QunQun, founded in September 2017, built community platforms based on block chain technology, “returned” community ownership rights to the creators, and rewarded users for sharing content and increasing community activity through an open and transparent token mechanism.
The essence of QunQun is that it provides users with a platform to create communities and a tool to get incentives by creating and operating their own communities. The product pattern is similar. The content of each theme is presented in a time-axis flow (like microblogging).
II. Functions of QunQun
1. Access
Access costs are increasing in the second half of the mobile Internet. Flows are in the hands of large platforms. The opportunity for block-chain communities is to give business start-ups, currency circles and chains a voice, and to use incentives to build up seed users.
2. Community stores
QunQun提供社区应?用商店,为各个社区提供丰富的各类功能及娱乐应?用, 应?用商店向第三?方开发者开放。开发者可以通过售出应?用、应?用收?入分账等模 式来获取Token收?入,?一切都将记录在区块链账本上,保证收益公开透明。
QunQun provides community response? Use shops to provide communities with a wealth of functions and entertainment? Use shops to open them to third-party developers.
3. Community trading markets
社区的管理理者通过运营?自?己的社区,不不仅每天能获得Token激励,随着社 区?用户规模的扩?大,社区的价值也会不不断增?长。QunQun提供了了社区交易易市场,在交易易市场中,每个社区的POA、收?入数据、?用户规模及活跃度等关键数 据均公开、透明地记录在区块链上,作为该社区的价值鉴定依据。活跃度高的社区将有机会以更高的价格售出。
QunQun offers easy markets for the community, where key numbers such as POAs, intakes, user sizes and activity are recorded openly and transparently on the block chain as a basis for the community’s value determination. Communities with high activity will have the opportunity to sell at higher prices.
4. Data operation
QunQun为每个社区提供了了丰富的社区建设及运营?工具,?用以提升社区运 营效率。例例如,“社区数据”应?用提供了了社区运营需要关注的?用户新增数据、留留 存数据、?用户?行行为数据,以及和内容建设相关的所有核?心数据的统计分析功能
QunQun provides each community with a wealth of community building and operations? Tools? To improve the efficiency of community transportation. For example, “community data” should be used to provide what needs attention in community operations? Users add data, keep data in storage? Users? behavioral data, and statistical analysis of all nuclear data related to content building?
5. Community robots
为站长提供多样化的社区机器人(Bot)。例例如 Headline Bot可以自动生成本社区精华内容,以及挖掘平台中与社区成员?口味一致的内容,帮助站?/管理团队更轻松地建设社区。QunQun团队相信,各种形态的Bot将成为QunQun内容建设和社区活跃的重要力量。
The QunQun team believes that Bot in all its forms will be an important force for QunQun content development and community activism.
6. Advertising placement system
The advertisers are an important part of the commercialization of QunQun.
随着社区流量量的增加,QunQun会逐步接?入对社区生态友好的广告主,获 得的广告收?入一部分作为QunQun商业变现,剩余部分将会被?用来购买Token,扩充激励池。
As community flows increase, QunQun will gradually take over QunQun. Enter an eco-friendly advertiser, get the ads. Part of it will be QunQun commercialized, and the rest will be used to buy Token and expand the incentive pool.
III. Incentives for QunQun
1. Double-tier incentive mechanism: POA+POC
平台通过POA(Proof? of Activity) + POC (Proof of Contribution)算法建?立双层奖励的机制,专门用以奖励对社区建设有贡献的参与者。?
The Platform is built through the PAA (Proof? of Activity) + POC (Proof of Consultation) algorithm? A two-tier incentive mechanism specifically designed to reward participants who contribute to community building?
2. 奖励池
2. Incentive pools
奖励池系统每24小时进行一次激励分配计算,并根据计算结果,将奖励 Token?自动分发到参与者的个人钱包中。
The incentive allocation calculation for the incentive pool system is conducted every 24 hours and, based on the results of the calculation, Token is automatically distributed to participants in their personal wallets.
奖励池是一个专?用于奖励?生态建设贡献者的Token池。?生态激励基?金金每天 根据奖励弹性系数对奖励池进?行行?自动补充。
The reward pool is a special one for the Token pool of ecological contributors. The eco-incentive base? The money goes to the reward pool every day on the basis of the incentive elasticity factor? The line is automatically supplemented.
