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大家好,我是小刘!在这个互联网高度发达的时代, 作为描述实现去中心化共识的新型协议,自2014年问世以来,已逐渐成为公链生态应用程序甚至设计理念的代名词。

Hello, I am Xiao Liu! In this highly developed era of the Internet, as a new protocol that describes the achievement of decentralisation consensus, since the advent of in 2014 , chain ecology , applications and even design concepts .

与其他新概念一样,对于“什么是 Web3?”这个问题,也是仁者见仁,智者见智。

Like other new concepts, the question of what is “Web3?” is also a matter of good opinion and wisdom for the wise.

新术语可能会让一些人感到陌生,因此在本文中,我们分9部分来介绍 Web3,同时配合一些实际的案例,以便大家在实践中更好地理解Web3.0。

The new terminology may be new to some, so in this paper we present Web3 in nine parts, together with practical examples, so that we can better understand Web3.0 in practice.


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图一:Web 3.0

2015 年 以来, 的创始人兼首席执行官 Joseph Lubin 一直在通过演讲、写作及资助团队的方式来构建 和去中心化网络。 是指导 所有早期投资和项目的试金石。 是当下个人用户访问 以太坊区块链 的主要方式,当然,还有很多其他兼容以太坊的网络。这是一种在手机或电脑上安全地生成公钥的方法,但它使用的是网络交互的新准则——只有你可以访问你的帐户和数据,并且可以选择哪些内容可以共享,哪些数据保持私密。也有人将 比作是加密版的 。

Since 2015, the founder and CEO of

图二:以太坊联合创始人 Joseph Lubin

当我们提到去时,除了去中心化货币和中心化身份之外,我们还会提及相关技术栈的其他部分。比如对于文件持久化存储(如 和 )、去中心化存储(、 等)和去中心化数据(),去中心化存储正在成为去中心化网络不可或缺的一部分。

When we refer to decentralizing money and centralizing identity, we also refer to other parts of the technology warehouse. For example, for document sustainability (e.g., and), decentralizing (e.g., etc.) and decentralizing data (e.g.), decentralizing storage is becoming an integral part of the decentralized network.

现在, 是 和其他大型风险投资公司热衷的方向,这也意味着在 Twitter 上有很多人在嘲笑、讽刺甚至 混淆视听。 在公共互联网讨论中占据一席之地只是时间问题,届时,这些小丑可能又会回来充当布道师。

Now, it is the direction that other large venture capital companies are keen to take, and that means that in Twitter.

当我问一个 开发者网友他会如何解释Web一家时,他给出的简短回答是: 是 只读 的, 是 读写 的, 是 读-写-拥有。Web 的初始版本是建立在开源协议之上的,例如 、、,当然还有 。协议是作为多台计算机允许相互通讯的一种标准方式。这些基础协议管理着互联网上的信息和消息流,如果你想基于这些协议的规则构建应用程序或服务,是无需付费的。

When I asked a developer how he would explain the Web, he gave a brief answer: read and write only , read and wrote , read and wrote - owns . The original version of Web was based on the source agreement , for example, and of course. The protocol is a standard way of allowing multiple computers to communicate with each other. These foundation agreements manage the flow of information and information on the Internet. If you want to build applications or services based on the rules of these agreements, there is no charge.


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图三:Web 全家福

是使用互联网免费且开源的协议构建出的。与静态的、只读的 网站相比, 带来的重大转变是:个人用户可以向互联网中发布内容。最初在 Digg 留言板上的点赞演变成了微博以及现如今超过 20 亿用户的 Facebook;另外一个微妙的变化是:用户无需自己维护服务器来保障自己的网站正常运转,Web2 公司承担了相关的成本。但与此同时,他们也创建了一座用户数据、行为及活动的 信息孤岛,以此来构建出了极具广告价值的社交图谱。,个人用户就是产品

It was a free and open-source agreement using the Internet. Compared to static, read-only web sites, to construct a social map of value.




