On the night of 8 May, there was a block-chain currency called 作为圈外人,可能你在此之前完全没听说过SHIB是什么。 As an outsider, maybe you've never heard of what the SHIB is before. 但这并不重要,你只要知道SHIB和狗狗币一样,都是恶搞比特币衍生出的一种山寨币就行,最初一个币价值只有0.0000000000001美元,约等于0,一直被圈里人当笑话看,属于送出去都没人当回事的杂种币。 But it doesn't matter. All you need to know is that the SHIB, like the dog coins, is a bouncing-in-the-bit coin, first worth only US$0.000000001, which is about zero, and it's always been a joke in the circle, and that `strong' belongs to the nobody who sent it 然而这一切,都在5月8日下午发生剧变。 All of this, however, was dramatically changed on the afternoon of 8 May. 登陆火币交易所后,短短几个小时里,SHIB的身价最高涨幅超过400%,领跑币圈涨幅榜: In just a few hours, after landing at the Exchange, SHIB's prices rose by more than 400 per cent, leading the circle up the list: 看到热搜SHIB暴涨四倍后,微博同时也迎来了一轮狂欢。 When we saw a four-fold surge in the heat of the SHIB, Weibo also had a round of carnivals. 先是币圈里各路KOL纷纷发博,预言等明天SHIB上了Coinbase交易所后,必将成为下一代“万倍币”,迎来不可预估的“精彩收益”。 First, KOL’s presence in the currency circle is rife, and the prophecy is that by tomorrow’s SHIB’s entry into Coinbase, it will become the next generation of “millions of dollars” – an unforeseeable “beautiful gain”. 再是有大佬们亲自下场,晒出了自己去年8月份买过的1000块钱SHIB,因为单价低,当时他直接进了整整72000亿的货。 And the big guys came down with a thousand bucks SHIB they bought last August, because the unit price was low and he went straight into the entire $720 billion. 然而昨天中午,他手里的SHIB就已经暴涨到了2000w。 Yesterday at noon, however, the SHIB in his hand had skyrocketed to 2000w. 等到晚上SHIB正式冲上热搜时,手头的2000w翻番成了8000w。 The 2000w on hand doubled to 8,000w by the time SHIB officially hit the heat at night. 引用李安的名言,就是“我看不懂,但大受震撼”: To quote Li An, “I don't understand, but I'm shocked”: 同样的故事不止在大佬身上发生。 The same story doesn't just happen to the big guy. 比如下面这位休闲玩家,最早投入了850元,结果当晚十点的时候,都已经3w多了。 Here, for example, the leisure player, who first invested $850, turned out to be more than 3w by 10:00 p.m. that night. 又过了将近四个小时,凌晨时再评论时,你可以从文字里感受到他嘴角笑开花的得意: After nearly four hours, you can tell from the text that he's smiling and smiling: “笑死,现在5W了” 甚至是看到热搜后才立刻入场的人们,也都纷纷取得了不小的“卓越战果”。 Even those who entered immediately after seeing the heat of the search have achieved remarkable results. 睡前水微博随手买了6000SHIB,哥们一觉睡醒后就净赚了2360元: We bought 6,000 SHIB before we went to bed, and when we woke up, we made $2360: 也有人刚买了两个小时,手上的SHIB就翻了一倍,刚满心欢喜发完微博,结果继续顺手向下一拉—— Some people just bought it for two hours, and the SHIB on their hands doubled, and they started tweeting with joy, and they continued to pull the next one. 得,隔壁玩基金本来赔到自闭的女孩,睡了八小时美容觉,睡醒后当年损失了多少,现在都加倍赚回来了: Well, the next-door play fund paid off to the self-sustained girl, slept for eight hours and lost a lot of money when she woke up. 某种程度上,SHIB的疯狂增速,几乎是以肉眼可见为单位,玩的便是“每分每秒”都在加速的心跳。 To some extent, the mad acceleration of the SHIB is almost in the hands of the naked eye, and it is in the hearts that “every minute, every second” accelerates. 所谓“币圈一秒,人间十年”,有人盯着大盘仅仅十分钟,SHIB就又涨了1倍。 It's called "a second of currency, a decade of human life," and it's only 10 minutes before someone stares at it, and the SHIB doubles again. 