
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:51 评论:0
有很多方法可以做空某种资产,每种方法的适用性取决于一个人的资源,风险承受能力和整体投资策略。以下将介绍做空比特币的7种方法。There are many ways to em...



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There are many ways to empty an asset, and the applicability of each depends on a person’s resources, risk tolerance, and an overall investment strategy.


The simplest way to profit from the Bitcoin bubble is to sell some or all of the holdings when the price is thought to peak, and then wait for the price to fall and buy more. Technically, this is not empty, and more precisely, it is reducing multiple positions.


Technical analysts use graphs to help determine when investments should be made more or less empty. For example, technical analysts may look for so-called “double-tops” as an indicator of forthcoming price declines.


当比特币的价格超过原购买价格时,此时卖出比特币会实现收益并锁定利润。例如,假设有人最初以每枚6,000美元的价格购买比特币,但现在每枚硬币的价格为10,000美元。如果担心BTC将面临崩盘,投资者可以出售部分比特币并将4,000美元/ BTC收益立即收入囊中。

When the price of Bitcoin exceeds the original purchase price, Bitcoin is sold to realize the gains and locks the profits. For example, it is assumed that someone initially bought bitcoin at a price of US$6,000 per unit, but now the price is US$ 10,000 per coin. If there is a fear that BTC will face a collapse, investors can sell some bitcoin and include US$4,000/BTC proceeds in an immediate income bag.


The worst that could happen is that investors lose some of the profits they could have earned by waiting longer to sell bitcoin. Still, the last example is that if that person sells bitcoins at $10,000, then the market price rises to $12,000, they will still earn $4,000, even if they miss the extra thousands of dollars.


This method requires borrowing a certain amount of bitcoin and selling it immediately. If the price of bitcoin subsequently falls, the amount of bitcoin originally borrowed can be purchased and returned to the lender.

下图显示了股票等传统投资的做空流程; BTC的做空方式大致相同。

The figure below shows the process by which traditional investments, such as equities, are empty; BTC does so in roughly the same way.



For example, the price of Bitcoin was $10,000, and one investor thought it was ready to fall. He could borrow a BTC and sell it at $10,000. If the BTC price fell to $6,000, he could buy a bitcoin and return it to the BTC lender, earning a difference of $4,000.


The Bitcoin Investment Trust (NATTAC stock code: GBTC) is a publicly traded investment that tracks BTC’s market price, or BTC’s price increase or decline. The Fund was established in 2013 but did not attract much attention until 2017, when Bitcoin was suddenly welcomed by the mainstream and people began to look for more ways to buy.


The Bitcoin Investment Trust allows people to invest in bitcoin (whether empty or more) without having to buy actual encrypted currency.


While the Bitcoin Investment Trust Fund manager has done his best to track BTC performance, price tracking may still be less timely and precise as BTC rises and falls, especially during periods of extreme volatility. During periods of extreme volatility, when investors frequently buy or sell funds, they can also cause differences between the Fund’s volatility and that of BTC itself, thereby affecting the Fund’s performance.


In addition, the Fund’s management fees affect investors’ profits. Currently, the Bitcoin investment trust funds charge a relatively high 2 per cent annual management fee. According to a recent study by Morningstar, the average annual fund cost in 2017 is 0.52 per cent.


A options contract allows an investor to buy or sell the asset at a specified price at a given date in the future. The option of purchasing an “enhancement” entitles the trader to purchase the asset at a later date, while the option of “dropping over” entitles the trader to sell the asset.


The premium will vary according to the size of the contract, the maturity date, and the seller’s belief in whether the assets in question will rise or fall. One of the benefits of the option contract is that, if the option contract is purchased, the buyer may, in the case of market miscalculation, waive it and simply allow the contract to expire.


