根据 Statista Market Insights 的数据,预计到 2028 年,全球加密货币用户总数将达到 9.925 亿,增长的动力来源于机构接受度的增加和跨境交易使用量的提升。
According to Statista Market Insights, the global total of cryptographic currency users is expected to reach 992.5 billion by 2028, driven by increased institutional acceptance and increased use of cross-border transactions.
预计到 2028 年,加密货币用户将达到 9.925 亿。
It is expected that by 2028 the number of users of encrypted currency will reach 992.5 million.
(2028 年加密用户预测)
比特币的价格在 2011 年 2 月首次突破 1.00 美元,近十年前其价值为 580 美元。如今,比特币的交易价格已超过 71,800 美元,市值达到 1.4 万亿美元。
The price of Bitcoin was the first to break by $1.00 in February 2011 and worth $580 nearly a decade ago. Today, Bitcoin's transaction price exceeds $71,800, with a market value of $1.4 trillion.
比特币在加密货币市场的占比约为 53%,紧随其后的是 Ether (17%)、Tether ( USDT-USD ) (4.2%)、Binance Coin ( BNB ) (4%) 和 Solana (3%)。虽然比特币和 Ether 在规模上占据主导地位,但在过去一年中,Solana 是表现最为突出的加密货币巨头之一。
Bitcoin accounts for about 53 per cent of the encrypt currency market, followed by Esther (17 per cent), Tether (USDT-USD) (4.2 per cent), Binance Coin (BNB) (4 per cent) and Solana (3 per cent). While Bitcoin and Ether dominated the size, Solana was one of the most prominent encoded money giants in the past year.
(Solana 领跑前 5 大加密货币的 1 年价格表现)
专注于加密货币的 ETF 直接投资于数字资产或间接投资于矿工和相关股票。尽管加密货币 ETF 具有强劲的交易量,但投资者应意识到它们的波动性也很高。
ETFs, which focus on encrypted money, invest either directly in digital assets or indirectly in miners and related stocks. Despite the strong volume of transactions, investors should be aware of their volatility.
小编通过多资产交易钱包 BiyaPay App 挑选了五只为投资者提供多种加密资产敞口的 ETF,这些 ETF 具有“强烈买入”评级和出色的交易量,过去一年平均涨幅约为 240%。如果大家对这些 ETF 感兴趣,想要逢低购入,可以在BiyaPay 上直接进行交易。
Through its multi-asset transaction wallet, Biyapay App selects five ETFs that provide multiple encrypted asset exposures to investors, with a “strong buy-in” rating and an excellent volume of transactions, with an average increase of about 240% over the past year. If you are interested in these ETFs, you can deal directly on Biyapay if you want to buy them at a low level.
出入金问题也不必担心,BiyaPay 支持入金 U 到平台,然后出金法币到其它证券,到账速度快,还没有额度限制。
There is no need to worry about access money, and Biyapay supports the entry of U to the platform, then gold coins to other securities at a fast pace, with no limit.
此外,为了防止重叠并确保覆盖主要数字资产,本文还包括两只排名前五之外的 ETF。
In addition, in order to prevent duplication and ensure coverage of key digital assets, this paper also includes two ETFs beyond the top five rankings.
1. Valkyrie 比特币和以太坊策略 ETF (NASDAQ: BTF)
1. Valkyrie Bitcoin and Etheria Strategy ETF (NASDAQ: BTF)
(图源 BiyaPay APP)
? 资产管理规模 (AUM): $54.72M
♪ Size of asset management (AUM): $54.72M
? 量化评级: 强烈买入
♪ Quantified rating: strong buy-in
? 资产类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 197 个中排名第 2
♪ Quantified ranking of asset classes (as of June 10, 2024)
? 资产子类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 21 个中排名第 2
♪ Quantified ranking of asset subcategories (as of June 10, 2024): 2nd out of 21
BTF 是一只主动管理型 ETF,专注于比特币和以太坊期货合约。过去一年总回报率达 140%,是替代资产类别和数字资产子类别中量化评级最高的 ETF 之一。
BTF is a proactive management ETF that focuses on Bitcoin and Etheria futures contracts. The total return over the past year was 140 per cent, one of the highest quantitative ratings in alternative asset classes and digital asset subcategories.
BTF 的强烈买入评级主要源于其出色的动量和股息因素评分。
BTF's strong buy-in rating stems mainly from its excellent momentum and dividends factor rating.
BTF 的持仓每月调整,几乎均等分配在以太坊和比特币期货合约之间。
BTF's holdings are adjusted on a monthly basis, almost evenly distributed between the Etheria and Bitcoin futures contracts.
BTF 在过去一年中的总回报率约为 140%,远超 12% 的 A+ 动量评分中位数。
The total return of BTF over the past year was about 140 per cent, well above the median A+ momentum rating of 12 per cent.