平时996一百年赚不到的钱,如今弹指之间就呈指数倍数增长... The amount of money that you can't make in 996,100 years is now exponentially multiplied between your fingers... 如此高的收益和热度,立刻引来了许多各路此前对币圈毫无经验的小白。 The high yield and heat of 热搜话题下,许多人都在询问“该去哪里买SHIB”、“美区账号怎么注册”。 Under the hot topic, many people are asking, “Where do we go to buy the SHIB”, “How do we register the US District Account”. 甚至关掉微博后,就连LOL里嘴臭对线都随着讨论SHIB而变得peace&love: Even when the tweets were turned off, even LOL's mouth stinks and as the SHIB is discussed, it becomes peace and love: 为了能及时与国际接轨吃口热乎SHIB,昨天还路人直接冲进SHIB群连问了三遍: Yesterday, in order to be able to connect to the international saliva of SHIB, the passers-by went straight into the SHIB group three times: “谁有马克斯的联系方式!紧急求助!” 不管有钱没钱,在巨大利润和瞬息万变的局势下,有的人干脆已经放弃了判断。 , whether rich or not, has simply given up judgment in situations of great profit and rapid change. 在微博热搜下临时组建的SHIB群里,有人直接买了上万元的SHIB后直接把软件删了。 In the SHIB group, which was formed on a temporary basis in the context of a microblogging search, someone bought tens of thousands of dollars of SHIB and deleted the software directly. 只留下一句“我命由我不由天”,便光速退群,决定复刻大佬们的奇迹,五年后直接提款买房: Just leave a phrase, "My life is in my hands," and then I'll leave, and I'll decide to relive the wonders of the big guys. Five years later, I'll pay for the house. 而有人,因为手上没钱,便干脆决定趁母亲节,为妈妈献上一份“惊喜”: And some people, because they don't have money, just decide to give their mother a "surprise" on Mother's Day: 先借他妈的50w,然后再还他妈个100w: Lend the fucking 50-w, and then have the fucking 100-W: 本来看到这些我已经不知道说啥,结果有人算完这么一笔账后,我心态彻底崩了: I didn't know what to say when I saw this, and when someone did this, my mind went down: “SHIB去年8.1日在UNI发行,到目前为止涨了160万倍,意味着: “SHIB, launched at UNI in 8.1 last year, has so far increased 1.6 million times, meaning: 买1元赚160万、买10元赚1600万、买100元赚1.6个亿,买1000元赚16个亿,买10000赚160亿。” One dollar for 1.6 million, ten for 16 million, one hundred for 160 million, one thousand for 16 billion, and one hundred and ten hundred for 16 billion. 但凡这口SHI吃得早,我现在早都是个自由B了... But if the SHI eats early, I'm a free man now... 说到这里,我心头一惊,想起上个月班长就跟我约过的一个选题—— Speaking of which, I'm surprised to think of a question my class leader had asked me last month-- 上一次币圈出现一天暴涨400%的轰动事件,甚至要追溯到那一天,也就是今年4月20号。 The last time there was a one-day boom of 400 per cent in the currency ring, even dating back to that day, the 20th of April this year. 那一天,狗狗币暴涨400%,班长在那时就注意到了SHIB,并主动来提醒我,这个选题不但应该写,而且因为SHIB是蹭狗狗热度诞生的,回头也更应该多关注一下SHIB: On that day, when the dog's coin rose by 400 per cent, the class leader noticed the SHIB and took the initiative to remind me that the subject of 请注意时间和关键词, 本聊天记录如有虚构,班长天打雷劈 “不然吃屎也赶不上一口热乎的” “不然吃屎也赶不上一口热乎的” “不然吃屎也赶不上一口热乎的” 这是班长当年催我早点写稿的忠告,而我却因为懒惰和懒惰而直接无视了曾经脱口而出的财富密码。 This was the advice of the captain who urged me to write earlier, while I simply ignored the code of wealth that had come out of my mouth because of laziness and laziness. 问当事人什么心情,当事人心里比吃屎还难受。 asks the client how he feels and he feels worse than eating shit. 