
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:43 评论:0
作者:Jack,BlockBeatsAuthor: Jack, BlockBeats在幣圈,做KOL 的難度越來越高了。在中文加密社群完成推特的遷徙後,市場和一般投資人對KOL 的需求是:有認知、夠專業,並且能夠早發現Alpha 機會。在日...



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Author: Jack, BlockBeats

在幣圈,做KOL 的難度越來越高了。在中文加密社群完成推特的遷徙後,市場和一般投資人對KOL 的需求是:有認知、夠專業,並且能夠早發現Alpha 機會。在日漸苛刻的市場標準下,加密KOL 正經歷著新一輪的大浪淘沙,老一代KOL 逐漸淡出舞台中心,同時也給了新一代實力派KOL 崛起的機會。

After the Chinese encrypt community completed its Twitter transfer, the market and the general investor’s demand for KOL was that it be known, professional enough, and that it be able to discover Alpha early. Under the harsh market standards of the day, encryption KOL is going through a new wave of scavenging sand, and the old generation of KOL has faded out of the center of the stage and has given a chance to the rise of the new Power KOL.

近期我們對談的實力派KOL 是雨中狂睡( @0xSleepinRain ),從「炒幣小白」到微博大咖,再到經營自己的付費社群,他成長軌跡絕對是草根散戶逆襲的勵志典型。在一派實力選手中,雨中狂睡給人的感覺就像是班上的學習標兵,每天都在整理和分享自己的學習筆記。用他的話來說,自己的成功秘訣就是「笨鳥先飛」。

In recent times, we have talked about the effective KOL, which is sleeping in the rain ( ), from "false white" to "breathing white" and to the community that runs its own expenses, and his long track is absolutely typical of the incentive to go back to the grass roots. In the hands of the elite, sleeping in the rain is like a schoolmaster in a class, collating and sharing his academic notes every day. In his words, his success is "bucks fly first."


He sleeps in the rain (hereinafter Morty) and learns engineering techniques such as materials, graphics, and so forth. In his own words, "The big chance after graduation is to go into the factory and screws." But as a scientist, he has a lot to do with writing. From the time of school, the first job at the time of entry into the currency, and the day-to-day work at the time, there is a close connection with writing and content creation.

大學期間,Morty 發現了百家號、今日頭條以及火山視頻等內容平台的機會,於是和自己的同學開始批量運營自媒體號,賺到了第一桶金。實際上在當時,做抖音或許是一個更好的選擇,但因為不太擅長做視頻,Morty 放棄了這個機會,現在回看,這基本上奠定了自己喜歡寫東西的一個狀態。

During college, Morty discovered opportunities for content platforms like 100 homes, today's headlines, and Volcano videos, and began to run his own media numbers in bulk with his classmates, making the first barrel of gold. In fact, it was probably a better choice at the time, but because he was not very good at videotaping, Morty gave up the opportunity, and now looks back, it basically laid down a state that he liked to write.

2018 年Morty 畢業,平台紅利也逐漸褪去,認識到產業前景的限制後,他來到杭州尋找機會。在投遞三四份履歷後,Morty 加入了加密媒體嗶嗶News,從此與加密結緣。一次,他有機會採訪了彼時創業Polkadot 不久的Gavin Wood,覺得這個人很厲害,就買了些DOT。後來在一場上海產業活動上,Maorty 又收到了Cointelegraph 中文團隊的邀請,便二話沒說賣掉了自己的部位,來到上海。

After delivering three or four profiles, Morty joined the encrypted media, News, from which he was connected. Once, he had the opportunity to interview Gavin Wood, a short time-on-time company Polkadot, who thought that he was good, bought some DOTs. In a Shanghai industry event, Maorty received an invitation from the Chinese team, and did not say anything about selling his place and coming to Shanghai.