的所有权是指:平台的构建者、运营商和用户拥有他们所使用东西的一部分。最早期的案例是和:作为更新账本和保持其他参与者诚实的回报,他们会获得 BTC(一般指比特币)ETH(一般指以太币) 的奖励,通过这种方式来保障网络的安全。在和其他上,基于 的网络甚至引入了新的所有权模型,这些模型不同于合作经营股东股权模型

Ownership is defined as: builders, operators and users of the platform own a part of what they use . The earliest cases are: (generally means bitcoin) or

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One of the greatest innovations of the Internet is to make information readily accessible, affordable, easily replicable and diverse on a global scale.


But these attributes are opposing values, and the definition of money and property is scarce and difficult to obtain. Bitcoin is the first agreement to introduce scarcity into the Internet, partly to address the “double flower” problem that plagues digital money at an early stage.


The double flower problem is that you can repeat the same digital currency and consume it simultaneously in two or more places.

主流金融世界 中,、和会自行验证每笔交易,最大程度地降低发生双花的风险

In , and will independently verify each transaction to minimize the risk of double flower occurrence.





Using decentralised encrypted currency, miners or certified nodes can ensure that there are no double flowers in the accounts. This is far-reaching, because certification no longer depends on trusted centralizers. Through Internet connections, anyone can participate in point-to-point networks and monitor accounts.

稀缺性的另一个特征是是否同质化。同质化意味着你可以用一个单位替换另一个单位,但价值是一样的。例如, 的价值就是 。非同质化意味着唯一

Another characteristic of scarcity is whether or not to homogenize. Homogenization means that you can replace another unit with one unit, but the value is the same. For example, the value of is. is non-synthetic means the only /strong >.


To empower users to own items, which can be works of art, photos music, text, object(s) of the game, certificate, governance authority, ...

如果我可以右键单击图像并将其保存到我的桌面,NFT 怎么会稀缺呢?

If I can right-click the image and save it on my desktop, how can NFT be scarce?

从根本上说,重要的是区块链保留了从一个帐户到另一个帐户的所有权记录。它允许艺术家或公司建立“原创”,就像区块链解决的基本问题一样,防止另一个人声称是其所有者或 “双花”

Essentially, what matters is that the block chain retains ownership records from one account to another. It allows artists or companies to create “inventives” that prevent another person from claiming to be their owner or “double flowers” , like the basic problem that the block chain solves.

许多人对 作为证明的一种方式感到兴奋,原因之一是由于它们是以太坊代币(NFT 现在也可以在上使用),它们可以与 生态系统的其他部分相互操作。

Many people are excited as a way of proving it, one of the reasons being that they can interact with the rest of the ecosystem because they're using Taiyuan tokens (NFT can now also be used up).


They can be divided into smaller parts so that: ; ; including


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图七:ETH 2.0

早期互联网协议中最大的遗漏之一是没有公共且开源的身份层。以致 和 等 平台将该层垄断为闭源应用程序。 的立场是:你应该在网上拥有自己的身份,并且只有在你想要公开身份时,选择部分去公开。在实际应用中,上的身份是非常基本的,可以将其视为一个允许关联的容器。政府可以证明你的出生日期和出生地点,而无需了解你的数字身份中未经授权的部分。你的身份可以包括交易历史,金融服务可以查询这些交易而无需你提供出生地点。此外,你在社交网络上的数字身份也可以移植到其他网络。

One of the most important omissions of the early is that . The government can prove that this layer is closed-source applications.

在当下的实际应用中,与 Web3 中的通用身份层最接近是以太坊域名服务(ENS)。使用 ENS,你可以购买一个唯一域名(例如 jamesbeck.eth)作为 的 ,它指向一个以太坊地址。 创建了具有可读性的以太坊地址,它也可以被用作空投 、与人炫耀代币或 藏品的便捷方式,同时也可以帮你了解到谁在投票给 DAO 治理的提案。彰显你很 “懂” 会让人更具吸引力,这也许就是 Paris HiltonShaq 和其他名人在 上使用 .eth 用户名的原因。不过,和早期的互联网协议一样,ENS 没有早期投资者,而且协议本身是去中心化的,并且是基于开放标准的。

In its current practical application, the common identity layer in Web3 is closest to the ÉNS. Using ENS, you can purchase a unique domain name (e.g. Jamesbeck.eth), which points to an Ether address. A reader-friendly e-Tata address has been created, which can also be used as an airdrop, as an easy way of showing off money or treasures, while also helping you understand who will be more attractive when voting for governance proposal.

