中本聪与这些极客一起,不断的影响和改变世界。后来的故事大家都知道了,比特币产生了,包含密码学、分布式存储等技术的区块链以一种极其迅速的姿态席卷全球。 Nakamoto, along with these great guests, constantly influences and changes the world. Later on, everyone knew that Bitcoin had been created, and that the chain of blocks containing cryptology, distributed storage, etc. had swept the world in an extremely rapid position. 罗马非一日建成,密码朋克在历史的长河中,也是一步一个脚印,慢慢的朝我们走来。 Rome was not built every day, and the code punk was in the river of history, and it was a step by step, slowly coming towards us. 01 伟大的朋克摇滚骗局 ♪ Great punk rock scam ♪ ♪/ strong ♪ “欢迎来到伟大的朋克摇滚骗局。” Welcome to the great punk rock trick. 2016年11月26日,乔·科雷(Joe Corre)在泰晤士河边,一把火烧掉了价值600万美元的文化遗产,然后高喊出了这句话。 On 26 November 2016, Joe Corre set fire to $6 million worth of cultural heritage by the Thames, and then shouted that. 40年前的今天,性手枪乐队(Sex Pistols)在当天发布的一首单曲《Anarchy in the UK英国无政府状态》,开启了英国朋克运动的大门。 Forty years ago today, the Sex Pistols opened the door to the British Punk movement with a single song, Anarchy in the UK. 40年后的今天,性手枪乐队经理马尔科姆·麦克拉伦的儿子乔·科雷,却以焚烧经典这种形式对当下的朋克文化进行着激烈的抗议。 Today, 40 years later, the son of Malcolm McLaren, the manager of the sex pistol band, Joe Corey, staged a fierce protest against the current punk culture in the form of burning classics. 整场活动在伦敦西部泰晤士河上的一艘船上进行,船身上挂着“你们没有未来(Extinction! Your Future)”的横幅。 The whole operation took place on a ship on the Thames River in western London with banners entitled "Extinction! Your Future". 无独有偶,当年性手枪乐队也曾在泰晤士河上的一条船上演出。 Uniquely, the Sex Pistols also played on a ship on the Thames River. 在英女王在位25周年的隆重庆典上,性手枪乐队在小船演唱了那首最最名的反王室歌曲《上帝保佑女王》。 On the 25th anniversary of the British Queen, the Sex Pistols played the most famous anti-King song in the boat, God bless the Queen. 歌词里这样唱道:“上帝保佑女王/她不是东西/英国没有未来……;没有未来/你们也没有未来。” "God bless the Queen/she is nothing/ Britain has no future; there is no future/you have no future." 这一举动引起了轩然大波,他们被逮捕、禁演,在警方的围追堵截下,仓惶地逃出了英国。 The move triggered a wave of panic, when they were arrested, banned from acting, stopped by police chases, and left the United Kingdom in a panic. 可是讽刺的是,他们的歌曲登上了英国广播公司排行榜的冠军,为了平息众怒,英国广播公司不得已将他们的位置调到了第二。 Ironically, however, their songs were on the British Broadcasting Corporation's list of champions and, in an effort to calm the anger, the BBC was prevented from shifting their position to second place. 正是这样一群锋芒毕露且才华横溢的年轻人,以不屈的姿态在反抗着世俗的一切。性枪手乐队的主唱曾说他们是因为极端沮丧和绝望才会聚在一起,连接他们之间的纽带是他们看不到希望。不甘于寻找一个正常的工作,因为这是无意义且令人作呕的。 It was such a sharp and talented group of young men who fought against the world in an unswerving manner. The singers of the band of sex gunmen had said that they had come together because of extreme frustration and despair, and that the bond between them was that they could not see hope. They were reluctant to find a normal job because it was meaningless and disgusting. 他们还说,世界没有出路。 They also said that there was no way out of the world. 从日期到地点到物品,乔·科雷无一不是再向过去的他们深深引以为傲的朋克致敬。而如今,朋克已死。 From date to place to item, Joe Corey no longer salutes the old punks, who are so proud of them. Now, punks are dead. 乔·科雷曾说:“如今的朋克,已经沦落为了商业化和主流价值的一部分。” Joe Corey once said, "The punks of today have become part of commercialization and mainstream values." 那张举世闻名的《Anarchy in the UK》的黑胶原盘,也在他的火把之下,付之一炬。 The black gel chassis of the world-famous Anarchy in the UK was also burned under his torch. 没有太多讲究的音乐技巧,简单悦耳的主旋律和一些和弦,成就了性枪手乐队,成就了《Anarchy in the UK》,也成就了朋克精神。 There is not much music skills, simple melody and some chords, sex shooters, Anarchy in the UK, and punk spirit. 性枪手乐队在歌词里写道:“我想要这种混乱状态,我只想要这样!我想要这种混乱的状态,噢,多棒的名称啊!让我们变得愤怒,摧毁吧!” "I want this mess, that's all I want! I want this mess, oh, what a name! Let's get angry and destroy!" 