在這之前,媒體的日常任務對Morty 來說就是純粹意義上的工作,他並不參與炒幣。 2021 年底,看著自己賣掉的DOT 從5 美元漲到60 美元,Morty 逐漸意識到,自己也可以試著炒炒幣,「我有一個人生信條,就是製造回憶,你不能每天都在上班,總要去做點什麼」。

Until then, the media’s day-to-day mission was pure work for Morty, who was not involved in the writing of coins. At the end of 2021, when the Dot that he sold went from $5 to $60, Morty realized that he could also try to fire the coin, “I have a life doctrine, a memory, and you can’t work every day, and you have to do something.”


BlockBeats: Which project did it affect you more?

雨中狂睡:對我影響最深的還是Burger Swap,這是BSC 上的第一個DEX,它那時從0.5 美元漲到27 美元。當時我因為沒什麼錢,就每天少吃一頓飯去買,在0.5 美元左右買了對於那時的我而言比較多的BURGER,雖然也不能算多,但買了大概2000U 左右,然後在7美元左右賣了一半,後來它又漲到27 美元,我沒賣,最後再跌回7 美元的時候才全部賣完。當時其實也不太懂,如果讓我現在回到那個時候,一定會做得更好。

The worst impact on me in the rain was Burger Swap, the first DEX on BSC, which rose from 0.5 to 27 dollars. At that time, because I had no money, I bought less meals every day, bought more BURGER for me at about 0.5 dollars, but bought about 2000U, then sold about half of it at $7, then it went up to $27, and I didn't sell it until I fell back to $7.


BlockBeats: What other projects have a greater impact on you?

雨中狂睡:對我影響比較大的可能是Avalanche 和Solana,Solana 是影響最大的,我大概是35 到45 美元左右買入的SOL,在80 美元時賣了25%、100 美元賣了25% ,到120 美元又賣了25%,直到140 美元的時候全部賣完,我也沒想到最後它會漲到200 美元。

Sleeping in the Rain: could have affected me more than ever: Avalanche and Solana, Solana was the one who probably bought SOL from $35 to $45, sold 25 per cent at $80, sold 25 per cent at $100, sold 25 per cent at $120, sold all at $140, and I didn't think it would eventually rise to $200.

當時在Binance 上了倉位,但買完就「519」了,SOL 跌到26 美元的時候又加倉了一些。印像中,在那年下半年,最早開始漲的就是SOL,漲到70 到80 美元,然後市場就開始瘋狂了。後來Avalanche 我也有想法,因為當時基金會開了一個Avalanche Rush 給了不少激勵,我覺得可以吸引市場的注意力。不過Luna 我就完全錯過了。

In print, the first thing that started to rise in the second half of the year was SOL, which rose to $70 to $80, and then the market started to go crazy. And then Avalanche, I thought, because the fund would have given a lot of inspiration to an Avalanche Rush, and I felt that I could draw market attention. But Luna completely missed me.

BlockBeats:上一輪加密週期還是「微博喊單」的天下,多數2021 年或2022 年入圈的新人很難從「帶單老師」那裡學到有用的投資邏輯,你的認知是如何構建起來的?

BlockBeats: How did you know that the last encryption week, or the Twitter page, was constructed when most of the newcomers who entered the circle in 2021 or 2022 had difficulty learning useful investment logic from a single teacher?

雨中狂睡:在我成長的路上遇到了很多貴人。例如Cointelegraph 中文的前同事、22 年年底熟識的朋友、微博/Twitter 上認識的KOL,他們教會了我很多。例如,他們讓我理解了一個東西,叫訊息的傳遞。

Sleeping in the rain: met a lot of dignitaries on my way to growing up. For example, Cointelegraph's former colleague in Chinese, his familiar friend at the end of the year, KOL, who taught me a lot. For example, they made me understand a thing called the transmission of messages.

