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Long Reconstruct County has a relatively short history.


At the time of the Spring and Fall War, the three countries were divided into the district of Ka Ping and the village of the right foot of the Yangtze Regiment (the small group of today's Grand Bridge commune) at the time of Go Bao Ding won the year (266 A.D.).


The Dynasty of Wutikang (in 280 A.D.) divides the territory of Wugang into the district of Toung Liang, and the district over the courtesan. It divides the territory of Gao Ping, Toung Liang, and Saka Mae. The north-south dynasty combines the territory of Liang with the county of Shunyang for 10 years (590 A.D.) as a result of the attack on the system.


In its thirty-sixth year (1947 A.D.), the People's Republic of China established the prefectures of Lungi, Lungh, Yonghung, Hinglong, Nakao, Kuo Shing, Bao, Kei-hyeong, Hei-hung and Tao Hong.


According to Qing Jiaqing I, “The Inspector of Lung back home in the north-west of Xiaoyang County (in front of today's Siyang County)” Minghong Wu has been appointed for five years (1372 A.D.)” and “Hong-yang is considered to be the 17th, the 2nd, the 12th, the 8th, the 8th and the 16th in the north-west of the county (now the Xiao Sha River region) and to be divided into the 1st Division of Xiaoyang County.” “Long-yeon” is the basic province of the Qing Dynasty at the time of re-establishment of the district.


In October 1949, the city was liberated and the people's government of the district was formed and the county was transferred to the town of Tao Hong.


In 1950, they were placed in the main departments of the towns of Ziyang and Ishigang, Wugang district, and in 1952 in the districts of Goiping, Ro Hong and Hsien, Shinjing district, among others.


In 1956, the territory was added to the list of the towns of Nishigang and Jaipu, Wugang County, as well as to the temples and pagodas.


In October 1977, it was renamed the Administrative Department of the Shaoyang Region.


On 29 January 1986, the State Council instructed the city to take over the county, dismantle the Xiaoyang area and return to Xiaoyang City. [5]


As of 2021, the Rong Dynasty had 2 streets, 18 towns, and 5 communes. [8]


As of October 2022, the Dynasty has two streets, 18 towns, three communes, and two ethnic townships. The Dynasty People's Government is based at 450 Peach Peach Pagoda Street, Hongdong Road. [6]


Two streets: Peach Plot Street, Flowergate Street.


18 towns: Xiao Shajiang town, Kanishi town, Szemen's front town, Ko Ping town, Mandu town, Hochen bridge town, Tyakpak town, Zhou Wang town, beach head town, Duck Field town, Xiyangjiang town, Iwaguchi town, North Mountain town, Sanjik town, South Temple town, Xijiang town, Yiang town, Yiang town, Yiang town, and Rohun town.


Five communes: Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt., Mt. Mt.