(实验室) 的其他服务(例如 IDX 和 Self.ID)允许你连接你的钱包并管理你的数字身份。你可以关联你的以太坊地址、现有的社交媒体以及其他标识身份的信息。

Other services (such as IDX and Self.ID) allow you to connect to your wallet and manage your digital identity.

与 ENS 一样,其更大的愿景是用户在新的服务和平台注册时,可以自动地从他们的个人身份中选择共享哪些数据和信息。目前,大部分用户还是在Web3 场景中使用区块链的数字身份——将以太坊地址与社交媒体资料关联——但 Web3 的长期目标是让真实世界的身份,如政府承认的ID,也可以在链上得到证明。

Like ENS, its larger vision is that users can automatically share data and information from their personal identities when new services and platforms are registered. At present, most users still use the digital identity of block chains in Web3 scenarios – linked to social media information at a Tails address – but the long-term goal of Web3 is to make the real world identity, such as government-recognized IDs, proven on the chain.




拥有你在社交图谱上的大部分数据,即使你终止使用其服务,数据仍然存在 Meta 的服务器上。Gavin Wood 在 2014 年提出了术语 Web3,他认为,“Web 3.0,或者也可以称为‘后斯诺登(post-Snowden)’网络,是对网络上各种事物的重新想象。

Having most of your data on the social map, even if you stop using it, the data still exist on the Meta server. Gavin Wood introduced the term Web3 in 2014, which he argued was “Web 3.0, or what might be called the ‘post-Snowden’ network, is a rethinking of everything on the network.

但各方之间的交互使用各不相同的模型。我们认为是公开的信息,我们会发布。我们假设已经达成一致的信息,我们会放在一个共识账本上。” 2018 年的剑桥分析丑闻显示,一家试图创建选民心理档案并影响选举的公司,收集了 8700 万人的个人信息。

But the interaction between the parties uses different models. We think it's a public message, and we're going to publish it. We're going to put the agreed information on a consensus book.” The Cambridge Analysis scandal of 2018 shows that a company that tried to create a voter psychological file and influence the elections collected personal information on 87 million people.


Although this scandal is on the headlines, major data leaks continue to occur, affecting millions of Internet users simply because we have commissioned companies to store our data, but when we move to different services, it is not possible to withdraw the company's authority over its own data.




还记得上文中我们提到,将 视作加密版的 consent (同意) manager 吗? 应用程序设计的原则是个人将信息“推送”到可信来源,而不是应用程序从你的个人数据源中提取信息。

Remember what we mentioned above, which is considered an ensent (consensual) manager for encryption? The principle that applications are designed is that individuals “pull” information to a credible source, not that applications extract information from your personal data source.

Such as,在 Web2 场景中,当你“使用 Google登录”时,应用程序可能会提取你未授权的个人识别数据。你在网络上给不同应用程序提供数据时,是不透明的,这也是社交媒体网络能够具有主导地位的原因之一——这些信息非常有价值,而且在大多数情况下,我们在签署平台的服务条款时就将其乖乖上交了。

Such as, in the Web2 scene, applications may extract personal identification data that you have not authorized when you " login to Google ". You are not transparent when you provide data to different applications on the web, and this is one of the reasons why social media networks can dominate -- this information is very valuable and, in most cases, we hand it over when we sign the platform's service terms.

Web3 是对当今互联网上用户和平台之间榨取关系的一种反击,在 Web3 中,用户总是可以选择分享什么以及保密什么。

Web3 is a countermeasure to today's extracting relationship between users and platforms on the Internet, in which users always have the option of sharing what is shared and what is kept secret.

