
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:44 评论:0



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The boom in the chain has made the stock price of companies with a chain tag appear to be as high as chicken blood, but quickly, people are tired of judging companies that use hot words like a chain. In a number of encrypted currency exchanges, start-up rates are high, and even large V stations are likely to run off, and there is an urgent need for a stronger strategy at the market for encrypted currency.


From time to time, the Nasdak Exchange and the Encrypted Currency Market have been rumours since the initial chain-based ETFs were listed in Nasdak, such as that some of the digital currencies were about to reach Nasdak, and the sentiment of investors was affected by the news, as well as the market. Many people predicted that the Nasdak Upline Encrypted Currency Exchange would be the next cattle market spark.


Although the market for encrypted currency is huge, it is not always a good way to go, and Nasdak, who wants to go through it, faces a lot of problems.




{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The unknown U.S. government


And the US government’s attitude to encryption currency is more ambiguous, sometimes encouraging, and sometimes contradictory. On one side, as the most global financial region, encryption currency may be an important force in changing the world’s financial landscape, and it may not be a good way to ban it; on the other side, the development of encryption currency is uncertain, with only a small pool, and can be a huge risk to finance.


To date, the US government has not legislated and legalized encryption currency, and one side of the face SEC requires the encryption currency trading platform to register, and digital assets are defined as vouchers that fall within the jurisdiction of the SEC. But the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treat encryption currency as taxable property.


top security issues


On September 14, Nasdak announced that he would buy a transaction from Sweden and a real-time clearing technology provider, Cinnober, which is known as an encrypted currency friendly service provider. Its encryption currency hosting service is a good solution to the question of trust in large institutional funds hosting.


♪ Strange ♪ The heart of the stupid chain ♪ ♪/strange ♪

而納斯達克發行代幣化證券的興趣可以追溯到 2015 年。2015年,納斯達克就已使用了區塊鏈技術,並先後開發基於區塊鏈技術的股權交易平台Linq、區塊鏈支付處理平台ChainCore,還有與比特幣交易平台Gemini合作,推出了用於監管數字資產的SMARTS 市場監視技術等。

And Nasdak’s interest in issuing a currency certificate dates back to 2015. In 2015, Nasdak used a block-link technology, and developed a stock exchange platform based on a block-link technology, Linq, ChainCore, and Gemini, in partnership with the Bit currency trading platform, introduced a monitoring technology for the market of SMARTS, which is used to oversee digital assets.

而在今年8 月,納斯達克和Gemini 旗下的交易所,打算聯合推出一個合資機構,該機構將允許兩個交易所上線數字貨幣,並在全球範圍內為用戶提供流動資產。

And in August of this year, an exchange under the Nasdak and Gemini flag intends to combine the launch of a joint venture that will allow two exchanges of online digital currency and provide mobile capital for users worldwide.

9 月,有消息人士稱,納斯達克或將於 11 月推出預測數字貨幣價格走勢的工具,目前已處於測試階段。這項服務將從錢包的資金流、交易所的數據、社交媒體的數據,為約 500 個加密資產提供價格預測分析。

In September, sources claimed that Nasdak, or a tool to predict digital currency price movements in November, is currently in the testing phase. This service will provide price forecasting analysis for about 500 encrypted assets from the wallet stream, exchange data, and social media data.


hidden crisis


Finally, there is a problem with the supervision of encrypted currency. Encrypted currency has a decentralized feature and is extremely hidden. Free circulation would have a negative impact on the safety of the financial system.


Can the STO open the door to the world of encryption?


Since last year, the ICO market has grown rapidly, with hundreds of projects raising billions of dollars. Here, fraud and blueprints coexist, helping many start-ups raise millions of dollars in a few seconds, but they are targeted by surveillance agencies such as the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Unlike the ICO, the most notable feature of the STO is that the issue of the currency is of a certificate nature and that the licensed institutions (e.g., the US SEC) and the legal regulation of the certificate system are in charge. To facilitate the launch of the platform, Nasdak and Symbiont, among others, have been able to communicate with some of its companies.


The safety of the STO is much higher than that of the unsupervised ICO, because the voucher-type currency has to be packaged by tangible assets, such as company revenues or shares. The ICO appears to be an operational currency with less security than the voucher-type currency. That is to say, the STO is much easier to monitor, more difficult to discover and more expensive to invest than the ICO, and therefore safer than the ICO. But it is much lower than IPO, the STO's issuing and investing.


The difference in how the STO can replace the ICO is that the assets it represents already exist in the “real world.” The STO usually has traditional securities such as profit distribution, equity distribution, voting rights, equity mortgage bonds, etc., to raise external funds through non-public and public collection. In other words, the STO is like a bridge between traditional finance and the chain world.


The management of new financial services, products, and models based on district chain technology has become more difficult to adapt to traditional approaches and methods of financial supervision. This calls for intellectual and conceptual innovation and breakthroughs by regulators, and the STO is a very good sociological experiment of this kind.


Nasdak’s actions on the future of cryptographic currency in the world’s financial arena suggest that surveillance seems to be the ultimate price of the world’s brightness. Some argue that encryption currency must remain unsupervised in order to succeed.


It seems that things will eventually come back to some sort of compromise. But when we see more and more supervision, it is precisely because the encoded currency is growing and getting closer to our lives.




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