尽管没有人能对朋克进行真正的定义,但否定和摧毁固有保守——而后重建,毫无疑问是朋克的重要内核。 Although no one can really define punk, denying and destroying the inherent conservative — and then rebuilding — is undoubtedly the important kernel of punks. 朋克精神的承载和表达形式,后来也从音乐走向了服装,走向了建筑、走向了电影、走向了文学,最终走向了密码学。 The spirit of the punk spirit was carried and expressed, and then moved from music to clothing, to architecture, to cinema, to literature and, finally, to cryptography. 02 超时空的三个朋克分支 Three punk branches that are timed out 朋克精神在后世的发展中,出现了无数分支,其中比较流行的是蒸汽朋克、真空管朋克和赛博朋克。他们代表着过去将来时,现在将来时以及未来,区别主要是对科技的态度以及能源的来源。 There are countless branches of the Punk spirit in the future, the more popular of which are steam ponies, vacuum ponies, and Saberpenks. They represent the past, the present, and the future. The difference is mainly between attitudes towards science and technology and sources of energy. 蒸汽朋克的作品往往依靠某种假设的新技术,展现一个平行于19世纪西方世界的架空世界观。以小说《差分机》为早期蒸汽朋克源头,游戏开发者们用带着油腻感的机械和呼呼冒烟的机器构建一个全新世界。 Steam punks often rely on some hypothetical new technology to present an empty world view parallel to the Western world in the 19th century. Using the novel Disparities as an early source of steam punks, game developers build a new world with oily machines and smoke-smoking machines. 真空管朋克题材,描绘的往往便是置于格里高列历1950年至1960年,这段全世界掩埋在骇人核战阴霾中,所有人都必须时刻警惕甚至置身在环境、秩序、精神全面崩溃,游戏《红色警戒》是其中的佼佼者。 Vacuum ponies, often portrayed as being buried in the horrors of nuclear war in the Grigorian calendar from 1950 to 1960, must always be vigilant and even in the midst of a complete breakdown of the environment, order and spirit, of which the Red Vigilance is the champion. 赛博朋克,是科幻小说的一个分支,以计算机或信息技术为主题,小说中通常有社会秩序受破坏的情节。赛博朋克作品的色彩多为单一的冷色调,伴随阴暗潮湿的天气。《银翼杀手》里的场景,就是非常典型的赛博朋克风格。 Sybonpunk, a branch of science fiction, is a subject of computer or information technology, and there are often episodes of breakdown of social order in novels. Saberpunk works in a single, cold tone, accompanied by dark, wet weather. The scene in Silver Wing Killer is a typical Cyberpunk style. 如果说蒸汽朋克和真空管朋克因为时间背景是在虚构和重现一个时代,那么赛博朋克依赖于技术主题,更多的走向了现实。 If Steam Punk and Vacuum Punk are based on an era of fiction and re-emerging because of the time frame, CyberPunk relies on technology and moves more towards reality. 赛博朋克(cyberpunk)诞生于波谲云诡的后冷战时代末期。 Cyberpunk was born at the end of the post-cold war era. 1984年,美国科幻作家威廉·吉布森(William Ford Gibson)在《神经漫游者》中描绘了一个超前的数字空间——也就是后来为人津津乐道的“赛博空间”(cyberspace),它是赛博朋克思想的引领者。 In 1984, William Ford Gibson, an American science fiction writer, described a pre-eminent digital space — the cyberspace that later became popular with people — as a leader of Cyberbunk ideas. 赛博空间的最大特色在于,参与者跳脱了肉体束缚,实现了精神意识与虚拟世界的交互,影史经典科幻电影《黑客帝国》准确地复刻了这一思想。 The greatest feature of Cyberspace is that participants jump free of physical restraints and interact with the virtual world, and this idea is precisely re-engineered in the classic science fiction film, The Hacking Empire. 在小说中,主角凯斯奉命潜入跨国企业窃取机密情报。通过将自己的神经系统挂上全球计算机网络,他游走于计算机构建的数字空间,窃取机密情报,参与信息大战。 In novels, Keyes, the leading actor, was ordered to infiltrate a multinational enterprise to steal classified information. By putting his nervous system on a global computer network, he swam into computer-built digital spaces, stealing classified information, and participating in information wars. 赛博朋克,将“cyber”(计算机的)和“punk”(朋克)组合,形成了以“计算机网络控制”为绝对核心,带有“反乌托邦精神和悲剧色彩”的全新流派。它涵盖了黑客、虚拟实境、人工智能(AI)、都市扩张、贫富差距等话题。 Cyberbank, which combines "cyber" and "punk" with "computer network control" as its absolute core, has a whole new class of "anti-Utopia spirit and tragedy." It covers hackers, virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), urban expansion, the gap between rich and poor. 