1. Overview
HitChain是面向开发者的开放型DAO(Distributed Autonomous Organization,分布式共治组织),致力于构建一个全球化的开发者共有、共建、共享的共治社区。HitChain代表全球开发者的全体利益,将逐步解决现有开源生态在开发者产出物安全管理、能力合理度量、价值及时兑现、创意快速实现、权利真实拥有等挑战性问题。
Hit Chain, an open DAO for developers (Districted Autonomous Organization for Common Governance), works to build a shared, common and shared community of global developers. Hit Chain, representing the interests of all global developers, will gradually address the challenges of safe management of the current open-source ecology in terms of developers’ output, reasonable measures of capacity, timely realization of values, rapid realization of ideas, and real ownership of rights.
White Paper: http://www.hitchain.io/pdf/Hit Chain-Whitepaper-en.pdf
Item 2. Introduction to item
HitChain借鉴开源理念,基于区块链技术打造一个去中心化的全球开源软件新型社区系统。HitChain社区通过独创的核心底层架构技术和共识机制,由全世界开发者参与并完全共治, 社区收益完全由社区用户共享。开发者劳动产出物通过HitChain开源托管协议Hit协议实现共享存储、浏览、分发、有偿使用等。在HitChain社区,每个开发者的劳动成果都将得到尊重并进行自动版权保护,通过代币得到量化回报。HitChain整体架构主要包括运行基础设施、社区基础设施、HitChain开发与交易社区以及HitChain应用软件等四个核心组成部分。主要涉及的组件和服务包括混合式分片链、分类账本、共识机制、隔离见证与智能合约等。HitChain的经济模型包含3个主要的价值流转场景,具体包括:个人闲置计算资源的共享奖励、社区贡献的公共奖励、以及社区成员劳动成果的自由交易。前两个为代币的主要来源, 最后一个是代币流通的主要场景。分布式托管系统包括IPFS去中心化存储结构、Hit分布式托管协议、跨链鉴权机制。另外,HitChain提供了一系列的客户端应用软件,利用这些软件开发者可以方便快捷地参与社区的各项活动。
The Hit Chain community, based on open source ideas, builds a new community-based system of decentralised global open-source software based on block-chain technology. The Hit Chain community has four core components, such as operating infrastructure, community infrastructure, Hit Chain development and trading communities, and Hit Chain applications, that are fully shared by community users. The main components and services involved include the mixed segmenting chain, the ledger, the consensus book, witness separation and smart contracts, etc. In the Hit Chain community, the economic model includes three major value-shifting sites, with quantifiable returns through tokens. The Hit Chain overall structure consists of incentives for the sharing of artificial computing resources, public rewards for community contributions, and free trade in the labour outcomes of community members.
3. Currency distribution
Company Location: China
Market Extension: 5%
[Demons sold]: 30%
[Team]: 15%
[Foundation]: 10%
Developer community: 40%
[White List]: No
4. Community profile
GitHub: https://github.com/HitChainFoundation
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HitChain-174994073283392/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hit_Chain
5. Team presentation
Hit Chain's founding team, drawn from the core expertise of well-known technology companies and open-source organizations such as Redhat, Google, Apache, Linux and Open-source China, has strong technical capabilities and operational capabilities.
Jiang Li(澳大利亚):Hitchain基金会主席兼董事,现任微软(中国)有限公司CTO, 长期担任IBM全球高级技术管理职务,在全球信息技术行业有广泛人脉和深刻洞察,在区块链,云计算和开源生态领域积淀深厚。全面负责基金会的运营和战略方向,吸引全球开发者精英共建超越GitHub的开发者自治技术社区。
Khee Joo Tan(新加坡):Hitchain基金会董事,前TIBCO亚太区技术副总裁,多家跨国软件公司技术高管,在亚太软件行业拥有30年的工作经验,负责Hitchain 社区国际推广与商务发展。
Khee Joo Tan (Singapore): Member of the Board of Directors of the Hitchain Foundation, former Vice-President of Technology for Asia and the Pacific, TIBCO, technology executives of multinational software companies with 30 years of experience in the software industry in Asia and the Pacific, responsible for Hitchain Community International Extension and Business Development.
Leon Li(香港):Hitchain基金会董事,Intel开源技术专家, RedHat大中华区首位认证架构师, 多家全球软件公司技术岗位,负责本项目的开源技术架构。
Leon Li (Hong Kong): Director of the Hetrain Foundation, Intel Open Source Technical Expert, the first certified architect in RedHat Grand Central China, and a number of global software company technical positions for the open source technical architecture of the project.
Nick Ma(日本):OpenStack基金会核心代码贡献者和维护者,日本Telexistence Inc首席云架构师,负责本项目基础架构和关键模块研发,并协助社区技术推广。
Nick Ma (Japan): OpenStack Foundation core code contributor and maintainer, Chief Cloud Architect, Telexistence Inc., Japan, who is responsible for the development of the project's infrastructure and key modules and assists in the promotion of community-based technologies.
Jerry Li(中国):Git协议专家,前开源中国Gitee平台开发总监,超过十年开源软件的产品研发管理,负责Git协议的开发管理和代码托管平台的架构设计,并参与社区的推广和运营。
Jerry Li (China): Git Protocol expert, former Director General of Development of the Open-source China Gite Platform, product research and development management of open-source software for more than 10 years, responsible for the development management of the Git protocol and the design of the architecture of the code hosting platform, and participation in the promotion and operation of the community.