桃洪镇 辖:第一~第十五15个社区;寺山、南山坪、烟霞、集材、天福、青云、白里、白竹桥、马杓、紫溪、南塘、文昌、竹塘、荆枝、大花、观音、叶家、罗家、曙光、金门、荫山、茶场、花门、资江、澄水、铜盆江、九龙、黄花洲、木山塘、紫阳、七里塘、青丰、铜江、杨柳、砚冲35个村委会
小沙江,镇 辖:小沙江居委会;龙凼、芒花坪、江边、金竹山、文明、白银、分水、洞江、肖家垅、杉木坪、黄湾、旺溪、响龙、岩背、龙坪、光化、光龙17个村委会
金石桥镇 辖:金桥、金南2个居委会";青溪、丰云、中西、城溪、板岭、洞下、熬头、东山团、蔡花、导群、望云、花园、树仁、月山、石苗、峡溪、税北、上井、珀塘、回龙寺、茅望、望利、拖栗坪、长垅、大湾、华群、上华、热泉、白马庙、高洲、寨山、干田坳、晓阳溪、茗水桥、游家桥、前华、阳垠山、泉溪、聚群、罗公湾、兰草田、龙腾、槐花、兰草、南龙、石垅、五锣、聚和、上银、益门、中银、马过桥、高小、龙口湾、顺回、大田凼56个村委会
司门前镇 辖:兴隆居委会;中山、木公田、双龙、丰年、仁里、竹山桥、畲溪、大茅坪、众善、五通、宝丰、永明、兴明、红光、金山、新庄、砂坪、宝山、竹山院、风云亭、禾梨坪、孙家垅、乐丰、玉林、浆溪垅、芙塘、吉山、碰塘、富石庙、石杨桥、金潭、合理、石丰、东山垠、石山湾、白芽山、学堂湾、众乐、杨柳田、黄花40个村委会
高平镇 辖:大桥居委会";梅花山、坳下、红山、象山、白地、白泥坪、横岭、夏景、新鲜、培兴、龙山、铜钟、大水、里湖、西山洞、合兴、金枫、东塘、枣山、刘家坊、窝山、雪界、杏升、江末、茶山、双田、红花、富延、金凤山、大江、满竹、石脚、小坳、棋坪、石梅、堂下桥、三星、大石、大田、回小、凤形、前寨、文升、彭升、茅坪、上坪、上黄、高凤、嵋山、黄姓、中信51个村委会
六都寨镇 辖:第一、第二、新建、新民、第五5个居委会;金龙、港口、洪江、桃花、梅花溪、瓦屋、排竹、背山、桥边、荆田、荆溪、西山、刘家凼、阳家湾、中心、坪溪、文定、群光、信立、牛尾、蜡树、大周、徐家铺、长裕、马坪、田山、张家铺、飞蛾、芙蓉、石峰寨、青田、朝阳铺、周家、白田、曹家、李家、丁山、廖家、普通、狮龙、民强、泌水、横溪、城山、丰乐、星星、温冲、观音阁、东山49个村委会
荷香桥镇 辖:第一、第二、第三3个居委会;光冲、伏龙、建桥、铁矿、红叶、鲤鱼塘、山峡、茅铺、汤家、印足、开智、先智、清水、黄杨山、白山、树竹、横岭垅、聂家、雷塘、石湾、九牛坳、复元、泰源、大洲背、江东、罗家凼、栗山、岩门前、高桥、二房、天马山、向阳庄、桐木冲、张家冲、五四、黄泥坝、雷鸣、雷河、铜盆、郭家冲、塘家山、田中、火星、火花、万兴、朱家、竹叶、寨现、新民、左家潭、横冲、车口、白水坝、塘冲湾、木山、鸟水56个村委会
横板桥镇 辖:横板桥、麻场2个居委会;双南冲、纠龙、礼贤、曾家、蚂蟥、山界、朝塘、炭山园、荷叶塘、田心、袁家、高龙桥、茅铺垅、稠树、树山、牛牯田、罗子团、大阳、石燕、雁鹅桥、黄土边、车田江、羊楼、陈家垴、生铁、树底、立志、同福、东南、复兴、涧山、陡车、柳山、金盆、杨石、高山、扇塘、南石38个村委会
周旺镇 辖:周旺居委会;崇福、车塘、朱溪、文田、张平、青花、新一、车水、柏坪、潭水、清水塘、邓家垅、张家垅、水口山、荐楼、楼门前、杨林、錾子岭、洞冲、铁炉冲、大园、新塘、伏家冲、鲁塘、大柱、木枧塘、谷脚、石鱼、谭家、井邵、水口、竹山冲、开田、鲁铎、斜岭、孙家36个村委会
滩头镇 辖:第一、第二、第三3个居委会;株林、柏水、元溪、蛇门、石洞、托里、三角塘、塘市、槲木、莫家塘、井院、大底、西竹、七里、金湖、石陂、坪上、井胜、半雅田、塘冲、肖家、后托、六姓、三面、城禾、木水、响鼓、三塘、栗山铺、木瓜塘、荷亭、大坡、泉塘、洞头、城上、申家、五马、峡山口、沙坪里、青龙、滩头、塘边、罗面、祖下、城背、徐家、白箬、三溪、城江、文仙庙、香山、龙石、塔石、井湾、祝家、桃林、上兴、中潮、高岭、竹山、狮子石、白居、雁鹅、龙竹、芭蕉、芦胜、扶上、杨家冲、摘梨、庙门前、双江、下桥、元山、山下、排上、尹家、新塘冲、黄雅庄、树石、砖屋、田李、禾基、申何、车槽、坦塘、苏塘、里山87个村委会
鸭田镇 辖:鸭田居委会;南湾、石鼓、刘塘、坪头、寨溪、渭溪、柘溪、大乐园、石桥、张家山、青庄、青岭、李子坳、周家段、大水洞、横金、游家、古同、横板、麻罗、苗田、兴田、古塘、福合、李家凼25个村委会
西洋江镇 辖:张家庙、新潮2个居委会;双江口、远山、田心桥、新东、苏河、星月、石塘、砚田、里仁、中车、田凼、湖桥、茶岭、大岭、东湾、金湾、米家、碧山、永宁、枫木岭、樟麂塘、星子坪、岚麓、水西、长塘、拱桥26个村委会
雨山镇 辖:雨山居委会;高田、双冲、梅冲、九龙湾、磨石、五龙、旺冲、五里牌、野塘、老屋里、小水、柳桥、盘河、肖山、丁塘、油铺、合同、正龙、花路、安仁、乐阳、洪庄、文仙、阮家、楠木、毛洲、胡家、窑里、茅屋、沙溪、铁炉、上易、长扶、石洋、石边、和平、杨罗、竹罗、清塘、峡山、长丝托、白竹、白茅、井田、长里、温塘冲46个村委会
麻塘山乡 辖:兴屋场、八角楼、尖山、油溪坪、学田、横排、烟竹坪、九道坪、松竹、青山庙、桥家湾、老树下12个村委会
虎形山瑶族乡 辖:崇木凼、富寨、虎形山、水洞坪、铜钱坪、水栗凼、岩儿塘、白水洞、周朋、大托、四角田、青山坳、茅坳、万贯冲、草原15个村委会
大水田乡 辖:苗竹、龙源、水田、江源、白凼、沅江、香溪、木瓜山、广坪、白马山、舒家、和平、太源13个村委会
羊古坳乡 辖:花塘、寨石、匡家铺、转角丘、刘家排、桅子树、高石桥、大美田、韩家铺、桎木山、禾木山、罗英、羊古坳、锣鼓石、桂山、赵家冲、龙家湾、雷峰、白山口、牛形嘴20个村委会
罗洪乡 辖:中罗洪、官树下、上罗洪、芭蕉山、新回、严胜、幸福、梓木溪、下罗洪、龙洲、江塘、光华、巴油、孟公、白莲、塘湾、采莲、洞塘、石莲19个村委会
七江乡 辖:贺家冲、大虎坪、平南、双龙界、水源、兴旺、上升、七家铺、富家、五星、石坪、南冲、水西、排溪、新元、金寨下、洞头印、石背、鸟树下、永华、枫木冲、斗照楼、元古界、黄家、杨家山、寨冲、马鞍界、双合、明星、高家、花桥、千谷坳、棉花园、双桂、大白竹、石田、建华、浆泥冲、金塘39个村委会
荷田乡 辖:社凼、"恒江、荷田、大井、青龙桥、韭菜、鹅立、广庄、上背溪、下背溪、汉江、石观音、石山、牛寨岭、秋田、枞树、石桥湾、欧菜、黄皮、永乐、长南、长祥、长鄄、长兴、长牌、长家、长久、牛才岭、蒋家湾、玉屏30个村委会
石门乡 辖:合龙、罗公庙、金盆里、栗树铺、尚德、堆上、东子冲、大洲、荣祥、对江、银田山、傅家垴、回龙、沙洲、太平车、龙上、大冲、熊家、合共、联合、井塘、芙蓉山、唯正、盐塘冲、托杏、水安、新进、长生、长山、中平、高石、石门、为公、大塘铺、大塘边、老银、黄河、银杏、勤进、大塘坑、排头、横亭42个村委会
南岳庙乡 辖:花冲、塘现、林家、南清、南田、南岳庙、许家、白石、太平、乔家、罗洲、茅塘、栗塘、新和、三板桥、洪底、蓄鱼塘、桃冲、沙子坪、寨建、老屋场、金星、造端、武邵、木塘、石蒜26个村委会
山界回族乡 辖:坳头、黄羊、木瓜、左江、崇山、龙眼、香花、篡英、新栗、落马、千秋、罗白、陈栗、金鸡坪、五峰山、莫洛田、槎江、樟石、大坪庄、朝阳、民族、老屋、南寺、架枧、四方井25个村委会
三阁司镇 辖:山绕冲、石子坪、黄瓜岭、早禾田、烟塘、安乐、石马、小江、紫河、优先、葫芦冲、长水铺、五里、元冲、青山、三阁司、龙河、田坝、西坪、张家、阳光、王土井、温塘、白羊、临江、车田、段家庄、乐居田、荷叶、粱家、石古塘、沙坪、狮子、长铺、高毛、香花渡、杨溪、上石、楼背、胜利、龙庄、桥头、荷花、石笋、莲花、光明、长流、万胜、桥庄、龙拱、中洲、大磨洲、泥斛、天子、石岭55个村委会
北山镇 辖:易坪、南阳、观音塘、严塘、大建、满塘、岩门、石柏、新屋、蒙田、抱溪、大竹、大伍、东鄄、北山、温冲凼、大塘、石矿、清江、石江、划船、卢家、黄柏、荷花塘、湾田、高木、高楼、竹园、长冲、杨柳冲、大田张、新莲、旗阳、小角、塘托、新元、大院、莫家、梅溪39个村委会
岩口镇 辖:白竹坪、梅塘、枫林坪、井鹅、天星、姚家、文家、应塘、转龙、罗塘、划市、白炼、大山、小山、羊水、王家、添壁、长溪、寨子、石羊、向家、太坪岭、屺石、继志、半岭、黄鸭塘、毛艮、马头山、龙井、兴隆坳、塘坳、三角、枫水、龙塘、岩口、新坪、温里、龙山下、石屋、马家桥、油麻、新田、塘头、大来、龙口、大禾、高山里、田旺、碑记、虎形、小桥、大观、邱家、育贤、星塘、石坳、郑家、西京、朴塘、毗连、杨家、棋盘、庆云、唐家、双石、河边、藕塘、双青、茶仁、黄金洞70个村委会
