Highlights of the article
1. 着迷于数字,所有与比特币相关的数字都有其固定的含义,包括比特币白皮书9页的原因,发行2100万枚的原因等
1. Inflamed by numbers, all bitcoin-related figures have a fixed meaning, including the reason for 9 pages of the Bitcoin White Paper, the reason for the release of 21 million copies, etc.
2. 创世区块链中留下报纸信息的始末
2. The beginning and end of the chain of creation with newspaper messages
3. 自己的出生年月
3. Date and place of birth
4. 如何使用"satoshi"模式在网络上隐藏自己的身份,以致从来没有人发现过他
4. How to use the satoshi mode to hide his identity on the Internet so that no one has ever found him.
5. 提到了挖矿所获得的98万个比特币
5. Reference was made to 980,000 bitcoins from mining
Satoshi Nakamoto著
Satoshi Nakamoto.
告Ivy McLemore书
v. Ivy McLemore.
注意:这结合了由三部分组成的系列的第二部分和第三部分,其中Satoshi Nakamoto公开了关于他创建比特币的以前未知的事实。他还揭示了他的98万比特币的现状和他的现实身份。由于我们获得了极大的兴趣,这两部分合并发布。
Note: This combines the second and third parts of the three-part series, in which Satoshi Nakamoto published previously unknown facts about his creation of Bitcoin. He also revealed his current status of 980,000 bitcoins and his real identity. As a result of our great interest, the two parts were published together.
Parts II and III
My 980,000 bitcoin and my true identity.
First of all, keep your eyes open.
After reading the first part of "My Discovery," I'm grateful to those who send me a simple "Thank you!" I really appreciate it. That's why I return to people like them and make a difference in people's lives.
现在对于愤世嫉俗者,我期待着这种反应。有些人通过archive.org访问我的网站,嘲笑我为什么不在比特币创世区块上面留下我的手机号码,以此说明我是中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)!此外关于拼写错误和网络中断等小问题,请记住,这一切都是通过专业团队进行的沟通,我们有巨大的流量负荷需要处理,但团队在顺利发布所有内容方面都很有弹性。在这次发布过程中会有很多错误,我们会修复它们,我们的目的是真实的,将比特币提升到一个新的水平。
Now, for cynics, I look forward to this response. Some people visit my website through archive.org, mocking me for not leaving my cell phone numbers on the Bitcoin Inventive Zone, to show me that I am middle-class. And on minor issues such as spelling errors and network interruptions, remember that this is all done through a professional team that has a huge traffic load to deal with, but the team is flexible in publishing everything. There will be a lot of errors in the process, and we will fix them, and our aim is to bring bitcoins up to a new level.
I'll quote from what I said on 29 July 2010 about these "magics," "if you don't believe me or don't understand, I don't have time to convince you, I'm sorry."
On 14 November 2008, I quoted my own words again: "If we can properly interpret it, it is very attractive to liberal views. But I am better at code than correct text. So I hired a public relations company to express my vision in the best way. I have to say, Ivy and his team are working tirelessly for my vision.
我只是想补充一点,在我隐藏的这些年里,我所做的一切要么是为了隐藏我的Satoshi ID,要么只是为了试验一些新的东西。2011年,我在一家公共机构开始了正常的朝九晚五的工作,我不想从任何风险投资中获得任何金钱上的好处,因此,我要么在试验自己的想法,要么就像NeXT为史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)所做的那样,开发适合自己的产品。
I just want to add that all I've done over the years I've been hiding my Satoshi ID, or just to test something new. In 2011, I started a normal nine-to-five job in a public agency, and I didn't want any financial benefit from any risk investment, so I'm either testing my ideas or developing products that suit myself, as NeXT did for Steve Jobs.
I am determined to provide our next generation with a "safe future" away from online abuse and harassment of our children.
The numbers fascinated me.
I use them in my daily life as fanatics in digital methology and astrology. I believe God is the greatest mathematician, because everything around us can be considered numbers.
God created the world in six days. Different religions have six working days a week. The six branches of the Minora Book have six days, the Old Testament 24 volumes and the Khan's 24 copies.
