totals are limited, but intelligent humans have invented a method of partitioning, dividing a piece into a small fraction. We know that a dollar of the renminbi is made up of ten cents and a hundred cents and a thousand cents and a thousand cents... and that any single piece of it can be divided indefinitely once again, while a limited bitcoin can be separated indefinitely, just as you cut the sausage with a kitchen knife to the day of death, and not small unit.
It's so white, it's dry!
Bitcoin is a genius idea, a distributed accounting system.
Solving a mathematical question, doing a booking, .
Source of Bitcoin value, security, consensus, assets, technology.
第一,比特币白皮书,天才的想法 。
Eleven years ago, a pseudonym named 过去人们认为虚无缥缈的东西,过去认为很扯淡的东西,在后来往往被证明是非常有远见的。比特币就是这样。 What was once seen as vanity, what was thought to be ridiculous, was often shown to be very visionary. That's what bitcoin was like. 过去我们的记账往往是中心式的,总要有一个人管着你。公司里有一个财务部,有一个会计,你转的每一笔账会计总要记一记。 In the past, our books used to be central, and there's always one person in charge of you. There's a finance department in the company, there's an accountant, and every accounting you transfer has to be kept in mind. 银行里总有一个记账的中心,有一套系统,每天转了多少账,最后都要对一对账,想想办法。 There is always a central bookkeeping centre in the bank, a system, how much money is transferred every day, and finally a reconciliation is required to do something about it. 我举个例子吧,最早的信托诞生于十字军东征时期,当时很多人要出去打仗了,带着命出去,不知道还有没有命回来,于是就把自己的财产交给一帮人打理。这帮人给你经营你的财产,有了收益,他就从中抽一点儿份子。 Let me give one example: the first trust was born at 就好比说你家有100头羊,你要走啦,儿子还在,你放不了羊了,你就把这些羊交给一些职业放羊人,羊下了小羊,它也可以从中分到。 It's like you've got 100 sheep, you're leaving, you're still here, you can't leave the sheep, and you give them to some professional shepherds, and the sheep come out of the sheep. 但是这中间有一个问题,谁来监督这个事情呢?怎么知道他是安安心心给你放羊了呢?或者说他如果把你的羊给你咪了,你怎么办呢? But there's a question in the middle, who's going to oversee this? How do you know he's safe enough to keep your sheep for you? Or if he gives you your sheep, what do you do? 这就需要一套会计记账规则,也就是我们现在整个的审计系统,用一套借贷的方式。复式记账法来保证他不要迷你迷的太多,当然财务也可以作假,这就相当于100头羊,他能眯一点,眯个5只,你别眯95只,那就没多大意思了。 This requires a set of accounting rules, that is, the entire auditing system that we now have, in the form of a loan. The double accounting system ensures that he doesn't have too much fascination. Of course, finance can be faked. It's like 100 sheep, he's a little bit more, five, you don't have 95, that doesn't mean much. 但是这种中心式的记账总归是有问题的,他知道你不知道,信息不对称。有人掌握了全部的信息,不是所有人都掌握信息,这就非常麻烦了。 But there's a problem with this central accounting, and he knows that you don't know that information is asymmetrical. It's very difficult for someone to have all the information, not all of it. 而中本聪就设想了一种分布式的记账。所有人都可以记账,大家在一个网络中记账,利用现代的信息技术记账。很好的解决了这个问题。 And Nakamoto envisions a distributed accounting. Everyone can book, in a network, with modern information technology. That's a good solution. 记一次账,我就把他对全网公布。所有人都知道,所有人都确认了我的信息呢,就有新的人来记账,然后把这个账再对全文公布。一串儿一串儿的链下去,这就是所谓的区块链。 Once I put a book on it, I made it public to the whole net. Everyone knew that everyone had confirmed my message, and there was a new person to keep the account, and then the account was published in full. A string of chains went down, the so-called block chains. 这种想法很好地解决了有人咪掉你的羊这种事情,因为所有人都是知道的。也防止了有人作假,你一旦作假,那下一次记账的人就跟这一次对不上了。