Cathie Wood爐邊對話實錄:比特幣2030年會漲至150萬美元,遊戲將整合AI與區塊鏈技術

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:41 评论:0
HashKey Capital CEO DC和ARK Invest的CEO兼首席投資長Cathie Wood在香港Web3嘉年華開幕式上進行了圓桌對話,談論了AI、比特幣價格、監管等話題。 Cathie Wood認為比特幣有很好的抗貶值能力...



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HashKey Capital CEO DC和ARK Invest的CEO兼首席投資長Cathie Wood在香港Web3嘉年華開幕式上進行了圓桌對話,談論了AI、比特幣價格、監管等話題。 Cathie Wood認為比特幣有很好的抗貶值能力,看好AI和區塊鏈在遊戲領域的應用,再次重申其機構認為比特幣在2030年將漲至150萬美元。

HashKey Capital CEO DC and CEO and Chief Investment Administrator of ARK Invest conducted a round-table conversation at the opening of Hong Kong’s Web3 carnival in Hong Kong, discussing AI, Bitcoin prices, supervision, etc. Cathi Wood believes that bitcoins have a good anti-intrusion capacity, and sees the applications of AI and sector chains in the game domain, reiterating that its structure believes that bitcoins will rise to $1.5 million in 2030.

Cathie Wood爐邊對話實錄:比特幣2030年會漲至150萬美元,遊戲將整合AI與區塊鏈技術

Cathie Wood: Bitcoins will rise to $1.5 million in 2030 and the game will integrate AI with block-link technology


Here's the conversation:

DC:各位早安! (對於今天的圓桌對話)我感受到一點壓力,但也非常開心非常興奮,我來自HashKey Capital,我們公司是Web3行業裡一線的機構投資方,資產管理規模(AUM)超10億美元,被投計畫500+,2015年開始在新加坡正式展業。

DC: Good morning, everyone! I feel a little pressure, but I'm also very happy and excited. I'm from HashKey Capital, a first-line investor in the Web 3 industry, with more than $1 billion in asset management, invested in 500+ and started operating in Singapore in 2015.

今天的圓桌我們邀請到了Cathie Wood,她在投資領域有多年的經驗,非常高興她能加入我們。在深入討論之前想先問一下Cathie,您要不要跟大家問好?

We've invited Cathy Wood to the round table today. She's had many years of experience in the field, and she's very happy to join us. Before we go into the discussion, I'd like to ask Cathy if you'd like to say hello.

Cathie Wood:非常高興能參與今天的圓桌對話,很遺憾我不能親自到現場,但我非常榮幸能夠受邀參加今天的大會。剛剛聽到很多香港官員們、重要領導者的對話,對此我受到了很大的鼓舞,希望今天我也可以帶給大家一些來自美國的觀點和視野。

Cathie Wood: It is a great pleasure to be at today’s round table, and it is a pity that I can’t be here personally, but it is a great pleasure to be invited to today’s meeting. I am very encouraged to hear a lot of conversations from Hong Kong officials and important leaders, and I hope that today I can also bring you some views and perspectives from the United States.


DC: The guests invited today are experts from the regional chain, financial science and technology field, and Cathi will give us predictions of the mainstream and the latest trends.

我想問一下,過去幾年,Ark Investment的大方向是什麼?在未來還會如何影響區塊鏈裡單一的業務或個人?

Let me ask, what is the direction of Ark Investment in the past few years? How will it affect single businesses or individuals in the chain in the future?

Cathie Wood:這是個很大的問題,在過去幾年可以看到比特幣、區塊鏈技術逐步成熟,我想這是一個非常宏大的概念。為什麼我說這是一個非常大的概念呢?因為從比特幣角度出發的網路金融體係都是互相相關的,整個系統在1990年網路初期是沒有被考慮到的。

Cathie Wood: This is a big problem, and I think it is a very ambitious idea to see bitcoin and block chain technology mature in the last few years. Why do I say this is a very big concept? Because Internet finance from bitcoins is all about each other, and the entire system was not taken into account in the early 1990s.


E-commerce and the financial system are all beginning to be affected by Web3. The most significant impact is that many developments are still at a very early stage, a market that needs to be developed globally, across borders, and reach everyone.