There are many different spoken languages in the world, but the language of the numbers is common. The numbers have no accents or dialects. Our names can be converted to numbers. When you study religion, they all think that numbers are important.
当我研究比特币时,数字给我发出了强烈的信号。我的姓名,电子邮件地址,域名注册日期 - 一切都与数字相关联。一个或两个加密可能被视为巧合,但一切都吻合时就不再是巧合了。
When I studied Bitcoin, the numbers sent me a strong signal. My name, e-mail address, domain name registration date -- everything is linked to numbers. One or two encryptions may be considered coincidences, but it's no longer coincidence when everything matches.
在迦勒底数字命理学中,BCCI( 国际商业信贷银行)等于数字9,其中元音等于数字1,辅音等于数字8.这就是我将原始2008比特币白皮书的长度设定为9页的原因。
In Chaldean digital mechanics, BCCI (International Business Credit Bank) is equal to number 9, in which the vowels are equal to number 1 and the supporting notes are equal to number 8. That is why I set the original 2008 bitcoin white paper to nine pages.
The length of the 2008 Bitcoin White Paper is based on BCCI value 9.
数字23对我来说很重要,因为2 + 3=5。数字5与水星有关,水星在占星术中被称为上帝的使者。因此,数字5对我来说具有重要意义。
The number 23 is important to me because it's 2 + 3 = 5. The number 5 is related to Mercury, which is called the angel of God in the astrology. So the number 5 is important to me.
The choice of the word "bitcoin" was obtained from BCCI because the word "bitcoin" was equivalent to number 23 in the Chaldean digital mythology, and the number was equal to number 5. I wanted to equate the name of BCCI to the name of Bitcoin, so I added "The" in BCCI. Although I first registered BCI as a domain name, the "theBCCI" was equivalent to number 23.
The perfect digital match between Bitcoin and BCCI relates to the registered domain name "theBCCI.net" on 18 November 2008.
The Bitcoin limit is 21 million.
In the eight years since I left Bitcoin, a lot of speculation has been made about bitcoin. When no one can find the truth, imagination is crazy. Social media can magnify this confusion.
As an example, an online article a month ago entered into a detailed, purely speculative interpretation of how I chose the supply limit of 21 million bits.
In simple terms, using the Chaldean Digital Mathematics as my guide, I set the Bitcoin supply limit at 21 million in two ways, leading to the same result.
21是BCCI.net拥有的真实姓名所拥有的域名注册日期为2008年11月18日的总和。我想留下签名。(18-11-2008是1 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8=21)
21 is the sum of the domain names owned by BCCI.net with a real name dated 18 November 2008. I want to leave a signature. (18-11-2008 is 1 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 21)
21是木星(3)的数量,是财富的统治标志,与我母亲的名字相同,在乌尔都语中的意思是木星(21中的数字代表2 + 1=3)。
21 is the number of Jupiter (3), the symbol of the domination of wealth, the same name as my mother, meaning Jupiter in Urdu (21 figures represent 2 + 1 = 3).
More Encryption
我从2007年开始研究分布式的数字货币。2008年10月31日,当2008年的经济衰退一败涂地之时,我发表了白皮书《比特币:一个对等的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)。选择这个日期是有原因的,因为这个数字加起来是15,和商业银行的命理数字是一样的。
I started researching distributed digital currencies in 2007. On October 31, 2008, when the economic recession in 2008 collapsed, I published a white paper, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This date was chosen for a reason, because the figure was 15, which is the same as that of commercial banks.
I'm using my philosophy to reach the date of publication of the Bitcoin White Paper.
I chose 32 = 23 for BCCI.net and bitcoin.org.
我选择2009年1月3日(3-1-2009,或3 + 1+ 2 + 0 + 0 + 9=15)作为Genesis Block的创建日期。
I chose 3 January 2009 (3-1-2009, or 3+1+2+0+0+9=15) as the date of creation of Genesis Block.
On 3 January 2009, I read The Times and saw the title I implied in the Genesis code: "On 3 January 2009, the Times Treasury Minister was on the verge of a second relief to the bank."