比如說,專案方的資訊是A 層,到了VC 這裡可能就是B 層。如果專案方要做一件事情,最先知道的一定是VC,最後知道的才是散戶。而這個傳導的過程,可能就決定了價格的漲勢,所以在最後散戶可能就是一個「接盤的過程」。另外他們也讓我意識到,原來炒幣也是能賺錢的,這讓我有了更多興趣去做大量閱讀以及思考之類的工作。

For example, the project's information is level A, and this is probably level B. If the project has to do something, the first to know must be VC, and the last to know is the dispersed. And the process of this transfer may determine the price increase, so it may be a "take-over" at the end.

2021 年下半年,Morty 還在Cointelegraph 中文任職,自己一開始也沒有做KOL 的想法,但因為一直有寫作的習慣,整理出信息後只給自己似乎有些浪費,於是便拿出來在社交媒體上與大家做分享,一年後,他便成了微博粉絲過萬的知名加密KOL。

In the second half of 2021, Morty took up his post in Chinese in Cointelegraph and did not think of KOL in the first place, but because he was always used to writing, sorting out the information and giving him what seemed to be a waste of time, he took it out to share it with you in social media, and a year later he became a famous microblogging fan.

2022 年9 月,一位K 線分析師找到Morty,希望能與他一起合作做收費群,但Morty 認為自己還沒準備好,於是一直花時間做Notion 整理等籌備工作。儘管最終並未合作成功,但這件事給了Morty 一個建立社區的好契機。

In September 2022, a K-line analyst found Morty, hoping to work with him on a collection, but Morty thought he was not ready, and took time to prepare for the Notion. Although it did not work, it gave Morty a good opportunity to build a community.

2023 年底,Morty 徹底離開微博,並與自己的好夥伴黃饅頭合夥,開始了自己的付費社群。黃饅頭與Morty 是在深潮工作時的同事,平時就是一人找信息,一人做分析,合夥後,黃饅頭還是負責找Alpha 信息,而Morty 則對市場和敘事做分析。從去年底開始,Morty 的付費群從200 人慢慢漲到300 人,再到目前的近500 人,在他看來,做社群也讓他變成了一個更有自信的人。

At the end of 2023, Morty left Twitter and joined his own good partners, starting his own paying community. Yellowhead and Morty are colleagues in the tide, usually one person looking for information, one person for analysis, and later, the other for Alpha, while Morty analyzes markets and narratives. From the end of last year, Morty’s spending grew from 200 to 300 people, and now nearly 500, and it seems to him that being a community has turned him into a more confident person.


BlockBeats: How big is this community going to do?

雨中狂睡:以群友的數量看,可能500 就不往外招了。如果我純割韭菜的話,我社群也不會到這個人數,而且我也在一直很認真的做社群,我會把很多我看到的、認為很重要的東西發在群裡,也會發自己個人的投資操作。

Sleeping in the rain: may not be able to use 500 in numbers of friends. If I cut vegetables, my community won't be there, and I've always been serious about being a community, I'll send a lot of what I see, what I think is important, and I'll make my own investments.


BlockBeats: This determination brings you back? >/strong


Sleeping in the rain: Yes, and having known a lot of interesting people in the community, they'll give you a positive response. Many friends, though they say they're paying, will bring me a lot of fresh thinking, I think it's cool. So I'm more confident and interested in doing this right.


BlockBeats: Will running this community take a lot of energy?


I'm used to sleeping in the rain: , and I'm going to combine this with my own growth. Being a community is also my own development, and I think it's cool. For example, if you read, you'll show the members of the community some thoughts, and then you'll have a lot of people talking to you. This community's echo is also a message, including their current mood, and I can feel it. It's really hard for you to look at the market, understand the market, get out of the market and make a deal, and I think it's good for me to help me and get closer with the market.


BlockBeats: Will you interact with other professionals besides your own community?

