Recently, LG's IT services subsidiary is testing an artificial intelligence-based facial recognition technique that allows users to make payments in digital currency.
据《纽约时报》4月23日报道,LG CNS公司发动其员工来测试这项新的面部识别服务。该平台包括人工智能、区块链和云技术。该平台包括人工智能、区块链和云技术。识别员工后,系统允许他们使用预先注册的基于区块链的社区货币自动支付公司餐厅的服务和产品费用。
According to the New York Times, on 23 April, LG CNS launched its staff to test this new facial recognition service. The platform includes artificial intelligence, block chains, and cloud technology. The platform includes artificial intelligence, block chains, and cloud technology.
LG CNS解决方案业务开发经理李俊元(Lee Joon-won)表示:“未来预计基于区块链的社区货币将被更多的人使用,因为它在遇到人工智能时变得更加方便。随着非面对面技术的发展,提高交易可靠性的区块链将得到更广泛的应用。”
LG CNS Solutions Business Development Manager Lee Joan-won states: “The future of community money based on block chains is expected to be used by more people, as it becomes easier when artificial intelligence is encountered. As non-face-to-face technology develops, the chain of blocks that improves the reliability of transactions will be used more widely.”
一直以来,LG CNS都对对区块链技术有着宏伟的计划。LG CNS自今年3月以来一直在试验该系统,但它并不是该公司开发的唯一基于区块链的解决方案。去年7月,该公司透露计划部署区块链,以提高学校自助午餐供应链的透明度。
LG CNS has been testing the system since March of this year, but it is not the only block-based solution developed by the company. Last July, the company revealed plans to deploy block chains to improve the transparency of the school's lunch supply chain.
The data on the block chain are set to include information on the production, processing, distribution, acquisition and consumption of the product - all of which are recorded on the block chain and made publicly available.
去年11月,LG CNS与互联网提供商Kakao的区块链子公司合作,开发相互兼容的基础设施。当时,LG的一位代表分享了公司的计划:“我们将通过这一合作关系打破公私区块链之间的现有界限,并结合我们的优势创造新的商业机会。”
Last November, LG CNS worked with an Internet provider, Kakao’s block chain subsidiary, to develop compatible infrastructure. At that time, a representative of LG shared the company’s plan: “This partnership will break the existing boundaries between public and private blocks and create new business opportunities in the light of our strengths.”
而在去年9月时,据cryptonews报道,电子巨头LG已经确认正在考虑发布一款采用区块链的智能手机。同月,LG最激烈的竞争对手三星发布了一款区块链手机。在三星的一些设备上已经支持多种加密货币和Dapps,Galaxy S10也早就已经加入了区块链钱包功能。
Last September, Cryptonews reported that the electronic giant LG had confirmed that it was considering issuing a smart phone with a block chain. In the same month, LG’s fiercest rival, Samsung, released a block chain phone.
LG has been keen to approach Samsung and has also submitted a patent application for an encrypted wallet named ThinQ.
Indeed, the major commercial giants are not new to the development of block chain technology, and the global digitalization process is becoming increasingly inflamed.
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