1, Legal analysis: In China, Bitcoin is not considered a legal currency. It is a virtual or digital currency that does not have the same legal monetary status as the renminbi, and therefore cannot be used as a legal currency on the Chinese market.
Legal analysis: Unlawful. Bitcoin is not our legal currency, but a virtual currency that cannot be traded in the same way as the renminbi.
3、比特币在中国没有明确的法律地位。尽管没有法律明确禁止比特币的发展,但也没有法律依据证明其合法。 比特币本身不是骗局,它是一种技术和方法。然而,不同的比特币投资项目可能涉及骗局,甚至可能涉及违法犯罪。 比特币的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生。
There is no law explicitly prohibiting the development of Bitcoin, but there is no legal basis to justify it. Bitcoin is not a fraud in itself; it is a technique and method.
Legal analysis: Bitcoin is not legal in China. Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.
Five. Bitcoin is now legal, because now the country has defined digital currency as a commodity, that is to say, the possession of bitcoin is certainly legal. At the G20, many countries said they would accelerate the regulation of digital money and block chains.
Legal analysis: Virtual currency is legal in the country, but it is illegal to use virtual currency for illegal activities. Bitcoin is defined as a special Internet commodity in the country. At this stage, financial institutions are not allowed to provide Bitcoin-related products or services, and Bitcoin cannot and should not be used as a currency, as is the case with mountain coins such as Latco.
Legal analysis: Virtual currencies are certainly illegal in the country and, although there is no explicit prohibition on the purchase and sale of digital currencies, all exchanges within the country have been shut down or withdrawn from China.
Legal analysis: Virtual currency is legal in the country, but it is illegal to use virtual currency for illegal activities. Bitcoin is defined as a special Internet commodity in the country, and at this stage financial institutions are not allowed to provide Bitcoin-related products or services. Bitcoin cannot and should not be used as a currency.
Legal analysis: Virtual currency is legal in the country, but it is illegal to use virtual currency for illegal activities. Bitcoin is defined as a special Internet commodity in the country, and at this stage financial institutions are not allowed to provide Bitcoin-related products or services. Bitcoin cannot and should not be used as a currency.
5. Virtual currency is legal in the country, but it is illegal to use it for illegal activities, and it is an offence to operate illegally in securities, futures, insurance operations, or financial settlement operations without the approval of the relevant state authorities. Virtual currency, by definition, refers to a virtually released money on the Internet.
Virtual currency means currency that is not real, that is unregulated, that the value of the investment in virtual currency is not recognized, and that the money invested by investors is equivalent to floating. And it would be a crime to use virtual currency to commit acts that undermine the financial order and jeopardize financial security.
Legal analysis: Bitcoin is not legal in China. Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.
Banks and payment agencies are not allowed to participate in Bitcoin transactions and transfers. Notices issued by central banks and various ministries clearly state that bitcoins do not have legal monetary status and that transactions and investments in bitcoins are self-inflicted activities.
Financial institutions and payment agencies are prohibited from carrying out operations related to bitcoin, from pricing bitcoin for products or services, from buying, selling or buying bitcoin as a central opponent, etc.
According to the Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued by the Central Bank of China on 5 December 2013, Bitcoin has four main features: it has no centralized issuer, limited volume, geographical restrictions, and anonymity. Although Bitcoin is referred to as a “currency,” it is not a currency of real significance because it is not issued by a monetary authority, and because it does not have monetary attributes, such as legality and mandatoryity.
Legal analysis: The State does not recognize Bitcoin as a monetary attribute, considering it to be not a real currency but a specific virtual commodity. Financial institutions are therefore prohibited from providing Bitcoin trading services.
At present, El Salvador is the only country in the world that uses bitcoin as a legal currency. Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, has attracted widespread global attention since its inception.
Can bitcoin become a national legal currency? China does not recognize bitcoin as a legal currency: First, bitcoin is inherently regarded as an asset, but the existence of bitcoin is at great risk. In August 2013, Germany announced that it recognized Bitcoin’s legal status and had been incorporated into the national regulatory system.