Bitcoin has been one of the most popular encrypted digital assets in the world since it was born in 2009. Although Bitcoin prices have experienced many fluctuations over the past decade, the initial issue has been a high-profile topic.
On 3 January 2009, the term Bitcoin was first heard. The bitcoin at that time was of little value because it had not started trading. The first bitcoin miner was a man named Matias Miller, who mined 50 bitcoins, saying that they were of no value.
2009年1月12日,世界上第一个比特币交易发生了。Satoshi Nakamoto(宝贝狗)把10个比特币发给了Hal Finney(哈尔·芬尼)。这是全球范围内第一个比特币的交易。当时的价格是每个比特币走向了浮动交易市场时的初始价格,约为0.003美元。
On January 12, 2009, the first bitcoin deal in the world took place. Satoshi Nakamoto (the baby dog) sent 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney. This was the first bitcoin deal on a global scale.
Bitcoin's prices are rising steadily, reaching US$ 0.1 per bitcoin in early 2010. At this point, people are beginning to take Bitcoin seriously and realize that it is an emerging, simple and secure online payment.
2010年,第一个比特币交易所 米特币 创立并开始运营,人们可以在该交易所购买比特币。在当时,比特币的价值被定在1美分左右。但是,随着越来越多的人对比特币的兴趣和关注,价格开始迅速上涨。到了2010年末,比特币的价格达到了1美元。
In 2010, the first Bitcoin exchange was created and started to operate, where people could buy bitcoin. At that time, bitcoin was set at about a penny. But, with more and more people interested in and concerned with bitcoin, prices began to rise rapidly. By the end of 2010, Bitcoin prices stood at $1.
In 2011, Bitcoin began a period of price volatility. During the year, the price of Bitcoin rose from $2 to $30, and then fell back to $2.
Bitcoin prices have been rising steadily in the last few years. To date, Bitcoins have been worth more than $50,000. That number sounds amazing, but it does not seem to be exaggeration based on bitcoins’ initial issuance of $0.003.
Bitcoin has been subject to price fluctuations since 2009, but steady increases over the years have made bitcoin one of the most popular encrypted digital assets in the world. At all times, one needs to take a rational view of the price fluctuations of bitcoin and other digitally encrypted assets.
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