雨中狂睡:有些固定的人,有做單純交易的,也有做擼毛的,還有一些聰明錢之類。我蠻喜歡這種溝通過程,溝通更能讓自己理解到,「原來他們是從這個角度看問題的」。我認為單打獨鬥還挺難的,思維上會存在資訊繭房,現在Twitter 推薦其實也是繭房,所以我會透過郵件訂閱、建立Twitter List 的方式來擴大自己的資訊流。

Sleeping in the Rain: some of the fixed people, some of the simple traders, some of the hairy ones, some of the smart money. I like to go through these channels, and communicate better to understand that "they look at the problem from this point of view." I think it's hard to fight alone, and there's an information room on my mind, and now Twitter suggests it, so I'm going to expand my flow of information through email subscriptions, Twitter Lists.

Morty 非常相信笨鳥先飛的智慧,不論是在嗶嗶News、Cointelegraph 中文還是後來的深潮,他都盡可能地從別人身上學習新的東西,「你必須要提升認知,最後,你的資產一定會回歸到你的認知曲線上」。在Cointelegraph 以及深潮的經驗給了Morty 許多啟發,他學到最重要的兩點,一是資訊的傳遞,第二就是要建立自己的資訊流。

Morty believes in the wisdom of the stupid bird to fly first, whether in News, Cointeelegraph, or later, he learns new things as much as he can from others: "You must raise awareness, and finally, your assets will return to your cognitive curves." Many of the inspirations come to Morty from Cointegraph and the depth of the tide, and he learns the two most important things: the transmission of information, and the creation of his own information flow.


BlockBeats: How do you establish an effective information access framework?

雨中狂睡:我會習慣性的把自己認為好的內容都訂閱,我在Substack 上用郵件訂閱了很多帳號,包括在X 上也有關注的List,這裡面有很多其他人的觀點,我會加上自己的思考再去做一些判斷。

Sleeping in the Rain: I get used to ordering what I think is good, and I book accounts on Substack, including List on X, where there are a lot of other people's points of view, and I add my own reflections to some judgment.


And I'm going to put what I've been looking at into a list. There's a database of projects that I've seen, and there's records of community meetings, and there's a lot of good articles that I think are going to put here. That's not a good idea, but I think there's some thinking and perspective.