3. Probability of active activity
奖励池采?用POA(Proof of Activity,有效活跃度证明)算法来进行第一 层奖励分配,即将奖励池中的Token按活跃度分配给每一个社区。
Incentive pool? The POA (Proof of Activity, Certificate of Active Activity) algorithm is used to allocate the first layer of awards to each community according to the level of activity of Token in the incentive pool.
POA calculation? The incentive pool will be valid for each community every 24 hours. Effective number of DAUs, effective number of posts? Numbers, effective number of views, effective number of views? Number of people, valid number of praises, effective number of comments, effective number of comments? Numbers, average number of browsing posts, average hours online, maximum number of people online, number of new users, etc.?
一个社区在每日获得奖励池的POA分配后,所得Token将会按照一定的比例分配给站长/管理团队和参与社区建设的用户。站长/管理团队与社区用户初始分配比例为40% : 60%,站长/管理团队有权调整和社区建设者的分配比例,但是站长/管理团队所得份额多不不能超过50%。剩余部分将作为用户奖励,按照有效贡献度证明的方式分配给参与社区建设的用户。
After a community receives a daily POA allocation from the Award Pool, the resulting Token will be distributed to stationmasters/managers and users involved in community building in a proportion. The initial distribution of stationmasters/managers and community users will be 40%: 60%, stationmasters/manager teams will have the right to adjust the distribution ratio of community builders, but not more than 50%. The remainder will be distributed as a user incentive to those involved in community building in a manner proven to be effective.
QunQun 开放上线后,为有序促进社区?生态,将每24个区块(约6分钟) 生成一个新社区,任何人可以?支付社区平台通行Token(代码:QUN)来创建 ?一个创始社区(初始定价为49.99QUN)。每个社区都拥有独一无二的进入?牌(Keyword),便于社区成员访问与记忆,社区的所有权将通过区块链账本记录,保证真实不可篡改。社区可以在QunQun市场上自由交易易。
QunQun opens up the line to promote the community in an orderly manner? Ecology will create a new community for every 24 blocks (approximately 6 minutes), and anyone can create it? Paying for the community platform to pass through Token (code: QUN)? A founding community (initially priced at 49.99QUN).
IV. Sources of profit for QunQun
1. Sale and trading of virtual items
QunQun will continue to develop and design various virtual items on community platforms, including thematic communities, skin, fee-paying virtual props, as well as various virtual image items relevant to community users; these will be partly free of charge and partly sold at a certain price;
提供交易市场,支持包括用户之间的转让社区、各种虚拟物品的交易易, QunQun将收取必要的交易费用分成。
QunQun will charge the necessary share of transaction costs by providing a trading market that supports transactional ease, including the transfer community between users, various virtual items.
2. Income and share of applications and games
QunQun引?入第三方开发者,在社区内提供应用及SNS游戏,并在收入中 收取平台级的收入分成;
QunQun quote? A third-party developer to provide applications and SNS games in the community and to receive a share of revenue at the platform level in the income;
3. Advertising revenue
广告变现是QunQun的重要商业模式之一,QunQun提供智能、可信赖的区块链广告投放及价值分析系统,并将广告与社区激励模式结合,将广告主与 用户有机联系在?一起,实现各方收益的?大化。
Advertising conversion is one of the key business models in QunQun, which provides intelligent, trusted block chain advertising and value analysis systems and combines advertising with community incentive models, linking advertisers organically to users?
QunQun offers a one-stop solution for anyone to create their own community at a zero-threshold level. At the same time, the Token incentive model effectively reduces the operating thresholds of communities, achieves rapid community start-up and prosperity, and ultimately brings commercial returns through flow realization and eco-consumption.
At the application level of the block chain, the QunQun approach is to use the block chain at the bottom to centralize ownership information in social products, to use smart contracts to resolve transactional problems in social products and to ensure open and transparent community eco-economy, while the application layer uses an efficient central development structure that fully guarantees the high performance of various reading and writing execution operations and effectively avoids problems such as the length of validation, high cost and congestion of current trading contracts for the block chain and maximizes the flow of community products.
The layout and layout of the content of QunQun need to be improved.
For reasons related to the trading market, there is the possibility of a swarm of bulls to be sold.
Overall, QunQun has a novel design, self-constructing, revenue-sharing, group trading, and so on. There are plenty of bright spots. We'll see if we can be a block chain killer.
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