比特币Genesis Block中的加密消息。
Encrypted message in BitcoinGenesis Block.
Excerpt from the headline of the same day in the Times.
E-mail address and DOB
In 2008, I used Satoshin as a user name and e-mail Satoshin@gmx.com in the Bitcoin White Paper, without using any other e-mail address.
I did so because the 29th was the day I was born, and the 55th is the number of Nakamoto and Satoshin@gmx.com.
5 April 1975
我比1975年4月5日,我的公开资料中列出的出生日期年轻三岁。我的实际出生日期是1978年9月29日,或9-29-1978。如果你计算所有这些数字,这是我保持匿名的一种方式,9 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8=45。
I'm three years younger than the date of birth listed in my release on 5 April 1975. My actual date of birth is 29 September 1978, or 9-29-1978. If you calculate all these numbers, this is a way of keeping anonymous, 9+2+9+1+9+7+8=45.
在4月5 日进行研究时,我发现黄金的两个重要日期以及人们处理个人财富的规则发生了变化。1933年4月5日,富兰克林·罗斯福总统颁布了一项行政命令,规定在美国拥有黄金是非法的。1975年,美国人再次享有这样做的权利。如果你在数字命理学中计算1975年4月5日,它将变为42和4 + 2=6。
At the time of the study on April 5, I found that the two important dates of gold and the rules governing people’s handling of their personal wealth had changed. On April 5, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order making it illegal to possess gold in the United States. In 1975, Americans again enjoyed the right to do so. If you calculate the 5th of April, 1975, it would be 42 and 4 + 2 = 6.
The development phase of Bitcoin
By 2009, with the help of many talented international contributors, I had completed a number of initial development tasks on the Bitcoin code, ending my early vision. In dealing with different contributors, I was rather paranoid and protected by sharing my identity and knowledge with other developers, which is based on the need to understand.
Usually, the other developers I involved in the initial phase work only in some parts of the development phase and not in all. This usually means that I have to be very confident in dealing with developers without divulging too much information to them.
我有许多恐惧,即使是一个总是非常自由的人,不管他们是什么信仰,宗教,教派或国籍,如何爱着人类。 但与此同时,我观察了一些人如何对积极的事物给出消极的情绪。
I have many fears, even for a man who is always very free, whatever his faith, religion, sect, or nationality, how he loves human beings. But at the same time, I look at how some people have negative feelings about positive things.
I thought of that when I created Bitcoin. It seemed to me that Bitcoin was a revolution, but at the same time it was created by the Pakistanis at the time. My name and inspiration came from a bank called "The Evil" by the mainstream media, so, in retrospect, you can understand my fears.
Satoshi Mode
When my original e-mail address was hit by hackers, I saw some e-mails posing as my impostor. People didn't realize that simply entering two spaces after a complete stop would not make it me, because there was a reason behind it. When I developed bitcoin, I entered the Satoshi mode when I wrote each e-mail.
我的母语不是英语。在我成长的过程中,我的经验是,我所处的社会对你如何用英语阅读,写作和说话非常有判断力。 考虑到这一点,我真的意识到我对语言的运用。我会花几个小时在镜子前试图完善我的口音和发音。在我的一生中,我一直在努力改进和改善自己。
My mother tongue is not English. As I grew up, my experience was that my society was very judgmental about how you read, write, and speak in English. With this in mind, I really realized how I used my language. I spent hours trying to perfect my accent and pronunciation in front of the mirror. I've worked my whole life to improve and improve myself.
当我开始研究电子货币项目时,我非常小心,因为几乎所有的人都来自西方,我不想成为一个不擅长英语的人。我曾经向一些英国人求助; 其中一些人是优秀的英国文学教师。我曾经向不同的人发送两个三行的段落来纠正,所以他们无法准确理解我在做什么,然后他们会返回正确的版本。
When I started studying the e-money project, I was very careful, because almost all people came from the West and I didn't want to be an Englishian. I used to ask for help from some British; some of them were excellent English literature teachers. I sent two three-line paragraphs to different people to correct, so they couldn't understand exactly what I was doing, and then they would go back to the right version.