Earing in the KOL rain: a circle of whites to the Alpha hunter'/></p><p>還有就是我也會看市場的情緒。就例如某幾個我關注的KOL 說現在不想看市場了,或者社區情緒慘淡沒什麼人聊行情,我就認為可能是到底部區間了。不過,純交易面的東西我看的不太多,這也是我比較欠缺的方面,就是K 線和技術面看的比較少。</p><p>And there's the sentiment that I'm watching the market. Just like some KOL I'm concerned about saying that I don't want to see the market now, or that the community's mood is so low that I think it might be the end of the spectrum. But I don't see much of what I'm dealing with, and that's what I'm missing, and that's where Klines and technology are less.</p><p> <strong>BlockBeats:你認為技術分析在目前這個市場環境很重要嗎?</strong></p><p>BlockBeats: Do you think technical analysis is important in the current market environment?</p><p><strong>雨中狂睡:</strong>我認為核心的重點在於K 線的有效性,這個行業很多情況下都是別人畫K 線給你看的。只能說K 線是重要,但沒那麼重要。如果說你純粹靠k 線就可以跑贏比特幣,那有點不太現實。在這個高度PVP 的市場,考驗的是你選標的能力。</p><p><strong> Sleeping in the Rain: </strang> I think the central point is the validity of the K-line, which in many cases is painted for you by someone else. Only the K-line is important, but not so important. It's a little less realistic if you simply rely on the k-line to win bitcoins. In this high PVP market, it is your ability to test the standard.</p><p>因為我有一個合夥人是看K 線的,所以我會找好標的後給他看K 線,然後選擇一個比較理想的入場點位,否則我可能就會放棄或者再等等,這樣就是可以有一個互補。我最近也沒有太多時間去學習K 線,但這是其實在給自己的懶惰找藉口。</p><p>Because I have a partner who looks at the K Line, so I'll look at the K Line when I find a good sign and then choose a better entry point, or I may give up or wait, so there's a complement. I haven't had much time to study the K Line recently, but it's actually an excuse for myself to be lazy.</p><p> <strong>BlockBeats:所以閱讀是你建構認知很重要的部分?</strong></p><p><strung>BlockBeats: So reading is an important part of your construction recognition? </strong></p><p><strong>雨中狂睡:</strong>對,我認為有兩個部分內容吧,讀寫。對我來說寫就是把自己的思考展現出來的過程,當然不要求必須寫到社交媒體上,但是你可以自己去寫一點東西、做個記錄,比如建一個Notion 之類的,然後定期回看這些東西。我對產業的初步認知就是來自我寫知識庫的過程,從比特幣、公鏈、DeFi 再到NFT、Gaming 等等,建構起自己的框架,然後基於這個框架弄出分支。</p><p><strong> Sleeping in the Rain: </strang> Yes, I think there are two parts, read and write. For me, writing is the process of showing my thoughts, of course not requiring that they be written on social media, but you can write something yourself, write a record, build an option or something, and then look back at it regularly. My initial understanding of the industry is from the process of my knowledge bank, from bitcoins, public chains, DeFi to NFT, Gaming, etc., and build your own framework, and then make its own branch based on it.</p><p>另外我還有一個小本子,在看到一些個人感想或很精闢的話時,就會把他們記到這個本子上。這個觀念其實很重要。大家都想賺大錢,但你有10 萬美元,跟你有100 萬美元的操作是完全不一樣的。最後要思考的問題,肯定是根據自己的資產規模來下投資判斷,以及如何控制風險,在市場裡比別人活得更久。這些感悟和思考的記錄都可以幫助你。</p><p>And I have a little book that, when I see some personal thoughts or things that are delicate, I write them on it. It's really important. Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but you have $100,000, which is totally different from your one million-dollar operation. The last thing to think about is to invest in your own property, and how to manage risks, and live longer than others in the market. These memories and reflections can help you.</p><p> <strong>BlockBeats:年初你開始總結「星級敘事」,後來每個月對它做更新,你決定星級的邏輯和標準是什麼?</strong></p><p>BlockBeats: At the beginning of the year, you begin to summarize the Stars and then update it every month. What do you decide about the logic and criteria of the stars?</p><p><strong>雨中狂睡:</strong>我認為主要是市場的認可度,也就是在未來的一段時間吸引市場注意力的能力。如果敘事曾經成功吸引過市場很多的注意力,例如AI,那我就會把它的評級定高一些。</p><p><strong> Sleeping in the Rain: </strong> I think it's mainly market recognition, that is, the ability to attract market attention for some time in the future. If the talk has been successful in attracting much of the market's attention, such as AI, then I'm going to set it high.</p><p>我認為比特幣就一直是個五星敘事。銘文可能是一個短期炒作的東西,符文就會好些,它可以幫助比特幣去做更多事情,雖說符文之前可能有些冷卻,但是總歸會有人去推的。市場天然會對比特幣生態保持關注,一旦敘事興起,就會有人參與。 </p><p>I think Bitcoins have always been a five-star conversation. Words may be a short-duration thing, and characters will be better, and they can help bitcoins do more, though they may be cool before they are, but someone will push them. The market will naturally keep an eye on bitcoin ethos, and people will be involved as soon as the conversation rises.</p><p><img style=


But one of the things that I did not finish at the beginning of the year was Solana, when I ranked it in four stars, but now it seems to be very strong in all its aspects, actually five stars.


BlockBeats: I saw you next to the Etheria.

