One of the very good things about this OKEX contract competition is the fact that there is a button in front of each team to check the warehousing and position status of each team, which makes it easier for you to observe the modus operandi of the head of the instrument.
一般来讲,交易高手的交易方式是不会轻易示人的,本次合约大赛对于咱们普通用户来说绝对是一个难得的学习机会,一定要把握好。 Generally speaking, the trader's way of doing business is not easy, and this contract competition is an absolutely rare learning opportunity for our average users, and it must be taken care of. 有幸成功加入战队的朋友好处多多 /span'. 根据参赛规则,每个战队人数10-100人,受限于名额很多小伙伴没有机会成功加入战队,有幸加入战队的机会非常珍贵,具体来看,加入战队后大家可以更近距离感受大咖团长的操作手段,尤其是入场的时机把握,还可以与团长交流学习交易经验。 In accordance with the rules governing the participation of 10 to 100 members of each team, many of the small partners are not given the opportunity to join the team successfully, and the opportunity to join the team is very valuable. In particular, participation in the team allows for a closer sense of the means of operation of the leader, especially the timing of his arrival, as well as an exchange of experience with the head of the team. 除了学习交易经验外,加入战队的小伙伴们还可以与团长共享夺冠奖励10000USDK,另外,每日未被淘汰的战队成员还能获得OKEX平台空投的USDK奖励。在战队专有奖励之外,大赛还设置了每日竞猜活动,可以每日投票竞猜未被淘汰的战队,每日奖励10000USDK。 In addition to learning about trading experiences, the teammates can share with the captain the $10,000 USDK win prize, and the daily undefeated team members can get the USDK reward for the OKEX platform airdrop. In addition to the team-specific awards, the competition has a daily game of guessing, with a daily vote for the undefeated team, with a daily reward of 10,000 USDK. 未能参赛的伙伴同样奖励丰厚
除了所有用户可以详细查看各支战队的持仓和点位状态之外,本次大赛的另一个亮点是对于未能参赛的小伙伴设置了奖励机制。 In addition to providing all users with a detailed view of the positions and holdings of the teams, another highlight of the competition was the creation of incentives for small partners who were unable to participate. 大赛设置了每日竞猜活动,所有用户均可参与投票,只要所投的战队当日未被淘汰,投票者就能参与瓜分每日的10000个USDK奖励。 The competition provided for a daily game of guessing in which all users could vote, and voters could participate in the distribution of 10,000 USDK awards per day, provided that the team they cast had not been eliminated on that day. 在本次OKEX&币COIN 合约抱团大赛中,所有人都不仅能够学习交易高手的经验,还能获得不菲的物质奖励,皆大欢喜,这才是在我看来本次大赛的意思所在。返回搜狐,查看更多
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