桃洪镇 辖:第一~第十五15个社区;寺山、南山坪、烟霞、集材、天福、青云、白里、白竹桥、马杓、紫溪、南塘、文昌、竹塘、荆枝、大花、观音、叶家、罗家、曙光、金门、荫山、茶场、花门、资江、澄水、铜盆江、九龙、黄花洲、木山塘、紫阳、七里塘、青丰、铜江、杨柳、砚冲35个村委会
小沙江,镇 辖:小沙江居委会;龙凼、芒花坪、江边、金竹山、文明、白银、分水、洞江、肖家垅、杉木坪、黄湾、旺溪、响龙、岩背、龙坪、光化、光龙17个村委会
金石桥镇 辖:金桥、金南2个居委会";青溪、丰云、中西、城溪、板岭、洞下、熬头、东山团、蔡花、导群、望云、花园、树仁、月山、石苗、峡溪、税北、上井、珀塘、回龙寺、茅望、望利、拖栗坪、长垅、大湾、华群、上华、热泉、白马庙、高洲、寨山、干田坳、晓阳溪、茗水桥、游家桥、前华、阳垠山、泉溪、聚群、罗公湾、兰草田、龙腾、槐花、兰草、南龙、石垅、五锣、聚和、上银、益门、中银、马过桥、高小、龙口湾、顺回、大田凼56个村委会
司门前镇 辖:兴隆居委会;中山、木公田、双龙、丰年、仁里、竹山桥、畲溪、大茅坪、众善、五通、宝丰、永明、兴明、红光、金山、新庄、砂坪、宝山、竹山院、风云亭、禾梨坪、孙家垅、乐丰、玉林、浆溪垅、芙塘、吉山、碰塘、富石庙、石杨桥、金潭、合理、石丰、东山垠、石山湾、白芽山、学堂湾、众乐、杨柳田、黄花40个村委会
高平镇 辖:大桥居委会";梅花山、坳下、红山、象山、白地、白泥坪、横岭、夏景、新鲜、培兴、龙山、铜钟、大水、里湖、西山洞、合兴、金枫、东塘、枣山、刘家坊、窝山、雪界、杏升、江末、茶山、双田、红花、富延、金凤山、大江、满竹、石脚、小坳、棋坪、石梅、堂下桥、三星、大石、大田、回小、凤形、前寨、文升、彭升、茅坪、上坪、上黄、高凤、嵋山、黄姓、中信51个村委会
六都寨镇 辖:第一、第二、新建、新民、第五5个居委会;金龙、港口、洪江、桃花、梅花溪、瓦屋、排竹、背山、桥边、荆田、荆溪、西山、刘家凼、阳家湾、中心、坪溪、文定、群光、信立、牛尾、蜡树、大周、徐家铺、长裕、马坪、田山、张家铺、飞蛾、芙蓉、石峰寨、青田、朝阳铺、周家、白田、曹家、李家、丁山、廖家、普通、狮龙、民强、泌水、横溪、城山、丰乐、星星、温冲、观音阁、东山49个村委会
荷香桥镇 辖:第一、第二、第三3个居委会;光冲、伏龙、建桥、铁矿、红叶、鲤鱼塘、山峡、茅铺、汤家、印足、开智、先智、清水、黄杨山、白山、树竹、横岭垅、聂家、雷塘、石湾、九牛坳、复元、泰源、大洲背、江东、罗家凼、栗山、岩门前、高桥、二房、天马山、向阳庄、桐木冲、张家冲、五四、黄泥坝、雷鸣、雷河、铜盆、郭家冲、塘家山、田中、火星、火花、万兴、朱家、竹叶、寨现、新民、左家潭、横冲、车口、白水坝、塘冲湾、木山、鸟水56个村委会
横板桥镇 辖:横板桥、麻场2个居委会;双南冲、纠龙、礼贤、曾家、蚂蟥、山界、朝塘、炭山园、荷叶塘、田心、袁家、高龙桥、茅铺垅、稠树、树山、牛牯田、罗子团、大阳、石燕、雁鹅桥、黄土边、车田江、羊楼、陈家垴、生铁、树底、立志、同福、东南、复兴、涧山、陡车、柳山、金盆、杨石、高山、扇塘、南石38个村委会
周旺镇 辖:周旺居委会;崇福、车塘、朱溪、文田、张平、青花、新一、车水、柏坪、潭水、清水塘、邓家垅、张家垅、水口山、荐楼、楼门前、杨林、錾子岭、洞冲、铁炉冲、大园、新塘、伏家冲、鲁塘、大柱、木枧塘、谷脚、石鱼、谭家、井邵、水口、竹山冲、开田、鲁铎、斜岭、孙家36个村委会
滩头镇 辖:第一、第二、第三3个居委会;株林、柏水、元溪、蛇门、石洞、托里、三角塘、塘市、槲木、莫家塘、井院、大底、西竹、七里、金湖、石陂、坪上、井胜、半雅田、塘冲、肖家、后托、六姓、三面、城禾、木水、响鼓、三塘、栗山铺、木瓜塘、荷亭、大坡、泉塘、洞头、城上、申家、五马、峡山口、沙坪里、青龙、滩头、塘边、罗面、祖下、城背、徐家、白箬、三溪、城江、文仙庙、香山、龙石、塔石、井湾、祝家、桃林、上兴、中潮、高岭、竹山、狮子石、白居、雁鹅、龙竹、芭蕉、芦胜、扶上、杨家冲、摘梨、庙门前、双江、下桥、元山、山下、排上、尹家、新塘冲、黄雅庄、树石、砖屋、田李、禾基、申何、车槽、坦塘、苏塘、里山87个村委会
鸭田镇 辖:鸭田居委会;南湾、石鼓、刘塘、坪头、寨溪、渭溪、柘溪、大乐园、石桥、张家山、青庄、青岭、李子坳、周家段、大水洞、横金、游家、古同、横板、麻罗、苗田、兴田、古塘、福合、李家凼25个村委会
西洋江镇 辖:张家庙、新潮2个居委会;双江口、远山、田心桥、新东、苏河、星月、石塘、砚田、里仁、中车、田凼、湖桥、茶岭、大岭、东湾、金湾、米家、碧山、永宁、枫木岭、樟麂塘、星子坪、岚麓、水西、长塘、拱桥26个村委会
雨山镇 辖:雨山居委会;高田、双冲、梅冲、九龙湾、磨石、五龙、旺冲、五里牌、野塘、老屋里、小水、柳桥、盘河、肖山、丁塘、油铺、合同、正龙、花路、安仁、乐阳、洪庄、文仙、阮家、楠木、毛洲、胡家、窑里、茅屋、沙溪、铁炉、上易、长扶、石洋、石边、和平、杨罗、竹罗、清塘、峡山、长丝托、白竹、白茅、井田、长里、温塘冲46个村委会
麻塘山乡 辖:兴屋场、八角楼、尖山、油溪坪、学田、横排、烟竹坪、九道坪、松竹、青山庙、桥家湾、老树下12个村委会
虎形山瑶族乡 辖:崇木凼、富寨、虎形山、水洞坪、铜钱坪、水栗凼、岩儿塘、白水洞、周朋、大托、四角田、青山坳、茅坳、万贯冲、草原15个村委会
大水田乡 辖:苗竹、龙源、水田、江源、白凼、沅江、香溪、木瓜山、广坪、白马山、舒家、和平、太源13个村委会
羊古坳乡 辖:花塘、寨石、匡家铺、转角丘、刘家排、桅子树、高石桥、大美田、韩家铺、桎木山、禾木山、罗英、羊古坳、锣鼓石、桂山、赵家冲、龙家湾、雷峰、白山口、牛形嘴20个村委会
罗洪乡 辖:中罗洪、官树下、上罗洪、芭蕉山、新回、严胜、幸福、梓木溪、下罗洪、龙洲、江塘、光华、巴油、孟公、白莲、塘湾、采莲、洞塘、石莲19个村委会
七江乡 辖:贺家冲、大虎坪、平南、双龙界、水源、兴旺、上升、七家铺、富家、五星、石坪、南冲、水西、排溪、新元、金寨下、洞头印、石背、鸟树下、永华、枫木冲、斗照楼、元古界、黄家、杨家山、寨冲、马鞍界、双合、明星、高家、花桥、千谷坳、棉花园、双桂、大白竹、石田、建华、浆泥冲、金塘39个村委会
荷田乡 辖:社凼、"恒江、荷田、大井、青龙桥、韭菜、鹅立、广庄、上背溪、下背溪、汉江、石观音、石山、牛寨岭、秋田、枞树、石桥湾、欧菜、黄皮、永乐、长南、长祥、长鄄、长兴、长牌、长家、长久、牛才岭、蒋家湾、玉屏30个村委会
石门乡 辖:合龙、罗公庙、金盆里、栗树铺、尚德、堆上、东子冲、大洲、荣祥、对江、银田山、傅家垴、回龙、沙洲、太平车、龙上、大冲、熊家、合共、联合、井塘、芙蓉山、唯正、盐塘冲、托杏、水安、新进、长生、长山、中平、高石、石门、为公、大塘铺、大塘边、老银、黄河、银杏、勤进、大塘坑、排头、横亭42个村委会
南岳庙乡 辖:花冲、塘现、林家、南清、南田、南岳庙、许家、白石、太平、乔家、罗洲、茅塘、栗塘、新和、三板桥、洪底、蓄鱼塘、桃冲、沙子坪、寨建、老屋场、金星、造端、武邵、木塘、石蒜26个村委会
山界回族乡 辖:坳头、黄羊、木瓜、左江、崇山、龙眼、香花、篡英、新栗、落马、千秋、罗白、陈栗、金鸡坪、五峰山、莫洛田、槎江、樟石、大坪庄、朝阳、民族、老屋、南寺、架枧、四方井25个村委会
三阁司镇 辖:山绕冲、石子坪、黄瓜岭、早禾田、烟塘、安乐、石马、小江、紫河、优先、葫芦冲、长水铺、五里、元冲、青山、三阁司、龙河、田坝、西坪、张家、阳光、王土井、温塘、白羊、临江、车田、段家庄、乐居田、荷叶、粱家、石古塘、沙坪、狮子、长铺、高毛、香花渡、杨溪、上石、楼背、胜利、龙庄、桥头、荷花、石笋、莲花、光明、长流、万胜、桥庄、龙拱、中洲、大磨洲、泥斛、天子、石岭55个村委会
北山镇 辖:易坪、南阳、观音塘、严塘、大建、满塘、岩门、石柏、新屋、蒙田、抱溪、大竹、大伍、东鄄、北山、温冲凼、大塘、石矿、清江、石江、划船、卢家、黄柏、荷花塘、湾田、高木、高楼、竹园、长冲、杨柳冲、大田张、新莲、旗阳、小角、塘托、新元、大院、莫家、梅溪39个村委会
岩口镇 辖:白竹坪、梅塘、枫林坪、井鹅、天星、姚家、文家、应塘、转龙、罗塘、划市、白炼、大山、小山、羊水、王家、添壁、长溪、寨子、石羊、向家、太坪岭、屺石、继志、半岭、黄鸭塘、毛艮、马头山、龙井、兴隆坳、塘坳、三角、枫水、龙塘、岩口、新坪、温里、龙山下、石屋、马家桥、油麻、新田、塘头、大来、龙口、大禾、高山里、田旺、碑记、虎形、小桥、大观、邱家、育贤、星塘、石坳、郑家、西京、朴塘、毗连、杨家、棋盘、庆云、唐家、双石、河边、藕塘、双青、茶仁、黄金洞70个村委会