雨中狂睡:我現在理解下來,以太坊是非常大的一個資產,歐美也在推這個點,它可能有復雜性,但是它的地位是Solana 無可撼動的。我不知道以太坊可不可以復刻,但是你需要時間。從這個角度來講,比特幣L2 我基本上都沒有參與,我為什麼不去以太坊或Solana 上玩呢?當然我認為這裡是有財富機會的,因為有註意力在,它是一個長期可持續的事情。以太坊的話,貝萊德的RWA 是在放在以太坊上,既然貝萊德都這麼做了,那我就會追隨一下ONDO 之類的標的。

Sleeping in the Rain: I understand now that Ether's is a very large asset, and the U.S. is pushing this point, and it may be complicated, but its status is in the hands of Solana. I don't know if Ether's position can be repeated, but you need time. From this point of view, I don't have much involvement. Why don't I go play on Tai's or Solana? Of course, I think there's a rich opportunity here, because it's a long-term thing to do, because there's an interest in it. In the end, Beled's RWA is in Etheria, and since Beled has done it, then I'll follow signs like ONDO.


BlockBeats: How does the concept of a "stop line" come about?

雨中狂睡:停損更多的是給社群設的,我們每個人的風險承受能力是不一樣的,比如說在某些標的上,我可以承受更大的風險,但你可能就不行。我的一個問題是我「很左側」,有些我特別看好的幣會對它的走勢有很高的預判,導致我很多幣都拿的很難受。例如我認為意圖敘事下的COW 很有機會,所以就一直拿著也不急,還有就是Solana 上的WEN,這波回撤都是因為我太鑽石手了。

Sleeping in the Rain: is more for the community, and the risk tolerance of each and every one of us is different, for example, on some labels, I can take a greater risk, but you may not. One of my problems is that I'm "very left" and some of my specially regarded coins are highly predictable, making it difficult for me to take many of them. For example, I think that the COW under the cover of the plan has a good chance, so I'm not in a hurry, and it's the Wen on Solana, and it's all because I'm too stoned.


BlockBeats: What's your left-hand approach?

雨中狂睡:判斷敘事的催化劑。例如我認為意圖敘事在坎昆前後可能會漲,就買入UNI 和COW,當然他們最後漲可能不是因為這個原因,這其中也有部分是運氣。在有的標的上運氣可能就沒有那麼好。我需要等很久來印證我自己的邏輯,但如果在之前它漲了很多,且我認定我等的催化劑還沒來,那我大概率就不會賣。在這個PVP 市場,敘事輪動很快,鑽石手也容易受傷。

"Strong" sleeps in the rain: a catalytic agent to judge the story. For example, I thought that the intention was that the event might rise after Cancún and buy UNI and COW, which, of course, might not be the reason for the final upswing, which may also be part of luck. There may not be so much luck on the mark. I need to wait a long time to prove my logic, but if it does so before, and I believe, I would probably not sell it. In this PVP market, the windmill is fast and the diamondman is vulnerable to injury.

BlockBeats:其實4 月的回檔很多人都沒來得及下車,幾乎沒人想到小熊市會持續這麼久。

BlockBeats: In fact, many of the April returns didn't get out of the car in time, and hardly anyone thought the Cub City would last that long.


Sleeping in the Rain: The market has told you, for example, that the six-sun line of the Bitcoast is about to have an echo demand. I think I had a chance to leave, but I didn't think clearly, and it was my mistake.


BlockBeats: Wasn't thinking clearly?


Sleeping in the Rain: does not figure out what the needs and the strength of the returns may be and how much affection with the mountain coins.


BlockBeats: What do you think is expected during this cycle?


Sleeping in the Rain: has a vision of the elections beyond what is expected to be a dynamic return after a drop in interest. In this scenario, the demands of the parties should be stability and competition against the encrypted voters. If there is no further prognosis, the market may fall into a state of silence. Now it is not good. I will not be too optimistic. Of course, when it comes back, there will be a new wave of opportunities. This is a long-term event.


Block Beats: Well, isn't it different every week?