What is very exciting today is that web3 is slowly taking shape, for example, by generating AI’s boosters, such as the emergence of centuries-old phone calls, television, and other inventions. Technology can boost productivity and income, and there are better ways to live, and people can enjoy life and private time in a better way, making it much more effective when everyone wakes up.


By 30% and 40% in 2010, we will have made a much better allocation in the next 5-10 years. Digital assets have been growing to the mainstream over the past few years, and there are other “digital assets” besides bitcoins that can not only be done better in the cattle market, but also to avoid risk.


DC: Let's move on to AI, which is now a very hot topic in Silicon Valley and which has attracted widespread attention in Hong Kong.


How do you think AI's going to integrate into the chain through technology? What do you think it's going to do in Web3?

Cathie Wood:你的問題非常好,我們每個月會有比特幣腦力激盪的活動,在談到AI跟比特幣整合時也做了Podcast分享,我們認為大家會學到所謂的網路經濟,不管是Uber也好,Airbnb也好,有很多在亞洲的土地上落地開花。在未來大家會慢慢看到它的好處,尤其是對開發中國家來說,例如非洲,它會帶來非常快速的改變。

Cathie Wood: Your problem is very good. We have bit currency brain attacks every month, Podcasts when it comes to the integration of AI with bitcoins, and we think that you will learn about the so-called Internet economy, whether Uber or Airbnb or Uber, and a lot of land in Asia. In the future, you will slowly see its benefits, especially for developing countries, such as Africa, which will change very quickly.


At the same time, it is interesting to see that chain technology and games will be driven and promoted to a greater extent by AI technology. The other day, I saw Sony's investment in the game and Polygon's investment in Blockchain, and I see that more and more money will be injected into the field.


NFL’s NFLRivals and Polkadot, for example, will have more and more games projects that integrate AI technology, sector-link technology, and create more interesting products. In 2014, Weideldo was very serious about the development of this piece, and I am very confident that the integration of GPU and Gaming in Great Britain has been a successful case, and I am sure that in the future it will be the main area of development.


At the heart of AI is the desire to give us faster handling skills, the game is always at the cutting edge of the times, and the results in the field of the game are meant to be ready.


I've been to a famous convention before, in Miami, Bitcoin, where more and more people will come to the virtual market and combine it with existing creativity, rather than simply making virtual currency deals. In "F1", it can be seen that more and more chain technology will be injected into it, and more and more users will join us.

DC:我們現在把方向轉回虛擬資產,再一次恭喜你,ArkInvest的Bitcoin Spot ETF成功上市,你認為對於數位資產ETF產業來說,最重要的里程碑是什麼? ETF超過了50億美元?還是有什麼樣明確的成長指標可以當作里程碑?

DC: Let's turn back to virtual assets. Congratulations again on ArkInvest's Bitcoin Spot ETF's successful listing. What do you think the most important milestones for the digital ETF industry are?

Cathie Wood:很多人都很驚訝,過去五年歐洲就可以做交易了,但他們從來沒有像美國這樣突然暴衝的狀況,在美國總是有很多戲劇性事件的發生,大家也知道最近美國的訴訟,從監管角度來看SEC等美國監管機構只要碰到Crypto,只要碰到虛擬,就非常抵觸,所以訴訟讓我們邁進很大的一步,慢慢讓美國的監管機構理解到虛擬貨幣、比特幣是可以安全交易的,在某個程度上可以受到規範且進行安全交易,這次他們一共批了11個ETF項目,這是從來沒有發生過的一件事,在歷史上也是第一次,所以我們開始盡我們最大的努力做行銷、做投資人教育,給予投資人更多教育的培育培訓,讓他們更理解怎麼樣在裡面操作。

Cathie Wood: Many people are surprised that Europe has been able to make a deal for the last five years, but they have never been as violent as the United States, that there have always been a lot of dramatic events in the United States, and you know that the recent United States complaint that SEC and other United States surveillance agencies have encountered Crypto from a supervisory point of view has been very counterproductive as long as they have been exposed to fiction, so the complaint has led us to take a great step forward, slowly making American regulators understand that virtual coins, bitcoins are safe to trade, that they can be subject to regulation at some point in time, that they have approved 11 ETFs, and that this is the first time in history, so we have started to do our best to sell, invest in education, and give more education to investors, so that they can understand more about how to operate in it.