隆回县地处东经 110°38′~110°15′,北纬27°00′~27°40′。[9]位于湖南省中部稍偏西南,资水上游北岸。东临新邵县,南接邵阳县、武冈市,西抵洞口县,北界淑浦、新化县。东西宽61.4千米,南北长74.6千米。县城距省长沙283公里,距邵阳市56公里。

The district is located just south-west of the central province of Hunan, on the north coast of the capital. The county of Shinjing is located in the south-east, in the south-west, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the south, in the west, in the north, in the north, in the north, in the north, in the north, in the north, in the north, in the north.


There are 40.35 per cent of the mountains and 25.29 per cent of the hills. 18.565 per cent of the fields, 7.53 per cent of the hills, 5.64 per cent of the plains and 2.63 per cent of the waters. The county is rising from the south-east to the north-west, forming three landscape areas in the south-west, the north-west and the north-west.


The district area is characterized by a tropical monsoon and moist climate in Central Asia, a mild, four-season climate, heavy rainfall, pre-wet and dryer, and large North-South variations. The average daily temperature is 11-17°C. The annual average is 281.2 days. The annual average precipitation is 1427.5 mm.


Rivers in the country are divided into watery and watery systems. The county has 71 rivers of 5 km long and basins of more than 10 km2, totalling 2073.5 km long and a river network density of 0.77 km/km2. The annual average surface run-off is 2,247 million cubic metres, compared to the previous reserve of 3.6-480 million cubic metres of groundwater.

隆回县图册隆回县图册(15)        生物资源品类繁多,水稻有籼、粳、糯3个类型,旱粮有近20个品种,经济作物有20多项,上千种。其中宝庆辣椒、红皮蒜、生姜、龙牙百合、腰带柿驰名中外,是国家辣椒、茶叶、柑桔生产基地县。植被达200余科,1000余种,其中805种野生植物可作药材。

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There are 133 species of wildlife resources.


Other large deposits include lead, zinc, manganese, antimony, copper, iron, tin, phosphorus, mercury, highland soil, marble, limestone and rare metal ore, tantalum, iron, monolith, pebbles, etc.


There are six alkaline silicon hot springs in the country, all of which meet industrial water standards and are of use in agriculture and medicine.


The theoretical reservoir of hydroenergy is 16.24 million kilowatts (kW) and development is 4.79 million kW.


As of 2021, the total land area of the Rongqil district was 2867.67 km2 and 67248.13 ha of cultivated land, 6220.93 ha of gardens, 1707.66 ha of forest land, 226.4 ha of grasslands, 173.38 ha of wetlands, 21536.32 ha of urban villages and industrial orefields, 4333.02 ha of transport land, 7504.2 ha of water and water facilities, and 9153.99 ha of other land.[4]/sup>


Loong Ree County has identified mines such as coal, gold, manganese, icestone, marble, rare earth, zirconite, etc., where more than 40 deposits have been identified. Of these, 58,866 million tons of coal are expected; one third of the area of the county is covered by gold mines and 6.273 tons are expected. Other large deposits include lead, zinc, manganese, antimony, copper, iron, tin, phosphorus, mercury, highland soil, marble, limestone and rare metal ore, tantalum, zirconium, monolith, emerald, etc. [2]


There are more than 200 species of vegetation and more than 1,000 species, of which 805 wild plants can be used for medicinal purposes. There are 133 species of wildlife resources. [2]


There are six alkaline silicon hot springs in the district of Longback, all of which meet industrial water standards; the theoretical reservoir of hydroenergy is 16.24 million kilowatts (kW) and exploitable is 47.9 million kW. [2]


At the end of 2018, the total population of the county was 1,92.2 million, and the resident population 11,581,000. Among the resident population: 61.38 million men, with a ratio of 112,77:100 men and women. The birth rate was 8.65 per 1,000 women, the death rate was 3.45 per 1,000 women and the natural rate of growth was 5.2 per 1,000. The rate of urbanization was 37.78 per cent. [10]

2019年,全县总人口为129.56万人,常住人口110.34万人,在常住人口中:男性为58.49万人,男女性别比为112.8:100。人口出生率为10.7‰,死亡率为5.3‰,自然增长率为5.4‰。城市化率40.29 %。[11]

In 2019, the total population of the county was 12,956,000, with a resident population of 1,110.34 million, and among the resident population: 5,849,000 men, with a male/female ratio of 112.8:100. The birth rate was 10.7 per 1,000, the death rate was 5.3 per 1,000, and the natural growth rate was 5.4 per 1,000. The rate of urbanization was 40.29 per cent. [11]