所以当这次SHIB上热搜后,我决定不拖稿了,SHIB的财富已经错过了,不能再错过SHIB选题的热度了! So after this heat check on the HIB, I decided not to drag it down. The HIB's fortune has already been missed, and the HIB's theme can't be missed any longer! SHIB到底是什么? 为什么会这么火? 没有人知道SHIB究竟发生了什么会突然爆火。 No one knows what's going to happen to the SHIB. 唯一的猜想是国外有网友发推特说:“如果投资者想短期交易SHIB柴犬币,可以,但不要考虑对SHIBA狗(柴犬)做同样的事情.....” The only guess is that online friends from abroad tweet, "If investors want to trade SHIB tags for a short time, yes, but don't think about doing the same thing with SHIBA dogs..." 结果马斯克转眼就在他推特下光速回复:“我正在寻找一只柴犬狗”,紧接着外界便普遍猜测马斯克即将为SHIB带货,SHIB开始上涨。 As a result, Mr. Mask responded at the speed of his tweets: “I'm looking for a wooddog,” immediately after the general speculation that Mr. Mask was about to bring goods to SHIB and that the SHIB was starting to rise. 此前狗狗币就是因为马斯克再三在推特夸赞、带货而走红,成为短期内虚拟货币中的顶流王者 Before that, the dog's money had been reded out because of Musk's repeated tweets and the delivery of goods, becoming the top of the virtual currency in the short term. 但猜测只是猜测,其实没人能弄明白马斯克的真实意图。 But guessing is speculation, and no one can really figure out the real intentions of Mask. 在SHIB暴涨初期,甚至有人劝“韭菜”们: In the early years of the SHIB boom, even the hyenas were persuaded: “马斯克发推是想说他养了一只真秋田犬,不是给币带货,买SHIB就等着被割吧”: "Mask's going to say he's got a real Autumn dog, not for money. > > : 虽然老哥唱衰SHIB最后却反过来锤了自己的脸,但若从SHIB诞生之初的历史来看,却也不难理解外界为什么以前并不看好SHIB—— Even though my brother sang SHIB and finally he hammered his face back, it's not hard to understand why the outside world didn't see SHIB in the beginning of the life of the SHIB-- 作为山寨币,SHIB其实很孤独。 SHIB is really lonely. 他的LOGO是一只柴犬,虽然名义上他还有另外两个兄弟,分别是狗狗币(DOGE)和秋田犬币(AKITA)。 His LOGO is a wooddog, although he has two other brothers, Doge and Akita, respectively. 但其实这三头狗里,大哥DOGE自打被马斯克领养后便一路升空去了月球,而兄弟AKITA虽然没有大富大贵,却也算是小有名堂。 But in fact, of these three dogs, Big Brother Douge went all the way to the Moon since he was adopted by Muskeh, and Brother AKITA, although not rich and wealthy, was a small man. 唯独蹭着大哥DOGE热度诞生的SHIB小柴犬,打一出生开始,就没有爹妈“养”—— Only the SHIB wooddog, born of Big Brother Doge's heat, had no parents to raise from the moment he was born. 主要原因是SHIB的团队虽然有钱,但却不愿意为创造SHIB花一分钱,甚至不愿意花手续费让SHIB登陆交易平台。 The main reason is that the team in the SHIB, although rich, is not willing to spend a penny to create the SHIB, or even to pay for SHIB's access to the trading platform. 打一开始,SHIB就是一条有人生,没人花钱养的小狗崽子: At the beginning, the SHIB was a living dog with no money: 不肯花钱的原因,是SHIB的创始人Ryoshi一直都有一个迷思,很有人类学社会学色彩: The reason why you won't pay is that the founder of the SHIB, Ryoshi, has always had a myth, anthropological sociology: “当今世界,每个人出生时都以家庭为起点来成长,而无论是发明还是创业,也都是在一定物质和环境基础上进行的工作。 “In today's world >, everyone is born with a family as their starting point, and whether inventing or starting a business is a work done on a certain material and environmental basis. 难道就没有一件事情,可以真正做到起点是“从0开始”吗?” Can't there really be a starting point at 0? ? 