据 的数据显示,似乎每个人都在 2021 年 推出了 ,总交易量 超过 230 亿美元。对于许多数字艺术家来说, 是第一个可以真正全职投入艺术创作的方式。由于 NFT 是一种通用的 Token (令牌) 格式,你可以通过自己部署代码或使用 市场来创作 。与 Web2 的社交网络不同:你的 Token 可以在某个服务上购买,并在二级市场上出售,或用于其他游戏和应用程序

According to the data, everyone appears to have introduced in 2021 with a total transaction of more than $23 billion < strong > . For many digital artists, it is the first way in which a truly full-time artistic effort can be made. Because NFT is a universal Token format , you can create it by deploying your own code or using the market. Unlike the Web2 social network: your Token can buy on one service and sell it on the secondary market, or for other games and applications .

换句话说,通过继承以太坊的属性,NFT 是可移植和可互操作的。

In other words, NFT is transplantable and interoperable by inheriting Ether's attributes.

一些早期的 NFT 市场平台很快意识到他们不仅要做市场平台,还要在创作者、用户和平台本身之间建立更多的连接。SuperRare 在 2021 年发布了 $ RARE (罕见) 治理 Token (令牌) 并创建了 SuperRare DAO,以奖励其最早期的艺术家和收藏家,并鼓励社区参与其艺术展,该公司解释说:“我们将 Spaces 视为社区驱动艺术展的未来——在 SuperRare 的品牌和技术影响下,一个由策展人、艺术家集体、画廊和社区成员组成的充满活力的生态系统,同时可以培训艺术家以及进行拍卖上的合作。”

Some of the early NFT market platforms quickly realized that they were not just going to be market platforms, but also to create more connections between creators, users, and the platform itself. SuperRare, in 2021, released $RARE (relative) Governance Token (demonstration) and created SuperRare DAO to reward its early artists and collectors and encourage community participation in its art fairs, explaining: “We see Spaches as the future of community-driven art exhibitions — a dynamic ecosystem, influenced by SuperRare brands and technologies, with a view to training artists and collaborating on auctions.”

以太坊上的其他应用程序正在使用 (令牌) 奖励哪些对网络作出贡献以及协助作出决策的用户。甚至像 这样的 社交网络也在测试名为“社区积分”的 应用,以便活跃的 贡献者可以“拥有”社交网络的一部分。像 这样的 则通过激励流动性提供者,为以太坊上几乎所有资产的交易双方提供资金,创造出了一种正和活力( (动态) )。

Other applications are being used (signs) to reward users who contribute to the network and assist in decision-making. Even such social networks are testing applications called “Community Scores” so that active contributors can “own” part of social networks. Such an approach creates a positive and dynamic (dynamic) effect by stimulating mobile providers to finance the trading parties of almost all assets in the community.

个人用户在网络上使用的众多服务中拥有集体股份所带来的好处,可能是对 Web2 社交网络效应的最大威胁。正如 斯科特·贝尔斯基(Scott Belsky)所问的那样:

The benefits of having a collective share in the many services used on the Internet by individual users may be the greatest threat to the social network effect of Web2. As Scott Beltsky asks:


“Is this a competitive advantage against large companies if each and every stakeholder in these enterprises is encouraged to create, improve, market and visit these brands together?”


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“创作者经济”是一个互联网术语,旨在帮助创作者以新的方式获利。OnlyFans、Twitch 及其他平台承诺用户可以自由地、直接地从粉丝那里赚钱,而不是依赖广告投放、流量变现的盈利模式。然而,与 Web3 网络不同,创作者可能会随时被封禁,并且创作者并不拥有他们自己分享的内容。

“Creator economy” is an Internet term designed to help creators profit in a new way. OnlyFans, Twitch, and other platforms promise that users can make money freely and directly from fans, rather than relying on advertising to make money.

对于作家和记者来说,在过去一年中,通过 Substack、Ghost 和 Lede 等平台,直接从读者那里获得收入的态势进一步向好。然而,这些都不能让作家通过所有权与他们的粉丝建立直接的关系。

For writers and journalists, over the past year, income directly from readers has improved through platforms such as Substack, Ghost, and Lede. None of this, however, has allowed writers to have a direct relationship with their fans through ownership.