By the end of 2021, the total population of the Rong Ree district was 1,2879,000, the resident population was 10.08 million, the birth rate was 7.26 per 1,000, the mortality rate was 6.70 per 1,000, the natural growth rate was 0.56 per 1,000, and the rate of urbanization was 43.47 per cent. [4]


There are 24 ethnic groups such as Han, Hui, Wu, Hmong, Mongol and others in the Rongqin district. [2]

职务 姓名
县委书记 刘军
职务 姓名
职务 姓名
职务 姓名
副主席 吴厚宾、范吉权、刘祖中、刘玉、刘路桥
职务 姓名
县委书记 刘军
职务 姓名
职务 姓名
职务 姓名
副主席 吴厚宾、范吉权、刘祖中、刘玉、刘路桥


In 2021, the region's gross domestic product (GDP) was 25,594.1 million yuan, an increase of 9.5 per cent over the previous year, of which 52,42.3 million yuan was added to the primary sector, an increase of 9.7 per cent over the previous year; 69,438 million yuan was added to the secondary sector, an increase of 10.3 per cent over the previous year; 13,401.99 million yuan was added to the third sector, an increase of 9.0 per cent compared to the previous year, of which 76,164 million yuan was added to the transport, warehousing and postal industries, an increase of 5.9 per cent over the same period; 59,93 million yuan, an increase to the wholesale and retail sector, an increase of 10.2 per cent over the previous year; 13,935,000 yuan was added to the accommodation and catering industry, an increase of 12.7 per cent over the previous year; 13,99.8 million yuan, an increase to the financial sector, an increase of 6.6 per cent compared to the previous year; 26,428 million yuan, an increase to an increase of 5.9 per cent in other services, an increase of 10.6 per cent over 20,48:27.13 per cent; .


In 2021, total agricultural, forestry and fisheries and services production amounted to 97.771 million yuan, an increase of 11.3 per cent over the previous year, of which 56.737 million yuan, an increase of 4.6 per cent, forestry to 279.106 million yuan, an increase of 13.8 per cent, livestock to 322.7778 million yuan, an increase of 21.8 per cent, fisheries to 2,670.0 million yuan, an increase of 35.7 per cent, and services to 2,243.1 million yuan, an increase of 6.9 per cent.


In 2021, the area under crop cover was 139.30 thousand hectares, an increase of 1.66 per cent; the area under crop cover was 72.16 thousand hectares, an increase of 0.61 per cent, and the total food production was 52.65 million hectares, an increase of 4.24 per cent. The area under crop cover was 7238.2 hectares, 2112.3 hectares and 1465.5 hectares.


In 2021, there were 1,873 pig farms with 50 or more per year in the county as a whole, including 362 pig farms with 500 or more; 76 cattle farms with 50 or more per year; 35 sheep farms with 100 or more per year; 8 egg and chicken farms with 10,000 or more feathers per year and 1 chicken farm with 50,000 or more per year.


In 2021, there was a rapid development of the chain of industries for Chinese medicinal products, dominated by silver and silver floes, and paprika-based products, with a pattern of production of more than 1.2 million acres of all types of agricultural products throughout the county. Second, there was a rapid build-up of new agricultural operators, 13 new municipal champions, 1 existing national flagship, 10 provincial taps and 42 municipal taps; farmers' cooperatives grew to 1106, of which 3 national model farmers' cooperatives and 17 provincial farmers' cooperatives; 402 family farms, of which 12 model family farms were located in the province, resulted in a significant increase in industrial development support capacity. Three brands were successfully created, 7 new organic foods, 7 green food certification products, and 21 new products were added to the list of "Zero" agricultural brands in the county; so far, 52 brands have been certified in the county, 3 national farmers' demonstration cooperatives, and 17 provincial farmers' demonstration cooperatives; 402 family farms, 12 provincial model family farms, with a significant increase in industrial development capacity.




In 2021, total industrial output was 25,768 million yuan, an increase of 20.9 per cent in the same year and 12.0 per cent in the same year. Forty-two industrial enterprises of more than size were added in the same year, compared with 212 industrial enterprises of the end of the year in the county. Industrial enterprises of higher size completed a total output of 219.36 billion yuan, an increase of 21.1 per cent in the same year and sales of 21,545 million yuan, an increase of 20.74 per cent in the same year.


In 2021, income from major industrial enterprises of county size and above increased by RMB 21,395 million, or 21.83 per cent in the same year; total profits of RMB 860 million, or 18.2 per cent in the same year; and total tax revenues of RMB 1,292 million, or 12.87 per cent in the same year.




In 2021, the construction industry completed a total output of RMB 36.873 million for the whole year, an increase of 19.2 per cent over the previous year, with 16 qualified construction enterprises in the county and an increase of RMB 12.881 million in construction for the year, an increase of 10 per cent. [4]


Investments in fixed assets


In 2021, investment in fixed assets increased by 18.2 per cent on a year-on-year basis, with primary sector investment accounting for 3.4 per cent of total investment, secondary sector investment accounting for 48.3 per cent of total investment, and tertiary sector investment accounting for 48.3 per cent of total investment, with State-owned sector investment accounting for 16.3 per cent of total investment and private sector investment accounting for 70.6 per cent of total investment.


In 2021, 395 construction investment projects were opened throughout the county, of which 224 were launched in the current year, resulting in an increase of 18.9 per cent over the same year of the sum of RMB 69,061,000, of which 98 investment projects of over RMB 50 million were started throughout the year. Of these, 38 new construction projects were launched in the current year, resulting in an increase of RMB 12,459.91 million, representing an increase of 29.9 per cent over the same year.


Real estate


In 2021, investment in real estate development amounted to $14,561.3 million, an increase of 8.6 per cent over the previous year, and commercial housing sales of 73,9778 square metres, an increase of 17.5 per cent over the previous year.


Domestic trade, external economy


In 2021, the total amount of social retail sales of consumer goods was 16,684,371,000 yuan, an increase of 14.3 per cent over the year, of which 48,415,599,000 yuan was achieved above the limit, an increase of 16.1 per cent over the same period; 1,184,241.2 million yuan was achieved below the limit, an increase of 13.5 per cent over the same year. Of the above limit, the amount of retail sales increased by 45,748.85 million yuan, an increase of 15.2 per cent over the same year, while the rural area increased by 267,100,000 yuan, an increase of 35.2 per cent over the same year. In industry, 43,342.1 million yuan was achieved in wholesale retail trade, an increase of 15.2 per cent over the same year, and 51,538,000 yuan was achieved in boarding, an increase of 25.1 per cent over the same period.


In 2021, $6.23 billion was put in place throughout the year, an increase of 36.3 per cent over the same year, utilizing $4.45 million in foreign capital. There were 12 major projects in excess of $1 billion and contracts of $7.366 billion, of which 500 were more than one.


In 2021, exports and imports of foreign trade totalled 1,383 million yuan, a decrease of 24.9 per cent in the same year, including exports of 1,382 million yuan, a decrease of 20.4 per cent in the same year.