雨中狂睡:對,我認為預測不重要,應該思考市場處於一個什麼狀態。例如4 月29 號那天,我會認為市場進入底部階段是因為我看到社群的情緒太悲觀了,有種深熊的感覺。但你想,今年是大選年,其實不太可能會有大事件爆出來,至少是要平穩一點的。

Sleeping in the Rain: Yes, I don't think it's important to predict what the market is in a state. On April 29, for example, I would think that the market entered the bottom stage because I saw the community feeling too pessimistic and had a deep bear feeling. But you think that this year is the year of the election, and it is unlikely that a big event will come out, at least a little more flat.


There were too many people who were emptied, so I thought it would be possible to write down some of the labels, which had been chosen by Etheria, which had been bought by a large number of its ethos-related labels, but had a line to stop the damage and surrender if I misjudged.

BlockBeats:現在關於高FDV 低流通的討論很多,你怎麼看?

BlockBeats: There's a lot of talk about high FDV low circulation. What do you think?

雨中狂睡:我認為這會帶來新的敘事,市場也會去找全流通、零解鎖且已經被市場充分定價的Token。其實Cobie 那篇文章我也看了,他的核心觀點是說市場的買盤其實在一級就發生了,而不是在二級,那就可能導致新幣上線表現沒有那麼好。

Sleeping in the Rain: I think it will bring new narratives, and the market will look for Token, who is in full circulation, unlocked, and already fully priced by the market. In fact, Corbie's article , whose core view is that the market's buying has actually taken place at the first level, rather than at the second level, which may lead to a new currency that is not as good as it is.


In fact, there has already been a discussion in the social media about "no game," and I think it's important that this is a market problem, and the market will become aware of it and then improve. I think that the market may slowly grow to a more intelligent state after that, and that it is essentially not as dynamic as the market itself.


BlockBeats: Do you think there's going to be a "super-high rise" in the past few rounds of the cryptomarket?

雨中狂睡:我認為會有,因為幣圈給了我們一個賭博的機會。雖然不能經常性把幣圈營造成一個賭場,但就像GCR 提到的,很多人參與幣圈的原因就是因為它像一個賭場,它比去澳門更便捷,而且賺錢的確定性(可能)比澳門高。所以幣圈和山寨幣不會消亡的,只要市場有需求,它就會一直存在,就會有人基於山寨來做文章。

Sleeping in the rain: I think there will be, because the currency ring gives us a chance to gamble. Although it is not always possible to create a casino in the ring, as the GCR has said, many people participate in it because it is a casino, it is easier than going to Macau, and it is more certain of making money than it is. So the ring and the mountain coins are not going to die, and as long as there is demand in the market, it will always exist, and someone will write on the basis of it.


BlockBeats: Which direction will you focus for the next time?

雨中狂睡:我現在主要部位在以太坊上,例如,Pendle 是我的長期部位。這在我五月展望裡有提到,當然我在寫的時候把ETH 放得比較靠後。另外AI 也放在了比較靠後的位置,一是因為最近催化劑比較多,二是因為整體的市場很反人性,大家都看好AI 的時候,它的表現就不好了,需要洗掉那些看好的人們。

I'm sleeping in the rain: I'm in Ether now, for example, Pendle is my permanent part. This is mentioned in my May vision, of course, when I put the ETH behind me. AI is also in a lower position because the market as a whole is antihuman, and it's not working well, and it needs to wash away the good people.

另外Solana 我也有一些持倉,但我通常不會主動購買。對於Solana 的主要任務我也寫在了群名上,就是累積手上的幣本位。多參與Solana 生態,一切都是為了手中SOL 幣本位的成長。

In addition, I have some warehouses, but I don't usually buy them. The main task of Solana is also written in his name, which is to build up the currency in his hands. Much of Solana's life, it's all about the growth of the SOL currency in his hands.


BlockBeats: Last question, how much longer do you think it's gonna take to get back to the price?


"Strange" sleeps in the rain: I'm still more interested in the late market, especially in the Etherkom, where there are opportunities. When the expected overdrafting is over, I choose to rest.




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