Mining is one of the main ways to acquire digital assets for encrypting money lovers. However, due to Chinese government regulatory restrictions on encrypting currency, the domestic mining environment is not very good.
Slush Pool 是全球首个 Bitcoin 挖矿池,成立于2010年。它位于捷克共和国,是全球最大的比特币挖矿池之一,拥有超过20%的比特币网络算力。Slush Pool 支持世界大多数国家,包括中国。
Slush Pool is the world's first Bitcoin dig pool, founded in 2010. It is located in the Czech Republic, one of the largest bitcoin digs ponds in the world, with more than 20% of the Bitcoin network count. Slush Pool supports most of the world's countries, including China.
F2pool 是成立于2013年的中国挖矿池,它是全球最大的比特币矿池之一,掌握约10%的比特币算力。除了比特币外,F2pool 还支持多种数字货币的挖矿,例如以太坊、莱特币和 DASH 等。
F2pool is one of the largest bitcoin ponds in the world, founded in 2013. In addition to Bitcoin, F2pool supports mining in a variety of digital currencies, such as the Taiku, Leitco, and DASH.
Poolin 是另外一家中国挖矿池,成立于2017年,是世界第二大比特币矿池。Poolin 支持 BTC、BCH、ETH 和 LTC 等多种数字货币挖矿,拥有出色的算力。同时,它还提供了超低的手续费。
Poolin is another Chinese mining pond, founded in 2017, the second largest bitcoin pond in the world. Poolin supports the mining of various digital currencies, such as BTC, BCH, ETH, and LTC, and has excellent arithmetic.
BTC.com 是比特币矿池,成立于2016年,属于比特币矿池的老牌。它由 Bitmain 公司开发,拥有出色的算力和良好的安全性。BTC.com 除了支持比特币外,还支持其他数字货币的挖矿。
BTC.com is a Bitcoin pond, established in 2016 as a brand-new Bitcoin pond. It was developed by Bitmain, with excellent computing and good security. BTC.com supports mining in other digital currencies, in addition to Bitcoin.
AntPool 是由 Bitmain 公司开发,成立于2014年的比特币矿池。AntPool 提供定期支付机制、简便易行的算法和挖矿软件。AntPool 目前占比特币网络算力的15%,支持多种数字货币的挖矿。
AntPool, developed by Bitmain, was established in 2014 as a Bitcoin pond. AntPool provides regular payment mechanisms, easy-to-do algorithms and mining software. AntPool currently accounts for 15% of Bitcoin network computing, supporting mining in multiple digital currencies.
综上所述,国外有很多可供中国挖矿的矿池,其中 Slush Pool、F2Pool、Poolin、BTC.com 和 AntPool 是比较受欢迎的五家矿池。通过选择合适的数字货币和矿池,以及优化挖矿策略,中国的挖矿者可以获得良好的收益。
In summary, there are many ponds abroad that can be mined in China, including Slush Pool, F2Pool, Poolin, BTC.com, and AntPool, which are more popular. By choosing the right digital currency and ponds, and by optimizing the mining strategy, Chinese diggers can reap good returns.
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