Finance, finance and insurance


In 2021, the total fiscal revenue for the county as a whole amounted to RMB 16,247.2 million, an increase of 7.78 per cent over the same period. Local general budget revenue amounted to RMB 104,185 million, an increase of 11.69 per cent over the same year. Total fiscal revenue as a share of GDP amounted to 6.35 per cent. Of this amount, tax revenue amounted to RMB 6,8661 million, an increase of 13.21 per cent over the same year, non-tax revenue amounted to RMB 355.224 million, an increase of 8.88 per cent over the previous year. Central fiscal revenue increased by RMB 46,4.24 million, an increase of 1.32 per cent over the same year, and provincial fiscal revenue increased by RMB 1,86.3 million, an increase of 1.83 per cent over the same year. Public expenditure (general budget expenditure) of RMB 66,446 million, a decrease of 5.35 per cent over the previous year. Of this amount, expenditure on agriculture, forestry and water services a decrease of RMB 13,06.33 million, an increase of 2.78 per cent over the previous year.


In 2021, financial institutions had a balance of RMB 45,744 million in foreign currency deposits at the end of the year, an increase of RMB 4,693 million compared to the beginning of the year, of which RMB 38,391 million was saved by urban and rural residents, an increase of RMB 4,574 million compared to the beginning of the year. The balance of loans in various domestic currencies was RMB 23,639 million, an increase of RMB 4,606 billion compared to the beginning of the year, of which the balance of medium- and long-term loans was RMB 15,863 million, an increase of RMB 2,558 million compared to the beginning of the year.


In 2021, insurance income amounted to $52.228 million for the entire year, including $309.42 million for life insurance, $9.94 million for health insurance, $10.88 million for accident insurance and $32.98 million for property insurance.


Tianmen Temple


The Temple of Tianmen, located 60 km north of Hunan province and returning to the capital city, is an antiquities conservation unit in Hunan province. The Temple of Tianmen is headed eastward, with its long-shut rock eastwards eastwards, its south sidewalks, and its 100 steps northwards. The Temple is three-fold, with its two original temples known as the Temple of the Sun (Running back to the former Sun), its central temple is brand-new, its front door is full of the engraved "Wing in the sky" and its doors are full of "Wing in the sky" and its doors are engraved in four words, its doors are engraved in the sky, its doors are engraved in the sky, its doors are engraved in the sky, its gates are engraved in the sky, its roof is high at 6 metres high, its entire temple is built as a wooden stone, and it is built on the right side of the temple with an iron roof of 1180 m2 m2 in the sky, and on both sides of the Union “Ned in the sky, the sky and the sky of the sky of the sky and the sky of the sky and the sky of the sky of the sky of the sky of the sky and the sky of the sky of the sky.


The Old Command Post of Duck Fields


In December 1935, He Long led the Second Corps of the Industrial and Red Army to the land, where he was living in the right-hand house. In 1950, the land was divided between poor and poor farmers in the land. In 1982 he was published as the County Antiquities Protection Unit. [14]/supp>


Wei Wei has lived in


Wei was born here as the first person to see the world in China's recent history. Wei is now a priority cultural heritage conservation unit and a patriotic education base in Hunan province. [15]


In addition to the Chinese language, there are other minority languages, such as the Chinese language. The Chinese dialect is much different from the North to the South, and there is a difference between the local town and the village, so there is a “ten miles of difference” in the Chinese language. The locals divide the language from the Chinese to the Chinese language in two main ways: the Mandarin language, the Kinshi language, the small Shakang language, and the Chinese language map, which divides the language from the north to the south, the south and the south, and the North, which divides the language from the Chinese to the north.


From 1980 onwards, the county organized a team of professionals to develop and organize folk music in the county. In 1982, Rok Liang and Liu Xiaolin collected 20 folk music pieces, which received a second prize from the Hunan province's folk music collection. In 1986, Lok Liang collected a book entitled "Long Back People's Song ", which was edited by the Cultural Bureau of Suyang City.


There are two main categories of folk dances: traditional dances, such as the charcoal dance, the dragon-light dance, the lion dance, the two busy, the coloured boat, the October flowering, etc., and religious ritual dances, such as the choreography, the long encouragement, the Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing and others. After 1978, the cantonal forces organized the excavation of folk dances throughout the county, collecting 15 programmes, of which the choreographer, the choreographer, the choreographer and the editor of the Chinese folk dance choreography. In 1983 and 2001, the county cities held two separate festivals to promote the prosperity and development of folk dance in the county.


During the 1990s, Hu Guangtao and Huang Town began to study Mayshan culture and compiled a collection of Maysan songs. In 2000, Huang Town published a book entitled Maysan, which was written in Chinese literature and art by the Chinese Association of Folklore and Folklore, and was awarded the First Chinese Folklore Flower Award and Academic Book in 2001.[12]



In 1994, during the “China Folk Art Exposition” organized by the Ministry of Culture, the first year of a beach painting was awarded a silver prize. The first year of a beach painting was included in the first project for the rescue of Chinese folk cultural heritage.


The first year of the beach is one of the only traditional woodboards in Hunan, one of the “four years” in China, and the town of the beach is named by the Ministry of Culture as the “town of the modern folk year”.


The recent thinkers, Wei Yuan, have opened their eyes to the world and dared to initiate open reform, the first of which was the idea of a modern Power. Two Governors, Wei Guangguang, who fought Jaeko, the Blood Fight Bulls, left behind the name of the last generation will be Qing Qing. The Xinghe Revolution, Genghen, Wuchang, overthrowing the Emperor, creating the Republic, and becoming the strength of Sun central mountain.


The main products are the "carat flower" of the Seven Rivers, the bamboo-making technique of Ishiguchi, the ceramic art of Ro Hong, the gardening arts of Peach Hong Town, the arithmetic of the Little Shae River, the golden silver flower, the red monkeys of the Little Shae River, the lily of Dragontooths, the tiger claws of ginger, the paprika of Bo Qing, the red-skinned garlic, the silver-fed tea, the white porridge tip, the peach porridge sauce, the golden land wine, the platinum fluids, the red-heart meadows, and the wild mountain peppers.


{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} the {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} the {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} the {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFFFF} the {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} the {\cH00FFFFFF} the {\cH00FFFFFF} the {\cH00FFFFFF}


The long-term development of the phoenix folk song, an ancient folk music art unique to the phoenix people, has so far been a thousand-year-old tradition, mainly in Hunan province, returning to the village of the thugs of the thugs, from the work of the thugs of the thugs, has led to the development of a unique style, which has eventually evolved into a high-profile mountain song whose development history includes, inter alia, the budding of the ancient era, the gestation period at the beginning of the term, the maturing period at the end of the year, the maturing period at the beginning of the term, the twilight period at the beginning of the term, and the twilight period at the end of the people's country.


Beach Wood Pages


According to the popular history, the original annual wooden drawings of the beach began at the beginning of Ming and reached their full epoch in the early part of the twentieth century. In the new era, despite the fact that the annual painting of the beach has gone back to the south-east of the city, it has become a treasure for such large museums as the Ying, the United States, and Japan, there have been a history of paper-making villages, sculpting villages, colourful paper, fragrance alleys and annual drawings, the handicrafts are well developed and clearly divided.


pick flowers


Flower pickers (the arithmetic pickers) have their origins in Handai, mainly in Huangmei County, Hubei Province, and Lun Ree County, Hunan Province, and are mostly used as decorations for the dress of the arithmetic dress, which is done with common pins, white veils, coloured threads or coloured threads and blue-coloured cloths. The main technique is the “silence” method (also known as the “dotting method”), which was approved by the State Council on 20 May 2006 for inclusion in the first list of non-material cultural heritage at the national level.


bamboo paper-making skills (basket handcrushing) 

