virtual world); and the Mana token (ERC20, destruction, which can be used to acquire the Territory and to purchase goods and services).

领地的实用性基于它与关注中心的距离远近、支撑应用的能力以及作为身份认证机制的效用。由于开发者和其他内容创造者对领地有需求,所以他们才会在领地上建立应用,并接触到目标用户。尽管所有未被认领的领地可以以相同的兑换比例购买到(1000 MANA=1 领地),但是领地和领地之间还是有很大区别的。由于领地与关注中心的距离和流量的不同,它们在二级市场上的价格也会大不一样。

The territorial relevance is based on its proximity to the centre of concern, its ability to support applications, and its usefulness as an identification mechanism. It is because developers and other content creators have a demand for the territory that they establish applications in the territory and reach the target users.

另一方面,MANA 会作为衡量新领地的替代物。而且,MANA 可以用来购买商品和服务,给代币创造了实用价值。

On the other hand, the MANA would be an alternative to measuring the new territory. And, the MANA could be used to buy goods and services, creating practical value for money.

2.建立网络领地所有权需要通过 ERC20 代币 MANA 才能获得。MANA 可以将价值带进Decentraland 网络,并购买到新的领地。MANA 还可以用来购买Decentraland世界中的商品和服务。

2. The creation of a network of territories requires the acquisition of ownership through the ERC20 token MANA.

为了快速启动这个网络,开发者和内容创造者在 Decentraland 中建立商店会得到奖励。基金会会通过举办比赛来创造艺术、游戏、应用和体验,并视达到的成就来设立奖项。同时,新用户还可以分得津贴,从而可以立即参与到这一经济体系。这些经济上的激励措施有助于建立 Decentraland 网络的实用价值,直到它能够独立地吸引用户和开发者前来。

In order to jump-start the network, developers and content creators will be rewarded for setting up shops in Decentraland. Foundations will create prizes by organizing competitions to create art, games, applications, and experiences, and to see what has been achieved.

项目代币 MANA 可在游戏中购买土地,也可以购买虚拟游戏商品和服务。用户可利用代币 MANA 购买土地,且 1000 MANA 可购买一块土地。用户可以二次销售土地,且土地的价格将根据位置的不同以及建设程度的不同而产生差异。

The project token MANA can buy land in a game, or virtual game goods and services. Users can buy land using the token MANA, and 1,000 MANAs can buy a piece of land. Users can sell land twice, and the price of land will vary according to location and degree of construction.


Information: Decentraland land auction is hot at




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