Web3 博客网站 Mirror 允许用户将自己的作品作为 NFT 出售,并通过“众筹”重新定义作家和赞助人模式。众筹功能允许赞助人存入 ETH 来赞助一个想法,以换取代表赞助证明的 Token (令牌) ,并可进一步获得 DAO 的入场券或着未来从出版物中获取收益。

Web3 Blog Mirror allows users to sell their work as NFT and to redefine the author and sponsor model by “publicizing.” The crowdsourcing function allows sponsors to deposit ETH to sponsor an idea in exchange for a Token (demonstration) representing the sponsorship certificate, and can further obtain DAO’s entry ticket or future gains from a publication.

该 Token 既具有实用性,也可以表明你对某个想法或作家的早期支持,并且随着越来越多同道中人支持众筹,它的价值会更高。

The Token is both practical and indicative of your early support for an idea or a writer, and it will be more valuable as more and more like-minded people come forward.

正如通过 Mirror 资助 Dirt.xyz《纽约客》 特约撰稿人 Kyle Chayka 所说:

As strong Mirror funded Dirt.xyz , New Yorker < strong > Kyle Chayka :

“订阅对于许多形式的媒体来说无疑是一种可持续的商业模式,但它不一定适合所有形式的内容或实验作品,对收藏家和顾客来说,这种模式是非常适合的。NFT可以为收藏家和赞助人的关系提供支持,Mirror 支持的各种 Token 亦适用,例如 $ ESSAY (短文) 或 Emily Segal的 $ NOVEL (小说) 。我希望看到越来越多的博客、系列文章和智库由 Token 和 NFT赞助,而不仅仅是读者购买和订阅付款,这样的话,创作者和赞助人可以共享收益。”

“Subscription is undoubtedly a sustainable business model for many forms of media, but it is not necessarily suitable for all forms of content or experimental work, and it is very appropriate for collectors and customers. NFT can support the relationship between collectors and sponsors, and various Tokens supported by Mirror apply, such as $ ESAY or Emily Segal's $ NOVEL. I would like to see an increasing number of blogs, series of articles and think tanks sponsored by Token and NFT, not just by readers to buy and subscribe to payments, so that creators and sponsors can share the proceeds.”

将同质化或非同质化的 Token (令牌) 作为赞助者-艺术家关系的一部分,艺术家们就可以与他们最早的支持者有了直接的联系——通过邮件列表、入口通行证和支付系统中的以太坊地址或 ENS 域名,艺术家们可以在各个平台与粉丝互动。

Token (demonstration) of homogenization or dissimilarity, as part of the sponsorship-artist relationship, allows artists to have direct contact with their first supporters — through the e-Team address or ENS domain name in the mail list, entry pass and payment system — that artists can interact with fans on various platforms.

如果你在 2021 年 加入了任何 ,你可能出于各种原因加入了 Telegram 或 Discord 群组,同一群互联网陌生人一起:

If you join anything at 2021 , you may join Telegram or Discord for a variety of reasons, together with a bunch of strangers on the Internet:

1. 对 DeFi 治理提案进行投票;
2. 决定资助哪个项目;访问 Erykah Badu 音乐会;
3. 加入艺术家和开发商的驻留计划;
4. 集体购买武当派2015年专辑《少林往事》的唯一副本。

1. Vote on DeFi governance proposal; /font>br>2. Decide on which project to finance; visit the Erykah Badu concert; font>br>.

或着“去中心化自治组织”是一个社区主导的实体,它使用以太坊智能合约来建立基本规则并执行达成共识的决策。以太坊中一些最大和最早的 管理着不断增长的去中心化金融协议的金库。目前,前 20 名 中持有价值近 105 亿美元的数字资产

Or “decentralized self-government” is a community-led entity that uses Taiyo smart contracts to establish basic rules and implement consensus-based decision-making. Some of the largest and earliest banks in the community manage growing decentralized financial agreements. Currently, the top 20 hold digital assets worth nearly $10.5 billion .