而且你这个事情是在光天化日之下的,大家都觉得你记错了,或者你故意作假,你就失去了信用,下次你就在没记账资格。大概就是这么一种想法。 This idea is a good solution to the fact that someone's got rid of your sheep, because everyone knows it. It's also a precaution, and once you fake, the next bookkeeper doesn't match this one. And you're in broad daylight, and everyone thinks you're wrong, or you're lying, and you lose credit, and next time you're not qualified to account. That's the idea. 当然这其中牵扯的有密码学,有共识机制,有泊松分布等等,很多人诟病说比特币的价值来源于什么呢?比特币又没有政府背书,我还是那句话,你信高等数学,你信牛顿,你信爱因斯坦也不是因为他们有政府背书。而是因为他们的技术高超。比特币的价值真正来源其实就是技术。 Of course, there is cryptology involved, there is a consensus mechanism, there is distribution, and a lot of people say that bitcoin's value is derived from it? Bitcoin doesn't have a government endorsement, and I still believe that , you write . 第二,什么是比特币?就是记一次账,做一个数学题。等比数列的和 Second, what's Bitcoin? 那到底什么是比特币呢?为什么它的总数能够被框算在2100万枚,而且还能被推算出来? So what is Bitcoin? Why is its total number framed at 21 million and extrapolated? 我简单介绍一下,比特币是一种奖励机制。大概就是说,当你有了记账的资格,你就把账记下来,记下来之后打包你的账,记得无误,于是你就可以获得一个奖励。 So I'm going to say, bitcoin is a reward. So, you know, when you're qualified to keep a book, you take it down, you pack it up, and you remember correctly, so you get a reward. 比特币的规定是这样的,当一个人都有权利记录在这十分钟内发生的所有的交易账目,比如说张三给李40个比特币,李子给王50个比特币,那你就把它们都记录下来。然后打成包。你就能够获得比特币的奖励,比如说40个20个。 That's what Bitcoin says, when a person has the right to record all the transactions that took place in this ten-minute period, like three to Lee's 40 bitcoins, , you record them all. Then wrap them up. You can get a bitcoin reward, like 40 twenty. 那什么人有资格记录呢?这就需要一种筛选的方式,那就是算力。什么意思?你要想获得记账的资格,首先你要去算一个数学方程,解一道数学题。这个方程就叫做哈希方程,简单理解这种方程式可以正算,不能反算,你知道x可以求出y,但是你知道y不能求出x。 What do you mean, you want to qualify for a mathematical equation and solve a mathematical problem first? This equation is called . You want to be able to account for a mathematical equation. This equation is called equation, which you know you can't find formula which is correct, which you know x can't be counter-calculating, but you know y can't get x. 这怎么办?那你就只有一个一个数带进去试,试对了,你就解出来了,这种事的方式是不断的重复运作,就像是拿锹一锹一锹地的挖矿,这就是挖矿的意思,它是一种比喻,是说你拿一个一个数去试,而并不是说你真的在那儿匡几匡几挖矿。 So what do you do? So you've only got one number in and one number in, and you've got it right, and you've got it out. It's a way of doing it again and again. It's like digging a hole in the ground. It's a metaphor. It's saying that you take one count and try it, not that you really pick a few mines there. 同时呢,比特币的规则规定所有人记账每四年获得的比特币奖励是减半的。也就是说,本来你第一次这样可以获得十个,四年以后你就只能获得五个,再过四年你就只能获得2.5个。 At the same time, the Bitcoin rule says that everyone gets a bitcoin reward by half every four years. That is, you get ten for the first time, you get five in four years, and you get 2.5 in four years. 长此以往,如果你算这个总数的话,比特币总数就会变成一个收敛的等比数列的和。也就是说你可以通过一个数学公式算出它的总数。如果按照既定的规则,那总数就是2100万枚,当然它可以继续细分到小数点后面,好像是八位。这就把他的总数给限定下来了。 In the long run, if you count the total, the total number of bitcoins will become the sum of a condensed equivalency. That is, you can calculate the total by a mathematical formula. If, according to the established rules, the total number is 21 million, of course, it can continue to be broken down behind decimal points, as if it were eight. This limits his total. 第三,比特币的价值来源。 最后,我们谈一谈比特币的价值来源。