正是怀着这样的梦想,Ryoshi才在聊天软件Telegram上建立团队,决定从自己最擅长的虚拟货币领域出发,来践行一场围绕“一切归0”展开的社会实验: It was with this dream that Ryoshi set up a team on the chat software Telegram and decided to embark on a social experiment around , based on what he was best at doing in the virtual currency field: 为了确保SHIB做到各种意义上的“归零”,Ryoshi做了几件非常绝的事情: to ensure that the SHIB is “zero” in all its meanings, Ryoshi has done a few very important things: . 首先,Ryoshi和团队对SHIB项目的整体投入为0,没错,SHIB代码是山寨的,没有任何技术创新。 First of all, Ryoshi and the team invested zero overall in the SHIB project. Yes, the SHIB code is a fortress with no technological innovations. 而且在SHIB的定价上,Ryoshi也做到了“极限约等于0”:0.0000000000001。 In addition, on the price of the SHIB, Ryoshi has achieved a “ceremonial limit of about 0”: 0.00000000001. 其次,SHIB创始团队本身便没有拥有过任何一枚SHIB,哪怕是Ryoshi,也得花钱自己买才能拥有SHIB。 Secondly, the SHIB founding team itself did not own any SHIB, and even Ryoshi had to pay for it to own the SHIB. 在SHIB出世后很长一段时间,他们甚至连一份项目白皮书都没公布过,就连推特还时不时会被冒充一回: For a long time after the birth of the SHIB, they had not even published a white paper on the project, and even Twitter would be faked once and for all: 这一切听起来寒酸,但也意味着SHIB完全是一个由志愿者构成、去中心化的虚拟货币组织。 It all sounds sour, but it also means that the SHIB is a decentralised virtual monetary organization made up of volunteers. 过去很多虚拟货币虽然都在强调“公正、诚实”,但只要项目创始团队和项目有一丝利益相关,都不能算作绝对的去中心化,韭菜们依旧随时都有被割的可能性。 In the past, many virtual currencies, while emphasizing “fairness and honesty”, did not amount to absolute decentralization as long as the project's founding team and project had a stake in it, and scavengers were still at risk of being cut at any time. 但Ryoshi打项目开始,就把自己和韭菜们放在了一模一样的起跑线之上,所谓众生平等。 But Ryoshi started the project by placing himself and the pickles on the exact same starting line, so-called human equality. 不但如此,Ryoshi还把最初1000万亿总量发行的一半SHIB直接打给了V神——市值第二高的加密货币以太坊(ETH)的创始人,区块链界真正的大佬。 In addition, Ryoshi directly called V-God, founder of the second-highest-market encrypted currency, the real big man in the block chain, half of the original $100 trillion in circulation of the SHIB. 把500万亿的SHIB打给V神,目的主要是是信任V神不会再动用这500万亿的SHIB,约等于直接销毁了一半SHIB,来提升SHIB在市场中的价值。 The main purpose of calling V God of the 500 trillion-billion-dollar SHIB is to trust V God in not using the 500-billion-dollar SHIB, which is equivalent to the direct destruction of about half of the SHIB to enhance its value in the market. 另一方面,Ryoshi还做了一件更为韭菜“暖心”的举动。 Ryoshi, on the other hand, made a more rosy move. 为了避免“屎壳郎”们玩SHIB玩到血本无归,Ryoshi用剩下的500万亿个SHIB和10个ETH做了一个“化粪池”。 In order to avoid SHIB playing with SHIB, Ryoshi made a “feed tank” with the remaining 500 trillion SHIBs and 10 ETHs. 化粪池相当于SHIB的镜像世界,里面会因为SHIB的持有者越多,而积累越来越多的ETH,而这些ETH因为私钥被销毁而无法被第三方取现。 The septic tank is equivalent to the mirror world of the SHIB, where more and more ETHs are accumulated because of the number of SHIB holders, and these ETHs cannot be retrieved by third parties because their private keys are destroyed. 而“屎壳郎”手里的SHIB一旦因为市场GG而卖不出去,至少大家依旧可以用SHIB在化粪池里换回金额不等的ETH,至于能换回多少,全看当天汇率: And once the SHIB in the hands of the "Shit-Hell Man" can't sell because of the market GG, at least one can trade SHIB for ETHs in the septic tank, so how much can be exchanged, depending on the rate of exchange of the day: 这样一来二去,在虚拟货币的世界里,SHIB无疑是“最良心大大的有”的货币之一。 