竹纸制作技艺(滩头手工抄纸技艺),隆回县滩头镇手工抄纸技术继承于蔡伦的造纸术,在明朝时代已经成熟,清代、民国为鼎盛时期。当时,在滩头古镇及周边几十个村庄,拥有作坊1100多家,熟练工人2000多名,主要生产土纸,还衍生出皮纸、色纸、香粉纸、宣纸、炮簾纸等多个品类。外地商人经销滩头的纸业,曾在此办了几十个纸庄,村村有槽坊,处处闻纸香,曾经被誉为“南方纸都”。滩头手工纸业的繁荣,带动了滩头木版年画、隆回鞭炮、手工纸伞,宝庆书局(出版业)、梅山纸马等以土纸、色纸、皮纸为原料或为载体的多种文化现象与手工传统产业的发展。2014年7月16日,竹纸制作技艺(滩头手工抄纸技艺)经国务院批准列入《第四批国家级非物质文化遗产名录》。 [17]

At the time, in ancient beach towns and surrounding villages, there were more than 1,100 workshops, more than 2,000 skilled workers, mainly producing paper, as well as a variety of items such as paper paper, colour paper, paper presentation paper, masonry paper, etc. Expatriate merchants have been working on dozens of paper farms, with village troughs, and smelling of paper, which have been celebrated as “South paper capital.” On 16 July 2014, the beach paper industry boomed, which led to the production of paper on the beach, firecrackers, paper umbrellas, pyrotechnics (publishing industry), and to the production of paper, such as paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, or other paper, used as raw materials, and the development of traditional handicrafts.


Gold and silver > /strong


In August 2001, the National Forestry Administration awarded the honour of “The Home of China's Gold and Silver Flowers” as one of the country's two “Golden and Silver Flowers”, which in 2003 had grown to 280,000 acres, yielding 10,000 tons of land, stable at more than 9,000 tons (dry flowers), and accounted for 60 per cent of China's total production.


white horse hair point

白马毛尖茶产于雪峰山脉的白马山支脉,与云溪河畔的黄金井相汇,因此而得名。该茶由黄金井茶厂生产。谷雨前后采摘一芽一叶初展,经杀青、初烘、烘二青、复揉、炒三青、提毫、足干制成。品质特点:其外形是,条索紧结壮实匀净稍弯曲,色泽翠绿光润,白毫显露。其内质是冲泡后,香高芬芳滋味鲜爽,汤色清彻明亮,叶底嫩绿均匀。1991年,被评为湖南省级名茶。1994年及1995年,该茶连续荣获湖南省茶叶协会、省技术学会“湘茶杯”名优茶评比金奖和银奖。湖南农业大学朱先明[16]教授曾给白马毛尖题词: 隆回泉溪水 , 金石桥区茶。 香高味醇爽 , 品质誉中华。

The white horse's cutting-edge tea is made of the white horse mountain veins of the snow peaks, which coincides with the gold wells on the banks of the river. The tea is produced by the gold well tea factory. It is made of a leaf from the rain. In 1991, it was judged to be a provincial tea in the south of the lake. In 1994 and 1995, the tea continued to be crowned by the Lake South Tea Association, the Provincial Technical Institute's "Scope of Tea Cups" Quality Award for Gold and Silver.


tofu pig bloodballs


High-quality soybeans, pork, pig blood, etc., are used as raw materials and are made of fine bakers, which are colourful, delicious and fratricidal.


♪ Strangled back ♪ ♪/ strong ♪


The traditional name is Xijiang and the main production area is located in the towns north of the 7th River and above. The main functions of the processing are the cooling of heat, pulmonary pulmonary, larynx, drying, dysentery, sanitization and stomach.



Treasure-back tomatoes are good local fruit varieties. National tomatoes are seven times higher than national tomatoes, and southern ones are the first. They are a very promising fresh food species. The county has 12,000 acres under cultivation, with a total yield of 2,500 tons. The species is strong and tall. The canopy is vertical or semi-open, tree cones and semi-clanes. The leaves are wide and wide and green. Flowers and petals operate or do not operate or are distorted.


paprika > /strong >


The main areas of production are the town of Tao Hong, the town of the mountain border, the town of the North Mountains, and the rest are cultivated throughout the county. Prior to liberation, the main areas were the area of return to the south border of the mountain area, the area of residence of the northern mountain village of the town of the North. The area of cultivation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for 38 years was 2,500 acres, 150 tons of dry pepper, and it grew faster after the 1950s, reaching 10,000 acres, and was designated as the National Paprika Production Base in 57 years.


"Strong" red-skinned garlic


The area of garlic is dominated by red garlic, which weighs 30 to 41.5 grams in individual garlic balls, has a strong smell of fragrance and quality, has grown in red garlic for some 210 days in the middle and lower half of September, has a 2 to 3 inch, has a 667 m2 in length, and has 300 to 4,000 kg of garlic.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange


The main species of ruminant ginger are tiger-cranium, known as the farmers in the production area. The average stock weighs 0.5-1 kilogram, with 667 square metres, usually around 2,000 kg, mainly in areas such as the mountain areas, the towns of Tao Hong, Norte Hills, and the town of Goldstone. The area planted in the early days of liberation was 80-100 acres.


♪ The monkeys ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪ ♪ the monkeys ♪ ♪


In the north-western part of the county, which is located in the middle of the snowmount mountains, the small town of Shajiang, known as Little Tibet, is one of the oldest regions in the country, with its most abundant and artificially cultivated resources. The town, which is rich in jade, Toyuki, and Dragon Treasure, has won a silver prize from the Hunan Province (International) Agricultural Games.


Prior to the liberation, the entire county had only a 47-kilometre long transit road, which was extremely difficult to transport.


In the twenty-first century, the highways are all over the country.

2019年,公路客运1602.1万人次,增长3.64 %,旅客周转量为550520万人公里,增长2.08 %,公路货运量为1017.5万吨,同比增长12.62 %,公路货物周转量为130977万吨公里,增长4.05 %。全县所有行政村都实现了通水泥路,具备条件的建制村通客班车率达100%,贫困村主干道有3.5米宽以上的水泥路,25户及100人口以上的自然村通公路。[11]

In 2019, 16,021,000 passengers were transported by road, an increase of 3.64 per cent. Passenger turnover was 555.2 million kilometres, an increase of 2.08 per cent, road cargo 10,175 million tons, an increase of 12.62 per cent over the same period, and road cargo turnover 13,09.7 million kilometres, an increase of 4.05 per cent. Cement roads were achieved in all administrative villages throughout the county, with a 100 per cent increase in the number of established village passenger shuttles, a 3.5-metre-wide cement road in the main arteries of poor villages, and 25 households and 100-person natural village roads. [11]


The total length of the existing roads in the Rongqin district is 7353 km. The highway is open: 48 km of the highway, 84 km of the national road, 459 km of the provincial road, 324 km of the county road, 638 km of the village road, and 5,800 km of the village road. The highway: two exits are located in the city; the new highway is being built 72.36 km of the main road in the country; the main road is open in the province: there is a network of three or six kilometres of the national main roads in the county territory, with every commune having access to more than the provincial road; rural roads: 100% of the roads are under cultivation; the rural road in the village of the Hu shan Quan Quan Quan village is rated the “most beautiful rural road” in the province of Hunan; transport: 14 passenger depots, 770 rural highways, 16 rural and urban public transport routes; and the rural passenger transport “electricization, regionalization, networking” reform is being implemented, with the opening of 145 rural passenger and passenger routes, with 372 rural passenger transport vehicles, with a regionalized network of about 126 vehicles, with an estimated capacity of <33 < 17 > < 33 > > < 33 > > < > > > > > < > > < > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > >.