BTF 的股息收益率为 10%,而 ETF 中位数仅为 2.5%,每年派息 $2.23,因此获得 A+ 的股息评分。
BTF has a rate of return of 10 per cent, while the median ETF is only 2.5 per cent, with an annual distribution rate of $2.23, thus receiving an A+ dividend rating.
BTF 的资产管理规模较小,仅为 $54.72M,日均交易量不足 1M,导致其流动性评分为 C。
BTF has a smaller asset management capacity of $54.72M and a daily average of less than 1M, resulting in a liquidity rating of C.
BTF 的费用比率为 1.24%,高于 ETF 中位数 0.48%,因此费用得分较低,尽管其买卖价差为 0.21%,并不远高于中位数 0.14%。
BTF has a cost ratio of 1.24 per cent, which is higher than the median ETF of 0.48 per cent, and therefore has a lower cost score, although its sales price difference of 0.21 per cent is not much higher than the median of 0.14 per cent.
BTF 的年化波动率接近 50%,远高于 ETF 中位数 12%,第一年的跟踪误差为 60%,远高于中位数 7%,导致其风险评分较低。
BTF has an annual fluctuation rate of close to 50 per cent, well above the median ETF of 12 per cent, and a tracking error of 60 per cent in the first year, well above the median of 7 per cent, resulting in a lower risk rating.
2. Grayscale 数字大盘基金 ETF (OTCQX: GDLC)
2. Grayscale Digital Large Fund ETF (OTCQX: GDLC)
? 资产管理规模 (AUM): $582.92M
• Size of asset management (AUM): $582.92M
? 量化评级: 强烈买入
♪ Quantified rating: strong buy-in
? 资产类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 197 个中排名第 6
♪ Quantified ranking of asset classes (as of June 10, 2024): 6th out of 197
? 资产子类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 21 个中排名第 6
♪ Quantified ranking of asset subcategories (as of June 10, 2024): 6th out of 21
在 2,462 个量化评级的 ETF 中,只有三个在过去一年中的价格表现超过 GDLC。
Of the 2,462 quantitative rating ETFs, only three had outperformed GDLC over the past year.
GDLC 在过去 12 个月中上涨了惊人的 322%,因此在动量评级中获得了“A+”。
GDLC received “A+” in the momentum rating as a result of an alarming rise of 322 per cent over the past 12 months.
(GDLC 1年价格表现)
GDLC 的持仓包括比特币 (BTC) (70%)、以太坊 (ETH) (23%)、Solana (SOL) (4%)、瑞波币 (XRP-USD) (1%) 和 Avax (AVAX-USD) (0.70%)。
GDLC holdings include Bitcoin (BTC) (70 per cent), Etheria (ETH) (23 per cent), Solana (SOL) (4 per cent), Ribocoin (XRP-USD) (1 per cent) and Avax (AVAX-USD) (0.70 per cent).
GDLC 的流动性得分为“B”,其日均交易量为 $2.37M。
GDLC's liquidity is divided into "B" with an average daily transaction volume of $2.37M.
GDLC 的费用比率为 2.50%,年化波动率为 71%。
The GDLC cost ratio is 2.50 per cent and annual fluctuations are 71 per cent.
(GDLC 持仓)
3. Grayscale 比特币信托 ETF (NYSEARCA: GBTC)
3. Grayscale Bitcoin Trust ETF (NYSEARCA: GBTC)
(图源 BiyaPay APP)
? 资产管理规模 (AUM): $197.6 亿
♪ Size of asset management (AUM): $19.76 billion
? 量化评级: 强烈买入
♪ Quantified rating: strong buy-in
? 资产类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 197 个中排名第 3
♪ Quantified ranking of asset classes (as of June 10, 2024)
? 资产子类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 21 个中排名第 3
♪ Quantified ranking of asset subcategories (as of June 10, 2024): 3rd out of 21
GBTC 是过去一年价格表现第三好的 ETF,上涨了超过 340%,仅被动投资于比特币,动量评分为 A+。
GBTC is the third best-performing ETF in the past year, with an increase of more than 340 per cent, only passively investing in bitcoin, with a movement rating of A+.
过去五年,GBTC 为股东带来了超过 490% 的回报,相比之下 ETF 的中位数回报为 38%。在过去的六个月和 30 天中,GBTC 的回报率显著领先于市场。
In the past five years, the GBTC has generated more than 490% returns for shareholders, compared with 38% median returns for ETFs. In the last six months and 30 days, the GBTC has significantly outperformed the market.
GBTC 以其 $197.6 亿的资产管理规模和 $62.065 亿的日均交易量获得了 A+ 的流动性评分。
GBTC obtained a liquidity rating for A+ with an asset management scale of $19.76 billion and an average daily transaction volume of $6,206.5 million.
GBTC 的费用比率为 1.50%,年化波动率为 58%,一年的跟踪误差为 58%。
The cost ratio for GBTC is 1.50 per cent, with annual fluctuations of 58 per cent and a one-year tracking error of 58 per cent.