因而,赛博朋克通过强烈的反抗精神,以技术为武器,实现对社会、人际关系的全新塑造。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的建筑学教授迈克尔·本尼迪克特,对这个虚拟空间构建的新世界以及全新的社会关系尤为感兴趣。 As a result, Saberpenk, through a strong spirit of resistance, uses technology as a weapon to bring about a new shape in social and interpersonal relations. Michael Benedict, Professor of Architecture at Austin, University of Texas, is particularly interested in the new world created by this virtual space and in new social relations. 1989 年夏天,本尼迪克特开始筹备了一场盛大的赛博空间大会。《神经浪游者》的作家威廉·吉布森,曾2次获得雨果奖的科幻作家布鲁斯·斯特林都是座上宾。 In the summer of 1989, Benedict began preparations for a grand Cyberspace conference. William Gibson, the writer of NeuroRover, and Bruce Sterling, the science fiction writer who won the Hugo Prize two times, were guests. 这次的赛博空间大会在 1990 年 5 月如期举行。在奥斯汀的弗劳恩学术中心,与会者们展开了激烈的讨论,围绕赛博空间主题,抛出了各种天马行空的论调。 The Cyber Congress was held as scheduled in May 1990. At the Floran Academic Center in Austin, the participants engaged in intense discussions and cast various rhetorics around Cyberspace. 来自WELL网站的活跃人士约翰·巴洛,也参与了这次会议。此前的几年,巴洛因 FBI 特工“闯入”他家,而对赛博空间遭到入侵表达了焦虑。他的住处是在一次在线讨论时暴露的,给了黑客可乘之机。 An activist from the Well site, John Barlow, also participated in the conference. A few years ago, Baloo was “intruding” into his home by FBI agents, expressing anxiety about the break-in of Cyberspace. His home was exposed during an online discussion, giving hackers the opportunity to take advantage of it. 或许是受到会议的启示,他建立了电子前沿基金会,目标是“将宪法扩展到赛博空间”。1996年,他发布了《赛博空间独立宣言》,宣布“互联网是一个独立世界,不受任何政治力量的管辖。” Perhaps inspired by the Conference, he established the Electronic Frontline Foundation, whose goal is “to extend the Constitution to Cyberspace.” In 1996, he issued the Sabo Declaration of Independence in Space, which declared that “the Internet is an independent world that is not governed by any political force.” 独立、不受任何力量管辖,赛博朋克一方面反映了当时的世界政治气候的流变,同时也透过这些思想的传导,在技术领域铺就了一条通向绝对自由的道路。 Independence, free from any power, provided Cyberbunk, on the one hand, reflects the changing political climate in the world at the time and, on the other hand, through the transmission of these ideas, paves the way to absolute freedom in the technical field. Reddit的赛博朋克板块上,写着这样一句话“high tech ,low life”。繁荣的高科技世界和干涸饥饿的精神世界,是密码朋克的温床。 Reddit's Cyberbunk plate says, "high tech, low life." The prosperous high-tech world and the world of the hungry spirits are the hotbeds of the code punk. 宣扬“无隐私,无自由”的密码朋客,正可谓是其来有自。 Propaganda of “no privacy, no freedom” passwords is what it is. 03 密码朋克创世纪 Password Punk Genesis >/strang 从赛博朋克到密码朋克,这些新世界的反叛者,为自由和爱人而战,正像他们在《加密朋克宣言》里说的那样: From Saberpunk to code punks, the rebels of the new world, fighting for freedom and love, as they said in the Encrypted Punk Declaration: “我们的任务是在可能的地方争取自决,在不可能的地方阻止乌托邦的到来,如果这些都失败了,那就去加速它的自我毁灭。” “Our task is to strive for self-determination wherever possible, to prevent utopia from coming where it is not possible, and if all of this fails, to accelerate its self-destruction.” 这篇写于1993年的宣言,已经划时代的提到了匿名交易、匿名通讯、密码签名和电子现金。 This declaration, written in 1993, has made landmark reference to anonymous transactions, anonymous communications, password signatures and electronic cash. “开放型社会中的隐私需要各种匿名的交易系统。迄今为止,社会中首要的系统还是现金。匿名系统使个人能够在有意愿的时候,而且只在有意愿的时候暴露自己身份;这就是隐私的核心意义。” "The privacy of an open society requires a variety of anonymous trading systems. To date, the primary system in society is cash. The anonymity system enables individuals to reveal their identity when they want to, and only when they want to; that is the essence of privacy." 密码朋克们正在随着时代的发展大步向前走,与所来之处的赛博朋克,一起齐头并进。 The code punks are moving forward as the times unfold, together with the Saberpenk, where they come from. 