SHIB is undoubtedly one of the most conscientious currencies in a virtual currency world. Ryoshi本人也有着另一个更为宏伟的愿念: Ryoshi himself has another more ambitious wish: 在未来,他希望在SHIB一切始于0后,能够再次做到一切归于0。 in the future, he hopes to be able to do it again after the SHIB begins at zero. 只不过这一次的归零,Ryoshi要归的,是SHIB起初定价0.0000000000001那个小数点后的0。 Only this time it's zero, and Ryoshi's return is zero after the initial SHIB price of 0.00000000001. 在这场全世界韭菜“众生平等”的游戏里,SHIB的终极理想,便是诞生于0,最后小数点归零,直接冲向一个我计算器都计算不出的财富翻番倍数: In this game of "Equal Life" of the world's cuisine, the ultimate ideal of the SHIB is that it is born at zero and the last decimal point is zero, and it doubles the wealth that I can't calculate by my calculator: SHIB起飞后, 币圈成了“神奇动物在哪里” 某种程度上说,SHIB最后出圈,和他令“韭菜”们“信任”、并能把所有人团结起来的机制一定有所关系。 To a certain extent, the SHIB ended up in circles and must have something to do with the mechanisms that he “trusted” the “breaths” and brought all of them together. 号称“中国比特币首富”的李笑来,曾经爆出过一段录音,在里头说了不少真心话,其中包括: Li's laughter, known as “China's richest bitcoin”, made a sound recording and said a lot of truth in it, including: “傻逼的共识也是共识” 无论是去年韭菜们起义血洗华尔街,还是狗狗币、SHIB们的崛起,似乎都是对这句话最好的回应。 Whether it was last year's uprising against Wall Street, or the rise of the dog coins, the SHIBs, seems to be the best response to this statement. 国内狗狗币第一推手,人称“宝二爷”的郭宏才,就是在今年春节串门时发现一个小女孩在玩狗狗币后嗅到风向,觉得这个在年轻人群体很有存在感的币大有可为,随后不但自己砸重金、用比特币买,还在直播间里直接为狗狗币喊单,表示要“亲自扛起国内狗狗币的大旗”。 Guo Hong, the country's first pusher, known as Second Master Bo, discovered this spring that a young girl, after playing with the dog coin, smelled the wind, felt that it was a very promising currency for young people, and then not only hit the gold himself, bought it in bitcoin, but also called directly for the dogbill in the live room, saying that “the strong himself carried the big flag of the country's dogbi 结果不久后,狗狗币就从最低点5分上涨到了2元一个,翻了整整200倍。 Soon thereafter, the dog price rose from a minimum of five to two dollars, a full 200-fold increase. 用“傻逼”的方式解构一切自大的精英势力,不止是狗狗三兄弟。 To deconstruct all arrogant elites in a “dick” way, it's not just the three brothers of dogs. 最近币圈里同样因此“起飞”的,还有在一周涨幅超过1000%的猪币: In recent times, there have also been an increase of more than 1,000 per cent in the currency circle: 在主流交易所的成交额排行榜上,更是形成了“狗屎齐飞”“双狗齐飞”,力压比特币、以太坊这些传统大哥的壮观景象: On the mainstream exchange score list, there is a spectacular view of the traditional brothers >, pressured by bitcoin, and Etheria: 除了站在风口上的猪币火了,猫币、鸭子币、月亮鼠币、蚂蚁币、斗牛犬币、哈士奇币...都已经默默出世,构建起了一套币圈动物世界矩阵。 In addition to the fire of pigs standing in the wind, cat, duck, moon, ant, bulldog, Haschchi... have all been born silently, building up a currency animal world matrix. 