在前面我已经说过了,比特币真正的价值来源于技术,来源于数学,来源于密码学,来源于天才的想法,来源于他的安全。 Finally, let us talk about the source of Bitcoin's value. As I said earlier, Bitcoin's true value comes from technology, from mathematics, from cryptology, from genius ideas, from his security. 先说安全,我之前已经介绍了比特币的运行机制,你在记账的时候要对全网公布,那么一旦全网的人都收到了你的信息,那相当于你在大家的眼皮子底下裸奔,你身上有什么大家看的一清二楚,你想干坏事儿,这几乎是不可能的。 First of all, safe, I have already introduced the operation of Bitcoin, and it is almost impossible that you want to do something bad, as soon as the whole network gets your message, which is like running naked under everyone's eyelids. 同时呢,比特币曾经受过多次的攻击,但是依然没有打垮他,依然非常的安全,他的数据不能被篡改。如果一次又一次证明他是安全的,他就会越来越有信用。 At the same time, Bitcoin has been attacked several times, but still has not defeated him, remains very secure, and his data cannot be tampered with. If he proves again and again that he is safe, he will be increasingly trusted. 那为什么比特币越来越值钱?以前就不值钱了呢?它的价格能够涨一千多万倍2000万倍呢?原因是越来越多的人信他,越来越多的人看中他,越来越多的人认可他。如果所有人都认可比特币,所有人都认为比特币是重要的,比特币是合理的,比特币是安全的,那么这种共识就会变成一种信仰。当一个东西变成信仰的时候,它的价值也就不言而喻。 Why is Bitcoin worth more and more? What was it worth before? What is it worth more than 10 million times the price? Because more and more people believe in him, more and more people see him, more and more people recognize him. If everyone agrees that Bitcoin is important, that bitcoin is reasonable, that bitcoin is safe, that consensus becomes a faith. When something becomes faith, its value is self-evident. 最后,比特币具有资产的特点,严格来说它应该算作一种无形资产。这种无形资产特点是它基本不会折旧。你想想他本来就是一个虚无缥缈的东西,是一种虚拟的东西,他放一年跟放十年是一模一样的,它只存在于人们的脑子中。 Finally, Bitcoin has the characteristics of an asset, which, strictly speaking, should be counted as intangible asset . This intangible asset is characterized by basically non-depreciation. Think of him as a vanity, a virtual thing, and he spends a year the same as 10 years, and it only exists in people's minds. 我之前已经多次介绍过资产的特点,资产可以长久的放着,他是一个耐用品,那么人们购买它其实就是为了博一个更高的收益, 明天买它比今天更贵,后天买它比明天更贵,越来越高,资产就是这样,越贵越想买,只要他在持续的上涨,人们形成共同的预期,它就是有价值的。 I've described assets many times before, and they can be put in place for a long time, so people buy them for a higher return, more expensive tomorrow, more expensive and higher day after tomorrow, that's what the asset is, more expensive and more willing to buy, and valuable as long as he continues to rise and people come up with a common expectation. 结论。那从比特币白皮书开始,一个化名中本聪的人就有了一种天才的想法,把中心式的记账改为分布式的记账。这种记账方式不容易被篡改,不容易作假。是一种天才的想法。 That's a brilliant idea, starting with the Bitcoin White Paper, to change the central account to a distributed one. It's not easy to tamper with, it's not easy to fake. It's a brilliant idea. 比特币的规则规定所有人达成共识,在一段时间内计算一个哈希方程,获得打包记账的权利。同时把十分钟内的账务向全网公布,随着时间的推移,比特币的奖励不断减半。比特币的总数也就成为了一个等比数列的和,不断的收敛,总数就是一定的。 The rules of 比特币的价值来源其实就是技术,其实就是安全,其实就是共识机制,其实就是资产的特点。 历史 上很多有价值的东西其实都是虚无缥缈的,真正左右人类前进的,其实是人类的思想。 It's technology, it's security, it's the mechanism of consensus, it's the identity of the asset. Much of the value of history is nothing but vanity, and it's the mind of the human being that really shapes human progress. 比特币的总量是2100万个,没错,这个是在写源代码一开始的时候就限定死的了,可以参考比特币的白皮书,里面写的很清楚,这个1个比特币是通过挖矿获取的,但是强调一点,比特币的总量是2100万个,但是这个1个比特币是可以细分的。 The amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, yes, it was written at the source code was limited to death at the beginning, and can refer to the White Paper of Bitcoin, which makes it clear that one bitcoin was obtained through mining, but emphasizes that the amount of bitcoin is 21 million, but this bitcoin can be broken down. 