
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:54 评论:0
深圳小爱灵动基于 Cocos Creator 推出元宇宙项目「灵动元境」刷爆了很多人的朋友圈,该项目发力品牌元宇宙生态基础设施建设。Shenzhen Xiaolingi, based on Cocos Creator's introduct...



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深圳小爱灵动基于 Cocos Creator 推出元宇宙项目「灵动元境」刷爆了很多人的朋友圈,该项目发力品牌元宇宙生态基础设施建设。

Shenzhen Xiaolingi, based on Cocos Creator's introduction of the meta-cosm project, "Episodes", has swiped a lot of people's circles of friends, and it's a dynamic branding of the eco-infrastructure of the universe.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project!</p><p>孙晨阳</p><p>Sun-yang.</p><p><br></p><p>在深圳沙龙上,<strong>孙晨阳</strong>分享了如何使用<strong> Cocos Creator </strong>快速搭建一个多人游戏并进行调优,从<strong>材质优化、角色优化、场景优化、性能优化、插件配合</strong>等方面聊了聊自己的经验与心得。以下为分享内容。</p><p>On the Shenzhen salon, Sun-Yung shared his experiences and insights on how to use the strong — Cocos Creator — </strang > to quickly build and fine-tune a multi-player game, from <strang > material optimization, role optimization, scene optimization, performance optimization, plug-in with </strang >.</p><p><br></p><hr style="background-color: rgb(232, 232, 232); border: 1px solid transparent; margin: 18px 0px;"><p><br></p><p><img  src=

Cockos dollar cosmos ecological infrastructure project >! This Demo should be synchronized from character to scene climate special effects web frames... _note _02


 Cocos dollar cosmos ecological infrastructure project

Demo 演示效果

Demo Presentation


Experiential address: (long copy)



Demo 中所有材质都使用了定制化,分别基于 Cocos Creator 的 Unlit、PBR 和 Toon 材质做了精简和优化。

All materials in Demo have been customized, and Unlit, PBR and Toon materials based on Cocos Creator have been streamlined and optimized.



以 Unlit 材质为例,在 FS 部分去除了 MainColor,假如需要用到 Color,后续可以通过宏开关控制。

Take Unlit material, for example, and remove MainColor from the FS section, if you need to use Color, the follow-up can be controlled by macro switches.


explosion, Cocos Dollar Cosmo Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the Focal Focal Network... _05

同时在 VS 里,把 TilingOffset 去除了 Offset 部分,只使用 Tiling 就可以了(大部分情况下 offset 用不到),同时也增加了宏开关。

At the same time, in VS, to remove Tilingoffffset from the Offfset part, just use Tiling (most of the time outfset is not available) and also add macro switches.



PBR 材质是一个通用材质,需要针对各个建模软件做适配的一些参数,所以做了很多兼容性处理,比如 albedoScale、emissiveScale 等精度参数都可以通过宏开关或者注释的方法去掉。

The PBR material is a generic material that needs to be adapted to the parameters of the modeling software, so many compatibility treatments have been made, such as the precision parameters as albedoScale, emissiveScale, etc., which can be removed by macro switches or annotation.

如果不需要使用 occlusion 或者 specularIntensity,还可以对 PBR 材质做进一步的优化。同时 PBR 中的 Lightmap 部分也有很大的优化空间,这块的优化可以根据项目去决定。

If there is no need to use the occlusion or specular Intensity, the PBR material can be further optimized. At the same time, the Lightmap part of the PBR has much room for optimization, which can be determined by the project.



role rendering

角色整体的的定位与渲染偏卡通风格,这里采用了 Cocos Creator 默认的 Toon 材质进行优化与精简,减少了卡通渲染的色阶。去除二阶着色的同时,也减少了一阶着色的参数。

The positioning and rendering of the characters as a whole, using Cocos Creator's default Toon material

Cocos 默认的 Toon 材质是三阶着色,分别是 BaseColor 基础着色 + Shade1 + Shade2,这里去除了 Shade2,把 Shade1 称为一阶着色,BaseColor 称为基础着色。

The Toon material that Cocos defaults to be colored is the third order of colour: BaseColor base color + Shade1 + Shade2, where Shade2 is removed, Shade1 is called first order colour, and BaseColor is called base colour.




