
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:47 评论:0



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To be precise, the meta-cosm is not a new concept; it's more like the rebirth of a classic. In 1992, the famous science-fiction master Neil Stephenson described the meta-cosm in his novel Avalanche: "With earphones and goggles on, find a connection terminal, and be able to enter virtual spaces that are simulated by computers, parallel to the real world, in a virtual bilocation."


In March of this year, Roblox, the first dollar cosmos concept, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States; in May, Facebook indicated that it would be transformed into a Won cosmopolitan company within five years; in August, the bytes jumped to fund the acquisition of VR Enterprise Pico... This year, the cosmos has undoubtedly become one of the hottest concepts in the field of science and technology.


So, what is the universe? Why are the big digital technology giants entering the universe? How should our industry be configured and developed?


There's no universally accepted definition of the metacosystem.


To be precise, the meta-cosmos is not a new concept; it is more like the rebirth of a classic concept that is shaped by new technologies such as the expansion of reality (XR), block chains, cloud computing and digital twines.


In 1992, in his novel Avalanche, the famous U.S. sci-fi, Neil Stephenson, described the meta-cosmos as follows: “With headphones and goggles on, you find a connection terminal, you can enter virtual space that is simulated by computers and parallel to the real world by means of virtual divers.”


Of course, the lack of a universally accepted definition of the core concept is a universal phenomenon in the field of cutting-edge science and technology. The meta-cosmos, while being a subject of concern and expectation, also has no universally accepted definition.


At present, everything about the meta-cosmos is still being debated, and analysis from different angles leads to very different conclusions, but the basic features of the meta-cosm have been widely recognized by industry.


Its basic features include: a immersion experience, with low delay and a sense of fiction that gives users a sensory experience of their presence; virtualization, with users in the real world having one or more ID identities in the digital world; open creation, with users entering the digital world through terminals and using large resources for creative activities; strong social attributes, with real social relations chains being transferred and restructured in the digital world; and stable systems with safe, stable and orderly economic functioning systems.


They're favored by tech giants, government departments.


Since August, the concept of the meta-cosm has gained momentum, and Japan’s social giant, GREE, has announced that it will be conducting a meta-cosm business, that it will present a 10-second “digital double” at its launch meeting, and that Microsoft has announced the enterprise cosmopolitan solution at the Inspire Global Partners Conference. In fact, not only are the major scientific and technological giants competing for a meta-cosmos track, but a number of relevant government departments are actively involved. On 18 May, the Korea Ministry of Science, Technology and Information and Communications launched the “Cosmos Alliance”, which includes more than 200 local Korean enterprises and organizations, such as the modern, SK, LG and others, with the aim of creating a national platform for enhancing reality and providing public virtual services to society in the future. On 13 July, the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Japan released the Survey on the Future Potentials and Topics of the Virtual Space Industry, summarizing the issues that need to be addressed by Japan’s virtual space industry with a view to gaining a dominant position in the global virtual space industry. On 31 August, the Ministry of Finance of Korea released a budget of $2022 million for the development of its own space platform.


How can Yuan cosmos be favoured by technology giants, venture capital firms, start-ups, and even government departments?


From a business perspective, the meta-cosm is still in its early stages of industrial development, and there is still a large gap between the underlying technology and the application landscape, and the mature shape of the future, but this also means that the industries associated with the meta-cosm have enormous space to expand. So, the digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to stay in the market.


From a government perspective, the meta-cosm is not only an important emerging industry, but also an area of social governance that needs attention. The rapid development of the meta-cosm industry will be accompanied by a series of new issues and challenges.


A forward-looking layout in terms of technology, standards, etc.


The meta-cosmos is an extremely open, complex, vast system that covers the entire cyberspace, as well as a great deal of hardware equipment and real conditions, and is a hyper-large digital application ecology built by multiple builders. In order to accelerate the move of the meta-cosmos from conceptual to reality, and to take the lead in future global competition, our country should be forward-looking in terms of technology, standards, and law.


Technically, technological limitations are the biggest bottleneck in the current development of the meta-cosmos, and the corresponding lower-level technologies, such as XRs, block chains, and artificial intelligence, still differ significantly from the needs of the meta-cosm landing applications. The maturity of the meta-cosm industry needs to be underpinned by a great deal of basic research. To that end, the meta-cosmos should be prevented from becoming a bulwark for some enterprises, and enterprises should be encouraged to strengthen basic research, enhance technological innovation capabilities and steadily increase the maturity of relevant industries.


In terms of industry standards, only a series of standards and protocols that define metacosystems, as the Internet does, can make it possible to achieve large connections between metacosystems. In this regard, integrated metacosystem standards planning should be strengthened, standardized cooperation between technologists should be guided and encouraged, and enterprises should be supported in the development of industry standards, such as technology, hardware, software, services, content, etc., and actively involved in the development of metacosystems’ global standards.


Legally, as the meta-cosmos develops and matures, a range of issues will arise, such as platform monopoly, tax administration, regulatory review, and data security, and early reflection on how to prevent and resolve the legal problems arising from the meta-cosm becomes essential. In this regard, legislative work in the field of digital science and technology should be strengthened, with timely follow-up on data, algorithms, transactions, etc., and research into the legal regime related to the meta-cosm.


What is certain is that, driven by technological evolution and common human needs, the realization of the meta-cosmos landscape, the maturity of the meta-cosm industry, is only a matter of time. As an extension and expansion of the real world, the great opportunities and revolutionary effects of the meta-cosm are to be expected, but that is why we need to take a rational view of the current meta-cosm boom and promote the healthy development of the meta-cosm industry.


(author, Deputy Researcher, Institute of Quantified Economics and Technology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)




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