也就是1个比特币还可以细分到很小很小。有多小? That's a bitcoin that can be broken down into tiny bits. How small is it? 现在比特币的最小单位为1聪,而1个比特币就等于 1亿聪。 Now the smallest unit of Bitcoin is one hearing, and one bitcoin is 100 million. 至于这个聪是怎么来的?是因为比特币的发明者“中本聪”取名而来的。 And how did that sound come? It was because the inventor of Bitcoin named him "Middle-Hear." 所以如果你按照个数来说,比特币的能够通过挖矿获取的数量就是2100万个。 没错! So if you're counting, the number of bitcoins that you can get through mining is 21 million. 但是如果你通过交易来获取比特币来细分。。。那可以细分到1个比特币可以分为1亿聪!! But if you trade to get bitcoin down. That's a bitcoin down to 100 million ears! 比特币的整个运行机制都是模仿的实体黄金,这也是为什么很多人把比特币称之为数字黄金的原因。而我们知道黄金它作为地球上元素的一种它本身是具有稀缺性的,这也导致黄金为首的贵金属在人类很长的 历史 中都扮演着货币天然是金银的角色。所以比特币最初规定的数量同样也是有限的,总数是2,100万枚。 Bitcoin's entire operating mechanism is real gold, and that's why many people call it digital gold. And we know that gold, as an element of the Earth, is itself scarce, which leads to the role of gold-led precious metals as natural gold and silver in the long history of humankind. So Bitcoin initially set a limited number of 21 million. 2008年10月31日,一个署名为中本聪的人在网络上提出了长达9页的去中心化点对点的交易方式构想,这个构想后来被称之为比特币的白皮书。在比特币的白皮书里有着明确的规定,比特币的上限数量是限定死的2,100万枚,并且永远无法篡改,这是支撑当前比特币价格的一个基石。 On October 31, 2008, a man named Bennett introduced on the Internet a nine-page decentralized point-to-point concept, which was later referred to as the White Paper of Bitcoin. In the White Paper of Bitcoin, there was a clear provision that the cap on Bitcoin was 21 million dead and could never be tampered with. 所以我们能够看到比特币的数量并不是无限的,总数量它有一个恒定量是2,100万枚,目前流通中的比特币数量已经超过了1,800万枚,但是最后一枚比特币面世时间将会在2100年以后,也是由它的算法机制所决定的。你所理解的比特币数量是无限的,应该是它的最小值,但是目前的流通中的总数量1,800万枚比特币,还包括接近400万枚沉默在 历史 时间长河中的已经被丢失的比特币。 So we can see that the number of bitcoins is not unlimited: it has a constant figure of 21 million, and the number of bitcoins in circulation now exceeds 18 million, but the last bitcoins will be born in 2100 and will be determined by its algorithm. The number of bitcoins you understand is unlimited and should be its minimum, but the total amount in current circulation is 18 million bitcoins, including close to 4 million bitcoins in history that have been lost in long rivers. 所以有空多看看中本聪2008年10月份发表的白皮书在这份长达9页的论文里带给我们的,并不仅仅是比特币还有最终的区块链技术,这才是比特币带给世界的一份大礼。 So more time to look at the White Paper published by Nakamoto in October 2008 in this nine-page paper, not only bitcoin, but also the final block chain technology, is a gift to the world from bitcoin. 首先回答,比特币的总量是2100万,这个是比特币的产生机制决定的,如果不是总量有限,比特币早都夭折了。 In the first place, the amount of Bitcoin, which was 21 million, was determined by the mechanism for its generation, and had it not been limited, Bitcoin would have died earlier. 有些同志老是拿着“比特币可以无限拆分”的理论说事情,这是典型的没有理解比特币。 Some comrades keep saying things with the theory that “bitcoin can be split indefinitely”, which is typically not understood by bitcoin. 就像一瓶矿泉水标注的是600ml,你可以分0.0001ml喝一滴,喝成千上万次,也可以一口气喝光它。 Like a bottle of mineral water marked at 600 ml, you can drink a drop of 0.0001ml, drink thousands of times, and drink it all in one breath. 难道这瓶水,会因为你喝了上万次,而改变它就是总量600ml的事实么?