In addition, macro switches are controlled for first-order colouring.




We can drag a step of color more easily in the material by dragging strips.




The high light section of adds macro switches, except for the high light use of glasses, hair, etc., which further reduces the cost of rendering.


The skin, hair and clothing use


explosion, Cocos metacococococo ecologic construction project! This Demo should be synchronized from face to face to scene environment-specific network <ci_10


To reduce the amount of material and grid costs, the character stockings are implemented using details . The macro switch is also configured here.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project!</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar cosmbular eco-building project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific network...</p><p><br></p><p><strong>动画优化</strong></p><p><strong> Animation Optimizing </strang></p><p><br></p><p>由于实时骨骼系统下 uniform vec 有数量限制,因此目前在资源导入期会根据骨骼数量做拆分,而这会对其他系统也产生影响,常会出现多个材质存在,影响了后续的合批处理。</p><p>Due to the quantitative limitations under the real-time skeletal system, the current resource import period is split according to the number of bones, which also affects other systems, often with multiple material presence, affecting subsequent group processing.</p><p><br></p><p>如果确定不会使用实时计算模式(对应 SkeletalAnimation 组件的 useBakedAnimation 选项未勾选时),可以勾选此项以提升性能。但注意改变此选项会影响生成的 prefab 内容,需要对应更新场景中的引用。后续重构会移除此流程。</p><p>If it is determined that no real-time calculation mode will be used (when the use of BakerAimation option is not ticked for the SkeletalAimation component), this option can be ticked to enhance performance. However, note that changing this option will affect the prefab content generated needs to correspond to the reference in the updated scenario. Subsequent re-engineering will remove the process.</p><p><br></p><p>这里删除手指的数量,同时还可以优化动画的体积大小。</p><p>This removes the number of fingers and also optimizes the size of the animation.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><img  src=


Performance Optimization

角色的贴图增加了 Multi_Texture 和对应的宏开关,方便进行 instancing 合批。

The role tab was added to Multi_Texture and corresponding macro switches to facilitate instancing.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Ecology Project!</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos Dollar Cosmo Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Vocal Network...</p><p><img  src=



Similarly, role details can be set, Multi_Detail_Texture, and the macro switch should be increased to reduce the properties of the settings by macro.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific network...</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><br></p><p>考虑到角色皮肤、五官和头发颜色都需要改变,为了不打断烘焙动画的合批<span style="color: #3e3e3e;">,在更换颜色时候也使用了。</span></p><p>Considering the changing skin of the role, the five officers and the color of the hair, the combination of <span style="color: #3e3e3e;> is used when changing the color. </span></p><p><img  src=

, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project!</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Ecological Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Focal Network.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Focal Network....................................................................................................................................................................</p><p>随机颜色 DrawCall 并没有被打断</p><p>The random color DrawCall didn


Other settings

角色的身体和脸部都设置的 Blendshapes,方便支持 Morph,Morph 可以同时支持实时动画和烘焙动画。

The character's body and face are designed to support Morph, Morph can support both real-time animation and baking animation.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><img  src=


