科普 | 如何分析比特币十年价格历史?

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Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin has attracted global attention with its amazing price spikes and volatility. This paper will provide an in-depth analysis of the history of bitcoin prices, reveal the drivers behind it, reveal the intrinsic logic of price changes and look ahead to future trends using three methods: technical analysis, fundamentals analysis, and emotional analysis.

科普 | 如何分析比特币十年价格历史?


1. 价格高峰与市值:比特币历经五次重大价格高峰,一度触及约6.4万美元的历史新高,市值曾高达7100亿美元,占加密货币市场半壁江山。尽管2022年12月市值回落至3239亿美元,但其表现仍超越传统资产,展现出强大的生命力。

price peaks and market values : After five major price peaks, Bitcoin reached a historic high of about $640 million, with a market value of $710 billion, representing half of the encrypt currency market.

2. 影响因素:比特币价格深受政治、经济、监管动态及市场情绪影响,如Mt.Gox黑客事件、2020年股市崩盘等短期冲击,以及技术发展、市场需求、政策法规等长期因素的交织作用。

influencing factors : Bitcoin prices are heavily influenced by political, economic, regulatory dynamics and market sentiment, such as the Mt. Gox hacker incident, short-term shocks such as the stock market crash in 2020, and the interplay of long-term factors such as technological development, market demand, and policy regulation.


1. 技术分析:利用历史价格走势与成交量数据预测未来市场动向。如通过计算50日移动平均线(SMA),当比特币价格突破该线时,可能预示价格反弹。

technical analysis : Use historical price trends and transactional data to predict future market movements. If the 50-day moving average line (SMA) is calculated, price rebounds may be predicted when bitcoin prices break through that line.

2. 基本面分析:关注项目内在价值数据,如比特币交易量的增长,反映其网络活跃度与价值潜力。若交易量持续上升,可能推动价格上涨。

fundamentals analysis : Focus on project intrinsic value data, such as the growth of Bitcoin transactions, reflecting their network activity and value potential.

3. 情绪分析:借助市场情绪预测价格走势。如比特币相关的Google趋势搜索激增,暗示市场情绪积极,可能带动价格上涨。

Emotional Analysis : Forecasting price trends with market sentiment. For example, there has been a surge in Google trend searches associated with Bitcoin, implying that market sentiment is positive and may drive price increases.


1. 初始阶段:比特币早期流动性极低,主要在BitcoinTalk论坛等社区以OTC方式交易。首个区块由中本聪开采,完成首笔交易,彼时价格仅为0.01美元以下。

The initial phase of : Bitcoin’s early liquidity is extremely low and is traded mainly through OTC in communities such as the BitcoinTalk Forum.

2. 市场发展:随着比特币价格与知名度提升,加密货币交易平台与暗网市场等小众领域开始推动交易量增长。这些平台的安全风险与监管压力对价格产生显著影响。

Market development : As bitcoin prices and visibility rises, smaller areas such as crypto-currency trading platforms and dark-net markets begin to drive trade growth. Security risks and regulatory pressures on these platforms have a significant impact on prices.


1. 监管环境:当前监管对加密货币的了解加深,政策收紧或放宽均会对比特币价格产生影响,如某国禁止比特币流通或对其开放接纳。

Regulatory environment : Current regulation has a better understanding of encrypted currencies, and policy tightening or liberalization can have an impact on the price of a bitcoin, such as a country's ban on the circulation of bitcoin or its opening up to it.

2. 全球经济状况:通胀国家居民购入比特币对冲风险,经济危机如委内瑞拉事件、2020年股市崩盘等促使比特币成为价值存储手段,经济不确定性增强其吸引力。

2. The global economic situation : Residents of inflation countries purchase hedge risks in bitcoin. The economic crisis, such as the events in Venezuela and the stock market crash of 2020, have helped to make bitcoin a value-storage tool, and economic uncertainty has made it more attractive.

3. 企业接纳:PayPal、Square等大公司对加密货币的支持提振市场信心,零售商接受比特币支付亦推高价格。反之,如特斯拉暂停接受比特币支付导致价格骤降。

Enterprises accept : The support of major companies such as PayPal and Square for encrypted money boosts market confidence, and retailers accept bitcoin payments and push prices up. Conversely, Tesla's suspension of Bitcoin payments leads to a sharp drop in prices.

4. 投机与衍生品:投机活动与比特币合约等衍生品增加市场对资产的需求,同时做空行为给价格带来下行压力,表明比特币价格不再单纯由效用决定。

speculation and derivatives : Speculation and derivatives such as Bitcoin contracts increase market demand for assets, while empty behaviour puts downward pressure on prices, suggesting that bitcoin prices are no longer determined by utility alone.



The price of Bitcoin has fluctuated significantly since its inception, and various factors have had a profound impact on it. Despite the volatility, prices have risen significantly at an early stage, far beyond the NASDAQ 100 index and gold. Its 10-year average compound growth rate (CAGR) reached 196.7%, with five price peaks, in June 2011, April 2013, December 2017 and April 2021.



Short-term price behaviour is strongly influenced by external factors, such as political and economic activity, such as the Mt. Gox hacking incident, which led to a short-term collapse in Bitcoin prices.



In the long term, small, insignificant events have a weak impact on prices and require models to interpret overall price trends. The following is a description of two basic analytical models and two technical analytical models:

1. 基本面分析:库存流量比率模型 —— 基于比特币有限供应量与产量递减特性,计算库存流量比率,以此预测价格。模型虽准确度高,但存在未来预测趋于无穷大的问题。

Basics Analysis: The Stock Flow Ratio Model - Calculates the Stock Flow Ratio as a way of predicting prices based on the limited supply of bitcoin and the diminishing production properties. The model is highly accurate, but there are problems with future projections.

2. 基本面分析:梅特卡夫定律 —— 将比特币网络价值与活跃地址数量关联,反映网络价值随用户数平方增长。通过计算网络价值与梅特卡夫值的比率,判断市场是否被高估或低估。

Basics Analysis: Metkaf Law - Links the value of the Bitcoin network to the number of active addresses, reflecting the value of the network growing in squares with the number of users. By calculating the value of the network to the value of the Metkaf, the market is judged to be overestimated or underestimated.

3. 技术分析:比特币对数增长曲线 —— 根据历史价格数据绘制对数增长曲线,揭示价格随时间呈规律性波动,与实际价格历史吻合度高。

Technical analysis of : Bitcoin logarithmic growth curve - Draws a logarithmic growth curve based on historical price data that reveals regular price fluctuations over time, consistent with actual price history.

4. 技术分析:超波浪理论 —— 基于投资者情绪周期性波动构建价格模型,将价格走势划分为多个阶段,与比特币历史价格走势有较高拟合度。

Technical analysis of : superwave theory - Price modelling based on investor emotional cyclical fluctuations, dividing price trends into multiple phases, with a high degree of alignment with historical price trends in Bitcoin.


In conclusion, the history of Bitcoin prices has been shaped by multiple factors, and the model of technology, fundamentals, and emotional analysis provides a multifaceted perspective for understanding price changes. While past performance does not guarantee future gains, the amazing growth and market dominance that Bitcoin has displayed in just 12 years has undoubtedly added unlimited space to its future.




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