
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:43 评论:0



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During the eighteenth collective study of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party, the Secretary-General stressed the need to accelerate the development of block-chain technology and industrial innovation, establish a well-established system of block-chain development, explore the use of block-chain + in the area of human life, and actively promote block-chain techniques in the areas of education, employment, poverty eradication, public goods, social assistance, etc. In keeping with the country's situation, each person's chain was created in 2017. At present, the “All-chain” operation focuses on one-stop block-chain system solutions, from chain-to-chain counselling, technology development to talent training and team-building. The founder and CEO of the Secretariat indicated that, as a result of the close attention paid by the Secretary-General to block-to-chain, government and State-owned enterprises and policy-backed industries, the chain of ownership and central and large enterprises, it is essential that all its users be brought to the attention of more policy-sensitive companies and that it has successfully served more than a dozen applications in different sectors, including: politics, inquiry, insurance, consulting, supply chains, traceability, asset uplink, copyright protection, etc.


The “Live for All” team is known to have a four-year technological advantage in block chain research and development, with a total of 100 technology patent applications, ranked top 30 globally, and has autonomously developed a one-stop chain to bottom-level technology platform, BAAS.



The illustrations of this article are from the everyone chain and are used with authorization.


The central advantage of each chain is that technology that has been developed autonomously for many years has been embedded and has been well understood in business models. Currently, the autonomous BAAS platform has been applied several times and has been smooth for more than 900 days, while most infrastructure technology companies within the industry have not yet been deployed and have not been certified for a long time. Enterprises can construct their own sector chain systems without having to complexly develop after accessing the universal chain of Baas open platform.


Referring to the industry pain point, Yeking told the State that there are currently two industry pain spots, one that is too expensive for education, the other that most clients do not know the technical role of block chains and how to integrate with their own corporate business, the lack of success stories and industry markers in the industry, which makes the service of block chains plus much more difficult; and the other that solutions are premature, that block chains are just a technology that needs to be better integrated with industry, that new business models need to be created in combination with industry pain points, that the technical advantages of block chains need to be understood not only by business models, but also by teams that know the technology of block chains, and that there are very few teams with the capacity to do so.


The whole chain of people has solved these two problems precisely. First, while the chain of all companies has only been in existence for three years to date, the chain of all has been working on the bottom of the block chain from mid-2015 onwards. This is the same time as the BAT, which has been in the field for five years and has developed a deep understanding of block chain technology, while the business model is well understood by the management of the chain of all people and can be well integrated with the business model to solve industry problems. Second, the chain of all can provide free block-chain advice to clients, provide block-chain solutions through consultation, so that clients can clearly understand how the block chain is organically integrated into their own corporate operations, and develop modules for the development of block-chain browsers and easy-to-line block chains that can be seen in a visual way.



The illustrations of this article are from the everyone chain and are used with authorization.


While everyone knows the importance of the business model, there is a strong focus on the business model while developing technology. The current focus of everyone’s chain is mainly in the areas of real estate + block chain, industrial estate + block chain, hardware traceability + block chain, and mobile Internet + block chain.

在盈利模式上,人人链主要以TO G与TO B为主,通过提供BAAS服务、联盟链和公链开发、区块链咨询、区块链培训获得收益。叶京认为,移动互联网的浪潮给生活带来了的巨大变革,区块链同样将引领一个新的时代——价值互联网时代,同样这个时代也势必会对各个行业进行颠覆,诞生上百家独角兽公司。未来,人人链发展将基于三个阶段,第一阶段人人链主要是通过区块链BAAS平台快速服务更多企业完成链改,积累成功案例和企业数据,第二阶段,联合行业龙头企业打造相应的区块链应用,如房地产区块链应用,让更多企业可以使用人人链应用,而无需自己开发区块链产品,第三个阶段是区块链产业平台,基于人人链沉淀的上链数据,结合云计算+大数据,打造更好的区块链底层服务平台,未来这个行业的企业都会选择人人链作为区块链的底层服务平台。在技术研发方向,未来会成立研究院,跟专业院校及国家智库合作,研究行业解决方案、申报课题、制定行业标准以及建立产业园。

In the profit model, everyone’s chain is dominated by TOG and TOB, benefiting from the provision of BAAS services, alliance and public chain development, block chain advice, and block chain training. Yeking believes that the wave of mobile Internet has brought about significant changes in life and that the block chain will also lead to a new era – the era of value Internet – in which industries will be destabilized by the birth of hundreds of Unicorns. In the future, everyone’s chain development will be based on three phases, the first phase will be based on fast-tracking companies through the regional chain BAAS platform, the completion of chain transformations, the accumulation of success stories and business data, and the second phase, where enterprises in the industry will choose to use the chain as the bottom of the chain, such as the real estate chain, allowing more enterprises to use the chain, without the need for their own development of sector chain products. The third phase will be a sector-wide industry platform, based on high chain data for everyone, building on cloud-based data, building a platform for better service at the bottom of the sector.


At present, there are more than 50 people in each chain, 70% in technical teams, 15% in business and 15% in the back.


At the financing level, the everyone chain received millions of Angel Round Finance in October 2017; millions of yuan Pre-A Round Finance in March 2018; 30 million yuan A Round Finance in February 2019; and the A+ Round 30-50 million Financing is planned to be completed by mid-2020 and will be used for technology, team expansion and market expansion.




The headlines of this article are from the chain of everyone and are used with permission. This is the original state of entrepreneurship, which cannot be reproduced without authorization, otherwise the state of entrepreneurship will retain its right to legal accountability. editor@cyzone.cn>.




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