因为脸部的物件比较多,所以为了减少骨骼和蒙皮压力,把面部以 socket 物件的形式绑定在了骨骼的头部节点。

Because of the number of objects on the face, the face was tied to the skull nodes in the form of socket objects in order to reduce bone and skin pressure.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific networks...</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><br></p><p>自己控制的角色实用了实时动画,这样可以使用动态骨骼和 Crossfade 动画过渡,近距离观看更加细腻。</p><p>Self-controlled characters are useful for real-time animation, which allows the transition to dynamic bones and Crossfade animations, which are more nuanced at close range.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Focal Network.....................................................................................................................................................................</p><p><br></p><p>场景内其他角色使用了烘焙动画,方便 GPU INSTANCING,这样性能更好,但缺点是导出的动画体积会增加。</p><p>Other actors in the scene used animated baking to make it easier for GPU INSTANCING to perform better, but the disadvantage was that the volume of animated drawings produced increased.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project!</p><p><br></p><p>通过以上设置,人物单节点 DrawCall 可以控制在7-8,多人人物不同颜色不同头发和衣服的 DrawCall 也可以通过 instancing 合批控制在10次 DrawCall 以内。</p><p>Through the above setup, DrawCall can control 7-8, and DrawCall, which has multiple characters with different colours of hair and clothing, can also be controlled within DrawCall 10 times through an instancing batch.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>场景优化</em></strong></p><p><Em > scene optimization </Em >/strang ></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>将场景素材包导入到 Cocos Creator 后,将整个场景的子节点导出 Json,重复的物件都可以使用一个预制体来复用,再使用单一预制体+Json 配置还原原始场景。</p><p>After importing the scenario package to Cocos Creator, the sub-node of the entire scene is exported to Jason. Repeated items can be reused using a prefabricated body, and a single prefabricated body + Json configuration is used to restore the original scene.</p><p><br></p><p>如果使用导出的整个场景,同样的物件会是不同的 Mesh, 这样体积不仅会变大,也不能进行 Instancing 合批。</p><p>If you use the entire exported scene, the same object will be different Mesh, so not only will it grow in size, but it will not be able to do the Instancing.</p><p><br></p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos Meso-Coscoco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from face to face to scene environment-specific network.........</p><p><img  src=



Prefabricated body generation


Lightly Optimized

整个场景使用了1个平行光和20个 Sphere Light。环境材质使用了 Cocos 自带的 PBR,进行了光照烘焙,并对光照烘焙进行了精简。

The whole scene uses one parallel light and 20 Sphere Light. The environmental material uses Cocos self-carried PBR, light baked and streamlined light baked.


 explosion, Cocos dollar cosmosphere eco-building project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific network......</p><p><br></p><p>目前 Sphere Light 烘焙出的效果较弱,我们通过脚本,把整体的亮度和范围都提高了80%。</p><p>Now Sphere Light bakes less effective, and through the script we have increased the overall brightness and scope by 80%.</p><p><br></p><p><img  src=

 explosion, Cocos Dollar Cosmo Eco-Ecologic Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the VE network... _33

材质 Tiling


使用大量材质 Tiling,把零散的砖块合并成一个面片,并在材质中设置 Tilling,减少加载时间(前文提到过,这里没有使用 offset)。

Using a large quantity of materials, Tiling combines fragmented bricks into a single plate and sets Tilling in the material to reduce loading time (as mentioned earlier, no objects are used here).




explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Ecosystems Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the Focal Focal Network......</p><p><br></p><p><strong>材质 Instancing</strong></p><p><strong>Instancing</strong></p><p><br></p><p>大量相同的物件使用同一个预制体,同一个 Mesh,做 instancing 合批。</p><p>A large number of the same items used the same prefabricated, the same Mesh, as an instancing group.</p><p><br></p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Vex Network...</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific networks...</p><p><br></p><p><strong>场景特效</strong></p><p><strong> scene special effects </strong></p><p><br></p><p>使用 UV 动画+帧动画增加场景细节,优化动线。部分材质使用了 Emissive Map 的 UV 动画+细节贴图的叠加。</p><p>Use UV Animation + Frame Animation to add scene details and optimize motionlines. Part of the material uses an Emissive Map




explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Ecological Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role-stamp to the Vocal Network...</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar cosmbular eco-building project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific network... _40


covers the removal of

为了保证视野完整,增加了摄像机的遮挡剔除,使用射线检测或者碰撞体的 Trigger 检测,检测到固定范围内的碰撞体,通过设置 setInstancedAttribute 改变材质透明度,保证不会打断合批。

In order to ensure the integrity of the field of view, cameras have been added to screen out, to detect collisions within a fixed range using ray or collision detection Trigger, and to change material transparency by setting setInstanced Attribute to ensure that the combination is not interrupted.