For example, it is possible that someone might buy a fallhold at an enforcement price of $10,000 to sell BTC, with a one-month maturity date (which means that they can choose to sell bitcoin at the purchase price within one month of the purchase contract). If BTC falls to $6,000 within a week after the purchase of the contract, they can buy BTC at a price of $6,000 and then exercise the option to sell the bitcoins to those who sell the options at a price of $10,000. In this case, the profit of each BTC is $4,000, less the premium paid by the contract is a real gain.


If, on the other hand, the traders hold the option to make an execution price of $10,000 and keep BTC above that amount throughout the month, they can simply let the contract expire without using it. In such cases, they will pay for the contract, but at least they will not be forced to perform the contract at a loss.


The futures contract is a contract for the purchase or sale of a specified amount of assets on a specified date. In the Bitcoin futures contract, the buyer undertook to purchase a certain amount of BTC at a specified price on an agreed date, at which date the seller undertook to sell the amount of BTC to the buyer at that price.


These contracts were intended to protect buyers and sellers from commodity price fluctuations such as wheat, oil, and precious metals. Today, traders can obtain futures contracts on a variety of assets, including BTC.

如果你想做空比特币,你可以成为期货合约的卖家。例如,比特币期货合约中的卖方承诺从今天开始,三个月后以每个10,000美元的价格出售10 BTC,如果在合约到期之前BTC的价格已降至6000USD,则卖方将获利4,000 USD每BTC,或总计40,000美元。

If you want to be an empty bitcoin, you can be a seller of futures contracts. For example, the seller in the bitcoin futures contract promised to sell 10 BTCs at a price of $10,000 each three months later, and if the BTC price had fallen to 6,000 USD before the contract expired, the seller would have earned 4,000 USDs per BTC, or a total of $40,000.


Bitcoin futures are available on the Chicago Futures Exchange (CBOE) and the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME). In addition, several mainstream exchanges also offer Bitcoins futures.


The difference contract (CFD) is a futures contract, but when the contract is settled, only the legal currency is traded instead of the actual bitcoin. The buyer and seller of the contract agree to settle any change in the BTC price in the legal currency on the date of the end of the contract.

例如,投资者可能会在未来的一周内将BTC出售差价合约,价格为10,000美元。如果BTC的价格在合同到期之日为6,000美元,买方将按合同规定支付每BTC 4,000美元。另一方面,如果BTC的价格上涨到12,000美元,卖方则欠买方每BTC 2,000美元。

For example, investors may sell BTC for a price difference of US$ 10,000 in the coming week. If the BTC price is US$6,000 on the due date of the contract, the buyer will pay US$ 4,000 per BTC. On the other hand, if the BTC price rises to US$ 12,000, the seller will owe the buyer US$ 2,000 per BTC.


If sellers and sellers agree, some price differentials allow parties to withdraw early. For example, if the traders have a few days in short-term price differential contracts and BTC prices have soared, the traders may decide to reduce their losses and buy the contract at the current BTC prices instead of waiting for a full week.


The difference contract can be used to hedge a person’s loss (i.e., if a person already owns BTC and believes that it may go to the bear market, the difference contract can protect his assets). Whatever the situation in the market, a trader who owns BTC and sells the difference contract will earn some money: if Bitcoin rises, the BTC’s value will increase, but if Bitcoin falls, the difference contract will gain.



The predictive market allows users to predict and bet on the results of certain events.


大多数预测市场允许用户创建或选择他们想要下注的现有预测。例如,关于比特币表现的预测 ,投资者可以在该事件上购买“股票”。如果你认为该预测是正确的,那么可以购买这种“股票”即做多;如果你认为这是错的,您可以卖出这种“股票”即做空。为了做空比特币,你可以找一个估计BTC的价格会下降的预测并做多,或者找到一个说BTC价格会上涨的预测并做空。

Most predicting markets allow users to create or choose existing forecasts that they want to place notes on. For example, with respect to bitcoin performance, investors can buy “stocks” on the event. If you think the forecast is correct, then buy more; if you think it is wrong, sell the “stocks” and empty. To be free of bitcoins, you can look for an estimate that BTC prices will fall and do more, or find a forecast that BTC prices will rise and empty.




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