这么简单的道理不懂么? Does this bottle of water change the fact that it's 600 ml because you drank it a million times? Can't you understand that? 至于比特币的总量,实际上,准确地说,比特币的总量是2099999.769万,略低于2100万。 As for the total amount of Bitcoin, in fact, the total amount of Bitcoin was, to be precise, 2099997.69 million, slightly less than 21 million. 比特币生成计划: Bitcoin Generation Project: 比特币挖掘的计算方法 Bitcoin Excavation Method 比特币在10分钟内生成一个区块,将每小时6个区块的速度乘以24小时(每天)、365天(一年),最后是4年(一个周期)。结果,在一个周期内总共生成210000个块。所有区块的奖励从50逐渐减少到25,然后逐渐减少到12.5,因此有50+25+12.5+6.25+3.125。。。=100个奖励,两个数字相乘可获得2100万比特币。 Bitcoin generates a block within 10 minutes, multiplying the speed of six blocks per hour by 24 hours (per day), 365 days (one year), and finally four years (one cycle). As a result, a total of 210,000 blocks are generated during a cycle. The incentive for all blocks is gradually reduced from 50 to 25 and then to 12.5, so there is 50+25+12.5+6.25+3.125. = 100 incentives, with two figures multiplied by 21 million bits. 也就是说,到2140年,比特币将被完全挖掘出来。 That is, by 2140, Bitcoin will be fully excavated. 为什么比特币的总金额只有2100万?不能再多点吗? Why is Bitcoin worth only 21 million? Can't it be more? 我们来谈谈为什么比特币的总量是2100万。首先,比特币总量由中本设计。到目前为止,他还没有说清楚原因。所以外界有很多猜测。现在我将向您列出以下8种猜测。 Let's talk about why the amount of bitcoins is 21 million. First, the amount of bitcoins is designed by China. So far, he hasn't made it clear. So there's a lot of speculation in the outside world. Now I'll give you the following eight guesses. 一 One. 猜测一:因为21是最终答案42的一半。 Guess one: because 21 is half of the final answer 42. 说明:答案是一个笑话。这条线索来自电影《银河系指南》中最终答案的桥梁:宇宙的最终答案是42。 Note: The answer is a joke. The clue comes from the bridge to the final answer in the movie Galaxy Guide: the final answer to the universe is 42. 二 Two. 猜测二:因为我们生活在21世纪。 Guess two: because we live in the 21st century. 解说:这有点牵强。 Explain: It's a little far-fetched. 三 III 猜想三:中本设定的原则是每10分钟生产一个街区,奖励50枚硬币,4年内减半。结果很自然。 Guess three: The Chinese principle is to produce a block every 10 minutes, reward 50 coins, halved in four years. The result is natural. 说明:中本没有人为干预,而是接受了自然结果。 Note: No one in China has intervened, but accepted the natural outcome. 四 Four. 猜想四:世界上所有的黄金都熔化在一起,这是一个边长约21米的立方体。 Guess four: all the gold in the world melts together, and it is a cube about 21 metres long. 注:中本用这个概念来比喻比特币是一种虚拟黄金。 Note: This concept is used in Chinese as a metaphor that bitcoin is virtual gold. 为什么比特币的总金额只有2100万?不能再多点吗? Why is Bitcoin worth only 21 million? Can't it be more? 五 Five. 猜想五:外人认为中本喜欢玩21点。 Guess five: the outsider thinks Chinese likes to play at 21 o'clock. 解释:我对这个答案没有任何解释。 Explanation: I have no explanation for this answer. 六 Six. 猜测6:有32位整数可以存储2^31-1,即2147483647。如果你取前8位,它是21474836.47比特币。那是2100万。 Guess 6: 32 integer numbers can be stored for 2⁄31-1, or 2147483647. If you take the top eight, it's 2144836.47 bitcoins. That's 21 million. 注:我猜本聪在最初的开发中使用了32位精度整数。后来,他发现对于一种全球货币来说,精度是不够的,于是他将小数点后两位扩展到8位,并将32位存储改为64位存储。 Note: I guess Ben was using 32 bits of integer accuracy in the initial development. Later, he found that the accuracy was not enough for a global currency, so he expanded the two decimal places to eight places and changed the 32 places to 64 places. 七 VII 猜测7:比特币是用来比较全球经济总量的,根据目前全球经济水平,全球经济总量估计为2100万上限。 Guess 7: Bitcoin is used to compare global economic aggregates, which are estimated to be a cap of 21 million at the current global economic level. 