, Cocos Dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the Focal Focal Network... _41


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Focal Network.....................................................................................................................................................................</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmic Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronised from his role field to the Focal Environments Network.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>碰撞优化</strong></p><p><strong> Collision Optimization >/strang</p><p><br></p><p>只有复杂的物件使用了 Mesh Collider,其他物件都是用1-2个 Box Collider 或者 Cylinder Collider 节点,减少刚体运算量。比如斜坡可以使用 Box 改变欧拉角度,几个地毯可以使用一个 Box Collider 做碰撞合并等。</p><p>Only complex objects use Mesh Collider, while others use one or two Box Collider or Cylinder Collider nodes to reduce the size of the unit. For example, the slope can use Box to change the Eurasia angle, and several carpets can use a Box Collider to combine collisions, etc.</p><p><img  src=



scene loaded

场景粗略地分成了碰撞层、地表层、物件层和细节层,按照这个顺序去做分帧加载,减少加载与实例化时候的卡顿。除了碰撞层外,每个层级有自己的 Json 配置文件,预制体根据配置生成层级。

The scene is roughly divided into collision layers, surface layers, object layers, and detail layers, and in this order the frame loads are carried in order to reduce the Caden when loading and exemplifying. In addition to collision layers, each level has its own Jason configuration file, and prefabricated bodies are generated according to configuration.




explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Ecosystem Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the Focal Environments Network... _ 46


performance optimization


machine-type testing

可以从引擎的 piplelineSceneData 中获取 GPU 型号,通过 GPU 型号和开源的 BenchMark 信息做对比,获取手机档次。

The GPU model can be obtained from the engine's PiplelineSceneData, comparing it with the GPU's and open source's Benchmark information and getting cellular files.


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Environments Special Network... _ 47


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from his role field to the Focal Focal Network.....................................................................................................................................................................</p><p><img  src=

shatter, Cocos Meso-Cosco-Ecological Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role-stamping field to the Vex Network.</p><p><br></p><p>如果没有获取到 GPU 型号,或者查询到改 GPU 的配置,可以通过手机的分辨率做备选方案,获取手机的机型配置。</p><p>If the GPU model is not available or the configuration of the GPU is changed, options can be made for the configuration of the mobile phone by its resolution.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>骨骼优化</strong></p><p>♪ Strangled bones optimized ♪ ♪/ strong ♪</p><p><br></p><p>模型做了骨骼优化,删减了手指和脚趾,这部分会占接近50%的骨骼数量,增加体积的同时,也会增加性能开销。</p><p>The model optimizes the bone and deletes the fingers and toes, which account for nearly 50 per cent of the bone size, while increasing performance costs.</p><p><img  src=

, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role-stamp to the atmosphere-specific network... _50


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Ecologic Foundation Project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific networks...</p><p><br></p><p><strong>状态同步</strong></p><p><strong> Synchronization </strang></p><p><br></p><p>状态同步框架使用了 TSRPC 进行了状态同步和房间匹配,通过使用 tween 对人物的位置和四元素做插值处理。</p><p>The status synchronization framework uses TSRPC to synchronize the state and match the room by using tween to insert the location of the person and the four elements.</p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from the role field to the Focal Focal Network.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>插件配合</em></strong></p><p><strong> <m> plugin for </em> </strang ></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><img  src=


Akeytsu,一款动画制作软件,目前可以免费下载社区或者教育版。支持一键射出多余骨骼和空骨骼节点,并一键蒙皮多个手指,方便做骨骼删减和进行 Mixamo 的动作绑定。

strang>Akeytsu, is an animated software that currently downloads community or educational versions free of charge. Supports one key to eject extra bones and empty skeletal nodes and to skin multiple fingers to make skeletal cuts and to bind Mixamo movements.


address: https://www.nukeygara.com/??



Chocos dollar cosmos ecological infrastructure project3D 动态骨骼插件,开箱即用,可以很方便快速地绑定动态骨骼,并可以实现动态骨骼碰撞。

strang>3D dynamic bone plugs, open and easily binding dynamic bones and enabling dynamic skeletal collisions.


address: https://store.cococos.com/app/detil/3782??