Like in the United States, where a very, very large number of clients are beginning to realize that even completely different domains can be invested, there are more and more institutions and investors willing to put their money in real terms, because this domain is compatible with other domains, without hooking up, and of course there are risks in bitcoins, cattle and bears, but unlike other coins (yellow money) that can be associated with many factors, how can bitcoins have a stand-alone stand-alone stance? Because it has asset independence, if you put it in a portfolio, because it does not mix with other things, it can increase the rate of return and avoid more risks by doing so.


There is a great deal of interest in low hook products for some investors in the United States who are willing to try.


DC: Yes, very happy to have open and transparent government leaders in Hong Kong, leading the industry and giving a lot of good policy. I want to hear your advice. What do you think about the Web3 community in Asia?

Cathie Wood:我覺得你們非常了不起,香港的監管機構例如SFC做的非常好,提供了很全面的管理架構,讓虛擬資產商品可以交易,而且有很多對於機構監管的方法和機制。監管透明度對於產業的發展、對科技的發展是至關重要的,也讓科技發展更有底氣。

Cathie Wood: I think you're amazing. Hong Kong’s regulatory institutions, such as the SFC, are very good, providing a comprehensive regulatory structure that allows virtual goods to be traded, and there are many ways and mechanisms for institutional oversight. Transparency in regulation is important for the development of industry, technology, and technology.


Hong Kong is very different from the United States, and Hong Kong is a fast-growing country, and I often talk about this in a global financial conference. In terms of policy, Hong Kong is a “lead sheep”, encouraging the development of new technologies, encouraging the input of entrepreneurs, and working with the government to provide a good model and model for institutions.


Even though there is a lot of uncertainty in the US, Hong Kong has seen how to monetize many of its currencies, and how to respond very quickly to market demand. It is a very good loan for us, and Hong Kong’s regulatory institutions have really played a very good role in leading, leading, and modeling, and have enabled businesses to take advantage of this climate to develop globally, and to congratulate Hong Kong very much on its development.


Before I spoke, I talked about my admiration, and I heard very good policies from other Hong Kong officials. It was a great lesson for us, and it was important for me, because a healthy and stable environment is essential for the development of new technology industries, for investors, and for the protection of consumers.


I also encourage the US to follow suit, and the US is now facing the uncertainty of supervision and the brain spill in the chain, and if the regulators are better able to deal with their employees, giving them more clarity and freedom will make us see better results.


My advice is to help you with your supervisory experience and to provide a better opportunity for entrepreneurs to expand globally.


DC: Thank you, Cathy, for the final question of a million dollars, which is also a matter of concern to everyone here. How will the price of the bitcoins evolve? Listening to a lot of numbers, wanting to hear your opinion, talking about $1.5 million, talking about $2.3 million, talking about $3.8 million a bitcoins, Cathi, what are your current predictions? How long is the timeline?

Cathie Wood:我從不同的角度都被問過這個問題,我們從多個角度分析的結果是,2030 年比特幣將漲至150 萬美元,該價格預測來自於一個關於機構的調查,使用了下浮比率與波動分析。先前對比特幣在2030 年的價格預測是60 萬美元,但比特幣現貨ETF 的通過將促使比特幣價格在2030 年達到150 萬美元。

Cathie Wood: I have been asked this question from different angles, and the results we have analysed from multiple angles are that the Bitcoins will rise to $1.5 million in 2030, a price forecast from a survey of institutions using float ratios and wave analysis. The previous estimate of the Bitcoins in 2030 was $600,000, but the passing of the Bitcoins ETF will push the Bitcoins to $1.5 million in 2030.


If I gave you this figure last year, it might be closer to $600,000, but why add 600,000 to 1.5 million? Because the SEC SEC gave the Green Lantern, approving the launch of the current Bitcoin ETF for mainstream institutions. If you allocate 5% of your assets to bitcoins based on the rationale of the current investment portfolio, it would give us an estimate of $1.5 million, because we think the investment agency will move in that direction.


DC: Thank you, Cathy, for letting everyone know the price estimate of 1.5 million dollars per bit, which is the last link of the burner-side conversation, and for providing us with an incisive and interesting field discussion, bye-bye and a round of applause to Cathie again.




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