说明:我认为这个猜测更科学。 Comment: I think it's more scientific. 八 VIII 猜想八:根据以太坊创始人维塔利克·布特林的分析,这个值可能与计算机编程语言支持的整数数据范围有关,与特殊货币相比,也便于后续开发者的维护。 Assumption eight: According to the analysis of the founder of Etheria, Vitalik Buttlin, this value may be related to the range of integer data supported by computer programming languages, which, compared to special currencies, also facilitates the maintenance of the developers. 注:比特币使用C++编程语言。 Note: Bitcoin is a C++ programming language. 总结与分析 Summary and analysis 以上八个答案都是外界猜测的。因为中本一直没有解释,所以我们没有一个肯定的答案。就我个人而言,我同意V上帝。那么你心里的答案是什么? The eight answers are extrapolated. We don't have a definitive answer because there was no explanation in China. For me personally, I agree with God V. So what is the answer in your heart? 总量是约等于2100万个,每四年减半,大概到2140年会彻底挖完,此后挖矿不再产出BTC,矿工收入来源为转账手续费。 The total is about 21 million, which is reduced by half every four years and will be fully dug by approximately 2140, after which the mining will no longer produce BTC, and the miners will earn the transfer fee. 这些逻辑是在代码里写死的。 These logics are written in the code. 这个问得好,这个问题其实就是问到了关于数字货币的起源。 That's a good question. That's a question of the origin of the digital currency. 主权政府具有发币权,各国央行会不断发行货币,比如我国发行人民币,美国发行美元。因为主权政府发行货币没有限制,海量货币造成通货膨胀,居民手里的钱不断在贬值。 Sovereign governments have the right to issue currency, and central banks keep issuing currencies, such as the renminbi and the dollar in the United States. Since sovereign governments have no limits on the issuance of currency, large currencies cause inflation, and the money in the hands of the residents continues to depreciate. 比如小时候馒头一元四个,现在一元一个,有的地方2元一个。物价上涨的例子不胜枚举。 As a kid, four dollars a day, one dollar a day, two dollars a day. There are many examples of price increases. 在这种情况下,居民辛辛苦苦攒下的财富,永远在不断的缩水,人必须永远忙碌。假如你30岁积累的财富,够你躺着殷实的度过余生。但是,如果不能保持财富增值,你60岁的时候会发现就快没有余粮了,同样数量的货币已经买不到什么东西了。 Under these circumstances, the wealth that the inhabitants have been struggling to save and that is constantly shrinking, people must be busy forever. If the wealth that you have accumulated at the age of 30 is enough to lie down for the rest of your life. But if you do not add value, you will find at the age of 60 that there is almost no surplus, and the same amount of money can no longer be bought. 为了对抗这种货币贬值,聪明的创造者就创造出了数量必须有限的数字货币。比特币就是开创者,有且只有2100万枚,并不归任何政府管理。 In order to counter this devaluation, smart creators create a limited number of digital currencies. Bitcoins are the founders, some and only 21 million, which are not administered by any government. 数字货币就是因为这个被创造出来。至于比特币怎样确保总量仅有2100万枚,这是另一个问题,感兴趣可以再讨论。 Digital money is created because of this. And how bitcoin ensures a total of only 21 million, that's another question that we can discuss with interest. 数字货币发展方兴未艾,体现了居民对自己辛苦积累的财富的珍视。主权政府可以“掠夺”财富于无形,推动了数字货币新事物的发展。 The development of digital money is on the rise, reflecting the people’s attachment to their hard-earned wealth. Sovereign governments can “predation” their wealth to the invisible, driving new developments in digital money. 拿比特币无限可分说事的人,是根本没理解比特币。我不推荐你买比特币,但是这个道理必须讲清楚,“无限可分”和“总量无限”是两回事。 The one who can tell an unlimited amount of bitcoin does not understand bitcoin. I don't recommend that you buy bitcoin, but it has to be made clear that the two things are “infinity” and “total infinity”. 