KylinsPostEffects,麒麟子写的一套不依赖 prefab、不污染场景节点树、简单调用几个参数就能使用的后期效果解决方案。支持多种后效,配置简单。

KylinsPostEffects, a set of post-effect solutions that do not rely on prefab, non-polluted site node trees, simple call with several parameters. Support multiple after-effects, simple configuration.


address: https://store.cococos.com/app/detail/3333?


explosion, Cocos Meso-Coscoco-Ecologic Foundation Project!</p><p><span style="color: #0e88eb;"><strong>BenchMark,</strong></span>支持高中低手机性能检测与手机性能适配,可以为高中低档机型提供兼顾质量与流畅的运行方案。</p><p><span style="color: #0e88eb;"<strong>Benchmark, </strong> </span> supports high school low-cell performance tests to match cellular performance and can provide high-school low-end models with a high-school low-ender running programme that combines quality and fluidity.</p><p><strong>地址:</strong>?<a rel="nofollow" href="https://store.cocos.com/app/detail/3662" target="_blank">?<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: #b2b2b2;"><em>https://store.cocos.com/app/detail/3662</em></span></span>?</a>?</p><p><strong> address: <a rel="noformlow" href="https://store.cococos.com/app/detail/3662" target="_blank"? <span style="font-size:12px;"<span style="color: #b2b2b2;"<em>https://store.cococos.com/app/deta/3662</em></span</span></span</span>?</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><img  src=

explosion, Cocos Meso-Coscococo-Eco-Ecologic Project! This Demo should be synchronized from face to face to scene environment-specific network <ci_58


explosion, Cocos dollar Cosmos Eco-Eco-Eco-building Project! This Demo should be synchronized from role-stress to atmosphere-specific network...  59

相机截图,支持 3D/2D 或混合截图,操作简单。

strong> camera screenshot supports 3D/2D or mixed screenshots, simple to operate.


address: https://store.cococos.com/app/deta/3812?


explosion, Cocos metacococococococo eco-building project! This Demo should be synchronized from the character to the landscape special atmosphere network <60

TSRPC,一个专为 TypeScript 设计的开源 RPC 框架,功能和使用可以点击查看文章《多人实时对战如何实现神同步?》《如何实现十万人在线的房间和匹配系统》。

TSRPC, an open source RPC framework designed for TypeScript, which functions and uses to click to view the article "How Do Multiples Synchronize In Real Time? ".


address: https://store.cococos.com/app/detil/3766?


 Cocos dollar cosmos ecological infrastructure project


 Cocos dollar cosmos ecological infrastructure project


Cinestation, a visual smart camera system. Easy and easy to support virtual cameras and camera transport mirrors.


address: https://store.cococos.com/app/deil/3422?


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    0.00003374比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00003374比特币等于2.2826 1222美元/16.5261124728人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.00003374克洛克-0/22216.5261124728比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489807.72 CNY(1比特币=489807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00003374USDT=0.0002442776 CNY)。汇率更新于2024...
  • 1929经济大萧条或许即将重演?

    人类似乎陷入了一个历史悖论,即我们总是重复同样的错误,无法真正从过去的错误中吸取教训。近年来,我们对世界各地接连不断的挑战和危机深感不安。20 19年突如其来的疫情,乌克兰的战火硝烟,欧洲的天然气供应危机以及全球少数国家的饥荒,所有这些问题都像洪水一样,一个接一个地涌来。如果你今天感到心情沉重,不要失去希望,因为明天可能会带来更严峻的挑战。首先,让我们深入讨论名为1929大萧条的时期。这场大萧条实际上是指从1929到1933的一场影响深远的经济危机。这场危机首先起源于美国,然...
  • 2000年美国GDP占世界的304%,中国GDP仅占35%,现在呢?

  • A股利好!证监会连开三场座谈会!五部门发文 事关元宇宙…周末影响一周市场的十大消息(新股+点评)

    A股利好!证监会连开三场座谈会!五部门发文 事关元宇宙…周末影响一周市场的十大消息(新股+点评)
    1   证监会连开三场座谈会!将研究出台更多务实、管用的政策举措 The SEC will hold three talks! More practical and practical policy initiatives will be developed.   近日,中国证监会就活跃资本市场、提振投资者信心召开三场座谈会,分别听取专家学者和投资者意...