(GBTC 动量评分)
4. First Trust SkyBridge 加密行业与数字经济 ETF (NYSEARCA: CRPT)
First Trust SkyBridge Encryption Industry and Digital Economy ETF (NYSEARCA: CRPD)
(图源 BiyaPay APP)
? 资产管理规模 (AUM): $61.86M
• Size of asset management (AUM): $61.86M
? 量化评级: 强烈买入
♪ Quantified rating: strong buy-in
? 资产类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 197 个中排名第 1
♪ Quantified ranking of asset classes (as of June 10, 2024)
? 资产子类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 21 个中排名第 1
♪ Quantified ranking of asset subcategories (as of June 10, 2024): 1st of 21
CRPT 是排名第 1 的替代资产和数字资产 ETF,过去 12 个月上涨了约 170%,动量评分为 A+。
CRPD is ranked 1st alternative and digital asset ETF, which has increased by about 170 per cent over the past 12 months, with a momentum rating of A+.
这只拥有 30 个持仓的基金专注于加密公司及其参与数字经济的公司股票。前十大持仓占基金总价值的 90% 以上。
There are only 30 warehousing funds that focus on encryption companies and their shares in the digital economy. The top 10 warehousing accounts for more than 90% of the total value of the fund.
前五大持仓几乎占基金总价值的 75%,包括 MicroStrategy Incorporated ( MSTR )、Coinbase Global Inc ( COIN )、Marathon Digital Holdings Inc. ( MARA )、Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd ( GLXY ) 和 Riot Platforms, Inc ( RIOT )。
The top five holdings account for almost 75 per cent of the total value of the Fund, including MicroStrategy Incorporated (MSTR), Coinbase Global Inc. (COIN), Marathon Digital Holdings Inc. (MARA), Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd (GLXY) and Riot Platforms, Inc. (RIOT).
The remaining holdings include stocks in other encrypted currencies, science and technology, finance and communications.
CRPT 的费用比率为 0.85%,年化波动率为 79%,一年跟踪误差为 93%。
The cost ratio for CRPD is 0.85 per cent, with annual fluctuations of 79 per cent and an annual tracking error of 93 per cent.
(CRPT 前五大持股)
5. Bitwise 10 加密指数基金 ETF (OTC: BITW)
5. Bitwise 10 Encryption Index Fund ETF (OTC: BITW)
? 资产管理规模 (AUM): $10.8 亿
♪ Size of asset management (AUM): $1.08 billion
? 量化评级: 强烈买入
♪ Quantified rating: strong buy-in
? 资产类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 197 个中排名第 7
♪ Quantified ranking of asset classes (as of June 10, 2024)
? 资产子类别量化排名 (截至 2024 年 6 月 10 日): 21 个中排名第 7
♪ Quantified ranking of asset subcategories (as of June 10, 2024): 7th out of 21
BITW 在过去 12 个月中上涨了超过 280%。该基金持有 10 种加密货币,其中比特币 (68.8%) 和以太坊 (22.6%) 占基金总价值的 90% 以上。
BITW has risen by more than 280% in the last 12 months. The fund holds 10 encrypted currencies, of which Bitcoin (68.8%) and Etherpau (22.6%) account for more than 90% of the total value of the fund.
其他持仓包括 Solana、瑞波币、Cardano、Avalanche、Chainlink、Polkadot、比特币现金和 NEAR Protocol。
Other holdings include Solana, Riboco, Cardano, Avalanche, Chainlink, Polkadot, Bitcoin cash and NEAR Protocol.
BITW 的流动性评级为 B+,日均交易量为 $405 万。
BITW has a liquidity rating of B+ and an average daily transaction volume of $4.05 million.
BITW 的费用比率为 2.5%,年化波动率为 67%,一年跟踪误差为 58%。
The BITW cost ratio is 2.5 per cent, with annual fluctuations of 67 per cent and an annual tracking error of 58 per cent.
(BITW 投资组合明细)
Risks >/strong
Investment encryption-related securities still pose a significant risk to individual investors. As encryption-related securities are highly volatile, speculative, and operate in an environment of regulatory uncertainty, there may still be a sudden and significant decline.
加密货币在过去一年中呈现爆炸式增长,预计到 2028 年,用户总数将超过 9.92 亿。随着数字资产被机构逐渐接受并在跨境交易中应用,这五只专注于加密货币的 ETF,可以通过直接投资或投资于数字经济相关公司,为投资者提供对数字资产的敞口。
Encrypted currencies have grown explosively over the past year, with the total number of users expected to exceed 992 million by 2028. As digital assets are gradually accepted by institutions and applied in cross-border transactions, the five ETFs, which focus on encrypted currencies, can provide investors with access to digital assets through direct investment or investment in companies linked to the digital economy.
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