昨天SHIB刚飞起来我刷微博时,就已经看到已经有KOL在预言下一个即将飞起来的货币,会是“兔币”: Yesterday, as soon as the SHIB flew, when I was doing my tweets, I saw that there was already KOL predicting that the next currency to fly would be the Rabbit: 或许曾经看到这些论调时,我会本能否定“这不都是胡逼搞的山寨币们,不可能吧”: Perhaps when I saw these arguments, I could have denied that "this isn't all pranks, it's impossible": 但现在回过头再看,当年顶住外界否定,当年那些心态稳如老狗坚信梦想的老哥,最后却都修成了正果,从此财富自由,退出贴吧,成为了一代传奇: But now look back and look back at the fact that the old man, who had a stable mind like an old dog who believed in his dreams, had finally made a difference, and that he was free to leave the world, and became a legend: 2017年斥资6万元买下1000万个狗狗币的老哥,坚守到了2021年4月7日,成为千万富翁。 The brother, who spent $60,000 in 2017 to buy 10 million puppies, stood firm until 7 April 2021 and became a millionaire. 类似的故事还有很多,在币圈里,总有人硬着头皮最后顶开了财富铁门,也总有人因为犹豫最后被现实狠狠打脸。 There are many similar stories, and in the currency circles, there are those who end up with their heads on the iron door of wealth, and those who end up being beaten hard in the face by reality because of hesitation. 对一些人来说,或许玩币本身就是一种梭哈—— For some, perhaps currency plays are a kind of a ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. “就是玩儿,就是玩儿,大家一起当区块链弄潮儿!NEW逼就完事了嗷铁子!” "To play, to play, to play, to be part of the chain!" 于是,牛逼币就诞生了: is born. 马斯克曾经在CLUBHOUSE里说过,“未来狗狗币或许会成为全球通货,但这样太讽刺了”。 As Musk once said in CLUBHOUSE, “The future of ”. 但下半句,他却又补充道:“但命运,总是充满讽刺的。” But at the end of the sentence, he added, "But fate is always ironic." 朋友有一次去广州一个城中村里,就见到了一家同时支持“比特币”、“以太坊”、“莱特币”、“TXT币”的神迹饺子馆。 On one occasion, a friend went to a town village in Guangzhou and saw a tadpole that also supported “bitcoin”, “Etheria”, “Letcoin” and “TXT coin”. 怀着惶恐的内心想进店膜拜一波老板,才从现任老板的嘴里得知,卖饺子收比特币的前任老板,早都财富自由,把店转兑了: He wanted to go to the shop with fear, but he learned from the current boss that the former owner who sold dumplings to pick up bitcoin was free to trade the shop: 遥想20世纪60、70年代,全人类都在围观美苏的“太空争霸”,见证了人类进入了太空,登上了月球,并开始在科幻片里幻想星际旅行、殖民外星..... Thinking of the 1960s and 1970s, when all of humanity watched the "space race" of the USS, witnessed the human race into space, the moon, and began to fantasize about interstellar travel, colonial extraterrestrials in sci-fi films... 半个多世纪过去了,全人类依然在呼唤“To The Moon”,只是主角换成了“狗狗币”、“屎币”,而他们的梦想是一夜暴富,从此过上不劳而获的自由生活...... More than half a century later, the whole human race continues to call for the "To The Moon", but instead of the protagonists for the "dogbill" and "poofbill", their dream is to live a free life free from all the trouble they've had... 有人说这是人类文明的堕落,而在这场击鼓传花的骗局里,绝大多数人都将沦为被收割韭菜。 It is said to be the degradation of human civilization, and in this ploy to beat flowers, the vast majority of people will be reduced to cucumbers. 有人说这本就是一个疯狂的时代,理性会成为你适应这个时代的阻碍。 Some say that this is an era of madness, where reason is an obstacle to your adaptation. 还有人说,狗狗币、“屎币”的暴涨,是庶民的胜利。 It has also been said that the surge in dog coins, “peasant coins”, was a victory for the masses. 可以肯定,已经成为主角的那两条狗,将一直看着我们每一个人。 Surely, the two dogs who have become the protagonists will always look at each and every one of us. 不论如何,别让它们,成为吞噬你的魔戒。 In any case, do not let them become the Ring that devours you.
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