在《赛博朋克宣言》发表的同年,《连线》(Wired)杂志曾在一篇文章中声称:“赛博朋克,安息吧”。 In the same year that the Saberpenk Declaration was issued, Wired magazine stated in an article that: “Sebopenk, rest in peace”. 和所有流行文化的分支品类一样,赛博朋克在慢慢发展的过程中,失去了前进的动力。新鲜感和原创性不再,取而代之的是可重复的商业配方,走向了套路化的极端。 Like any branch of popular culture, Cyberbunk lost the momentum to move forward as it developed. The freshness and originality of was replaced by replicable commercial formulas that moved to the extremes of routing. 此时的赛博朋克作品质量已经全面下滑,从一些作品的浮夸程度就能看出几分。 At this point, the quality of Saberpunk works has been generally reduced, as can be seen from the degree of exaggeration of some of the works. 在尼尔·斯蒂芬森科幻小说《雪崩》中,一个送披萨的小哥的出场,身上带着两把武士刀,驾驶着一辆其电池能量能将一磅培根,发射到小行星带的汽车。 In Neil Stephenson's science fiction, Avalanche, a little brother who delivers pizza with two samurai knives driving a car with battery energy that can launch a pound of bacon into the asteroid belt. 赛博朋克们日复一日的沉迷于幻想,想象自己能用极其高端和惊人的技术,在这个世界上扬名立万。实际上他们只能在现实生活中登录聊天工具找人胡侃,过着20世界肥宅一般的生活。 Day after day, the Saberpenks are obsessed with illusions and imagine that they can become famous in this world with extremely high-end and amazing technology. In fact, they can only log on chat tools in real life to find people to live in 20 fat houses around the world. 肥宅不一定贬义,现代很多技术大神,都因为自己不爱出门对外宣称自己是“肥宅”,最爱喝的饮料可乐也被称为“肥宅快乐水”。 Fatty houses are not necessarily demeaning, and many of the great modern technology gods do not like to go out and declare themselves “fat houses”, and the favorite drink of Coke is also called “fat houses happy water”. 热爱技术的人们一边喝着肥宅快乐水,一边在键盘上敲下代码。抱着对技术的巨大狂热,他们不甘于受限于现实,渴望有一个自由的栖息地。 People who love technology drink fat mansions of joy while they knock the code down on the keyboard. With a great passion for technology, they are not content with reality and yearn for a free place to live. “不自由,毋宁死”。 “Don't be free, don't die”. 当技术枷锁绑缚自由思潮,那么必将有人站出来打破僵局。 When technology binds free-thinking, someone must come forward to break the deadlock. 上世纪 70年代,加密技术像是被囚禁在笼子里的“金丝雀”,一直被美国军方管控,密码学家们也都收编在其麾下。 In the 1970s, encryption technology, like a canary in a cage, was controlled by the U.S. military and compiled by cryptographers. 转折点出现在1976年,密码技术专家惠特菲尔德·迪菲(Whitfield Diffie )和马丁·赫尔曼(Martin Hellman)提出了全新的非对称加密技术,并公开出版了科普图书《新密码技术指南》。而这项技术也正是当今互联网安全的基石。 The turning point was in 1976, when the password technology experts Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman introduced new asymmetric encryption technologies and published publicly the Science-Purpose New Password Technical Guide. This technology is also the cornerstone of Internet security today. 加密技术解禁,引发了公众的热烈讨论。它到底应该自由使用,还是严格管控?这一争论在上世纪 80 年代末期达到了运动式的高潮。 The release of encryption has triggered a lively public debate. Should it be used freely or strictly regulated? The debate culminated in the late 1980s. 没有标准答案,但并不意味着故事戛然而止。另一个故事迅速衔接,孕育着新的未来。 The strong doesn't have a standard answer, but it doesn't mean that the story ends. The other story quickly connects and gives birth to a new future. 新故事发生在1992年,我们在文首写下的,那场影响了区块链历史的加密朋克组织聚会,如平地惊雷般,影响了后世众生。 The new story, which we wrote at the beginning of the text, occurred in 1992, when the encrypted punks, which affected the history of the block chain, organized a gathering, like a peaceful thunderbolt, that affected the generations to come. 回顾密码朋克组织初创的情景,凯文在《失控》中给与了大段描写。 Looking back at the original scene of the cryptography pontoon, Kevin gave a big picture in " Out of Control ". 他将这群人的行为称之为“黑客的头脑、程序员那种要把事情干得最漂亮、找到最短路径的冲动,冲击着论文的学院做派。” He called the behaviour of these people "the hacker's brain, the programmer's urge to do the most beautiful thing, find the shortest path, hit the dissertation." 