I can't remember the names of those I sent corrections or those I saw with my own eyes, but if they recognized me, they would be very welcome to see them.
The generation of 50-year-olds has been trained in typewriters. My generation has been trained in computers. On typewriters, people are used to leaving two spaces, so my English-speaking facilitators have two spaces to return.
这对我来说是一个独特的方面,所以我采用了这一招数作为Satoshi Nakamoto的签名写作,也使我自己看起来比我当时的真实年龄更老。
This is a unique aspect for me, so I used it as Satoshi Nakamoto's signature writing and made myself look older than I was then.
During my absence, I took the Satoshi model very consciously away, and I deliberately started writing English in a very unsymmetrical way, with spelling errors and sometimes even leaving blanks after the stop. I deliberately tried to make my English writing weak, because I didn't think of a man who wrote like me. I was very paranoid, and to not be considered Satoshi, I diluted everything."
A lot of setbacks.
Bitcoin is my passion. My vision is that one day it will change the entire banking system. But ironically, I also experienced serious financial problems myself from 2008 to 2009. I came to England to visit my former partners. But, in fact, both financially and personally, I am nothing. Most importantly, everything I have done in my life has failed.
I have encountered many setbacks in several of the undertakings I have tried, whether in the establishment and operation of medical records/e-health records, VoIP or broadband, hedge funds/financial management/debt management operations.
Everything I have encountered has been a great loss, betrayal and deception. But in the end, I have insisted on the valuable experience I have gained in the field of diversified commerce that I have tried.
Change of priorities
One of the things that I built in my heart is that I am a soldier. I've always imagined something that goes beyond this life, something that has a greater purpose. In January and February 2009, in England, the weather was very cold. In February, there was a severe storm, and I had no money.
I remember snowing at night when I was walking with some people on the street, and I thought that one day Bitcoin would take over all the banks that are now blocking me. In mid-2009, I met my future wife, and I knew that I wanted to settle down and enjoy some peace in my life, instead of investing time and energy in my business.
My settlement process in England began in 2010.
I therefore decided to invest in my personal/family life and live a peaceful life at home instead of looking into the strange world of Bitcoin at the time.
Bitcoin Mine
2009年,我用一台远程电脑和我的笔记本电脑挖出了98万比特币。正如哈尔芬尼(Hal Finney)在2013年发表的Bitcointalk文章中相当准确地解释的那样,"那些日子的难度是1,你可以用CPU甚至GPU找到block。"多年来,我学会了永远不要把重要数据留在远程或旧/冗余的硬盘上,因为它可以在正常格式/删除后恢复。
In 2009, I dug up 980,000 bits of money with a remote computer and my laptop. As Halfinney explained fairly accurately in Bitcointalk, published in 2013, "The difficulty of those days is that you can find Block with CPU or even GPU." Over the years, I learned never to leave important data on a remote or old/redundant hard disk because it can be restored after normal format/deletion.
I have experimented with how to permanently remove data from hard disks or remote computers using the Gutmann method and other methods/ algorithms, and I am also using a number of ways to protect Bitcoin wallets and how to not leave important bitcoin data.
I'm very careful not to put Wallet.dat files or private keys in redundant or back-up hard drives, because there was no secure cloud platform. As I described earlier, I was really paranoid.
First of all, I'm going to transfer all the relevant files to my Fuston Livebook laptop, and then to the macro-Aspire laptop. I keep the macro-plane laptop running all night long, testing it before transmitting all the valuable data. After transmitting the files from remote PC, I permanently delete all the data. I'm very careful not to leave the recoverable data on any remote PC or old laptop. Every computer I use remotely is cleared safely and for a short period of time.
Unfinished to continue
Is he Nakamoto? What do you think, boys? You're welcome to leave a message and discuss it with us!
This copyright is owned by the author. Do not reproduce it without permission. Authorized to reproduce it is to contact the author, with an indication of the place from which it is located, and the author will pursue the infringer’s legal responsibility in the event of a violation.
Author: Da Bai
Source: Winning and Finance - Nanjing Block Chain
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