先说总量问题,再说为啥无限可分不代表总量无限,比特币总量确实是2100万,你可以把比特币的数量理解成,一个超级难的方程式的解,而这个解一共有2100万个,这个是可证明的数学定理,所以总量是确定的,你拥有一个比特币就相当于你拥有一个解,这个解的归属权,就在每次计算出结果后,记录在比特币的链条上,而且是无法篡改的。而且比特币,是无法更多发行的。 Let's start with volume, and why infinity does not mean an unlimited amount: the amount of bitcoins is really 21 million, and you can understand the amount of bitcoins as a super-difficult equation, which is 21 million, which is a proven mathematical theory, so it's definite that you have a bitcoin that is equivalent to a solution that you own, which belongs to, and is recorded on the Bitcoin chain after each calculation, and cannot be tampered with. And bitcoins, which cannot be issued more. 然后很多人说,比特币不是2100万个,因为比特币是无限可分的,你可以拥有0.1个比特币,0.01个比特币,0.001个比特币,所以比特币是无限的。 And a lot of people say that bitcoin is not 21 million, because bitcoin is unlimited, you can have 0.1 bitcoin, 0.01 bitcoin, 0.001 bitcoin, so bitcoin is unlimited. 说比特币无限可分这个是对的,但因此说比特币是总量无限的,就是胡扯了。 It was right to say that bitcoin could divide it indefinitely, but it was therefore nonsense to say that bitcoin was unlimited. 在总量一定的情况下,无论你怎么继续分,原来有多少,你还是有多少,你原来有10个比特币,那么无论剩下的2000多万怎么继续划分,你永远都拥有10/21000000的比特币分量,不会因为有人把自己的1个比特币分成了100份,他就拥有比你更多的比特币了。同样的,也不会因为你把这10个比特币继续分成1000分,你就拥有超过10/21000000的比特币分量了。 With a certain amount of money, no matter how much you continue to divide, no matter how many you divide, no matter how many you divide, you still have 10 bitcoins, no matter how much you divide the remaining 20 million, you will always have 10/21 million bitcoins, no one will have more bitcoins than you do because one of them splits 100 bitcoins. Similarly, no one will have more bitcoins than 10.21 million bitcoins because you divide the 10 bitcoins into 1,000 cents. 但是传统货币不同,假设市场上流通的货币总量是1000万,你拥有10万,那么你就拥有1/100的货币量。 But traditional currencies differ, assuming that the total amount of money in circulation on the market is 10 million and you have 100,000, then you have 1/100. 假设你这10万不动,接着,国家又发行了1000万的货币,那么你所拥有的货币量就变成了1/200了。 If you don't move the 100,000, and then the country issues another 10 million, then the amount of money you own becomes 1,200. 那么在你什么都不做的时候,你的货币就贬值了。 Then when you do nothing, your currency depreciates. 比特币被吹捧的原因之一,就在于,没有一个这样的中央银行,可以随便发行货币,导致手里的货币贬值。 One of the reasons for Bitcoin's glorification was that there was no such central bank that could issue currency freely, leading to the devaluation of the currency in hand. 当然了,国家也不是随便就发,但是比起拥有总量恒定的比特币,央行在这方面的弹性那就太大了。 Of course, it is not random, but central banks are too resilient in this respect than having a constant amount of bitcoins. 另外无限可分充其量也就是个数学 游戏 ,理论上说,任何货币都是无限可分的,只要国家愿意发行,0.001元,0.0001, 0.00000000001元......,那么任何货币都是无限可分的,只不过比特币通过程序代码实现,实现起来更容易。 And there's an infinite amount of math, and theoretically, any currency is unlimited, and as long as the country is willing to issue, 0.001, 0.000001, 0.000001... then any currency is unlimited, but bitcoin is easy to achieve through program code. 骗局你明白吗就和当初美元又叫美金一样,等到价值上来了就可以割全世界韭菜,还是咱们国家厉害。上来就禁止比特币中国交易了。 You understand the scheme, like the original dollar called the dollar, when the value comes, you can cut the world's pickles, or we're good at it. Bitcoin is banned from trading in China.
is a cornerstone underpinning the current bitcoin price.
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