业余密码学钻研者们质疑着每一个论断,讲述者一遍又一遍的将问题解释清楚,很快他们就达成了共识。 Amateur cryptography divers question every argument, tellers explain questions over and over again, and soon they reached a consensus. 在此起彼伏的讨论声中,他们做出了一个又一个项目。一个分布式计算的工具诞生了,一个组件从军事机密的遮蔽下传送到了互联网这个开放的网络,互联网早期的基石在这里得以奠定。 In this euphoric discussion, they made another project. A distributed computing tool was born, a component was transferred from military secrets to the Internet, an open network, where the early cornerstones of the Internet were laid. 04 自由新纪元 /strang' 密码朋克小组成立后,他们亲历了公钥加密和 PGP 加密对控制数字信息访问取得的成效。 Since the establishment of the password punk group, they have experienced first-hand the effectiveness of public key encryption and PGP encryption in controlling access to digital information. 1991 年诞生的加密小程序 PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)是加密技术发展史上的重要节点。这款完全免费的小程序大大拓展了加密技术的大众普及度。 The PGP, which was born in 1991, is an important node in the history of the development of encryption technology. This little program, which is completely free of charge, greatly expands the general availability of encryption technology. 但是,各国政府担心这种自由会危及到国家对信息的控制权,扬言禁止这些加密工具大范围流向公众。 However, Governments feared that such freedom would jeopardize the control of information by States and threatened to ban the wide flow of encryption tools to the public. 梅意识到,加密法将从根本上改变企业的性质和政府对经济行为的干预。这个小规模的私人探讨会结束后,与会者为这个小组取了一个很酷的名字:密码朋克——用以表达捍卫公民在数字世界的隐私。 May realizes that encryption will fundamentally change the nature of business and government intervention in economic behaviour. After this small private discussion, participants took a cool name for the group: the code punk – to express the defence of citizens’ privacy in the digital world. 一周后,参与者之一埃里克·休斯(Eric Hughs)编写了一个程序,实现了“接收加密邮件,擦除所有身份标记,并将它们发送回用户列表”的功能,它成为了密码朋克成员之间的联络方式。这个私密圈子约有 1400 人。 A week later, one of the participants, Eric Hughes, developed a program to “receive encrypted mail, erase all identifiers and send them back to the user list”, which became a contact between the code punks. This private circle is about 1400 people. 密码朋克所追求的匿名性和隐私性,与比特币所的独立性、去中心化不谋而合。但是,这个转变过程不易。 The anonymity and privacy that the code punk seeks coincide with the independence and decentralisation of Bitcoin. But this transition is not easy. 作为密码朋克早期成员的中本聪,相隔了近 17 年,他才将这种思想灌注到了比特币理念中,这跟基础技术,特定的历史以及经济环境有关。 It was almost 17 years after he was an early member of the code punk, that he injected this idea into the bitcoin concept, which had to do with basic technology, specific history and the economic environment. 据凯文回忆,有个小团体还发起了一个叫作信息解放阵线的活动。他们在价格昂贵(而且还特别难找)的期刊上搜寻有关密码技术的学术论文,把它们用计算机扫描下来,然后再匿名贴到网上,通过这种方法把它们从版权限制中“解放”出来。 Kevin recalls that a small group has also launched an initiative called the Information Liberation Front (ILF). They search for scholarly papers on cryptography in journals that are expensive (and especially difficult to find), scan them with computers, and post them anonymously on the Internet, so that they can be “emancipated” from copyright restrictions. 这类行为放在今天来说,可能面临侵权的麻烦,但在那时,他们通过这种“非法”的手段,让更多人学习到到了密码技术,也进一步推动了密码朋克的发展。 Such acts are placed in today's context and may be subject to abuse, but at that time, through such “illegal” means, they have taught more people about cryptography and have given further impetus to the development of cryptographic punks. 上世纪90年代末,大卫·乔姆(David Chaum)发明了 Ecash 电子现金系统。他是密码学领域的泰斗级人物,也是加密朋克成员之一。 In the late 1990s, David Chaum invented the Ecash Electronic Cash System. He's a Thai fighter in cryptology and one of the encryption punks. 电子现金系统,主要用以弥补借记卡的持有人被中心化银行掌握消费数据的缺陷。大卫的 Ecash 系统能够安全地以匿名的方式实现互联网支付。