In the district back, the Quan Gok Iron passed through the town of the Golden Stone Bridge and reserved a station; the Huai Chee railway station set up a train to return, which has been opened more than 30 times, with an average of more than 6,000 passengers per day. [17]


In 2021, 121 patent applications for inventions were completed throughout the year, with a cumulative total of 4626 patent applications. [4]


In 2021, there were 691 schools of all types throughout the county, including 3 vocational secondary schools, 71 general secondary schools, 265 general primary schools and 352 kindergartens. There were 279110 students, of whom 9291 were enrolled in secondary vocational education, 823,900 in general secondary schools, 157086 in lower secondary and primary schools, and 30343 in kindergartens. The proportion of early childhood children in the county reached 51.69 per cent. [4]/supp>


In 2021, there were 25 cultural stations at the end of the year, 1 public library, 1 public library, 1 cultural library, 1 county radio station, 2 television stations, 15 medium- and short-wave radio transmitters, 262,000 cable television users, 25 rural radio stations in the countryside and above, and 90 per cent of rural cable broadcasting. Public mass public cultural services were actively promoted, the construction of the Long-Book County Heritage Platform was completed, and 176 performances were performed. [4]/supp>


In 2021, the entire county spent 2,173 million yuan on health throughout the year, an increase of 23.27 per cent over the previous year. There were 772 district-wide health facilities (including village health units), including one each for specialist disease control, maternal and child health care, and disease control centres, and one health-supervised laboratory, with a total of 6581 beds in hospitals and health-care facilities, of which 1412 were in rural hospitals. There were 5969 health technicians, of whom 2,174 were doctors and 3025 nurses. [4]


In 2021, 14.17 million yuan was spent on sports throughout the county, with 1481 sports sites, including 11 gymnasiums, 1389 stadiums, 13 swimming halls and 81 training rooms. Nine games at the county level and above were held, reaching the national physical exercise standards of 395.8 million people, of whom 22.27 million were women. One of the provincial competition medals was won throughout the year. [4]


In 2021, total postal operations amounted to $13,846.4 million, a decrease of 18 per cent in the same year, with 217,000 communications, 4.684,000 press releases, 12,477,600 newspaper transfers and 10,644 philatelic philatelic items. [4]


In 2021, the disposable income of all residents was $19170, an increase of 10.7 per cent over the previous year, or 7.8 per cent over the previous year. The per capita expenditure on living expenses of urban residents was $20,432, an increase of 7.3 per cent over the previous year. At the end of the year, urban residents had 118 colours per 100 households, 80 computers, 70 air conditioners, 8 general telephones, 248 mobile phones and 102 refrigerators. Rural residents had an disposable income of $14,092, an increase of 11.9 per cent over the previous year, while per capita expenditure on living and consumption of farmers was $13,326 dollars, a decrease of 2.6 per cent over the previous year.


In 2021, 18 vital material items were successfully implemented or exceeded throughout the year. The assessment found that 2 schools were built throughout the year; 5498 new jobs were created in towns, 7153 government-subsidized vocational skills trainings were completed and 4530 rural workers were trained; 75.82 kilometres were built for rural road safety; 28 4G mobile base stations were constructed; 44 4G telecommunications bases were built; 1600 were built for village public posts; 153 homes with difficult disabilities were rehabilitated; 747 legal aid cases were processed; 5476 women were screened free of charge before childbirth; 19520 were screened free of charge for “two cancers” for rural and urban women of low-intensity age; 2 urban low-security districts were built; 56,229 kilometres were upgraded to rural roads; 10 kilovolts of 25,63,000 were completed and electricity grid rehabilitation works in administrative villages up to 1,600; 153 families with difficult disabilities were rehabilitated; 8183 latrines for rural households (new) were built; the standard of “two cancers” for rural and urban women of low-intitudes was raised to a low-security level of 379,184 per-cent-per-per-cent-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-


In 2021, 936.3 million people took part in basic pension insurance, 31,300 people took part in unemployment insurance, 5.35 million in employment injury insurance, 274,000 in maternity insurance and 105.12 million in basic health insurance coverage for urban and rural residents.


In 2021, 5498 new jobs were created in towns and cities during the year; 2612 more unemployed persons were employed, of whom 891 were unemployed.


In 2021, the number of families in need in urban and rural areas receiving relief was 28224, the number of urban and rural low-security persons was 3041, the number of rural low-security persons was 28,285, and the annual sale of the social welfare lottery was $2.967 million. [4]


In 2021, the total land area was 2867.67 square kilometres, 67248.13 hectares of arable land, 6220.93 hectares of land, 1707.66 hectares of forest land, 226.4 hectares of grassland, 173.38 hectares of wetlands, 21536.32 hectares of urban and industrial land, 4333.02 hectares of transport land, 7504.2 hectares of water and water facilities, and 9153.99 hectares of other land.


In 2021, the annual average temperature was 18.2°C, annual precipitation was 1302.5 mm, annual extreme temperature was 38.4°C, annual extreme temperature was the lowest - 3.6°C. Air quality was 92.1% and surface water quality was 100%. [4]


In 2021, 9 production safety accidents occurred throughout the county, resulting in 8 deaths, and 0.0313 deaths from production safety accidents with a GDP of RMB million. [4]



In 2021, 39,637,000 tourist visits were made throughout the year, an increase of 7.68 per cent over the same year, total tourism revenues of $4,302 million, an increase of 13.7 per cent over the same year, the successful creation of a 3A-class national tourist attraction at the Caves, the number of public cultural services served by 4.9 million, and the per capita ownership of public cultural facilities amounted to 1.614 square metres. [4]


The area is located in the northwestern part of the country and covers 16 natural administrative villages in the two towns of the Tiger Hills, the Little Sha River, and six large landscape areas, including the 10,000-horse fields, the Great Topstone Falls, the Gyeonggiong forest, the Wang brook Falls, the falcons, the Tiger Hill Grand Gorge, and 118.4 square kilometres. The area includes the 10-mile valley of the Tiger Mountain, the 2,000-metre Grand Stone Falls, the Wangchung Valley Valley Falls, the 100-stamp natural, human landscapes, the unique folk culture and national styles of the phoenix, the fragrance of flowers, the architecture, handicrafts, mountains, and dietary practices, and is included in the list of non-material cultural heritage at the national level. On 20 April 2006, the provincial government approved the site as a provincial attraction area.


Wei Yuan, who is located in Hunan Yanglong, Hunan Province, is located on the sand continent of Szemen's front town, 3 kilometres from Szemen's front town and 60 kilometres from Longe Dynasty. It covers an area of approximately 2,300 square metres.


Wei Yuan was declared the provincial cultural preservation unit in 1983. He was designated as the first patriotic education base in Hunan Province in 1995. In November 1996, Wei was declared by the State Council as the national priority cultural preservation unit.


Hoshang Old Street, located in the centre of Hoshang Bridge in the south-western part of the county, is 16 kilometres south of the county town, and it actually retains the buildings of sites such as Ching-dao, People's State-era workshops, homes, money houses, shops, guest houses and people's social fields, food stations, agricultural machinery factories and others after liberation.


In 1961, four main streets were changed to North Street, North Street, East Street, and West River Street, depending on the location of the street. The three more well-saved streets of North, North and East are now in the shape of the word “hung” and are 606 metres long and about 3 metres wide, with six new and old alleys and 199 buildings on the street.


The White Ma Mountain is the first peak in the mountain, known as White Mau, and is located in the north-west of the town of Longback, heading about 10 kilometres south-west of the north-east. It covers 40,000 acres, with 397,000 acres of forest land and 26,000 acres of ecological public goods. It is located in the middle of the mountain range, with a peak mountain of 1781 metres above sea level and a vertical gap of more than 1,300 metres. The north-west of the mountain is known as the Little Sha River Plateau. The soil is dominated by granite rock and has a forest accumulation of 128,000 cubic metres.




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