David Mei(中国):区块链技术专家,早期的区块链技术开发者, 对区块链底层技术有深刻研究和开发设计经验,负责底层公链的集成架构。
David Mei (China): Technical expert on block chains , early developer of block chain technologies, with profound research and development experience in the design of sub-block chain technologies, responsible for the integration of the bottom public chain.
Thomas Tan(美国):数据科学家,南加州大学计算机科学软件工程博士,现任IBM洛杉矶分部分布式存储技术专家,负责基于IPFS的代码分布式存储协议开发。
Team Counsellor:
田甲:cortexlabs.ai首席科学家,比特币早期投资人、Zcash 社区选举人、bitfinex股东,曾担任中国首家比特币基金会bitfund首席科学家。清华大学计算机系获得本硕学位,分布式系统方向专家,连续创业者。曾在百度、阿里巴巴工作,担任过日PV 过亿的搜索引擎架构师。先后在多家具有巨大行业潜力的综合性创业公司担任系统工程师,涉足搜索引擎、推荐引擎、人工智能、金融科技等方向。
fieldmaster: cortexlabs.ai Chief Scientist, Bitcoin early investor, Zcash community elector, and bitfinex shareholder, who served as chief scientist at bitfund, China's first Bitcoin Foundation. Qinghua University Computer Department has obtained a master's degree, distributed system orientation expert, and a continuous entrepreneur.
马昊伯:aelf创始人,区块链行业专家,数字资产领域早期从业者曾任GemPay CTO和AllCoin CTO,现任中国电子学会区块链专家委员会委员,中国计算机学会区块链专家委员会委员。
Magnob: Founder of aelf, expert in the block chain industry, and an early practitioner in the field of digital assets who was a member of Gempay CTO and AllCoin CTO, is currently a member of the Committee of Experts on the block chain of the Chinese Electronics Society and a member of the Committee of Experts on the block chain of the Chinese Computer Society.
Wang Binsheng: Special Professor, Graduate School of Social Studies, China, Doctor of Economics, Consultant to the Joint Block Chain Development Organization, Early Investor of Digital Assets, Ideas of the Block Chain.
David Wu:现为Ernst & Young 金融服务咨询部合伙人暨大中华区金融服务绩效提升主管合伙人。在投资、金融管理咨询和IT实施服务方面拥有超过25年以上的工作经验。
: now the Chief Scientist of the 360 Code Guard. Ph.D. in Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was one of the country's first participants in the development of the top international open source basic software project, a well-known developer in the international open source field.
6. Route planning
Q1: Hit Chain team formed in 2018
2018 Q3: R & D initiated and tendered
2018 Q4: Hit Chain community online
2019 Q2: Hit Chain's main chain line.
2019 Q2: HIT protocol online
2019: Community operations and continuous optimization
7. Investment Agency Co-operative
There are currently four main investment agencies and four media outlets.
Huobi Capital: 已获得真格基金、戴志康、红杉资本(苹果、阿里巴巴等众多全球知名公司股东)等A轮千万人民币资本投资,火币执行严格风控管理,稳定运行3年。截止2016年末,火币累计成交额达20000亿人民币。
Huobi Capital: has received an A round of RMB 1 million capital investment from the Genuine Foundation, Dai Chikang, Redwood Capital (apples, Alibabas, etc.) and many well-known companies around the world.
Blockchain Captial: BlockChainCapital成立于2013年,其使命是帮助企业家建立基于区块链技术的世界级公司和项目。目的在于为创始人提供成功所需的工具:资本、领域专长、伙伴关系、招聘和战略。
The mission of the organization is to help entrepreneurs build world-class companies and projects based on block chain technology. The aim is to provide founders with the tools they need to succeed: capital, field expertise, partnerships, recruitment and strategies.
FBG Capital: 是一家数字资产管理公司,定位于以区块链为基础的资本市场。
Co-operative media
Daily Planet: The Daily Planet is a block chain media that provides information, content and industry reviews for people interested in the block chain, as well as digital currency holders, who are provided with physiology, project resolution and trend judgement.
Open Source China: was established in August 2008 as the country's largest open source technology community, with more than 2 million members, forming a number of modules consisting of open source software repositories, code sharing, information, collaborative translation, code clouds, crowdsourcing, and recruitment, providing a platform for IT developers to discover, use and exchange open source technologies.
IT的世界就是开发者创造的,他们是一群充满创造力的能工巧匠。基于区块链技术,彻底解决天下开发者间的信任问题,HitChain创新地利用去中心化的协作模式,打造去中心化的开发平台,实现去中心化的利益分配机制,这是对开源精神的践行,对互联网协议的升级,对中心化利益分配机制的颠覆,对开发者的解放。 The world of IT is created by developers, a group of creative craftsmen. On the basis of block-chain technology, which solves once and for all the problems of trust among developers, Hit Chain innovatively uses decentralized models of collaboration to create decentralized development platforms and decentralized benefit-sharing mechanisms. This is a commitment to open-source spirit, upgrading Internet protocols, destabilizing mechanisms for the distribution of centralized benefits, and liberating developers. 劣势: Disadvantage: 没有发布确定的ICO,代币销售信息不全。 The ICO was not published and information on the sale of the tokens was incomplete. 主网要在2019Q1才能发布,其它区块链竞争者都已领先。 The main network will not be released until 2019Q1, and all other sector chain competitors have taken the lead. 项目成立时间较短。 The project has a shorter start-up time. 退出文章,发送demoshow下载最新一期海外区块链项目分析合集 exited the article and sent demoshow to download the latest compilation of analysis of the overseas block chain project
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