然而,天才独有的猜忌和格格不入,使得这个系统没能在全世界范围内大幅流行。 David’s Ecash system can safely and anonymously make Internet payments. However, the unique suspicion and incompatibilities of genius have prevented the system from becoming widely available worldwide. 为什么这个“英雄”一定要中本聪来做呢?当然,电子现金的可靠性和便利性同样值得商榷。站在历史的维度回望,“冥冥中注定”是非常奇妙而有趣的说法,它背后环绕的是前人的积累和技术的推动。 Of course, the reliability and convenience of electronic cash is equally questionable. Looking back at the dimensions of history, the word “destined” is an amazing and interesting one, surrounded by accumulation and technology. 1997 年 3 月,密码朋克邮件小组的成员收到了一封“hash cash(哈希现金)邮资计划正式实施”的公告信。发件人是同为密码朋克组织成员、时年 26 岁的密码学家亚当·贝克(Adam Back)。后来人都尊称他为“哈希之父”,哈希算法之于比特币的重要意义,代表的是技术的积累和传承。 In March 1997, members of the code punk mail team received an announcement that the cash (Hash cash) postage scheme was officially implemented. The sender was Adam Back, a 26-year-old cryptographer who was also a member of the code punk group. 此后,几乎每年都会有关键性的技术指标出现,驱动着历史的车轮无限接近于比特币。 Since then, key technical indicators have emerged almost every year, driving historical wheels to approach Bitcoin indefinitely. 1998 年,Wei Dai 提出了分布式的匿名现金系统——b-money。在密码朋克圈子,这个项目影响力甚广,但是最终它并没有获得与它名声相符的传播面,关键原因在于,b-money 存在的设计缺陷,使得它无法就矿工“公开计算成本并讨论达成统一价格”。 In 1998, Wei Dai introduced a distributed anonymous cash system – b-Money. In the code punk circle, the project was very influential, but ultimately it did not get the same distribution profile as its reputation. The key reason was that b-Money had design flaws that prevented it from “openly calculating costs and discussing a uniform price” for miners. 无论如何,Wei Dai 无疑开了一个好头。这种思想激荡出的火花会在无形中形成了某种牵引。 In any case, Wei Dai certainly has a good head. The spark of this kind of ideology creates some sort of diversion in the invisible. 时间来到 1999 年,点对点技术(peer-to-peer)成熟并大范围流行,比如 BT 下载。从它的定义来看——“网络的参与者共享他们所拥有的一部分硬件资源(处理能力、存储能力、网络连接能力、打印机等),这些共享资源通过网络提供服务和内容,能被其它对等节点(Peer)直接访问而无需经过中间实体”——P2P 基本上奠定了比特币的框架。 The time came in 1999, when peer-to-peer technology matured and became popular, such as BT downloads. In its definition, “Participants of the network share part of their hardware resources (processing capacity, storage capacity, network connectivity, printers, etc.) that can be accessed directly by other peer directly through the network to provide services and content without going through intermediate entities” — P2P essentially sets the Bitcoin framework. 6 年之后,PGP 软件的另一发明者哈尔·芬尼(Hal Finney)设计出了“复用工作量证明”(RPOW),这是一种对分布式现金达成共识的机制,为人熟知的比特币 POW 机制的出处也是源自于此。 Six years later, Hal Finney, another inventor of PGP software, designed the Reuse Workload Certificate (RPow), which is a mechanism for reaching consensus on distributed cash, and the provenance of the well-known Bitcoin Pow mechanism. 至此,比特币的理论地基全部搭建完毕,静待着那个脚踏七彩祥云的盖世英雄将它完善。在 2008 年的这个时空里,中本聪在金融危机席卷全球的风暴中出现了。他的神秘、睿智,以及善于站在前人的肩膀上,使得他本人连带比特币成为了谜一样的科技景观,后来的后来,也就是现在所看到比特币对区块链所产生的一切后果。 Thus, the theoretical foundation of Bitcoin was built, waiting for the hero of the world, who had stomped on the clouds. In 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis, he appeared in a storm that engulfed the world. His mystery, his wisdom, and his ability to stand on the shoulders of his predecessors, made his own company of Bitcoin an enigma of technology, and later, what Bitcoin now sees as all the consequences that Bitcoin has on the chain of blocks. 从哈希算法、b-money 到 RPOW,或者追溯到更久远的历史—-密码朋克组织的诞生,这些混迹在小圈子的成员们一路兜兜转转,或有意,或无意地参与到比特币的“塑造”。 From Hashi algorithms, b-money to RPOW, or dating back to a much longer history — the birth of the code punks — the members of these mixed circles have turned around, either intentionally or unintentionally, to the “destruct” of Bitcoin. 