It's not illegal, but there's a legal risk.
2017年9月,在央行联合七部委发出《关于代币融资风险公告》,明确禁止人民币和数字货币的交易以及禁止ICO(Initial Coin Offering的缩写,意即首次公开募集数字货币)发行。
In September 2017, a Declaration on Risks in the Financing of Currency was issued in seven ministries and departments of the Central Bank, which explicitly prohibits transactions in the renminbi and digital currency, as well as the issuance of the ICO (Initial Coin Offering), which means the first public collection of digital currency.
The court cautioned that investment transactions in virtual currencies are not protected by law, and investors need to remain sober and rational. Virtual currencies are not issued by monetary authorities, have no compensatory and mandatory monetary attributes, do not have legal status equivalent to money, and cannot be used as currencies in the market.
扩展资料: extensions: 相关政策: Relevant policy: 2013年12月5日,央行联合五部委出台了《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,对于比特币虚拟商品的身份给予认定,并且提示了金融风险。 On 5 December 2013, the Central Bank, in association with five ministries, issued a Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, which identified the virtual commodity of Bitcoin and raised financial risks. 2017年9月4日,央行联合七部委,发布了《防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,在这份公告中,央行将数字货币的身份定性为“虚拟货币”,而非“虚拟商品”。 On 4 September 2017, the Central Bank, in association with seven ministries, issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Moneys, in which the Central Bank characterized digital currency as a “virtual currency” rather than a “virtual commodity”. 世界各国对数字货币的态度不同。北美、西欧、日本是对比特币接受程度比较高的国家;俄罗斯定义比特币为非法;印度等国家对比特币没有出台相关政策。 Countries around the world have different attitudes toward digital currencies. North America, Western Europe, Japan are the more highly accepted countries; Russia defines bitcoin as illegal; and countries like India have no policy on bitcoin. 参考资料来源:人民网-法院提醒:虚拟货币投资交易不受法律保护 参考资料来源:中青网-法律风险不容忽视 专家:数字货币亟待明确监管部门
(USDT) is a virtual currency that will is a virtual currency that is kept in foreign exchange reserve accounts and is supported by legal currency.
In September 2017, at , the Central Bank issued a Circular on the Risk of Currency Financing , which explicitly prohibits the publication of the renminbi and , as well as the publication of the ICO (IñialCoinOffice, meaning the first public collection of digital money).
扩展资料: extensions: 法院提醒,虚拟货币的投资交易不受法律保护,投资者要保持清醒理性。虚拟货币不是货币当局发行,不具有代偿性和强制性等货币属性,不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能作为货币在市场上流通使用。 The court cautioned that investment transactions in virtual currencies are not protected by law, and investors need to remain sober and rational. Virtual currencies are not issued by monetary authorities, do not have compensatory and mandatory monetary attributes, do not have legal status equivalent to that of currencies, and cannot be used as currencies in the market. 据了解,Tether公司原来的名字是Realcoin,注册地在马恩岛和香港。由此来看,USDT是市场上众多的虚拟货币品种之一。而根据中国目前的法律法规,比特币等数字货币交易是不被官方所认可的。因此,大家在参与USDT投资时,一定要注意相关的风险,避免出现财产损失情况。 It is understood that Tether was originally named Realcoin, registered at and Hong Kong. As a result, the USDT is one of many virtual currency varieties on the market. 参考资料来源:百度百科-泰达币 Source: 人民网-法院提醒:虚拟货币投资交易不受法律保护
It's not illegal, but there's a legal risk.
2017年9月,在央行联合七部委发出《关于代币融资风险公告》,明确禁止人民币和数字货币的交易以及禁止ICO(Initial Coin Offering的缩写,意即首次公开募集数字货币)发行。
In September 2017, a Declaration on Risks in the Financing of Currency was issued in seven ministries and departments of the Central Bank, which explicitly prohibits transactions in the renminbi and digital currency, as well as the issuance of the ICO (Initial Coin Offering), which means the first public collection of digital currency.
The court cautioned that investment transactions in virtual currencies are not protected by law, and investors need to remain sober and rational. Virtual currencies are not issued by monetary authorities, have no compensatory and mandatory monetary attributes, do not have legal status equivalent to money, and cannot be used as currencies in the market.
扩展资料: extensions: 相关政策: Relevant policy: 2013年12月5日,央行联合五部委出台了《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,对于比特币虚拟商品的身份给予认定,并且提示了金融风险。 On 5 December 2013, the Central Bank, in association with five ministries, issued a Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, which identified the virtual commodity of Bitcoin and raised financial risks. 2017年9月4日,央行联合七部委,发布了《防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,在这份公告中,央行将数字货币的身份定性为“虚拟货币”,而非“虚拟商品”。 On 4 September 2017, the Central Bank, in association with seven ministries, issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Moneys, in which the Central Bank characterized digital currency as a “virtual currency” rather than a “virtual commodity”. 世界各国对数字货币的态度不同。北美、西欧、日本是对比特币接受程度比较高的国家;俄罗斯定义比特币为非法;印度等国家对比特币没有出台相关政策。 Countries around the world have different attitudes toward digital currencies. North America, Western Europe, Japan are the more highly accepted countries; Russia defines bitcoin as illegal; and countries like India have no policy on bitcoin. 参考资料来源:人民网-法院提醒:虚拟货币投资交易不受法律保护 参考资料来源:中青网-法律风险不容忽视 专家:数字货币亟待明确监管部门
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