
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:52 评论:0
近一两个月,随着币安Launchpad、火币Prime相继上线并走红,IEO俨然成为加密货币领域又一现象级模式,牵动着几乎所有行业从业者的目光。For almost a month or two, as the currency Launc...



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For almost a month or two, as the currency Launchpad, the pyrotechnic Prime followed the line and followed the red, IEO became yet another phenomenonal model in the area of cryptographic currency, moving the eyes of almost all industry practitioners.


By its very nature, IEO is a new form of financing in which an exchange directly provides a platform to help the project sell its pass and access its pass for all investors to trade. As a result of endorsements from mainstream exchanges, and easy investment modalities, those participating in IEO’s mediocre projects have received keen attention from investors. In the first phase of the IEO project, for example, the official indication is that 130,000 people have been involved in the theft of TOP certificates, but less than 3% of them have been successful in doing so.


Because of the lack of such a dynamic and influential model in the area of cryptography for a long time, the IEO has inevitably experienced a multiplicity of overexploitations, with almost every IEO currency multiplying after landing on the secondary market, and an increasing number of exchanges launching IEOs, which are clearly unhealthy and the risk profile of IEO is on the rise.


In the past few years, there have been financial innovations in the crypto-currency sector, involving a large number of investors, such as trade-mining, chain modification, and ICO, but they have largely ended in failure because of problems such as the design of mechanisms. But the IEO model has a very different quality and background than the previous model.


In fact, IEOs are more similar to IPOs in traditional securities markets, dominated by mainstream exchanges, and often participate in projects that are subject to considerable professional due diligence and deliberation by the exchange and are supported by its own resources, such as flows, funds, technology, etc., which can be considered to have tied to some extent the interests of the project party to its own reputation, thus making the IEO its own " touchstone ".


Moreover, the project side, through IEO, has been able to complete a range of processes such as the sale of tokens and the online exchange, which has taken at least a few months in the past, and the cost of money and manpower has been reduced accordingly. The positive impact of IEO on project visibility, currency prices, is even more pronounced, with several price increases becoming the norm in the IEO project.


At the same time, the exchange has been able to reap the benefits of the IEO, as evidenced by the interest, influence and quality of the exchange itself, which has enabled more investors to focus on the exchange and to upgrade its position in the industry, and by the rise in the platform currency, which most exchanges have mandated to participate in the IEO only by using its platform currency, a logic that directly stimulates the surge in demand for the platform currency, as reflected in the exaggeration of today's major platforms.

币安平台币BNB价格近三个月走势 来源:非小号


Thus, while the threshold for investors to participate in the first sale of the certificate is declining, the quality of the IEO project under the current mechanism is still higher than that of most ICO projects, and investors’ interests are better safeguarded. Investors, project parties, and exchanges can achieve multiple win-wins. To add, this does not mean that the IEO project risks are very low, except that issues such as price manipulation, smash-downs, etc. are inherent in the crypto-currency industry itself and are not related to the IEO model.


In the long run, IEO has been initially validated as a new financing model in the market, and the main players in the system are sufficiently motivated to remain unviable and function well.


However, the public still has a problem to face: as more and more IEO projects are launched, the number of projects that are of genuinely too high quality and have practical applications may not keep pace with the launching of IEO projects by major exchanges, which pose new tests of exchange self-control and investor judgement.


Currently, IEO’s block chain projects are dominated by generic protocol type projects, in addition to vertical projects in multiple directions, such as block chain games. The protocol type projects, because of their broad interoperability, allow connectivity to parts of the block chain network through access to multiple public chains, whose utility and prospects extend beyond most block chain projects.


Game is also one of the main directions in which block chain technology is applied. In traditional games, it is difficult to move and deal freely with prop assets, the ecology of games is isolated and cut apart, the time and money that players pay for long periods of time often loses their due value, and many game data that affect the interests of players are not open and transparent, but block chain technology can change the situation.


In the case of a recent IEO project, GTEX, the project seeks to build a chain playing ecosystem around game players, game developers and investors, with multiple financial systems such as a stable currency.

基于由多方授权节点维护的联盟链GTEX POANETWORK,GTEX可以为行业提供游戏开发工具、游戏数据上链存储、游戏资产交易平台、收益分享系统等,从而实现用户资产从内在游戏世界到外部现实世界的流通以及资产价值最大化,早期用户也能随着平台的成长获取可观回报。

Based on the coalition chain GTEX PoANETWORK, maintained by multiple authorized nodes, GTEX can provide the industry with game development tools, game data chain storage, game asset trading platforms, revenue-sharing systems, etc., to maximize the flow of user assets from the inner game world to the external reality world and the value of assets, with early users receiving significant returns as the platform grows.


At the same time, the network is compatible with most of the block chain DApp games, and traditional games can be supported through the integration of the economic systems in the game, where most players in the game industry can realize their value in the network and become authorized nodes after a certain legal or technical process. In the network, all transactions are free of GAS costs, and TPS is more than ten times as high as in Ether.


It is understood that GTEX will launch IEO in Coineal in early April, which will also make GTEX the first block chain-type project to carry out IEO, and thus the prospects and quality of the game-type projects have been widely recognized.


In the Dapp Active Lists of the major public chains, where the front line is mostly occupied by the game type Dapp, the EOS, the waves, the NEO, among others, have publicly stated that the game is one of their most important development strategies in the near future, and that it is invested in huge financial and human resources. Thus, vertical projects such as the game, which have a clear application landscape and a high flow of vertical projects, may become the next more favoured direction for the IEO.

以太坊用户量排名前8的DApp中有一半是游戏类DApp 来源:DappRadar


Of course, the central force behind the continued healthy development of the IEO model lies in major exchanges, which, as reviewers and stakeholders, need to balance the quality of the IEO project against the potential conflict with the frequency of roll-out.


After experiencing all sorts of disruptions, such as trading for mining, voting for money and the past, exchanges should learn to deal with this situation in a more responsible and appropriate manner, which, after all, is more in their long-term interest, and most of the price of the platform currency and the reputation of the exchange will be severely affected as soon as the IEO moves towards a negative feedback model.


In the longer term, whether agreement-based or vertical, such as games and finance, as long as the block chain industry itself continues to develop and progress, there will be a steady rise in high-quality projects, which in turn will drive the self-evolving IEO model and maintain the unity and balance of good-quality projects, exchanges and the interests of ordinary investors.


In sum, the IEO model is in fact a powerful instrument in the face of the overall weakness of the crypto-currency sector, which is ostensibly a deformation of the ICO, but which essentially avoids, through various games and games, as much as possible the uneven quality, barbarous development of the IEO, considerably safeguarding the interests of investors and, at an early stage, even transferring substantial benefits to investors, is likely to become a long-standing and even mainstream method of financing block-chain projects.


There may be some shortcomings in the IEO model today, but with the normative development of the industry, the future of IEO will inevitably evolve into more diverse forms, and only more such innovations can drive progress across the block chain.




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