以自由为开端,最终将自由导入到了一个新的纪元。 starts with freedom and finally brings freedom to a new era. 随后,加密朋克组织的另一个成员Nick Szabo 将这个思想在在名为《Bit gold》的文章中得以进一步细化,2008年再次发表。《Bit gold》这篇文章,是比特币哲学体系的形成过程以及数字财产权发展史上里程碑事件。 This idea was further refined by Nick Szabo, another member of Encrypted Punk, in an article called Bit Gold, published again in 2008. The article Bit gold is a landmark in the formation of the Bitcoin philosophical system and in the history of digital property rights development. “Bit Gold”的第一个核心属性是工作量证明,从一个“候选字符串”开始,基本它上是一个随机数。 The first core attribute of “Bit Gold” is workload proof, starting with a “candidature string”, which is basically a random number. 任何人都可以将这个字符串与另一个新生成的随机数进行数学组合——“哈希”。由于哈希碰撞的性质,结果将是一个新的、看似随机的数字字符串:哈希值。要知道这个哈希值是什么样子,唯一的方法是实际创建它——否则你是无法计算或预测它的。 Anyone can combine this string with another new random number -- "Hashi." Because of the nature of Hashi's collision, the result will be a new, seemingly random number string: Hashi value. The only way to know what the Hashi value looks like is to actually create it -- otherwise you can't calculate or predict it. 熟悉比特币的人,一定对这段文字不会陌生。也正是Dai和Nick Szabo的思想,极大的影响了中本聪。 People who know bitcoin must be no stranger to this text. It's the thinking of Dai and Nick Szabo that has a huge impact on mid-history. 他在同年晚些时候在论坛上匿名发表的文章:《比特币白皮书:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,直接对互联网世界产生了划时代的影响。 His anonymous article at the Forum later in the year, the Bitcoin White Paper: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, had a defining impact on the Internet world. 有人说中本聪是数字时代的圣尼奥(Neo-Saintly),从矩阵里走来带来赛博朋克空间的创世者的气息,是互联网高速信息流通下公民隐私的救世主。 Some say that Central Ben was the Neo-Saintly of the digital age, that it came from the matrix to bring the breath of the creators of Cyberbunk Space, and that it was the Savior of the privacy of citizens in the high-speed flow of information on the Internet. 04 强者需要透明 弱者需要隐私 The strong need transparency, the weak need privacy. 密码学之于整个社会的意义,犹如欧洲中世纪的活字印刷术发明改进的意义。印刷术的兴起改变了中世界教会的社会权力结构,密码术会从根本上改变企业的本质和随意干涉经济交易的本质。 The rise of printing has changed the social power structure of the Middle World Church, and cryptography fundamentally changes the essence of business and interferes with the nature of economic transactions. 中世纪印刷术大肆普及之后,人们可以随意阅读《圣经》,攻击教会的檄文也可以在大众中快速传播。 When medieval printing became widely available, people could read the Bible at will, and the texts of attacks on the Church could spread rapidly among the general public. 如今,密码学的兴起,为现实社会中的人际关系提供数字对等物,密码朋克们免费分发这些工具,人们获得免费签名以及在线匿名的机会,不再被禁锢和监控,沉溺在乌托邦里不愿醒来。 Today, the rise of cryptography provides digital equivalence for human relations in real societies, the free distribution of these tools by code punks, free signatures and online anonymity, the absence of confinement and surveillance, and the obsessiveness of utopias to wake up. 凯文凯利曾经说过,未来已来,只是还没有均匀的流淌在这社会中。 Kevin Kelly once said that the future was coming, but not evenly flowing into this society. 互联网自博纳斯李(Tim Berners-Lee)发明了http协议之后,如汹涌浪潮般不断的覆盖整个世界。在过去的数十年中,信息数据采集与信息隐私泄露已经成为互联网上屡见不鲜的话题,早已不是当初博纳斯李期望的那个“自由、平等、开放”的互联网世界。 The Internet has covered the world as a whole since Tim Berners-Lee invented the http Protocol. Over the past decades, information data collection and disclosure of information privacy have become common topics on the Internet, not the “free, equitable, open” Internet world that Bernards Lee had hoped for. 博纳斯李后来在《The nex web》的TED演讲中,提出了对现在中心集权式的互联网的质疑和担忧。 Bonas Lee later raised questions and concerns about the centralized Internet in a TED lecture in The next web. 且不谈各巨头之间相互蚕食而高筑的围墙,就单看BAT的腾讯的的架构,团队部门众多,数据分散闭塞,直接导致了腾讯在算法层面的劣势。 