DAO 不仅限于 DeFi。像 Bankless 这样的媒体组织及 Gitcoin 这样的公共资助实体都利用 DAO 来协调、治理和管理他们的财务。现在 Web3 中有超过 130 万 DAO 代币持有者。一位《纽约时报》记者打趣道,DAO 是“带有银行账户的聊天室”。但 Web3 不可否认的魔力在于,志趣相投的无领导在线团体可以快速聚集、共同集中资金并做出决策。

DAO is not limited to DeFi. Media organizations such as Bankless and public funding entities such as Gitcoin use DAO to coordinate, manage and manage their finances. There are now more than 1.3 million DAO token holders in Web3. A New York Times journalist has an interesting saying that DAO is a “challenge room with bank accounts”. But the undeniable magic of Web3 is that interested online groups can quickly gather, pool funds and make decisions.

任何在一个长期沉浸在 生态的人都知道,工程师一直尝试在使用最大限度去中心化的架构、构建易于使用的应用程序和可扩展的基础架构之间作出权衡。正如 Signal (信号) 的创始人 Moxie Marlinspike 最近在他自己对 Web3 的探索中所写的那样:

Anyone who has been immersed in the ecology for a long time knows that engineers have been trying to balance the use of a minimally decentralised structure, the construction of easy-to-use applications, and scalable infrastructure. As Signal (signals) founder Moxie Marlinspike recently wrote in his own exploration of Web3:


's premise is that everyone on the Internet will be the producers and consumers of content, as well as the producers and consumers of infrastructure. We all have our own web servers, our own mail servers for our own e-mails, etc., but — I don't think that's necessary — because it's not what people want. Users don't want to run their own servers.”

以太坊的大部分应用程序调用来自可信 API 源的数据,目前以太坊全节点的数量是 5433 个,其中 40% 目前在美国运行,当他得知这些时,他应该不会太过惊讶。

Most of the community's applications call data from credible API sources, and the current number of all the nodes in the community is 5433, 40 percent of which are currently operating in the United States, and he won't be too surprised when he learns about it.

这也是 MetaMask 初期的设计决策之一——不要求每个用户运行一个自托管的以太坊节点,而是连接到 Infura 来提供以太坊数据,这样开发人员就可以更专注于他们正在构建的应用程序,而不是运行网络基础设施。

This is also one of the early design decisions of MetaMask — not requiring each user to run a self-hosted Ethernode, but to connect to Infra to provide Ether data so that developers can focus more on the applications they are building than on running the network infrastructure.

正如 MetaMask 创始人 Dan Finlay 所写:

As the founder of MetaMask, Dan Finlay, wrote:

“这样可以让用户直接开始使用,而不会经常导致耗尽笔记本电脑的电池。它改变了现有的游戏规则,这也一定程度上证明了 Moxie 说过的:人们并不真正想要托管自己的服务器。”

. This allows users to start using them directly, without often leading to the exhaustion of laptop batteries. It changes the existing rules of the game, which in part proves what Moxie said: people don't really want to host their own servers.”

无论是使用 等去中心化数据中心,还是将轻客户端引入 Eth2 的实现,并不代表以太坊和 Web3 社区仍在考虑如何在各个层面上减少信任。虽然 默认使用 ,但他们始终允许用户选择自己的区块链连接,此外,使用 Snaps (抓拍) 时,用户可以选择钱包服务器的替代性方案。Dan Finlay 解释说:

Whether to use a centralised data centre or to introduce a light client to Eth2, it does not represent how the Taiwan and the Web3 community are still considering how to reduce trust at all levels. Although by default, they always allow users to choose their own block chain connections, and when using Snaps, users can choose an alternative to the wallet server. Dan Finlay explains:

Snap (抓拍) 可以帮助用户运行轻量级客户端、选用如 zk-STARK 链或新的友好型语言的运行时系统,或者也可以让用户连接到他们喜欢的中心化服务。

Snap (clap) helps users run lightweight clients, select a running time system such as a zk-STARK chain or a new friendly language, or connects users to their preferred centralised service.


The community has many teams working to improve decentralisation, but users are less concerned about the success of some of the newer, more centralized encryption networks.

但是,我们也不能贸然断定 Web3 基础设施的现状会一成不变——尤其是随着越来越多的人体验到了完全去中心化网络的优势。

However, we cannot venture to conclude that the state of the Web3 infrastructure will remain unchanged — especially as more and more people experience the advantages of a completely decentralized network.


Note: Pictures and information are integrated from the web




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