In addition to the walls built up by the giants, which encroach on each other, the structure of the Bat's tether alone, the large size of the team and the fragmentation of the data, directly contribute to the arithmetic disadvantage of the tether. 在前不久的9月30日,腾讯总裁刘炽平发布全员内部信,公布腾讯历史上的第三次组织架构调整,才宣布要建立内部分布式开源协同的中台体系。这距离腾讯成立,已经过去了20年。 Recently, on 30 September, President Liu Zhenping announced his third organizational restructuring in his history by issuing a letter from the entire staff. Twenty years have passed since the announcement of the creation of an internal system of open-source synergies. 无隐私,无自由。 has no privacy or freedom. 加密朋克组织推行的加密术,让原本赤裸裸暴露在大众地下的普通人也有了隐私可言。根植于网络中的点对点加密,同电子支付联姻,与日常的商业交易紧紧捆绑在一起。 Encryption pontoon's encryption, which allows ordinary people who are exposed to the general public naked, also have privacy. It is embedded in web-based point-to-point encryption, linked to electronic payment, and tied to daily business transactions. 比特币顺应而生。 bitcoinfeasible. 尽管比特币出现时,密码朋克们已经过了鼎盛期。 Despite the fact that by the time Bitcoin appeared, the code punks had passed their peaks. 创始人之一John Gilmore,早在千禧年前后宣布密码朋克组织解散。他在公开的邮件中说:“这个组织已经衰落很久了,但我不知道为什么还有超过500人在接收邮件。” John Gilmore, one of the founders of the strong, announced the dissolution of the code punk group around the millennium. He said in a public e-mail: “The organization has been down for a long time, but I don't know why more than 500 people are still receiving it.” 这一段密码朋克荡气回肠的历史,在历史的解构中一点一点消亡。诗人艾略特曾说:“世界即是如此结束——不是砰的一声消失,而是悄悄耳语一般地淡去。” This cipher ponies have gone down a little bit in the deconstruct of history. The poet Elliott once said, "The world is so over — not so banging away, but so whispering." 密码朋克组织就这么淡去了,如细碎的雪花一般,消融在春天之前。那些日夜期盼着春天的人,亲手终结了最后一支嫩芽。 The code punks just faded away, like tiny snowflakes, before spring. Those who looked forward to spring day and night ended their last sprouts. Code is law。 无论世事怎么变迁,密码极客们永远都奉行着第一准则“密码极客写代码”。 No matter how things change in the world, the cryptographers will always follow the first code, the code code. 在北美比特币大会上,鲜少露面的前密码朋克成员们谈到:“我们现在取得的成功和进展都来源于开发者,不是兰博基尼,也不是聒噪的市场。你不可能在黑客马拉松中找到兰博基尼。“ At the North American Bitcoin Congress, former punk members, with few faces, said, “The successes and progress we have now come from developers, not from Lamborghini, or from the markets of noise. You cannot find Lamborghini in hacker marathons.” 很难想象,这样的一场大会,竟然在一个脱衣舞店举行。 It's hard to imagine a congress like this being held in a strip club. 脱衣舞店、兰博基尼与密码极客的三元素的碰撞,仿若一剂巨大的体量的染色剂,彼此互相沾染颜色而后沉淀与中和。 The striptease shop, Lamborghini, and the three elements of the cryptographer collide, like a huge amount of chromosome, stain each other's colours and then sink into the middle of each other. “我们命该遇到这样的时代”,茨威格曾把莎士比亚的这句户赠与自己,写在了回忆的篇头。此刻我也想赠与曾经的密码极客,属于他们的时代已然落幕,他们的身影在春光乍泄的十里洋场分外惹眼,似雾霭沉沉般,渐渐没入了夕阳。 “We deserve this time of our lives.” Zwig gave his family to Shakespeare and wrote it in his memory. At this point, I wanted to give to my former cryptographers, whose time had come to an end, and whose faces were soaking out of the sun as if they were foggy as if they were in the sun. 可一切还没完结。 But it's not over yet. 中本聪的到来,就像《V字仇杀队》里的V一样,从隐匿的、数码化的、地下的黑暗中出现,告诉所有人: To be heard in the middle, like V's, from the hidden, digitized, underground darkness, tell everyone: Tomorrow, A different world will begin! —END— References: [1] Kevin Kelly,《Out Of Control》, 2010 [2]Richard SmirkeR,《Joe Corre, Son of Sex Pistols Manager Malcolm McLaren, Burns $6M Worth of Pun》,2016 [3]Wikipedia,《密码朋克》,2014 [3] Wikipedia, Password Punk, 2014 [4]Will Rodger,《R.I.P Crypherpunks》,2011
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